July 2019
Dear All British Day Entrant,
It is hard to fathom, now that we are all so cold, that looking back to February the risk of hot weather cancellation was a distinct possibility! ABD 2019 was again a success with numbers of both entrants and spectators increasing over the previous year.
I am sure anyone who was at ABD in February will recall that apart from the usual high standard of vehicles on display, there were some very special cars and bikes making up our British Racing Heritage Display. The Sporting Car Club celebrated their 85th birthday and provided an impressive display. Add to all this the stunning aerobatic display put on by Chris Sperou, and it was a very memorable day indeed, with plenty to see and do.
You may have noticed our logo for ABD 2020, we are acknowledging the A.A., an organization that plays a crucial role in Britain, attending to the many vehicles that have not broken down, but have simply “failed to proceed”, from the earliest days to today in our quest to get from A to B in our mechanised transport.
We held our Annual General Meeting back in May and said farewell to Howard Parslow. We thank him for his contribution to ABD over many years in various roles. We welcomed onboard Marcus La Vincente AM into our publicity and promotions role, and we look forward to his involvement in the coming years.
Another new and exciting development is that we are extremely proud to announce that we have the support of Mr Jeremy Cordeaux AM as our patron. I am sure Jeremy’s successful media career and motoring interests are well known to many of you. We are honoured to have Jeremy as our patron.
We have been very pleased to be associated with SA Guide Dogs and have offered them financial support for the past few years. However, for ABD 2020 we have decided to look a little closer to home, and as we are a community-based event, we have decided to support the local Echunga Primary School, more on this later.
We have invested significantly in the day to keep it fresh and vibrant, and regrettably costs and charges are always with us, but I am pleased to announce that the vehicle entry amount remains unchanged.
We will keep you informed on updates regarding All British Day February 9th, 2020 so please pencil in this date.
However we do need another couple more people please to assist us for ABD 2020, on the committee, due to the growing demands of the event and retirements that were not replaced over the last two years .I am sure ABD does have a positive impact in the British vehicle world and the local community, please consider being part of this terrific event.
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford-Morgan
President All British Day