Xmas meeting – membership and rego renewals due!

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The Xmas meeting (BBQ supplied – byo drinks and chairs!) will be held Monday 3 December from 6pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre 411 Fullarton Road.

Memberships are now due please fill out a new membership form so we can keep our records up to date.  Fees remain unchanged.

Annual inspections of Conditionally Registered Vehicles and log book renewals – (Historic).  Inspections will be carried out from 6pm on Monday night at the Fullarton Park Centre -please make a booking with Gordon Boyce to have this done!

You will need to have the following documents for historic registration – follow the link for the documents

Sprite Club Membership Renewal Form including Membership Subs or a Receipt for EFT Transfer.
Signed and Witnessed Statutory Declaration Form
Current Log Book
Current Registration Certificate (Blue Registration Certificate – NOT the Registration Renewal Form)
$5.00 if a new Log Book is required.

See you there!


Morning Tea Run – Sunday 25 Nov

Want to have this much fun! Come on get the car out of the shed and join in!

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Don’t forget them Morning Tea Run this coming Sunday!

Location: Kevin and Rose Caire’s with run from Fullarton Park Centre
Description: Meeting at Fullarton Park Centre @ 9:15 for a 9:30 start with a short run to end at The Caire’s at Walkley Heights for morning tea.


Replies to Kevin by Thursday 22nd on 0409 828 385 or email kevincaire@live.com for catering purposes


Morning Tea Run

Title: Morning Tea Run
Location: Kevin and Rose Caire’s with run from Fullarton Park Centre
Description: Meeting at Fullarton Park Centre @ 9:15 for a 9:30 start with a short run to end at The Caire’s at Walkley Heights for morning tea.

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Replies to Kevin by Thursday 22nd on 0409 828 385 or email Kevin for catering purposes
Start Time: 09:15
Date: 25-11-2012
End Time: 12:30

5 ferries run (actually 10 ferries)


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The Sprite Club of South Australia was looking for a iconic event to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Club. In recent times we had been on the ”2011 Lap of Tassie” and the ”2012 Festival of Sprites”. Now these events were both very well planned and run,so the pressure was on our club to come up something of a high standard.
Chris Brine came up with the idea of the 5 Ferries Run. To explain the idea was to cross the Murray River 5 times by ferry. This would be part of a week long drive. So a route was planned, expressions of interest sought. Interest was very slow at the beginning, then after a visit to the ”2012 Festival of Sprites” in Wangaratta entries from interstate stated to flow in and very soon more came in from our Club.

Soon we passed out target of 18 cars so we had to put a limit of 23 cars. Two couples later cancelled leaving 21 cars. Deposits were paid and accommodation booked, meals arranged and so the planning was up and running.As we had a reasonable amount of peiople in the group we used those numbers to secure discounts at all of the accommodation houses and for our evening meals. The concept of the run was not to be a convoy, each entrant would be free to go wherever they wished and meet up at the accommodation venue at the end of each day
Then a book was put together containing route instructions, great maps with the routes clearly marked. John Whitburn came to rescue here and showed us his map expertise. Also mobile phone numbers of entrants, a complaints number 1300MUMBAI and diversions such as places our interstate visitors could visit, now numbering 11 people from Victoria and 4 from NSW . This proved to again be a bigger job than first envisaged. Sponsorship was sought and Shannons Insurance helped us out.
The night before the start a ‘Meet and Greet’ BBQ was held at Chris and Tina Brine’s home. Here we had Rocker Cover Racing and then handed out the Route Instruction books. It was an early night as the start was at nine next morning.The Interstate visitors received a bag of special South Austrailian goodies. Paul Doube gave us some wine to drink, and was much appreciated.


On the preceding week things begain to hapsent an SMS to Neil and Lorinna Scott from Sydney wishing them a safe journey. Three minutes later the phone rang and they had lost a wheel off their new trailer, just north of Goulburn. After much stress and drama the trailer was repaired in Goulburn and they continued to Melbourne. Here they joined up with 6 other Sprites and came over to Adelaide via the Great Ocean road. Tony Bennetto organized this part of the trip for the Victorians, but were joined by 2 cars from NSW. Also Tony Benntto (Bugeye Barn) and Stan Hudson (now known as Belvidere) brought along a ute filled with spares and towing Neil Scott’s trailer.A great source of comfort!
Another drama also emerged John Fowler rang from Horsham with the problem a broke telescopic shock absorber.He assured me he could get to Adelaide but wanted to pick up a replacement shocker from a Repco shop in Adelaide. I agreed to do this for him a give it to him on arrival. We arranged to meet him at Hahndorf. He arrived about mid-day and Gary Beaton was there and Garry Boyd. It was decided it would be better to weld up the old shocker, as the replacement while having the eyes at the right distance apart, was from a Nissan Pathfinder, so likely to be too big, and it was. I gave them some motor cycle fork oil and off they went to Gary Beaton’s place to weld up the shocker. It took them all afternoon, but the result was all good. Meanwhile we waited and finally the Great Ocean Road group arrived. They went off to their Motel and Neil and Lorinna Scott followed us back to our place where they were staying. Graham and Margaret Hately were also staying with us, and Graham was sent to the Airport to collect Margaret.
The start of the was at the rear of the Burnside Town Hall.

All cars assembed on time and hoping for a nice Spritely drive through the Adelaide Hills to stop at the Birdwood Mill Motor Museum, for a look and morning tea. Some non entrants members came along on this part of the run. However just before we took off Peter Dineen discovered he had a leaking front brake line on his Morris 1100S. Quickly Tony Bennetto and his trusty assistant Stan the Scotsman, now with the nick named ”Belvidere” soon had the car jacked up the line replaced , brakes bleed and Peter was on his way, only to get a flat tyre and few other problems, but after 2 days all was sorted and he continued on

After morning tea the group headed at their own pace and not in convoy to the Barossa Valley where all had lunch. Some went up to Menglers Hill to see the view over the Barossa Valley. Members of the public spotted our cars and took photos, had photos taken and asked a lot of questions. It is amazing how much interest these cars create. A new Nissan 370Z pulled up and nobody took any notice, and even it’s owner took a long look at our cars.
We then went ‘Maggie Beers’ gourmet foods centre. Jim Dewar mentioned he was feeling unwell. We went inside the shop, and when we came he was feeling worse. So after some assesment we dialled 000 and got an ambulance and off he went to the Angaston Hospital. They kept him overnight and released him next morning. His car went on the trailer for that day. The following day he travelled in the ute. That night we stayed in Angaston and all had drinks around our rooms before going to dinner at the 40’s cafe. This was a good night a lot of noise and great food. Next morning we all went into the Blond Cafe for breakfast. Here the manageress wanted some of our cars to line up out front for a photo shute.She wanted to put them on her website.




From Angaston we headed for Clare,again in small groups. We had morning tea at Tarlee others found other spots. Then we went to Mintaro and found a nice pub and had a couple of beers. Some had lunch, but the pub ran out of toasted sandwiches and could not make anymore. Martindale Hall was near by so we went there, a bit like going to a stately home in the UK. Well worth a visit.

Then we had lunch near Seven Hills at the bakery and went to Seven Hill

winery and Saint Alosyious Church. In the winery we saw ageing barrels of port, etc and somebody asked who might have a cordless drill? As we arrived at the Motel most had beaten us there. Here again we had a few pre-dinner drinks, then had dinner in the motel. Again a good meal.
Next morning we ckecked with Jim Dewar as to how he was feeling and he was fine so he drove from that point on. We had made arrangements to go to Clare Model Engineers Railway. This was great riding on model trains through a well made park with bridges, crossings, signals and tunnels. There was a steam engine, plus a couple trains powered by lawn mower engines. After about a hour we set off for Morgan stopping at Burra for morning tea. Some went off to explore diferent parts of the town. Finally we arrived at Morgan at about lunch time. After checking to our various accommodation. Peope were staying in three different venues, as we had virtually booked out the whole town. After checking in we walked down to the centre of town and found the pub and had a couple of drinks, then walked back to the room. We had made arrangements for the Morgan Community Development Tourism Association to put on a BBQ for us down beside the Murray River. Well they did themselves proud, it was a great chicken meal cooked on a charcoal BBQ, served with salads and home made cakes for dessert,they also had games,quizes with prizes. Then next morning they cooked us a BBQ breakfast all for $22.00 per head, that’s the dinner and breakfast. They opened the Museum especially for us, then some of them rushed off to work. Great country community spirit at work.It is a real pity these towns are struggling.
Then we started what was to be 10 Ferry crossings over the Murray plus 2 over a bridge. First was Morgan followed by Cadell,(recently saved from closing by vocal protests from the surronding area), then Morgan again. Then a drive to Blanchetown over the bridge and back again on to Swan Reach. Here we had lunch at the pub and decided to see if we could get 15 Sprites on the Ferry. Chris Brine approached the Ferry Master and he was most helpful. So we put all 15 of our Sprites on the Ferry and took many photos. Take a look at our website to view this on U-tube. Tony Bennetto wanted a photo for his Bug-Eye Barn 2013 Calendar.

Next stop was at the Walker Flat Crossing for half price coffee that we had set up weeks before. I phoned the day before just to remind them , but they forgot to tell the lady filling for the owners. We still got our cheap coffee, but she got a bit stressed with the sudden influx. From there to the Purnong crossing, some missed the turn off, easily done. From there we stopped at a great look-out on a small section of dirt road, then travelled along beside the Murray for a while coming out at the Mannum crossing.

Then we found our Motel and checked in.Graham Hately had a problem with his exhaust breaking, so he needed to find a welder. After asking around the Motel manager took him to his house where Grahan did the welding, brought it back to the Motel fitted it, and joined in the pre-dinner drinks. Here we had a great dinner around a good bar.
We awoke to a sunny day and drove up to the Mannum lookout after walking the town.Some went to the Museum of town.

Stan (Belevedere) was booked for not wearing his seat belt while reversing the ute and trailer. We all thought this was unfair and just revenue raising. That night we sent the hat around and raised about half of his fine. Before we left for Goolwa, Gary Brock was complaining his MGGT was overheating. The top radiator hose was hot, but the bottom was cold, so no circulation, so Gary and Fay went home to Gumeracha.He has since repaired the problem.
The destination that night was Goolwa, so we drove to Murray Bridge, then Jervious and crossed the river again then around to the Wellington crossing and on to Milang. Here we found a good bakery and had lunch. Just a few k’s down the road we stopped at Curt Heinrich’s home to see his model trains and steam engines. Well what a great set up, a huge model train complete with landscape, buildings all with lights and sound effects. Then in another part of his shed is the steam boat, and in the house is more steam engines and trains. All were asking their wives could they extend there collections into the kitchen and loungrooms, all were given filthy looks of rejection. From here in very strong winds we continued to Goowa. At Goolwa we had pre-dinner drinks then went in for our meal at the motel. Some of our Goolwa members joined us for dinner.
On the Friday I took a group on a run to Victor Harbor, Inman Valley and up the Mt Alma Hillclimb. Here we sent only 3 cars up at a time, then waited for their retun. It is great hill, but a bit steep (17 degrees) for a Sprite, but still good fun. We stopped at the Glacier Rock Cafe for Coffee then drove in a loop around Myponga and Hindmarsh Valley back to Victor Harbor for lunch.Some walked over to Granite Island. Then went back to Goolwa to the Motor Museum.Here there was a good display of cars, two idential Mark 5 blackJaguar dropheads, one had been owned by Bob Jane and a melbourne car dealer, the other by a convicted drug dealer. Then back to the Motel Again pre-dinner drinks and Dinner.
Next morning we had BBQ cooked breakfast kindly put on by Helen King’s at her home. Then we headed back to Adelaide stopping at the Scarpantoni Winery at McLaten Flat for supplies of the $50 per dozen clean skin shiraz. John Fowler was complaing of a broken exhaust bracket, so together wth Neil and Lorinna Scott, Margrat and Graham Hately we went back to our place. Very soon we had the pipe off, Grahame made up a bracket and welded on and John was on his way after some lunch.
That night the Club had the Big 40th anniversary Dinner at the Wellington Hotel in North Adelaide. Kerry Bennetto flew in from Melbourne specially. We saw the Crows get beaten on TV, but the night was great. All the Speeches were made, people thanked, Club history re-called. The drink budget of $2000 was soon consumed and the interstate visitors bid farewell. What a week it had all gone very quickly.
Gary Boyd returned the following week to collect the Bugeye he bought from Peter Emes the morning of the start of the 5 Ferries Run. Peter brought it round to the Motel at 7:30am, Gary and Tony Bennetto checked out and a deal was struck.While it is leaving the State it will be in good hands and seen again.
Our guests left on the Sunday morning. Neil And Lorinna Scott headed for Melbourne, but stopped at Ararat as did John Fowler. Then on to Melbourne where they stayed a couple of days with Tony Bennetto before loading the Sprite on to trailer and driving back to Sydney. Graham and Margaret Hately left our place and drove to Swan Hill, planning to take a couple of days to drive back to Sydney. However a friend of theirs phoned and asked if they could stay at their place on the Wednesday, so they drove to Sydney non stop from Swan Hill, over 900k’s in a MG Midget. I hear at times some of our members complaing about driving their Sprite for more than one hour!
Was the whole thing a success? Yes I believe it was as, by the positive comments that flowed .

Should we do it again? Yes we should, as we now have the template, but I would like somebody else to take up the challenge. Perhaps 2015.

David and Dianne Low

Spanner day wash up

Hi fellow Sprite drivers, We had a great day at the Felix’s garage with many cars getting a carbi tickle. Some were not that bad but it was good to see them performing better. Some needed attention and one even gave me grief with the fast idle screws from the choke causing some issues. Needless to say the audience were merciless. Thanks to the chefs we had a nice lunch and fellowship. I hope all had a good time.

Les and Lorraine Felix

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Lenswood Harvest Festival

Title: Lenswood Harvest Festival
Location: Memorial Park, Swamp Road, Lenswood
Description: A festival with a theme of Classic, old fashioned quality. Classic Car Clubs have been invited. The organisers need to know numbers.
There will be music, wine tasting, and gourmet food.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2013/03/23
End Time: 15:30

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High Country & Murray River tour – Anzac Weekend 2013

John Fowler who came over for the 5 Ferries Run has organised a great run through the high country of Victoria/NSW. Those of you that enjoyed the elements of an extended run, or those who now wished they had gone on the 5 Ferries Run, here is an opportunity to participate in another very enjoyable event.

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Give it some thought !  Those concerned about Anzac Day, there will be time to attend the dawn service in Bright.


This 5 day tour would travel from Lilydale (N-E of Melb.) on Wednesday 24th April via Yea, Mansfield, Whitfield, Milawa, to Bright o/n; after optional Dawn Service, travel to Omeo via Mt Hotham, and back via Anglers Rest, Mt Beauty, to Bright o/n again; then via Mt Buffalo, Happy Valley, Gundowring, and Tallangatta to Corryong o/n; then via Cabramurra, the winding Elliot Way, Walwa and along the upper Murray River to Hume Weir o/n; then return home on Sunday 28th via Yackandandah, Beechworth, Stanley, Myrtleford, Euroa, Merton, Yea, Lilydale. Plenty of stops with early finishes, over great scenic driving roads.

Parking for tow cars and trailers is available at either the Turners’ in Bright, or the Harris’s in Stanley (Both AHSDC Members). The total accommodation cost for the 4 nights is $450 double, but to be booked individually. Interstaters could join/leave from any point or time. Expressions of interest would be appreciated. John Fowler 0400 278 375. jfowler@dcsi.net.au  More details later.



The Conditional Historic Registration Scheme has been developed to allow vehicles manufactured before 1st January 1979 (of either right or left hand drive) to be registered conditionally so they can be used for a maximum of 90 days per year.

The Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs and Transport SA has granted the Sprite Club of SA the authority to approve Conditional Registration for Austin Healey Sprites and MG Midgets.  Gaining this authority requires the Sprite Club and it’s officers and members to abide by a Code of Practice that outlines the responsibilities for all people using this registration scheme.

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For a detailed description of the NEW’ processes and your responsibilities under the amendments to the scheme please refer to the club letter below and the other documents attached. Or the club Historic Rego Page.

Club Letter to Members on Historic Registration Procedures

Code of Practice DPTI SA Gov

Left Hand Drive Procedures

Statutory Declaration

Who can witness a Statutory Declaration


There are two changes that will affect all members who have vehicles registered under the scheme.
From 1st July onwards, each vehicle must be inspected by the club authorized person at a minimum of once every three (3) years or when requested to do so by the Registrar.
From the 2012 membership year, when renewals and logbook updates are done, you will be required to provide a statutory declaration annually , detailing any changes that have been made to the vehicle during the year, or since the last club inspection.
The Club has a few copies of the Code of Practice available or it can be down loaded from the Government of SA website.
Go to www.sa.gov.au then click ‘transport , travel and motoring’, click Motoring, click Vehicles and Registration, click Vehicle Registration- Conditional -Historic. Then scroll down for more info. Then click ‘Code of practice Historic Vehicles’. This is a PDF form and a big file so give it time to load.

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Tyre Pressure

Thanks to Gordon’s diligent perusing of the Speedwell’s website (re: Rocker Cover Racers) he found the following info…

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Tire Pressure? We don’t need no stinking tire pressure
Just a quick note here. Long time ago I, like many of us have always stuck to the general tire manufacturer’s inflation recommendation. Typically for a 13 inch tire they’ll say anywhere’s from 28 to 32 psi, correct? That’s based on a car weighing in at around 2,000 pounds. Believe it or not, if you’re running a modern tire of just about any size on a Spridget, you actually want to be running about 18-20 psi cold on the side-curtain cars, and 20-22 psi on the roll-up window cars since they weigh a bit more. Aside from riding more smoothly at the lower pressure, you most likely find it to be less “darty” over bumps and will stick to the road so much better. Give it a try, if you don’t agree with the results, the worst-case scenario is that you’ll have that painstaking task of putting air back into the tires! Also, if you’re really adventurous, try setting your toe-in at zero instead of the BMC called for 1/16″ toe-in. I’d love to hear from any and all of you about your findings if you try it. I might even post views telling me I’m full of horse-hockey, too!

2012 Festival of Sprites

The 2012 Festival of Sprites was an outstanding event. David & Di Low, Chris & Tina Brine, Helen King, Sue & Helen Stephenson attended along with about 90 other people from all mainland states.

Wednesday 25th. We drove all day to get there. Unloaded the cars from the trailers, then down for the ‘Meet and greet ‘drinks’ and a casual  meal.

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Thursday 26th. Competition cars went to the Winton track for Sprints and Regularity. The rest went on an economy run, with lunch at the Winton track. Here we watched the track cars for an hour before setting off on a casual drive around the district. Some went in a bus.  I managed 3rd place in the economy run.. That night we had ‘Rocker Cover’ racing. Chris and I entered, but need to do more to win. This is great fun and we need to do it in our Club.

Friday 27th. All participants (about 38 Sprites, obviously could not include the unregistered Competition Sprites) went in an economy run to Yackandandah. Here we had lunch provided by the Anglican Church ladies, so it was all home cooked. Then run continued all afternoon, we got a bit lost, but who cares. That night was the Hawaiian night. So all dressed accordingly. Some people love to dress as idiots. That night a recorded interview with Stirling Moss was shown, this was really something special as it can be hard getting him to an interview.

Saturday 28th. All the cars lined up for the Concourse. The cars were arranged in a random manner , not lined up in rows. This showed the cars off in a better way and was much easier to take photos.The cars were then judged, but only the best were judged as time did not allow all cars to be judged. I was a judge and was amazed how it was all done. The winning 2 cars, were amazing, and both are driven on a regular basis. In fact the winning Bug-Eye was driven down from Sydney and last year around Tasmania. (Chris ended up in 8th place) This was followed by a Motokhana on bitumen, here we saw some very skillful driving. That night the theme was Black and White, so we had small time criminals, Darth Vader, Charlie Chaplin, Choir Boys, Yasar Arafat. Everybody had a go. Then we had a live skype video link call to John Sprinzel in Hawaii. We got him out of bed at midnight, but he happily agreed. Great Stuff. Then all the usual thank you speeches and results were dealt with.By this time we had our cars back on the trailer ready for the big drive after a good breakfast early on Sunday morning.

In summary it was a great weekend, well worth the effort and expense, in fact it was excellent value for money. I really do hope more of our members make the effort to go to one of these events, it is so enjoyable, you meet so many great people. Many made huge efforts to get there. One WA couple shipped their Bug eye to Brisbane, then drove down and afterwards were driving it Melbourne, where it would be shipped back to WA. 4 cars came down from Queensland.  Chris and myself would really like the Club to embrace this event as we know you would just love it.

Spring removal successful!

As many of you know I’m restoring a bugeye and at the last meeting I reported on the fact that I’d broken the heads of the rear spring bolts – however thanks to a tenacious cornishman (AKA John Whitburn) they have been successfully removed and the bugeye is now happly at minus paints!

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Fish and Chip Run to Encounter Bay

The run was conducted yesterday March 18th in superb weather for Sprites. Everything ran smoothly, even the cars.
So I would like to thank these people for turning up and making the day enjoyable for all.
Peter Dineen and Ros, Garry and Molly Beaton, Ken and Mary Dutch, Hilton and Kim Jamieson, and Barb Ridge.

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David & Di Low (organisers).




An Austin Healey Sprite mark 3. 1966.
Re-built 1098 motor including:
Crankshaft Grind 20′
Re-bore 20′
New pistons and rings, main bearings and big ends, oil pump and timing chain.
Valve grind.
New ring gear, clutch plate, pressure plate, and water pump.
Radiator has been professionally cleaned.
A re-built master cylinder fitted, New slave kit and a re-built starter motor and generator.
Rego Number : RMK 543. Engine No: 10CCDAH15357.
This car is currently on Club Historic Rego.
Good tyres, Body, Paint and trim.
Has a roll bar Tonneau cover. It comes with books and some spares.
Contact Bevan Adams 0405084099 and email janne_mary@aapt.net.au
Price $11650 ONO

Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display

Title: Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display
Location: Mallala
Description: Invitation to participate in the annual Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display, Saturday 7th April 2012

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Entry Form PDF

Hi car clubbers

We have been Running historic motor racing at Mallala over Easter for the last 31 Years
For the last few we have been inviting clubs like yours to bring your cars along on the Saturday
You can enter as club groups or individuals

We want from you

· Enter by the 16th of March

· $25 per car (and occupants)

· The old cars for everyone to look at

For that, we provide

· The best park in Mallala, next to the track on the lawns

· Some shade and somewhere to sit down

· Furthermore, during the lunch break from racing, you get to take your cars around the circuit on parade laps

It’s a fun day for all and last year the classic day attracted an excellent crowd, more than double the Sunday turnout.
We would love to see you all there and appreciate if you would include
If you don’t think that is exiting enough, then consider entering the historic regularity event! (contact me for more info on that)


Troy Ryan
On behalf of the Historic Racing Register of the Sporting Car Club of SA
0419 666 307
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-04-07
End Time: 15:00

2012 Festival of Sprites,254th-29th April

Please re-consider this event it will be all lot of fun. Lets face Sprite members in our Club do enjoy a good time, that is a fact. I really want to call on all our members who have not indicated or who are contemplating involvement , to attend this event, as I know you will enjoy it and take away some great memories from it. This event caters for those who wish race track time, those who wish to drive socially ( that is us) and those who don’t even own a Sprite. The mere fact you are a Sprite devotee you will enjoy meeting other Sprite devotees from WA,VIC,QLD, and NSW. See their cars, share their passion, and make new friends. This is what all single make car clubs aspire to.

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What better place to do it that at Wangaratta, nearby is the Winton Raceway and Wangaratta is the gateway to so many wonderul touring Sprite roads,places of historic and scenic interest, many local producers of wine, cheese,olives and chocolate.

Good accommodation has been secured at extremely good rates and the tariff for this event reflects this, plus evening meals, lunches,a farewell breakfast and of course entertainment.

For more info you can ring me on 83812093 or email me at dslow@tpg.com.au or contact the Victorian Sprite Drivers Club at tmcorbin@bigpond.com mob 0414988641 or gcorbin@bigpond.net.au

For details contact David Low at dslow@tpg.com.au

2012 Festival of Sprites

One of those places where we want to take you, and we want you in the formation for the good of all, is the Australian 2012 Festival of Sprites. I really want to call on all of our Members who have not indicated , or who might be still contemplating involvement, to be part of this event because I know you will enjoy the ride and take memories from it. The event caters for those who wish to have track time, those who to drive socially ( that’s us mainly) and those who don’t even have a Sprite in fact! The fact you are a Sprite devotee you will want to meet up with Sprite devotees from WA,VIC,QLD, & NSW. See their cars, share the passion with them, and make new friends. What better place to do it than at Wangaratta, near by is Winton Raceway and Wangaratta is the gateway to so many wonderful touring roads,places of historic and scenic interest, many local producers of wine, cheese,olives and chocolate.

Excellent accommodation has been secured at extremely good rates and the tariff for the event reflects this, plus evening meals, lunches, a farewell breakfast and of course entertainment. A couple are going from our Club which is a great improvement from recent years.

Please give this event your serious consideration, don’t dismiss it lightly as something other people, it it aimed at you and you really enjoy yourself, big time.

Here is the latest abou.t the upcoming Festival of Sprites

Bulletin No 3

25 – 29 April 2012 – Wangaratta Victoria


Sprouting Forth – Dec 2011

Here is the club magazine for December 2011

Special thanks to Patrick for his hard work in making the changes to the format of the magazine!

The club magazine can also be accessed from the members area of the site – this will soon be locked down so you can only access it if you have a current membership and therefore be able to log into the website.

You will need the Adobe PDF reader or the plugin for your browser to read this document



Kym Ninnes will have copies for sale of his book at the meeting on 5 December.

It is the story of his trip around Australia in his Clementé clubman. It’s a good bit of Australiana, adventure, travel, dreams and cars.  It is a great read and would make an ideal Christmas present especially for friends overseas. It comprises 170 pages, full colour with lots of photos and maps. It costs $29.95  or it can be ordered over the internet through www.kymroundoz.com where it costs an additional $3.50 p&h. I’ve attached a couple of pages to give you an idea of what it is like.

Sample pages 1

Sample page 2

Five Ferries Run – 8 – 15 September 2012

Please Visit the club website – for the full details – thanks!

The Club is planning an extended run through South Australia to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the club – particularly the wine regions but also including part of the the Murray river areas close to Adelaide.

We’d like to get a bit of feedback on whether you’d be interested in finding out out a bit more and letting us have some confidence in going ahead with planning this even.

Please follow this link and fill out the form to help our planning – cheers!

Dates in calendar

Hi Still trying to sort out small things on the site however one warning  – the dates in the little events calendar widget on the sidebar you’ll see the are in the US format at the moment ie Month/Day/Year…


any one dead Sprite on the Mannum run – head gasket…:-(


Hi Everyone

So here it is – the new website is finally done…sorry about the delay 🙂

You’ll see that it’s pretty much the same content as the old site just a bit prettier and allows for easier placement of images etc.

We will institute a new format for the club magazine shortly and provide an archive under the members area for things of interest from the old site in coming weeks.  We want you all to be part of the new site and be able to comment and be active on it – I’ll email you shortly with details of logins etc.  Sorry if some things aren’t perfect but I had a few issues with the changeover to the ‘live’ site hopefully to be fixed soon(ish).

Thanks for your ongoing support of the club!