Sprites at the Sporting Car Club

Thanks to the work of David and Carole Tye, the Sprite Club of South Australia was invited to display some vehicles at the September Meeting of the Classic and Modern Section of the Sporting Car Club of South Australia.

With three vehicles chosen to be on stage, last minute changes, car problems and work commitments saw the Bugeye of Gordon Boyce and the Spridget of Peter Dineen grace the stage the SCCSA Clubrooms.

The Sporting Car Club has been busy with some background research and displayed a couple of videos showing the 75th Goodwood Revival Race that featured many Sprites and Midgets, and a great clip from Shannon’s showing the history and features of the Sprite and Midgets.

After the meeting formalities President Robin Dunk was invited to the stage to talk about the Sprite Club. Robin outlined the Club’s activities and the membership cohort, and put in a plug for the upcoming Display Day and 2026 Sprite Nationals.

Peter Dineen was next to join the stage, where he talked about the ownership of his Spridget, its previous history and the fun he has had during his ownership. He also related the story of his recent trip to the 2024 Sprite Nationals and the mechanical issues he had to endure during this road trip. He also described the fridge that he fits to the passenger space for these extended interstate travels.

Then it was an opportunity for Gordon Boyce to talk about his 1958 Bugeye. Gordon outlined the history of his 42 years of ownership, the restoration, its competition history and the events that the vehicle has attended, including 1998 Bathurst, National Meetings and other events.

There were a number of previous and current Sprite and Midget Owners in the audience, so at question time there were a number of questions about the cars, the joys of ownership and the specifics of each vehicle.

Once the meeting concluded the members were free to view the cars in detail and speak with the owners about their vehicles.

Our thanks to the Tye’s and the Sporting Car Club for the invitation to join them for their meeting, and thanks to Robin, Peter and Gordon for taking the time to bring their vehicles and talk about Spridgets.

PS: The Sprite Club has been invited back for the 4th October Meeting where a new Maserati and Alfa Romeo will be on display for viewing.

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