Save the date – Pea and Pie Night!

A pie floater. Its as South Australian as Fruchocs, Coopers and Penfold’s Grange.

When I moved from the country to Adelaide to go to uni my father told me “remember, you’re always guaranteed to get a hot meal late at night at the Pie Cart at the GPO”. That hot meal was, of course, a pie floater.

The original pie cart may now, sadly, be no more, but the tradition of the Pie Floater, in many forms and variations, lives on in pubs and pie carts throughout South Australia and, indeed Australia. Some can even be found in pubs in the UK, although, like the Kiwis and their claims on Pavlova and Phar Lap, the Brits probably claim it to be their invention!

It is, in many ways, a birth right of all South Australians to enjoy a hot pie floating on a bed of hot pea soup on a cold winters night, quite appropriate with the weather we are currently having!

I can also see look of fear and confusion on some at the idea of a Pie Floater but don’t knock it until you try it! And thanks to the efforts of Don and Elaine and now Angela and Grant, we can all sample this gastronomic delight. For some it may be your first time but for many it will be like saying hello to a long lost friend.

Where – Sprite Club clubrooms at Fullarton Park

When 24 August, from 6.30 onwards

Cost – $10 per member

BYO Drinks and a plate of nibbles or dessert

There will be a raffle during the night ($5 for three tickets) and I’ll attempt to sort out the sound on the TV so we can have some interesting viewing running in the background!

RSVP to Don and Elaine Cardone (0411 876 067) so they can gauge the numbers for ordering please. Please also advise if you intend to bring a savoury or sweet plate so we don’t end up with too much one thing!

Visitors are most welcome, just please let me (Robin) or Don and Elaine know prior so we can cater for the right numbers!

Are you Pie Floater curious and want to know more? If you click here, this article from Aunty (ABC) might just whet your taste buds! See you on the night!

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