Hi Sprite Club Members.
At the AGM the Subs for the 2018 Sprite Club year were discussed and the following was put to the members, and was adopted by the members.
There has been an increase and decrease of the fees, depending upon the membership type.
The Subs for 2018 will be the same for Single and Family. These will be $50. Therefore members will now effectively join as a Family which covers member, spouse, and any children under 18 years.
This will streamline the membership options and allow all members and partners to benefit from any Club subsidies at events, as well as insurance coverage, etc.
The joining fee will also be $50 for both member categories.
These subs will be due at the December meeting, and must be paid by 31st December if you have a vehicle on Club Registration
So this leads to marking your diary for Monday 4th December for the Christmas BBQ Meeting. This will commence at 6.00pm in the grounds of the Fullarton Park Community Centre.
The club will provide the meat and salads, please BYO Chairs and drinks.
More info will follow.
Your Spritely
Gordon Boyce – President