16th Feb – Clubbies Kick Off – All Spridgets are welcome.
Please RSVP to Glen as per below to let him know if you are heading along!
Members are asked to bring along a small salad that can be shared around and bring your drinks along. BBQ, meat and bread provided.
22nd Feb – Ice Cream Run
The run proper will start at 1920 (7:20pm) from the Fullarton Community Centre (aka, the clubrooms), from the car park on Fullarton Road. The proposed run is not overly long, around 45 minutes all up, and takes in some iconic Hills roads and some spectacular views of the City and coast against the setting sun and should bring us down Norton Summit Road just after sunset, so no sun into the eyes on the run down the hill and to the Icecream shop before its dark!
Departing the Fullarton Centre, the run will head up the highway, via Eagle on the Hill and then across through Crafers, Norton Summit and down Norton Summit Road to 48 Flavours at Trinity Gardens for an icecream. There’s a car park across the road at the Real Estate Agent that will hopefully be free on a Saturday night!
For the technically minded, here is the Google Link to load the route up into Google Maps (https://maps.app.goo.gl/RCJVp9CeRBDwLkzM9) or please find it below. Its not a technical run and most of us know the roads!
For those wanting to make a ‘meal’ of it and catch up with others before the run, why not head to the local Fish and Chip shop, ‘Funky’s on Duthy’ and grab some fish and chips to eat in the gardens before the run? I can highly recommend them as a Chippy! Being a Saturday night I’d just recommend ringing your order through before you leave home or maybe order via Uber for deliver to the Community Centre before the run. Wait time can be up to 30 minutes if you don’t pre-order as they are very popular!
Menu: https://funkysonduthystree.wixsite.com/website/menus
All welcome to come along; Sprites, Midgets, Clubbies, Associate Vehicles and friends and their cars from visiting clubs. The more the merrier I say! Hopefully its a great spectacle as the cars wind down from the summit in the evening twilight!
Note – I need a ‘just in case’ volunteer to be the Run Leader and record who is on the run. I have a lunchtime engagement in Waikerie the same day (my father’s 95th) and, whilst I hope to be back in time, I can’t guarantee it! Please let me know if you can help
27 April – Just British Car Club Picnic.
The Jaguar Drivers Club is staging this as a replacement to the cancelled McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic and also the Victor Harbor British Classic Tour. Follow the link in the attached PDF to register or contact Steve Weeks – its a $5 entry fee,
Other Events.
The current calendar is up in the Calendar section of the website so watch that, your emails and the Facebook site!