Due to the extreme weather forecast for today and this evening, the Committee has decided to postpone tonight’s run to next month.
We don’t do this lightly as we realise that we likely can’t a message to everyone who might have been attending, but please pass the word.
With a top of 39 predicted today and the BOM saying it will still likely be 35 at 6:30pm, followed by a change and rain within an hour, I think its best we pick another day.
Fear not, the run will happen, just not this month!
Apologies for the late notice. We all hoped the cooler weather might move through a bit quicker.
See you out on the road soon.
Just a reminder that the Club’s annual Ice Cream Run will once again be held on the evening of the 22nd of Feb. This run has been very popular over the years with the cars seeming to like the (hopefully) slightly cooler twilight temps as well.
In keeping with the past few years, the destination will again be to a 48 Flavours, this time in on Magill Road in Trinity Gardens.
Starting point will be the main carpark at the Fullarton Centre.
It seems we all love a pre-run natter in the car park so this year we are suggesting that you grab some fish and chips (or similar) and make a right meal of it (pun intended … sorry, its pretty bad!). I can highly recommend Funky’s on Duthy (Duthy Street, Parkside, https://funkysonduthystree.wixsite.com/website/menus). You can order via Uber Eats to get it delivered if you want! I’d highly recommend phoning the order through early if you pick up as they are very popular on a warm Saturday evening!
The run has been timed to catch the sunset over the gulf as we head across the tops of the Adelaide Hills and down Norton Summit Road. The run will depart between 7:15-7:20 and is planned to take about 45 minutes (just over 30km) but will take in some iconic Hills roads and some spectacular views of the City and coast against the setting sun and should bring us down Norton Summit Road just after sunset, so no sun into the eyes on the run down the hill and to the Ice Cream shop before its dark!
The proposed route is below. There’s a car park across the road at the Real Estate Agent that will hopefully be free on a Saturday night!
For the technically minded, here is the Google Link to load the route up into Google Maps (https://maps.app.goo.gl/RCJVp9CeRBDwLkzM9) or please find it below. Its not a technical run and most of us know the roads!
All welcome to come along; Sprites, Midgets, Clubbies, Associate Vehicles and friends and their cars from visiting clubs. The more the merrier I say! Hopefully its a great spectacle as the cars wind down from the summit in the evening twilight!