This is one of the premier events of the Sprite Club’s year where we get the chance to show our cars to the public in the one place so all members are urged to get their Sprites, Midgets and associate cars ready and bring them out to make this a fantastic day.
DATE and TIME: Sunday 3rd November. Cars on site by 9.30am and leave 3.30pm
LOCATION: Wigley Reserve corner Anzac Highway and Adelphi Terrace Glenelg – entrance to the reserve is via the roundabout at the beach end of Anzac Highway and follow the Traffic Wardens for directions.
WHAT to BRING: All Austin Healey Sprites, MG Midgets and associate cars – please bring a piece of cardboard to place under your vehicle to collect any oil drips, etc.AWARDS: There will be peoples Choice Awards for Sprites, Midgets and Associate Vehicles.
CATERING: There is planned to have a coffee and cookies van on site but if you prefer BYO drinks and food.
Let Don Cardone know if you are attending by sending an email to doncardone@adam.com.au or on mobile 0411 876 067 and Don will reply to you with further details.