Oh, that rain……
If there was a direct route from Balhannah to Hindmarsh Island, that was most definitely the route not travelled today. Rather, today we first headed east then south west along some of the some of lovely driving roads that wind their ways through the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsular regions until we reached the mystery lunch destination of the Island Café on Hindmarsh Island.
Only the weather tried to throw a spanner in the works with intermittent rain up until the morning tea stop at the Callington Oval. Perhaps it was the rain that kept the final numbers down but we still had eight cars out for some exercise. My excuse for not driving the Little Blue Car is that it can’t get out of its garage due to a rather large (and growing) mount of soil in front of the garage doors and not the rain, but the intermittent showers still didn’t stop several of the Spridgets going sans roof, with Judy and Russell keeping the faith in their Midget, as did the Schubert’s in their Bugeye!
A great run it was, along some great winding backroads, a lovely lunch and, with the sun quite finally ensconced in the sky by lunch, a fabulous vista … from inside the restaurant!
Can’t wait until Russell and Judy dream up their next run!
Thank you Judy for the photos!