

An Austin Healey Sprite mark 3. 1966.
Re-built 1098 motor including:
Crankshaft Grind 20′
Re-bore 20′
New pistons and rings, main bearings and big ends, oil pump and timing chain.
Valve grind.
New ring gear, clutch plate, pressure plate, and water pump.
Radiator has been professionally cleaned.
A re-built master cylinder fitted, New slave kit and a re-built starter motor and generator.
Rego Number : RMK 543. Engine No: 10CCDAH15357.
This car is currently on Club Historic Rego.
Good tyres, Body, Paint and trim.
Has a roll bar Tonneau cover. It comes with books and some spares.
Contact Bevan Adams 0405084099 and email
Price $11650 ONO

Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display

Title: Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display
Location: Mallala
Description: Invitation to participate in the annual Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display, Saturday 7th April 2012

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Entry Form PDF

Hi car clubbers

We have been Running historic motor racing at Mallala over Easter for the last 31 Years
For the last few we have been inviting clubs like yours to bring your cars along on the Saturday
You can enter as club groups or individuals

We want from you

· Enter by the 16th of March

· $25 per car (and occupants)

· The old cars for everyone to look at

For that, we provide

· The best park in Mallala, next to the track on the lawns

· Some shade and somewhere to sit down

· Furthermore, during the lunch break from racing, you get to take your cars around the circuit on parade laps

It’s a fun day for all and last year the classic day attracted an excellent crowd, more than double the Sunday turnout.
We would love to see you all there and appreciate if you would include
If you don’t think that is exiting enough, then consider entering the historic regularity event! (contact me for more info on that)


Troy Ryan
On behalf of the Historic Racing Register of the Sporting Car Club of SA
0419 666 307
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-04-07
End Time: 15:00

2012 Festival of Sprites,254th-29th April

Please re-consider this event it will be all lot of fun. Lets face Sprite members in our Club do enjoy a good time, that is a fact. I really want to call on all our members who have not indicated or who are contemplating involvement , to attend this event, as I know you will enjoy it and take away some great memories from it. This event caters for those who wish race track time, those who wish to drive socially ( that is us) and those who don’t even own a Sprite. The mere fact you are a Sprite devotee you will enjoy meeting other Sprite devotees from WA,VIC,QLD, and NSW. See their cars, share their passion, and make new friends. This is what all single make car clubs aspire to.

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What better place to do it that at Wangaratta, nearby is the Winton Raceway and Wangaratta is the gateway to so many wonderul touring Sprite roads,places of historic and scenic interest, many local producers of wine, cheese,olives and chocolate.

Good accommodation has been secured at extremely good rates and the tariff for this event reflects this, plus evening meals, lunches,a farewell breakfast and of course entertainment.

For more info you can ring me on 83812093 or email me at or contact the Victorian Sprite Drivers Club at mob 0414988641 or

For details contact David Low at

2012 Festival of Sprites

One of those places where we want to take you, and we want you in the formation for the good of all, is the Australian 2012 Festival of Sprites. I really want to call on all of our Members who have not indicated , or who might be still contemplating involvement, to be part of this event because I know you will enjoy the ride and take memories from it. The event caters for those who wish to have track time, those who to drive socially ( that’s us mainly) and those who don’t even have a Sprite in fact! The fact you are a Sprite devotee you will want to meet up with Sprite devotees from WA,VIC,QLD, & NSW. See their cars, share the passion with them, and make new friends. What better place to do it than at Wangaratta, near by is Winton Raceway and Wangaratta is the gateway to so many wonderful touring roads,places of historic and scenic interest, many local producers of wine, cheese,olives and chocolate.

Excellent accommodation has been secured at extremely good rates and the tariff for the event reflects this, plus evening meals, lunches, a farewell breakfast and of course entertainment. A couple are going from our Club which is a great improvement from recent years.

Please give this event your serious consideration, don’t dismiss it lightly as something other people, it it aimed at you and you really enjoy yourself, big time.

Here is the latest abou.t the upcoming Festival of Sprites

Bulletin No 3

25 – 29 April 2012 – Wangaratta Victoria


Sprouting Forth – Dec 2011

Here is the club magazine for December 2011

Special thanks to Patrick for his hard work in making the changes to the format of the magazine!

The club magazine can also be accessed from the members area of the site – this will soon be locked down so you can only access it if you have a current membership and therefore be able to log into the website.

You will need the Adobe PDF reader or the plugin for your browser to read this document



Kym Ninnes will have copies for sale of his book at the meeting on 5 December.

It is the story of his trip around Australia in his Clementé clubman. It’s a good bit of Australiana, adventure, travel, dreams and cars.  It is a great read and would make an ideal Christmas present especially for friends overseas. It comprises 170 pages, full colour with lots of photos and maps. It costs $29.95  or it can be ordered over the internet through where it costs an additional $3.50 p&h. I’ve attached a couple of pages to give you an idea of what it is like.

Sample pages 1

Sample page 2

Five Ferries Run – 8 – 15 September 2012

Please Visit the club website – for the full details – thanks!

The Club is planning an extended run through South Australia to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the club – particularly the wine regions but also including part of the the Murray river areas close to Adelaide.

We’d like to get a bit of feedback on whether you’d be interested in finding out out a bit more and letting us have some confidence in going ahead with planning this even.

Please follow this link and fill out the form to help our planning – cheers!

Dates in calendar

Hi Still trying to sort out small things on the site however one warning  – the dates in the little events calendar widget on the sidebar you’ll see the are in the US format at the moment ie Month/Day/Year…


any one dead Sprite on the Mannum run – head gasket…:-(


Hi Everyone

So here it is – the new website is finally done…sorry about the delay 🙂

You’ll see that it’s pretty much the same content as the old site just a bit prettier and allows for easier placement of images etc.

We will institute a new format for the club magazine shortly and provide an archive under the members area for things of interest from the old site in coming weeks.  We want you all to be part of the new site and be able to comment and be active on it – I’ll email you shortly with details of logins etc.  Sorry if some things aren’t perfect but I had a few issues with the changeover to the ‘live’ site hopefully to be fixed soon(ish).

Thanks for your ongoing support of the club!