The Sprite Club Committee held a meeting tonight to discuss the next few months and the return to Club Activities. Here are a few notes from the meeting.
We will return to normal General Meetings at the Fullarton Park Community Centre From Monday 12th October 2020. There will be the now usual COVID-19 restrictions regarding social distancing, hand sanitising and contract tracing. Will inform you all of the specifics in the next update.
There are two events that have been calendared and the Committee requires your assistance with the planning and preparation. Can you please respond to this email as soon as possible to assist the Committee.

The Annual Sprite Display Day is planned to be held at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg on Sunday 25th October 2020. The event will be similar to previous years, although this year there will just be a display of Sprites, Midgets and Associate vehicles. There will be no Peoples Choice award.
We will be required to have the usual requirements of the hire of the reserve plus the addition of the COVID-19 Action Plan, COVID Marshals, social distancing and personal hygiene requirments.
To assist with the planning we need to know the number of members and vehicles attending.
If you are planning to attend the Sprite Display Day can you please send an email registering your interest and vehicles that you will display to admin@spriteclub.com.au by Sunday 27th September

Likewise we are looking at having an Annual Dinner to celebrate the Sprite Club year. This would be a similar price and format to previous years. The numbers may be limited by the size and catering capacity of the venue.
To assist with the planning we need to know the number of members interested in attending an Annual Dinner.
If you are interested in attending the Annual Dinner can you please send an email registering your interest to admin@spriteclub.com.au by Sunday 27th September
Interest in both of these events can be listed in the same email – this will help the Committee’s planning and to make these events enjoyable as well as meeting all of the COVID-19 requirements.
Thanks for you assistance and the Committee is looking forward to returning to the “new normality” over the next few months.
Yours Spritely
Gordon Boyce and the Committee of the Sprite Club of SA