For our last cruise of the season we are doing things a little bit different in that the start and finish will be in the same place. The reason being that it may be possible for those driving a non sports vehicle to hitch a more exciting ride. No logistics required. As usual this is a most informal short sharp and shiny cruise, we welcome anyone driving a sports car to join us. No club memberships are required.
1: To make best use of the day light we will gather at 4:30 pm for a chat and checkout session at the K mart shopping center on Glynburn rd Firle. Departing at 5:10 pm onto Glynburn rd in a southerly direction.
2: Turn right (west) onto Norwood Parade.
3: Turn left (south ) onto Portrush rd follow through to the south eastern freeway. Leading cars back off a bit so everyone can bunch up on the first part of the freeway.
4 :Follow the freeway through the Heysen tunnel ( An acoustic experiment!!!. the sound of lots of sports cars going through here. )
5: Turn off at Crafers ie. Mt lofty summit rd etc do not go up this road.
6 :Drive on to Piccadilly rd just a few hundred meters. and turn left.
7 :Follow nice and wining Piccadilly rd to Greenhill Rd.
8: Turn left (west) onto even more winding Greenhill rd all the way back to suburbia.
9: Turn Right (north) onto Glynburn rd and drive back to K mart where there will be a short presentation.
The sprite club reminds everyone that they are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicles and behavior behind the wheel.
Route maps will be available on the evening.
Weather, I doubt too hot will be a problem, however if the bureau predicts more than 5mm of rain on the evening the cruise will be postponed .
For further info Contact Pat Miller at nanmiller@adam.com.au mob 0421289706.
Please forward this information to anyone you feel might be interested.