As the sun sets over the pine trees, and the coolness of the evening fell over the Lenswood Oval, the sounds of the Master’s Apprentices last few songs (Gloria and Turn Up Your Radio) echoed around the natural amphitheatre to finish up a wonderful day.
Hills farmer, orchardist, and Sprite Club member Garry Beaton, ably assisted by Molly, plus a number of fellow Hills residents saw the need to support the local district. Having been through the usual seasonal variations as a farmer, the recent bushfires and COVID-19 have put a range of pressures and issues on the Hills communities and the support services, the CFS being one of them.
Gary and his colleagues sowed the idea of having an event that would bring some people into the area and support the district. Rock’n’Roll music, local food, wine and produce plus a few classic cars should fit the bill. Add the Mater’s Apprentices as the headline act, the support of the Sprite Club for some display vehicles and the stage is set.
14 Sprite Club vehicles plus some of Garry’s neighbours vehicles made a total display of 22 cars. These included the vehicles of the usual attendees; Brines, Boyces, Beatons, Kings, Kinlays, Tyes, Chabrels, Schmarrs and Brocks. New members, Steve and Kathie Leane in their Blue Mk II Sprite, Peter Dineen displaying his Cream Midget and Grant Stephenson’s Bugeye having its first Sprite Club run in nearly 14 years, added to the line up added some different Spridgets to the display.

Some of Garry’s neighbours vehicles included Jaguar XK120, very original Torana A-9X, Mustangs, Corvettes plus el Camino Chev added to the Sprites, Midgets, Mini, Clemente Clubman, Lotus and Tigra.

The bands started at 12.00pm and belted out a range of rock’n’roll hits throughout the day. Food stalls, wineries and breweries provided the guests with enough of the local produce to keep the the hunger pains away.
Between the different bands there were gymnastic displays, belly dancing and other assorted activities to keep the crowd entertained. There was a dance floor for those who wanted to kick up their heels and a few rock’n’rollers showed their specific moves.
A “Most Appealing Car” award allowed the public to view the display vehicles and choose their favourite. This went to Gary and Faye Brock and their Holden Tigra. Well done to the both of you! Not only the oldest members in the Sprite Club, but they stayed well into the early evening enjoying the sounds of the bands.

Of course the highlight was the Master’s Apprentices, who played a variety of originals, covers and iconic songs that keep the crowd on their feet until the twilight of the evening. While there was one more band to go, most of the members headed back to the city thankful that they could support the event,and particularly the local region affected by a number of issues over the past few years.
Special thanks to all members for bringing their vehicles to support the event. Thanks to Garry , Molly and their fellow organisers for allowing us to join in the event, and we look forward to supporting similar activities in the future.