We are 21 years old

The Birthday Brunch Sue-Anne and I have developed a menu which is attached as a pdf. Although it is a buffet, it will be served as you come up to the food station, in accordance with current COVID19 requirements. Sue-Anne says no one will go away hungry – the new Churros will be a treat.
DATE – Sunday 21st November 2021 TIME – 9.30am to 11.30 am AREA – Restaurant as a private area. GUEST COUNT – 75 guests maximum SET UP – In the Restaurant we have set up 5 tables of 5 guests; 2 Tables of 20 & 1 table of 10. Guests will need to book whole tables of 5 (if they wish) & the other tables will be shared tables. Please advise guests “first in best dressed”!! They can call my mobile number to book. If I am unable to answer due to service times then I’m happy for them to leave a voice message & I will return their call. MENU – Staff serviced Buffet Breakfast. $42 Menu attached. DRINKS – Urn set up for Tea & Coffee for guests to help themselves. Any espresso coffees will be purchased separately. Jugs of juice on the tables along with water bottles.
Sue-Anne Badawee T 8337 2888 M 0418 846 256
The space is limited – book as soon as you can. I have got my 2 seats already! I need to book the place out to celebrate our success over the years.
In case it is not clear, the person you ring to book & pay for a place or a table at the Rezz for the ClubbiesSA 21st, is Sue Badawee – not me.
Sue-Anne Badawee T 8337 2888 M 0418 846 256
Hard to believe that our group is 21 years this year. Where has it all gone? I started the group because someone said i could read & write and talk to people, so why don’t I start a group of Clubbie people to get together.
So that’s what I did.
So, as you can see from the attached pdf file of the first two meetings & the attendance book signatures, we had our first meeting of the various characters I had got to hear of, heard of, or had raced with at Mallala, to meet at Dave & Di Palmers winery at Skillogalee. Dave was building a Westy very, very slowly as he was building the winery business.
It was a very hot day, in the 40+ degrees C, and Skillogalee is a long way on hot mostly straight bitumen, with minimal corners – roasting. Not ideal clubbie driving weather. The water & shelter Dave provided when we got there was lifesaving! Yet the hottest part of the day was still to come.
And what about the Bennet boys, Malcom & Stephen in their Clubbie. Had driven all the way from just outside Mildura in the heat just to be with us. Tough in the country. And after lunch, were driving back again in the roasting heat.
It was a great lunch with more water than their famous wines consumed, I think. Again, so hot even in the outside shade that the butter was melting in the butter dishes. Still, a fabulous special lunch and much enjoyed by all.
It was a great start to getting many people together who may have only spoken on the phone or very early email/web discussions. The comments are indicative of the great day had by all.
I had met Paul & Ruth Doube by chance in a street, just driving in my Clubbie. He ran out into the road and stopped me and said he had always wanted to build one, so I invited him to the event that was happening. They turned up at Skillogalee in their Ford Capri (the one outsider on the day) and spent the time talking to everyone.
Paul drove my car home (in the scorching heat) whilst my wife Liz & Ruth went back in the air conditioned Capri. Did I mention it was hot!
What a great start.
I included our second gathering notes at Akhira with Lyn & Robert in April 2001 where 20 people turned up. Another great day.
I kept an attendance record for maybe a couple of years at various gatherings and it is interesting to remember the dates and things we did.
A few years later, I started the concept of a Third Sunday (copied from the Lotus First Sunday run that several of us used to go on) at Burnside Village. This went on for several years until their re development and too many Toorak Tractors crowding into their space. Lovely space but the redevelopment moved us out.
Next, a brief year or so just up Greenhill Road and Devereux Road intersection till we outgrew the space and finally after a long search, to the Rezz. Over the last 12 years or so, Fred & Sue-Anne have been great hosts and generous in their support and sponsor ship with gifts for lucky draws at Christmas and other times. Importantly, it has been a safe space for our cars to be parked, easy to keep an eye on and importantly, coffee (and toilets).
So far, I have handed out about 170 membership key rings over the years. I have seen member and their cars come and go as their interest changes, and sadly, I have seen several friend “shuffle off this mortal coil”
As ClubbiesSA developed, together we have done great things from Mike Laws and Warren Scarman with the first Clubbie Nats in Echucca, to Mike Laws, Warren Scarman, Barry Edson, Paul Doube, Simon Gigney and myself organising the 2007 and 2011 Nationals in Hahndorf and Tanunda, and Alastair Dow, Phil Coates, Dion Schulz and myself delivering the 2019 Nationals, again at Hahndorf. The SA Nats are the best attended in Australia, with over 100 cars each time.
We now have first and third Sunday gatherings which cater for those both north and south and keeps the connections going in the group. And each month, it is highly likely that a new car or potential member may turn up with a car that we may not have known about. Whatever, they are always welcome.
So to the Anniversary lunch on the 21st November. I would like to celebrate the day with as many cars as possible so that we can get some great photos our our members cars outside the new Rezz. Fred says that for this day, we can park as tightly as possible on the grass up to the edge of the Hotel, where we now normally sit in the sun. This should give us some great picture opportunities.
Many of us are members of the Sprite Club and I am asking them if they would like to join with us on the day with their cars so their is a great display of cars.
Enjoy the attachments.
By the way, if anyone has got some access to some sponsorship dollars or give aways, I want to run some lucky draws for attendees, contact me.
Sean Powerseanpower30@icloud.com