Twenty one years ago, under the co-ordination of Sean Power, a group of South Australian Clubman owners/builders/interested people met at the Skillogalee Winery in the Clare Valley. At this meeting were a number of people who still own or are associated with Clubman vehicles. From this enjoyable lunch on a hot November day in 2020 let to the formation of Clubbies SA
So why am I telling you this on the Sprite Club web Site? A number of these people later joined the Sprite Club of SA, and are still associated with the SCSA to this day. These include the Tye’s, Doube’s, Edson’s, and Sean himself.

To commemorate this 21st birthday, Sean and the Clubbies SA team organised a breakfast at the newly refurbished Rezz Hotel. With 50 people present, and over 21 Clubman’s on display, it was a perfect morning for the celebration.

Sprite Club member’s were invited to display their cars as well, so the Cardone’s, President Gordon and the MG Midget of Richard Sutherland supported the event. Phil and Mary-Anne Kies bought their MX-5 as well.
There was a huge breakfast buffet spread, with all the traditional fare, and Sean and Fred has arranged an “everyone wins a prize” raffle, with a range to goodies to give away. There were the usual speeches, and memories of the past. And a great time was had by all.
Thanks to Sean and the Clubbies SA team for the invite and the Sprite Club of SA wish you all the best for the next 21 years!…and beyond!