Upcoming Run Alert

Those of you who read the Burble would have noticed details on the next two runs. For those who might have missed it, run details are as follows:

Sunday 6 October – Picnic Run to Collingrove

Join us at the start or meet up along the way. Racing starts from 1000.

Starting Point: Verdun pub (Stanley Bridge Tavern), 0850 for a 0900 departure via:

  • thru Balhannah (passing the oval at approx. 0905)
  • thru Woodside (main street approx. 0915)
  • Continuing on to Birdwood, stopping opposite the petrol station at 0925-0930
  • Wait/regroup 5-10 minutes
  • Depart for Birdwood for Collingrove 0935, arrive at 1000

Entry fee is $15. Pay online (>ClickHere<) before you go or at the gate.

There promises to be some amazing cars going up the hill this year so don’t be late! Canteen will be open but by all means pack a picnic or at least a thermos of coffee or tea is it might be a bit nippy out there!

Saturday 12 October Gary’s Inaugural Fish and Chip Run

Fullarton Centre (Sprite Club Rooms) in the Fullarton Road carpark, 1530 for a 1600 departure.

Please have a look at the menu (pictured) or view online (>click here<) and give your order to Gary, who will phone the orders through.

To help him out, he’d appreciate it if you could email your order through to him beforehand at gary@doddpc.com just to make things easier.

Pay when you pick the food up at the Seaview Fish and Chippy before heading to the Kingston House area to eat and get a photo of all of the cars … and eat the F&C of course!

Gary says that seating is a bit limited at the park so if you can, pack some chairs.

For people who might not make the start (like the President….), key route points are:

  • Fullarton Park, up Belair Road to Blackwood and then along Main Road before heading down the hill along Black Road.
  • Right into South Road and the into Seacombe Road to stop at Seaview Fish and Chips.
  • From there its along Brighton Road to arrive at Kingston Park.

Hope to see you there or along the way!

Any questions about either run, please contact Gary or myself!

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