This was the first drive for 2022 and fourteen cars rolled up to enjoy the route. The weather was near perfect.. cool but kind, with no rain.
The drive began promptly at 10am from the Blackwood Railway Station after instruction sheets were handed out. We then meandered in a southerly direction traversing roads that some had never been on!
We passed through Kangarilla, then stopped for morning tea at Mt Compass. The drive then headed off towards Victor Harbor and after a few kilometres further, we turned west, headed for Normanville. More than twenty people gathered for a sumptuous lunch at Links Lady Bay Resort.
Sprites and Midgets plus various other makes of all ages certainly provided an eclectic cavalcade of cars for locals to peruse as we passed through various towns and countryside.
Thankfully, there were no dramas or problems with any of the cars and all performed well. Ridgetop views were a stand out for the passenger! No-one was left behind, lost or ‘bottomed out’ at the ford so Thanks again to ‘Tail end Charlie’, Pat Miller, for keeping us all together.
A big Thank You also to Judy and Russell Schmarr for organising yet another fantastic drive. We look forward to the next midweek meander on 18 May!
Rob and Cheryl van Wageningen