1 January Happy New Year
Welcome to the first Bugeye Burble for 2020. You will find a list of the Coming events for the next few months below or you can download a copy for the fridge……
Do not forget to check the Website for more details and the FaceBook page as well
26 January Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing Contest – Gumeracha – From 11.00am
Gary and Faye Brock, Ebenezer Palace, Kenton Hill, Gumeracha will once again host the first event for 2020. This will be a BYO BBQ, so please BYO BBQ Meat, Drinks and Chairs.
Please bring either a salad or sweets to share.
The Thong Trowing Competition will also be held supporting the spirit of Australia Day.
Phone the Brocks on 83891141 if you need directions
3 February General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.
Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.
First General Meeting for 2020, chance to catch up with the latest from the Club, the 2020 Calendar will be released and Club Memberships and Rego can be finalised.
9 February 36th All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm
The annual All British Day is a chance to display our Members car and view over 750 British vehicles. Entry to the ovals is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.
Public Entry is $8.00 Adult, $4.50 Children – Parking Available
Excellent Catering, Displays and Trade Stalls are available as well.
For more information: www.allbritishday.com
1 March MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Mount Barker Football Club – 11.00am
Sunday Everyone is invited to the MSCA Presentation Day for the 2019 class awards along with the many other trophies up for grabs! Bring with you & your family, your cars and a picnic lunch.
More information at www.mscasa.com
We are being hosted by Mount Barker Football Club, Alexandrina Road, Mount Barker.
Assemble from 11.00am, Judging Display – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm
4 March General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.
Monday Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.