The first Bay to Birdwood was held 40 years ago with a run for Veteran and Vintage cars from the Car park at then end of Anzac Highway to the National Motor Museum at Birdwood.
Over the years the route has changed, the number of entries has increased and the start venue has relocated to Barrett Reserve, West Beach to allow for the larger fleet of vehicles. Since the late 1990’s there has been the Bay to Birdwood Classic to allow for the newer vehicles, eligible under the Historic Registration Scheme.

For the 40th Anniversary the Bay To Birdwood run was open for vehicles from each era to enter. This allowed a range of vintage, veteran, classic and special interest vehicles to enjoy this special event.
The COVID-19 pandemic also became a major part of the planning, with even the possibility of the event being cancelled. To overcome this the organisers allowed only the entrants at the start – therefore no spectators, but encouraged members of the public to socially distance along the route to enjoy the mobile spectacle.
To assist this the run was “live streamed’ to allow all to enjoy the event from their homes, computers, mobile phones, etc.
Here is the link if you would you missed the broadcast
At the Birdwood Mill the entrants were encouraged to stop for a pit stop, and then head to the surrounding Adelaide hills to either have a picnic or support the local businesses that were affected by the fires earlier this year.
Sprite Club members entered and attended the run, here is a report from our Social Coordinator, Michael McClaren:
“B2B yesterday was good in a different sort of way.
Left West Beach at 7.45am, fairly chilly but got an unimpeded run to Birdwood. Organisers fairly strict on the (say) 30 min pit stop in the grounds of the museum; so it filled and emptied fairly quickly (the carpark and lawns I mean).
Modest traffic assistance at Tapleys Hill Rd & Anzac Hwy and then again at Britannia Roundabout. Therefore early finish, so coffee in the main street and then lunch at the Charleston Hotel – 2 hour time limit as part of the Covid measures.. Home about 4pm Regards Michael and Pat“
Special thanks to Murray Packer for the use of his photos of the Sprite Club members on the run – these were taken on Anzac Highway.