FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • 15 March 2020 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2020 cancelled.
In its most recent (15.03.20) Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert, the Australian Government has advised that, effective from Monday 16 March, organised, non-essential gatherings should be limited to 500 people.
As a consequence, we are left with no alternative other than to cancel the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2020.
This step has been taken with heavy heart but full awareness of the need to ensure public safety at an event that was anticipated to draw in excess of 15,000 local, South Australian and interstate visitors to the Grand Parade on McLaren Vale Main Street on Sunday April 5, 2020.
Event Chairman Trevor Sharp said,“For this year, we have received record entry levels of classic cars and motorcycles that would have paraded down the Main Street of McLaren Vale. Sadly, we have had no other choice but to cancel the event.”
“Wineries have geared up to welcome entrants and visitors as this is one of their major tourism events. They are of course disappointed but understand that this was our only and realistic option”.
Trevor Sharp commented that: “A primary goal of McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic, now in its 15th year, is to raise funds for the McLaren Vale and District Hospital, CFS McLaren Vale and CFS McLaren Flat units and, this year, the Southern Koala Rescue. It will be doubly disappointing if our charitable goals are not met due to events beyond our control.”
As you have already paid the entrance fee we would like to give you the option to pass on the funds to any of the three fundraising beneficiaries already nominated with the event. Could you please indicate your preferred charity – McLaren Vale & District War Memorial Hospital, CFS or Southern Koala Rescue.
Refunds are also an available option. If for some reason you would prefer to have your entry fee refunded you will need to provide bank details – name of account, BSB and account number.
Both options must be channelled via email at mclarenvalevintageandclassic@gmail.comWe hope to see you at the 2021 event April 17th and 18th
Trevor SharpChairmanMcLaren Vale Vintage & Classic EventPhone: 0415 820 719www.vintageandclassic.com.au