Friday – 29 March – Technical and Dyno Night – TAFESA Automotive Regency Campus – 6.00pm – 9.00pm

We will be visiting the TAFESA Automotive Facility at the Regency Campus, Regency Road, Regency Park.
Enter via Entrance 4 off Regency Road and head straight through the gates to the Automotive Compound. Refer to attached Maps.
Automotive Lecturer Jamie Campbell will discuss and demonstrate the air flow characteristics of A-Series cylinder heads, SU & Weber Carbys and associated manifolds and some of their issues and problems. There will also be some dyno runs outlining the torque and power curves of Sprites and Midgets, both standard and modified. A great technical night for all members.
Due to TAFESA Safety Policy please wear minimum short sleeve shirt, long trousers, covered shoes or steel cap shoes/boots.
Contact Gordon Boyce (O4178979O5) if you need directions or more information.