General Meeting – Fullarton Park Community Centre
Monday 11th October – 8.00pm
Please note due to the October Long Weekend the next General Meeting will be held on Monday 11th October at 8.00pm.
The usual COVID-19 restrictions will still be in place, with QR Codes and sign-in at the entrance. At this point in time masks will still be required while in the Fullarton Park Community Centre.
As the usual Display Day will not be going ahead at the end of the month we will have a Sprite Display ……… with a difference.
Download and print off the Bugeye Paper model and colour in with your choice of colouring instrument, pencils, paint, texta, computer, etc
Cut-out the model glue/tape it together and bring it along on the night to add to the “Sprite” display.
There will be a People’s Choice Award + plus a few surprises on the night