Dear All British Day Entrant,
We are pleased to advise that the website is now open for registrations for All British Day 2020. As is our custom we will still post out hard copy documents to entrants that we do not have email addresses for.
For All British Day 2020 the entry fee again remains unchanged at $ 22.50. However, there are a few changes for the coming event. We will be closing entries on 7/11/2019. This is being done as we are getting more entries each year and it is simply taking longer to process and plan the event and ensure that we get the gate passes printed prior to the Christmas shut down period.
For those regular attendees of ABD, you would have noticed the numbers of entrants climbing each year. We have gone close to maximum comfortable oval capacity at Echunga which is ideally 850 entrants and we do not want to squash clubs and compromise the day, so I strongly recommend you get your entry in promptly. As soon as the figure of 850 entrants is reached, we will not be able to guarantee you parking preference, but we can get your vehicle into the grounds and we will try our best to accommodate you.
ABD will feature two famous British marques both celebrating 100 years since being established. The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club of Australia promises to have an interesting display on Oval 1, and on Oval 2 The Bentley Drivers Club (South Australia Inc) will have Bentleys on display from the early models to present day. Both clubs have extended a welcome to Armstrong Siddeley and Bentley owners that may be member of different clubs to have their cars included in the feature displays, please indicate this via your entry form.
For ABD 2020 our shop will have new lines of ABD memorabilia, so why not have a look? To take pressure off the shop, pre-purchased memorabilia can now be collected prior to 3.00pm, however the oval departure time remains unchanged at 3.00pm, to ensure the safety of everyone present.
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford-Morgan
President All British Day