Unfortunately I will be unable to organise a sports car cruise on Oct 16 th as had been planned. Please cross this one off your calendar. However there will be a cruise with a few variations on SUNDAY Nov 14th. This time we will endeavour to incorporate aspects of cruising with our missed display day and a morning tea.
In an effort to make the day as easy as possible for everyone to join in there will be 4 starting points and one finishing point, that being the Semaphore beach car park, second entrance north of Fort Granville. (Don’t get collected by the little steam train ) In order to secure a reasonably compact gathering of cars we will need to arrive at Semaphore around 9:30 /10:00am.
It is envisaged that club members will meet at the following 4 locations and travel in convoy to Semaphore arriving pretty much at the same time.
1 For eastern suburbs residences, Firle shopping centre north eastern corner adjacent to Glynburn Rd. Distance to destination 24km est travel time 43 min depart Firle at 9:0 am.
2 Northern suburbs residents, Elizabeth shopping centre car park near the Phillip Hwy exit. Distance to destination 26.5 km. est travel time 42 min depart Elizabeth at 9:0 am.
3 Southern suburbs residents. Marion shopping centre car park just north of diagonal rd exit 300m north of diagonal rd Sturt rd intersection. Distance to destination 22 km. est travel time 40 min depart 9:05 AM.
4 North east residents. Tea Tree Plaza car park just outside McDonalds parking area Distance to destination 21.7 km. est travel time 45 min. depart 8;45 I would like this group, including yours truly, to arrive at Semaphore early to help set up BBQ etc.
It is possible you may be the only car at any of these departure points so don’t wait past the departure time.
5 People living in the Semaphore area may wish to drive direct to the car park.
We will be looking for departure point leaders just to make sure everyone leaves on time.
To incorporate morning tea at Semaphore we would ask everyone to bring what ever they would like to drink with them including cups. There is a café in the car park (Noonies) who do make a very nice coffee.
The plan is to have a couple of BBQ hot plates on hand and mass produce enough pancakes to feed everyone along with a range of pancake spreads ie jam honey etc.
As with all sports car cruises there will be a trophy for the most appealing car and the car with the best patina as decided by an elite panel of discerning judges.
It may be wise to bring a chair or a rug and even a sun shade, sun screen, if needed.
While you may not have a sprite ( yours is not running) or another special interest car to bring to the show please come anyway and enjoy the morning.
For catering reasons please do your best to let me know if you are coming and how many people will be with you .
Pat Miller 0421289706 . 82511174 email, nanmiller@adam.com.au