Can you help?

Something a bit different from the normal car related posts but something close to my family’s heart, the Cobdogla Steam Friends Society and the Cobdogla Steam and Irrigation Museum!

Those who I’ve talked over the years to know the museum has had a couple of challenging years, not least with the rising Murray River inundating the grounds and closing the museum, now for some two years. Despite their challenges, the band of men and women who are behind the Society (average age around 75!) have continued to restore and maintain their magnificent steam powered machines, not least a 27 tonne traction engine, a genuine Steam Roller (what kid didn’t love a steam roller) and a 0-4-0 Bagnall Saddle Engine!

And now they have a new challenge, a 0-6-2 tank engine called ‘Chiverton’, built by Perry Engineering here in South Australia in 1938. Built to serve the cane fields in Far North Queensland, the loco had a relatively short working life of about 19 years, being retired in 1958 (other Perry engines worked the fields until the mid 1970s!) and served the next 17 years as the feature in a kids playground.

Since the 1970s the engine has been in the care of a NSW based enthusiast however, needs must, and the loco was put up for sale, first in 2020 and, after that fell through, most recently, this year. Advertised for $25,000, the Society has quickly raised $15,000 and have secured the locomotive but they are seeking support, financial and otherwise, to bring the loco back to SA and commence the restoration. For example, they need to raise another $15,000 to finalise the purchase and transport the loco back from Junee to Loveday, on a low loader on Conditional (historic) registration no less!

The Society knows what its doing on a technical basis. With the right support and backing, the 100s of years of engineering expertise within the Society will come to the fore and the loco will come back to life … the key though is attracting the backing to pay the bills. Maybe you might be able to help.

The museum’s President and long time friend, Damien Osborne, has created a GoFundMe page as ’round 1′ of the fund raising. $5 would be appreciated, $100 would be loved or if a business might be interested in becoming a higher profile supporter, either for the restoration of the loco or the greater museum, they’d love to talk to you!

Do you secretly like steam engines? Can you help?

I’m a member of the museum, now a (small) shareholder of the loco and now its first GoFundMe supporter. Hopefully I’m not the only one! I grew up playing on their (now operational) steam engine and the traction engines when they too were kids play things.

Bring Chiverton Home to South Australia GoFundMe Link

Top left image is the loco as it current is and bottom right as a beloved childrens play thing. The other images are sister Perry Engineering locomotives working the cane fields in the early 1950s and a restored sister operating in the Illawarra.

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