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A few quick updates:

Winter Warmer Merch. I’m putting in an order later this week for long sleeve t-shirts and hoodies. If you are interested please get your detail (and payment) in so I can order. This may be the only order for new winter warmth so get in quick. Orders close Wednesday evening. Refer to the post in Spritely News (link below). The link to the order form and pricing is contained in the linked post.

June Mid-Week Run. The keen eyed amongst you might have noticed a Mid Week run scheduled for the 19th. I have not had a chance to organise something yet which might be a great opportunity for someone who hadn’t created a run before to have a go!??! No pressure and no expectation, but if you are interested in having a crack at it, please let me know! Doesn’t have to be an all singing, all dancing, just a meeting point, a destination and the route seems to take care of itself!

July General Meeting. The July monthly meeting will be a mid-year Cheese and Wine night. I’d like to make this a ‘bring a plate of something’ to share by members when they come. The eternal question is ‘shall I bring a sweet or a savoury’ – so …. if you surname is a an ‘odd letter’ (A, C, E etc), then bring a savoury. If you have an ‘even letter’ (B,D, F etc), bring a sweet. OR, just bring something. Maybe donate a bottle of red or white wine to the night if you’d prefer. Doesn’t have to be a lot, just a small plate with all the small plates going together to make a large plate! Hopefully we will have some butter tasting to go along with it.

There will be a raffle on the night so please bring along a $5 donation to go towards the costs for the night.


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