Throughout the year the Sprite Club of South Australia has conducted a number of Classic Sports Car Cruise’s. Our Co-ordinator, Pat Miller has used a number of different routes and venues for these Saturday Cruises. For this Pancake Cruise Pat suggested a different format.
Like the Monte Carlo Rally of the 1960’s there were various starting points for this run. Over 30 Members arrived at the various starting points of Marion, Firle, Tea Tree Plaza and Elizabeth and headed to Semaphore at the appointed time.
Unfortunately overnight rain, a very windy beachfront and the threat of the occasional shower caused a change of plans. After a quick spot poll of those at the Semaphore Car Park, we headed to to Pat’s back-up plan venue, brother Gerard Miller’s Marque Restoration Workshop.
Soon the BBQ’s were fired up, the pancake mix was cooking and the lemon and sugar, jams and honey were being drizzled over the yummy pancakes!
The pancake chefs of Pat, Gerard, and Julie kept the pancakes coming and as soon as your plate was empty, another pancake was placed on your plate. Add a tea or coffee and soon SCSA members were well fed and feeling comfortable.
While indulging in the pancakes the Members were surrounded by a range of vehicles that are currently either having repairs or full restorations under the watchful eyes of Gerard. These vehicles included DB5 and DBR3 Aston Martins, Triumph’s TR (including member Phil Kies TR4A) Maserati, Ferrari, Jaguar, Mercedes and Holden!

Gerard was happy for SCSA members to wonder around these exotic vehicles and see the various stages of their restorations. After the pancakes were finished and cleaned away, Gerard invited the Members to the Fabrication Workshop for a Sunday Morning Master Class.
From a plain piece of flat aluminium, Gerard demonstrated a range of techniques, from basic hammer and soft bag to form the shape to the use of the English Wheel to help put a range of curves and shape in to the material. This flat sheet soon looked like a simple mudguard, with curves, shapes and swage lines to add shape and strength to the piece.
Those that had not visited the workshop before were impressed at the various vehicles and the skills that are used to form the panels and components to return these vehicles to “better than new” condition.

President Gordon thanked Pat and Gerard (and associated helpers) for the morning. There were presentations for the Best Patina to Brenton Schaumloffel’s Midget and Most Desirable Car to Ray Kinley’s Cobra Mustang ( a change from the Clemente Clubman – heater, air-cond and radio!!). Don Cardone had his new Jaguar XJ-S, and the range of moderns included returning members – Steve and Di Kent’s MG HS.
Soon the morning was over and members headed their various ways home, with a full belly and a knowledge of some of the skills that are used in the Marque Restoration workshops.
Special thanks to Pat Miller for organising the Pancake Run and the pancakes. And thanks to Gerard for opening his workshops for the breakfast and for the Master Class that was appreciated by both the male and female members.
Thanks to Robin Dunk for the great photos that captured the morning.