Events Updates

Sorry to all for being off-line with updates for a while. Work and family commitments, which I’m sure you can all appreciate, not to mention a round of the dreaded seasonal lurgy for good measure.

Upcoming Events:

July Midweek Run. Unfortunately I’m going to have to postpone the midweek run (again, I know!!) due to (a) more potentially inclement weather and (b) I can’t find someone to be the ‘run leader’ – I’ve had to reschedule a few things and I can’t take the day off from work sorry! The run WILL happen, not not as per the calendar. Stay tuned for updates as when we can put the midweek run on.

Pie and Peas Night (Sat 24 August). Names and numbers are requested as soon as possible please for catering. Names to me ( or Don (0411 876 067). An information post will come out soon(ish) but to let you know, its BYO drinks on the night and we’d like to know if you can bring a savoury or a sweet dish to add to the evening.

To help with the cost of catering (for the pea soup and the pies, and the hall hire), a small surcharge of $10 per head is requested, payable on the night.

There will be a raffle on the night also ($5 for three tickets).

The evening will be held at the Fullarton Centre club-rooms and is always a great night to chat and have hearty hot soup. All members are welcome and new members are encouraged to come along!

An Evening At Richmonds (14 October). Thanks to Gary Dodd and Andy Morgan (from Richmonds), the October General Meeting will be held at Richmonds Classic Cars. Starting at 1930, it will be an evening to look forward to! More details to follow!

Bay to Birdwood (20th October). Entries are now over 2/3rds sold out so if you want to participate in one of the great runs in the automotive world, get in quick!

And wait, there’s more. No, not self sharpening steak knives or DemTel record selectors, but as the weather fines up there will be a slew of club organised events from a planned car-park picnic run to Collingrove, Fish and Chip runs, Display Day (with the Austin Healey Owners Club) and of course the club Annual Dinner.

Watch out on the website and the Facebook page for more news and updates on coming events!

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