All posts by Chris Brine

Sports Car Cruise Saturday 29 October

Reminder. Classic sports car cruise this Saturday 4pm for a 4:30 start from the western side car park of the Brighton railway station. An approximately one hour cruise along the Adelaide shore line. Route sheets will be available at the departure point. Finish at North haven where there will be a presentation for the most appealing car and the car with the best Patina.

Pat Millers “The Bend” adventure…

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Having entered the Lycoming Indy in the historic section of a big league race meeting at The Bend this weekend. We of course tested the monster out prior to the big day. Despite many hours of trying, we were unable to get the Lycoming engine to run. From having the exhausts glow red hot after mere seconds of starting to no spark at all. Friends at Parafield tested the magnetos which were both caput. Two more found tested and eagerly fitted only to have yet another failure. having fitted magneto no 3 the engine finally burst into life sounding better than ever. Our joy was short lived when we found the just replaced transmission input coupling had sheared off. A call to the event promoters enabled us to swap cars and enter the Irukandji in instead. We were unable to attend Friday practice session so our first run was in the heat of super sprint combat on Saturday morning where I had a good dice with an amazingly quick Lola sports car which was 1 second faster than the Irukandji. Round 2 saw the two of us locked in combat at the head of the field were the Irukandji proved just quick enough to pass the Lola and post a tine 1 second faster. The spectators seemed to really appreciate the spectacle. Sunday was different, rivers af water flowing through the pits, the whole place was awash races were being canceled or delayed, eventually they let us on the track in just a mild cloudburst. Within 2 laps I was saturated. on the edge of one corner there was water so deep it was literally like having a bucket of water thrown over the dash panel. Motor sport is very character building.

Sports Car Cruise – Saturday October 29

Following the successful cruise of February last, this run will be a rerun of that event. Gathering in the western side car park of the Brighton railway station car park at 4 pm for a 4:30 departure. The rout will follow the Adelaide cost as much as possible. There will be a short regrouping on Military road adjacent to the west beach caravan park and playground. The run will finish at North Haven café and restaurant centre on Lady Gowerie Drive. The run should take approximately one hour. Not that much time and not that much petrol. Route instruction sheets will be available at the starting point. There will be a short presentation at the conclusion of the drive. Any questions please contact Pat Miller on 0421289706 or email

Flaggies Required – Sunday 25 September

From the MSCA SA

Good evening all

I am in desperate need of flag marshals for our next super sprint, coming up on September 25th at The Bend East circuit. Could you please ask your members for assistance at this event, and get back to me ASAP.  Thank you. Your help with this matter is appreciated. 


Michelle Edwards

MSCA Secretary 

All flag marshals will receive a free lunch and get to have a parade lap around the Bend east circuit and that is something to experience. If you can help please notify Michele or Pat Miller or 0421289706.


Pat Miller

MSCA Sprints Flaggies Required

It seems the clubs rostered have been unable to supply sufficient flag marshals for the Super Sprint meeting at Mallala this Sunday Aug 14. If there are any Sprite Club members who would like to help out here could you please let either Pat Miller email or ph 0421289706 or  directly notify Michele at the MSCA. email MSCA Secretary Volunteers would need to be on site 9 am, competition generally finishes by 4 pm. Lunch is provided. Should there be any questions feel free to phone Pat on the above number.

Climb to the Eagle

Many club members have participated in this great event over the years, hosted by the SCCSA

Good afternoon,

Entries for the 2022 John Blanden’s Climb to the Eagle are now open. Enter now as is it is sure to be a sellout!

Entries can be done online here or if you prefer you can complete the Entry Form attached and return.

Kind Regards,

Sandra Brooker

Office Administrator

Sporting Car Club of South Australia Inc.

51 King William Rd, Unley, SA 5061

Ph: +61 8 8373 4899

Mob: 0478 296 185

Parts for sale

Shed clean out! There is probably more hiding but this is a start!


1x pair HS2. Fully rebuilt, on a Sprite/Midget manifold including heat shield – $750

1x HS2 (forward/left hand) carb. In a BL parts box and fully rebuilt – $350

2x HS4 + 1x parts spare. Rebuilt. Very late production – $600

1x MGB manifold (excellent condition) – $200

2x HS6 + parts spare. Unrestored – $300

1x pair H6. Includes choke levers for a TR3 and 2x gasket kits. Have been cleaned and reassembled, not re-shafted. – $500

2x 4” substacks for HS2 – $120 (new)


Mangolesti ‘flat’ intake manifold for an A Series (new) – suits both HS2 and HS4. – $300.


Aldon Ignitor (ie, Petronix), model LU-143A (Negative Earth) – $200

I’m negotiable on prices!


(, 0431247746, pick-up Goodwood or I can bring in to a club meeting)

MCLAREN VALE Vintage and Classic 2023

I have some great news to share with you.  After several months of uncertainty I can confirm that the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event will go ahead in 2023.

The McLaren Vale Business & Tourism Association, along with most of you, did not want to see the demise of this iconic event so took the initiative to “go public” in the search of some enthusiastic people to take over the running of the event in 2023 and beyond.

The good news is several enthusiastic locals, and service clubs, have come forward and will take over the co-ordination of this event.  I will work alongside the new committee for the coming event.

Please put Sunday 23rd April 2023 in your diary now and the new committee will keep you updated on all the details.

PLEASE DO NOT   try to register your entry until you are notified.  There are several updates to be made to the website and a new method of registration and payment will be implemented.  Until these changes are in place entries cannot not be accepted.


Trevor Sharp

Past Chairman

McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event

Phone:  0415 820 719

Wine, cheese and conversation, Meeting Monday 4 July

4th July – General Meeting – 8.00pm – Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road

Yep, the winter wine and cheese meeting is back! Supplied by the Sprite Club!

We’ve got the added extra of a chat with Special Guests Ian and Wendy Gibbs from the NSW Sprite Club of Australia.

Ian and Wendy are currently on “A Spritely Adventure”, circumnavigating our wide brown land in their 1964 Austin Healey Sprite (Esme) towing a specially built camping trailer (Shirley).

Join us for a great night and tick off one of the three events you need to attend for conditional registration at the same time!


The weather was nowhere near as diabolical as the weather man had predicted. Gathering in shopping centres idea was not a good one it seemed most of Adelaide was crammed into every available parking spot. Locating sprite club members in the melee was a needle in the hay stack situation. The group from Firle did manage to form a trio but the rest of us found our way to Marque Restorations individually. Very few people get to have afternoon teas in the presence of such automotive exotica. After the 30 odd attendees had had their fill of mostly lemon and sugar filled pancakes  Gerard started the gloriously smooth sounding Ferrari, gave the C type Jag a bit of a burst, then a TR4 was started providing a hint of why it is off to a specialist engine tuner in the near future. A tour of the factory revealed a plethora of interesting cars to inspect. Informal groups were gathered around various cars where a good deal of useful information was passed on. Well done to the people who braved the weather and bought along their Sprites and other sports cars. A big thank you to Gerard and his staff for the use of the premises and the automotive entertainment. Thanks to everyone who helped with the catering. Thanks to Gordon for the bag of lemons.

Classic Sports Car Cruise – Monte Carlo Pancake Run SATURDAY 25Th JUNE   

                                     Starting at various sites around the city – north, south, east and west we will all end up at Marque Restorations, Goodall Avenue, Kilkenny for a Pancake afternoon tea and tour of the facilities and workshop.

                                     The meeting venues are listed below – Meet at 1.00pm for a 1.30pmdeparture

                                     1. K Mart Car Park, Glynburn Road, Firle – North Eastern corner.

                                     2. Marion Shopping Centre, Diagonal Road, Marion – Just north of Diagonal Road exit. 

                                     3. Tea Tree Plaza next to MacDonalds.

                                     4. Semaphore Foreshore Car Park – North of Noonies Kiosk – enter via roundabout.

                                              If you are the only car at a departure point at departure time do not wait to leave for Marque Restorations at the prescribed time – or you can head straight to the finish venue.

                                     The Sprite Club will be providing pancakes with toppings, lemon, jams, etc.

                                     Please bring your own upmarket drinks, cups, and chairs. The urn will be on tea and coffee available.

                                   Don’t want to get the sprite all muddy, when the weather forecast is cold and raining. Just roll up in  the road car and spend a pleasant while feeding on freshly made pancakes while surrounded by exotic cars and good company   

                                     For catering reasons please contact Pat Miller 0421289706 email, We just need an idea of attendance last minute changes will not cause a problem.

Monte Carlo Pancake Run

After the success of the last run of this style to visit Marque Restorations were doing it again…

25th June  Classic Sports Car Cruise – Monte Carlo Pancake Run to Marque Restorations – 1.00pm

Saturday Starting at various sites around the city – North, South, East and West we will all end up at Marque Restorations, Goodall Avenue, Kilkenny for a Pancake afternoon tea and tour of the facilities and workshop.

The meeting venues are listed below – Meet at 1.00pm for a 1.30pm departure

1. K Mart Car Park, Glynburn Road, Firle – North Eastern corner.

2. Marion Shopping Centre, Diagonal Road, Marion – Just north of Diagonal Road exit. 

3. Tea Tree Plaza next to MacDonalds.

4. Semaphore Foreshore Car Park – North of Noonies Kiosk – enter via roundabout.

If you are the only car at a departure point at departure time do not wait to leave for Marque Restorations at the prescribed time – or you can head straight to the finish venue.

The Sprite Club will be providing pancakes with toppings, lemon, jams, etc.

Please bring your own drinks, cups, and chairs.

For catering reasons please contact Pat Miller 0421289706 email,

Flaggies required

The MSCA is looking for flag marshals for the Supersprint meeting at the Bend Raceway on June 19th. Volunteers would need to be at the track 8:30ish Competition will commence at 9:45 and finish at 4:30. There will be a lunch break with lunch provided along with being able to participate in a parade lap or two of the track. If you are able to assist please contact Pat Miller or contact the MSCA directly

Mid Week Meander – aka The Autumn Run

by Shirley Schubert

A super-sized group of 18 vehicles and 28 people took part in the run from Balhannah to Mannum in glorious autumn weather on Wednesday 18 May. 

Russell’s radar was spot on – perfect weather and perfect conditions on the roads.

The convoy left the Balhannah Oval at 10 am and had our first spot of excitement as we approached a railway crossing blocked by a stationary train of interminable length, only to find that Russell’s map directed us to turn right and avoid the holdup. On we went, via Nitschke Road and Blakiston Road to the Old Princes Highway. This long stretch on a good road let the navigator have a nap while the driver could see the convoy uninterrupted by other traffic.

A wee stop at the Monarto Sporting Complex gave us a chance to chat before the next 20 mile(32 km) stage through various roads to our morning tea destination at the Mypolonga Community Cafe. A great spot to sit and savour coffee and cake in sunshine with a view of the river.

It was hard to rally the troops but once we started the engines and drove out of town we could see “ the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended” as we rounded the bends on Heinrich Road to Zadow Road.

The traffic picked up a bit on Mannum Road which meant a couple of cars missed the turnoff to Belvedere Road but they were able to catch up easily when we all arrived at the Mannum Community Club.

Our tables were organised with a view of the river and we all enjoyed lunch and a drink and especially the camaraderie and comfort. Special thanks to Russell and Judy for researching and planning such a successful run.

A good day was had by all!

Sprite Club Mid -Week Meander Report for Wednesday 30 March 2022.

This was the first drive for 2022 and fourteen cars rolled up to enjoy the route. The weather was near perfect.. cool but kind, with no rain.  

The drive began promptly at 10am from the Blackwood Railway Station after instruction sheets were handed out. We then meandered in a southerly direction traversing roads that some had never been on!

We passed through Kangarilla, then stopped for morning tea at Mt Compass. The drive then headed off towards Victor Harbor and after a few kilometres further, we turned west, headed for Normanville. More than twenty people gathered for a sumptuous lunch at Links Lady Bay Resort. 

Sprites and Midgets plus various other makes of all ages certainly provided an eclectic cavalcade of cars for locals to peruse as we passed through various towns and countryside.

Thankfully, there were no dramas or problems with any of the cars and all performed well. Ridgetop views were a stand out for the passenger! No-one was left behind, lost or ‘bottomed out’ at the ford so Thanks again to ‘Tail end Charlie’, Pat Miller, for keeping us all together. 

A big Thank You also to Judy and Russell Schmarr for organising yet another fantastic drive. We look forward to the next midweek meander on 18 May!

Rob and Cheryl van Wageningen

Wanted to buy

I‘m looking for a couple items for a small bore project a 12G202 head and a small journal 1100 crank, 1.75”. or complete 1100 that has these internals.

let me know if you might be able to help! contact

Chris Brine 0419 802 163

chris.brine@gmail .com

Flaggies still required!

Sprite club members we have only 1 person with their hand up to flag at Mallala next Sunday. As many of us will be there for our 50th year celebrations please consider helping out. Any questions please contact Pat Miller 0421289706 or

Gates to Mallala open 7:30. Flaggies need to be at scrutineering shed by 8:30 for briefing. Cars on the track from 9:00. Lunches will be provided for all Flaggies along with an invitation to participate in the parade laps. Lunch time is approximately midday depending on events timing. Competition will finish by 4:30.



We have decided to sell our MG Midgets and was hoping you may advertise them in your club magazine.

Our details are

Andy and Karen Ewins

Moonta SA

Ph 0414567375

MG Midget 1968 1275 Red

Matching numbers

Older restoration

Used regularly on club runs

Has new hood, fuel pump, recon speedo and  recon rear brakes

Gearbox needs attention



Engine# 12CCDAH12030

MG Midget 1969 1275 Blue

Used regularly on club runs

Has new fuel tank, brake and clutch master cylinders, clutch and thrust bearing

Recon speedo

Rear brakes overhauled

Noisy in 1st gear



Engine # 12VEH453966

Spare parts and  workshop manuals are available


Kind Regards

Andy and Karen Ewins

Flaggies required! Sunday 20 March

Gates to Mallala open 7:30. Flaggies need to be at scrutineering shed by 8:30 for briefing. Cars on the track from 9:00. Lunches will be provided for all Flaggies along with an invitation to participate in the parade laps. Lunch time is approximately midday depending on events timing. Competition will finish by 4:30.


Pat Miller.

Any questions can be referred to me 

Pat Miller


from the msca sa

Good evening all,

Your club is on the roster for flagging duties for the first round of the super sprint series for 2022, on Sunday March 20th. Please make your members aware of this, as the support of your members is what will allow this event to go ahead. 

Please let me know by COB Friday March 11th who you be assisting on the day, by providing me with their name and email address. 

Your support is very much appreciated.


Michelle Edwards

MSCA Secretary 

ABD magazine link

Dear All British Day Supporter, 

Since All British Day has been cancelled, we are unable to physically distribute the programme as we do every year. This year, we have worked hard to compile the best programme, which contains stories and information that are too good not to be distributed to our supporters.  The Committee has decided to distribute the program digitally via our website by clicking here

Kind Regards, 
Jamie Sandford-Morgan 
ABD President

Sports Car Cruise – Wrap up

From Pat Miller…

A few pictures from our sports car cruise along the coast. A completely stunning turnout of mouthwatering cars. The largest number of cars we have ever had at any cruise. The weather could not have been better. There were a lot of people along much of the route enjoying the spectacle.

A huge thank you to all who were able to be there and make the event a success.

Pix Pat Miller and Robin Dunk

Summer beach sports car cruise – Saturday 12 February

The weatherman is promising an ideal afternoon / evening for a sports car cruise along our beautiful metropolitan coast. Our stating point will be the Brighton railway station car park, western side off Cedar ave. The drive will be basically following the coastline all the way through to the marina off Lady Gowerie  drive. Basically an Adelaide car posing tradition. There are a number of eating places there and  I can recommend the fish and chip shop. Detailed route maps will be handed out at the starting point.

Gathering time 5 :15 for a 5: 45 departure. The run is approximately 30 km and should take 1 hour. Due to the uncertainty of our Covid environment we have not sent invitations to all of the car clubs but please feel free to invite any interested friends. While it is great if you can come in a sports car or clubman don’t be afraid to roll up in your daily driver and enjoy the comradery.  Sunset on this day  is 8:11 pm.

Further info contact Pat Miller 0421289706. Email

Reminder Meeting Monday 7th February

The Sprite Club is ready for Monday the 7th of February which will be our first General Meeting for 2022. Fullarton Park Centre, 411 Fullarton Rd, Fullarton, from 7:30pm

Hopefully the wheels won’t fall off this year!

Over the break the Committee has been busy putting together a calendar of events for 2022, plus adding some interesting events for later in the year celebrating our 50th year. Find out more about these events at the meeting.

Also if you have a Club Registered vehicle time is running out to have your Log Book and rego papers stamped, as your Membership and rego will have expired on the 31st December 2021.

If you are attending there are a number of COVID-19 requirements you need to be aware of. These include:

• Do not attend the Centre if you are experiencing cold and flu like symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, and/or shortness of breath
• Practice physical distancing where possible, stay 1.5m apart
• Wash hands or use sanitiser provided when entering and exiting the premises.
• Maintain appropriate personal hygiene practices (especially covering coughs and sneezes).

Wanted 2 post hoist

I am looking for a 2 Post 240 v Hoist . I have a 4 post Tuff Lift that works , but I have issues with the drive through clearance as my car trailer is so wide and a slight height issue .

Any help from club members would be great .

Thanks Grant Stephenson0428 858 046

For Sale

1966 MG Midget MKII- Extensive history. Well, looked after

MG Midget, history previous owner 2003 restoration Panels replaced resprayed, well looked after.
2020, refurbishment carried out.• Brakes, New Disc rotors, pads, new pipes, hoses, rear wheel cylinders, recon Master cylinders by PBR• Gearbox front seal replaced, Colin Dodds• New Chrome Wire Wheels, and Tyres• New Front Splined hubs, front suspension bushes, wheel bearings, recondition Shockers• Rear new Axles and splined, wheels bearing and seals. serviced Shockers• Panhard rod fitted• 1100 engine, new Head gasket and oil seals, Timing chain.• Gas struts fitted to Bonnet• Interior, new carpet, Leather Seats out of an MGF, inertia real seat belts overall car is going to turn heads!

Roof and Tonneau cover is tear free and in good condition.
The body is very straight with a couple chrome imperfections front and rear Bumpers bumper. 

This MG Midget drives and runs beautifully, strong mechanically, great on the road.

Currently on Historic / club rego.
A perfect affordable and reliable Sunday drive!
Located in Bahamas Grove West Lakes, Adelaide

Asking offers around $ 27,000

0400296046 or

Urgent Update – Monte Carlo ’Pancake’ Cruise

To avoid any confusion due to our predicted inclement weather, the Monte Carlo pancake cruise will proceed as planned. The gathering points and departure times are as listed below.

  1. Firle on Glynburn rd shopping centre north eastern corner departure time 9:00 am look for Don Cardone.

2. Elizabeth shopping centre car park Phillip Highway exit. Departure time 9:00am.                                 

3. Marion shopping centre car park just north of Diagonal rd exit. Departure time 9:05 am look for Grant Stevenson.

 4. Tea Tree Plaza next to MacDonalds . departure time 8:45 look for my red Falcon ute.

 If you live close to Semaphore you may wish to drive directly to the foreshore car park entrance immediately north of Noonies restaurant. 

If you are the only car at a departure point at departure time do not wait leave for Semaphore at the prescribed time.

 A pancake morning tea will be provided with toppings and paper plates etc please bring your own drinks,cups, a chair or rug, sun screen. 

You will be able to by coffees etc from Noonies restaurant at Semaphore. 

Everything going to plan should  result in everyone being at Semaphore just after 9:30 am at which time a decision will be made weacther to stay at Semaphore or drive on to Marque Restorations  corner of Torrens Rd and Goodall ave in Kilkenny. 

 Regards Pat Miller 0421289706 email

Update – Monte Carlo ’Pancake’ Cruise

Club members attending the Monte Carlo Pancake cruise on Sunday morning next might be concerned about the weather forecast, it is not good at this stage.

Plan B is that we will all gather at the semaphore beach car park as planned.

If the weather is too awful Gerard has generously offered us the use of  Marque Restorations workshop, (corner of Torrens rd and Goodall ave about 15min from Semaphore ), as a venue to facilitate our pancake morning tea.  

It is not too late to let me know if you still would like to attend.

Pat Miller

Mob 0421289706 email

Clubbies SA

We are 21 years old

The Birthday Brunch Sue-Anne and I have developed a menu which is attached as a pdf. Although it is a buffet, it will be served as you come up to the food station, in accordance with current COVID19 requirements. Sue-Anne says no one will go away hungry – the new Churros will be a treat.

DATE – Sunday 21st November 2021 TIME – 9.30am to 11.30 am AREA – Restaurant as a private area. GUEST COUNT – 75 guests maximum SET UP – In the Restaurant we have set up 5 tables of 5 guests; 2 Tables of 20 & 1 table of 10. Guests will need to book whole tables of 5 (if they wish) & the other tables will be shared tables. Please advise guests “first in best dressed”!! They can call my mobile number to book. If I am unable to answer due to service times then I’m happy for them to leave a voice message & I will return their call. MENU – Staff serviced Buffet Breakfast. $42 Menu attached. DRINKS – Urn set up for Tea & Coffee for guests to help themselves. Any espresso coffees will be purchased separately. Jugs of juice on the tables along with water bottles.
Sue-Anne Badawee T 8337 2888 M 0418 846 256
The space is limited – book as soon as you can. I have got my 2 seats already! I need to book the place out to celebrate our success over the years.

In case it is not clear, the person you ring to book & pay for a place or a table at the Rezz for the ClubbiesSA 21st, is Sue Badawee – not me.
Sue-Anne Badawee T 8337 2888 M 0418 846 256

Hard to believe that our group is 21 years this year. Where has it all gone? I started the group because someone said i could read & write and talk to people, so why don’t I start a group of Clubbie people to get together.

So that’s what I did.

So, as you can see from the attached pdf file of the first two meetings & the attendance book signatures, we had our first meeting of the various characters I had got to hear of, heard of, or had raced with at Mallala, to meet at Dave & Di Palmers winery at Skillogalee. Dave was building a Westy very, very slowly as he was building the winery business.
It was a very hot day, in the 40+ degrees C, and Skillogalee is a long way on hot mostly straight bitumen, with minimal corners – roasting. Not ideal clubbie driving weather. The water & shelter Dave provided when we got there was lifesaving! Yet the hottest part of the day was still to come.

And what about the Bennet boys, Malcom & Stephen in their Clubbie. Had driven all the way from just outside Mildura in the heat just to be with us. Tough in the country. And after lunch, were driving back again in the roasting heat.

It was a great lunch with more water than their famous wines consumed, I think. Again, so hot even in the outside shade  that the butter was melting in the butter dishes. Still, a fabulous special lunch and much enjoyed by all.

It was a great start to getting many people together who may have only spoken on the phone or very early email/web discussions. The comments are indicative of the great day had by all. 

I had met Paul & Ruth Doube by chance in a street, just driving in my Clubbie. He ran out into the road and stopped me and said he had always wanted to build one, so I invited him to the event that was happening. They turned up at Skillogalee in their Ford Capri (the one outsider on the day) and spent the time talking to everyone.

Paul drove my car home (in the scorching heat) whilst my wife Liz & Ruth went back in the air conditioned Capri. Did I mention it was hot!

What a great start.

I included our second gathering notes at Akhira with Lyn & Robert in April 2001 where 20 people turned up. Another great day.
I kept an attendance record for maybe a couple of years at various gatherings and it is interesting to remember the dates and things we did.
A few years later, I started the concept of a Third Sunday (copied from the Lotus First Sunday run that several of us used to go on) at Burnside Village. This went on for several years until their re development and too many Toorak Tractors crowding into their space. Lovely space but the redevelopment moved us out.

Next, a brief year or so just up Greenhill Road and Devereux Road intersection till we outgrew the space and finally after a long search, to the Rezz. Over the last 12 years or so, Fred & Sue-Anne have been great hosts and generous in their support and sponsor ship with gifts for lucky draws at Christmas and other times. Importantly, it has been a safe space for our cars to be parked, easy to keep an eye on and importantly, coffee (and toilets).

So far, I have handed out about 170 membership key rings over the years. I have seen member and their cars come and go as their interest changes, and sadly, I have seen several friend “shuffle off this mortal coil”
As ClubbiesSA developed, together we have done great things from Mike Laws and Warren Scarman with the first Clubbie Nats in Echucca, to Mike Laws, Warren Scarman, Barry Edson, Paul Doube, Simon Gigney and myself organising the 2007 and 2011 Nationals in Hahndorf and Tanunda, and Alastair Dow, Phil Coates, Dion Schulz and myself delivering the 2019 Nationals, again at Hahndorf. The SA Nats are the best attended in Australia, with over 100 cars each time.
We now have first and third Sunday gatherings which cater for those both north and south and keeps the connections going in the group. And each month, it is highly likely that a new car or potential member may turn up with a car that we may not have known about. Whatever, they are always welcome.

So to the Anniversary lunch on the 21st November. I would like to celebrate the day with as many cars as possible so that we can get some great photos our our members cars outside the new Rezz. Fred says that for this day, we can park as tightly as possible on the grass up to the edge of the Hotel, where we now normally sit in the sun. This should give us some great picture opportunities.

Many of us are members of the Sprite Club and I am asking them if they would like to join with us on the day with their cars so their is a great display of cars.

Enjoy the attachments.

By the way, if anyone has got some access to some sponsorship dollars or give aways, I want to run some lucky draws for attendees, contact me.



Five Degrees of Retardation, or the joys of changing the carburettors

A great article from Robin Dunk

What a different 5 degrees makes. 5 degrees of ignition retard and the engine in my Midget finally came to life but what a journey to get this point.

Last year I installed a ‘fast road cam’ and a fully ported and polished cylinder head from a well-respected local cam grinder along with some other bits and tricks to extract a wee bit more power from the mighty 1275 A Series. My goal was in the region of 80hp or there abouts, a nice 15hp or roughly 25%  gain over standard. After pulling the engine out to install the new cam (not sure if this is just a 1275 A-Series thing but the engine needs to be inverted to replace the camshaft) and replacing all manner of hidden atrocities that the previous owner (or his mechanic) had failed to rectify, I was ready to tune it and take it for a test run.

I set the advance up as per recommendations and off up the road I went. It sounded a wee bit meatier but there was never the urge or the rolling sound that I expected. To be honest, it was flat in the critical 2000-3500 band. It briefly cam alive around 3500 but below that, nothing.

It was suggested the standard HS2 pair wasn’t feeding the beast it’s new dietary needs. That made sense to me. After a fair bit of searching various online markets I found a pair of HS4 off a 67 MGB and pair from a 79/80 Spitfire (or a 79 Midget), plus a few random strays of different sizes (need a pair of H1 for your Mk1 Sprite – I know someone who has a set he will gladly sell!). Note, the MGB ones I knew came off a working car so logically, I didn’t tackle them first. I rebuilt the late model HS4 with the ball bearing pistons. Mistake #2. 

I’ll come to Mistake #1 later.

That said, the lessons I learned from re-bushing the first pair carbs, the additional tools I’ve acquired etc has been invaluable.

Mistake #3 was my not pushing back against Moss for a major part that they sold me. HS4 needs a different manifold as the stud pattern is different. The suggestions I had was (a) cut and shut an MGB manifold (technically challenging), buy a Maniflow manifold (issue – availability) or Moss had a very neat manifold available on their website from Mangelosti, a known manufacturer of high quality racing intakes. The answer seemed logical. When it arrived, I read a warning on the packaging that didn’t appear on the Moss website. It stated that ‘some modification to body work may be required’. I should have sent it back immediately but I hung my hope on the words ‘may be’. I should have sent it back! The carburettors hit the inner guard and the car lay immobile for another month as I found and bought (and then had fixed) Option 2, the Maniflow manifold.

If you haven’t heard of Maniflow they make some of the best intake and exhaust manifolds in the business. The business grew out of Downton Engineering and, for A and B series engines, they have a great reputation. However …. they were heavily effective by COVID19 with their manufacturing program being at a very reduced capacity. And, there is one chap in the company who makes the Midget one. Anyway, the new, very sexy manifold duly arrived via SU Midel and I quickly switched everything across and, very excitedly, fitted the manifold. I was like a kid in a toy shop who had been looking through the windows for years. Mistake #4. In my haste to turn fuel and air into wonderful noise, I didn’t put a straight edge over the manifold. I trusted that, as the manufacturer of perhaps the best A Series intake manifolds anywhere, that it would be right. It wasn’t. The head faces where not flat and the faces were not parallel. Once it finally started (with three full turns on the jets and the chokes all the way down) it went to 4000+ revs on start-up and died. The air leaks were massive. I thought it was just air leaks…

By now the carbs have been removed four times and it just got worse. I went through everything trying to close the manifold leaks. New stepped washers, different gasket, gasket goop (we are up to six times on and off now, in case someone is counting). Out of frustration, I ring my brother and bounce ideas off him. Put a straight edge across it and shine a light up and see if its flat he suggests. Sure enough … a call to SU Midel, supplied them photos and they offered me to wait for the guy at Maniflow to get back off leave (and sea freight) or have it repaired. They quickly arranged for the manifold to go around to a local race mechanic and he agreed with my call on the manufacturing (phew) and resurfaced it. Back it came and, like that kid in the toy shop again, I rapidly re-assembled the manifold and installed it all.

Side note – by the 7th re-fit I can now install a set of SUs pretty quickly by now.

Everything was set and ready to go and it all should work right? Yeah …… no. Yes, it idled, kind of, but it wouldn’t drop under 1500 rpm. Mistake #2 was coming back to haunt me. The carburettors where off a Midget 1500 or a Trumpy Spitfire Mk5 (FZX1122). Why did I chose these to rebuild? Mainly because of the low profile ‘HIF’ style vacuum chambers were never going to hit the bonnet – Midgets have a severe lack of room under the bonnet! What I didn’t know was that the 1500 Triumph engine also uses a very different cam profile on the choke cams and the throttle quadrants. Now, in my defence, I wrote to SU Carbs (Burlen Fuels) in the UK to make sure my rebuild parts list was correct before ordering and I think they missed the part where I said it was for a conversion to a 1275 A Series. As a result, it was never, ever, going to idle under 1500 rpm as the cams hold the throttle discs too far open, even with no idle adjustment and no fast idle screws. 

Oh – the carbs have now come of another two times as I’ve been trying to resolve this and the used gasket count has been spiralling, but at least I’m not destroying exhaust gaskets, only the SU ones at $2 a pop (x6). Don’t do the maths, its depressing!

So, as I stood, beer in hand, contemplating giving up and refitting the original HS2s and going back on the road with my tail between my legs I remembered the early MGB ones. Has to be worth a shot I thought? The throttle shafts were heavily worn but by now my tool chest includes a neat oversize throttle spindle reamer from Joe Curto at British Superior and one set of his oversized (and over priced) shafts. Within 30 minutes and no more than a hand drill I had installed two brand new shafts, perfectly aligned the both carbies where finished. I refitted the low profile ‘HIF Style’ vacuum chambers, and in doing so made Mistake #5. The engine started, it idled, it behaved and using a pair of Colortunes I kind of got the mixture right and I rejoiced. Finally, off out onto the open road and up the old road to Belair, my favourite road for tuning the car. It was absolutely gutless and totally gut wrenching. Terrible doesn’t begin to describe it. The rockers where clattering like they were about to explode, there was some sort of fumes coming from the bonnet at the lights and the temperature was off the scale. 

Mistake #2 was still plaguing me and now Mistake #1 really kicked in. So I headed onto every Australian A Series forum I could find. It had to be the damned cam shaft and I was already devising ways to get the cam out without pulling the engine.  At about 9 o’clock on Sunday night I struck gold. Someone could identify the camshaft and gave me the cam grinders name and email address. So, I wrote to him. Checked my emails all Monday and was getting pretty frustrated when, at 5.30, the phone rang. It was Graham Russell, the chap who ground the cam. A quick chat over the phone and he basically sorted out my issues, corrected the last part of Mistake #2 and, most importantly, resolved Mistake #1 in about 30 seconds. 

The last part of #2 was the use of the HIF style vacuum chambers. They use the SU ‘B’ style spring for which the softest is the Red (4.5 oz tension) spring. I needed the lighter Blue (2.5 oz) as the vacuum wasn’t strong enough to lift the pistons. So, the MGB vacuum chambers where fitted and miracle, they clear the bonnet – just. Voila, I’m getting full movement in both pistons.

Which brings me to Mistake #1. The root cause of everything. When the cam came, the shop I bought it from gave me the advice to ‘set it as per the book for a standard cam’. So, I grabbed the book, got the timing details and set it all up. Here’s the rub. I have three versions of the workshop manual. A large folder of photocopy sheets of a 1971 British Leyland workshop manual, one of the first editions of the Haymes manual that I picked up for free in an op shop and the current version of the Haymes manual. The new one was on the top of the pile so I used that. It said use 13 degrees before top dead centre at 1000 rpm, vacuum disconnected. I couldn’t get it to run at 13 as every time I turned it off it ran on, but at 12 degrees it ran. I’ve been using that setting for exactly 12 months. Well, the book has a misprint – the timing should be 4-8 degrees BTDC. I backed if off on the vernier the full way (5 degrees) back to somewhere in the 7-8 region and the car cam alive. The engine note deepened, the power came on early, the engine ran cooler. Up the road to Belair it was pulling out of corners in 3rd where previously I felt I needed to get out an push in second. For 12 months its run like a woolly goat and it may well have run ok on the original HS2, but I’ll never know. 

Somewhere along the line, Haymes have attempted to make the manual look a bit tidier and easier to read and in doing so they’ve printed the wrong data. Six degrees of separation? I’ll take five degrees of ignition retardation any day!

Sprite Club Monte Carlo ‘Pancake’ Cruise Sunday 14 November

A reminder for the Sprite Club Monte Carlo pancake Cruise, Sunday morning November 14th

Food provided and a possible trophy.

4 departure gathering points.

  1. Firle on Glynburn rd shopping centre north eastern corner departure time 9:00 am look for Don Cardone.

2. Elizabeth shopping centre car park Phillip Highway exit. Departure time 9:00am.                                

3. Marion shopping centre car park just north of Diagonal rd exit. Departure time 9:05 am look for Grant Stevenson.

4. Tea Tree Plaza next to McDonalds. departure time 8:45 look for my red Falcon ute.

If you live close to Semaphore you may wish to drive directly to the foreshore car park entrance immediately north of Noonies restaurant. 

A pancake morning tea will be provided with toppings and paper plates etc please bring your own drinks, cups, a chair or rug, sun screen.

You will be able to by coffees etc from Noonies restaurant at Semaphore. 

For catering purposes if you have not already done so, please let Pat know you are coming and how many people you will have in tow.

Ph 82511174 mob 0421289706 email

All British Day 2022 – Reminder

Hi please find below a reminder from the ABD organising committee

Dear All British Day Entrant,

As Spring is still sorting itself out if we will see sunshine or rain, it has been very pleasing to see healthy numbers of entries coming in either via our website and our PO Box. It certainly confirms in our minds that many British vehicle owners want to make the trip to Echunga next February.

We do not know yet what COVID related restrictions or conditions will apply next February, but it does seem to appear that as a nation we are working towards reducing some of the restrictions that have kept us and events at bay for the last 12 plus months.

2022 will be the first year that we intend to stage five feature display over both Ovals. Focusing onboth the diverse and wide range of British Vehicles that have contributed much to Australia’shistory.

British Working Wheels

120 Years of Norton Motor bikes

120 Years of Triumph Motor Bikes

100 Years of the Baby Austin 7

60 Years of the E Type Jaguar

The above categories are reasonably self-explanatory, as to the vehicles that would be eligible to enter.

Possibly British Working wheels may need some further explanation as this category a bit broad. This category is intended to be inclusive of the wide and diverse range of British vehicles that were put to work and played their part in Australia’s past:

Push bikes, small motorbikes (for postal use etc) larger motorbikes, possibly with side cars as used by the government departments and for road-side service.

British cars of all shapes and sizes have been used as company cars down the years

British cars have also had a role in Commonwealth departments

British vans and trucks, tractors, utes and other commercial vehicles have also played an important role in private enterprise, government and the military

If you feel your pride and joy may be a good ambassador for British Working Wheels, please nominate this via our online form by nominating ABD Feature Club 2 as the club to park with. We are looking to try and get a good cross section of vehicles.

As a committee we are looking forward to the event. I know many club members are keen to catch up. To those of you who have already lodged your entry thank you.

To those who intend to enter and still have this job on the “to do list” could I please ask that you


to ensure you do not miss out as entries close on 1/11/2021 (Which is only two weeks away).

Kind Regards,

Jamie Sandford-Morgan

President All British Day

McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2022

Just letting you know that entry details for the 2022 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic on April 3rd are now available on the website.

 Entry can be completed by using the following link
The entry fee is $30 per vehicle.  Once you have submitted your on-line entry do not forget to make the payment into our account through your Internet Banking facility or post us a cheque.  Your entry cannot be processed until this payment is received.  An email acknowledging receipt of your entry and payment will be sent.

The 2022 event will again be conducted in accordance with the COVID restrictions at the time and we ask that you respect any decisions, and directions that the organising committee are required to put in place.
Our committee is working hard to ensure that the 2022 event is conducted in a safe manner and is able to be enjoyed by all.Looking forward to seeing you on April 3rd
RegardsTrevor SharpChairmanMcLaren Vale Vintage & Classic EventPhone:  0415 820

Sports Car Cruise – Update!

Unfortunately I will be unable to organise a sports car cruise on Oct 16 th as had been planned. Please cross this one off your calendar.  However there will be a cruise with a few variations on SUNDAY Nov 14th. This time we will endeavour to incorporate aspects of cruising with our missed display day and a morning tea.

In an effort to make the day as easy as possible for everyone to join in there will be 4 starting points and one finishing point, that being the Semaphore beach car park, second entrance north of Fort Granville. (Don’t get collected by the little steam train ) In order to secure a reasonably compact  gathering of cars we will need to arrive at Semaphore around 9:30 /10:00am.

It is envisaged that club members will meet at the following 4 locations and travel in convoy to Semaphore arriving pretty much at the same time.

1 For eastern suburbs residences, Firle shopping centre north eastern corner adjacent to Glynburn Rd. Distance to destination 24km est travel time 43 min depart Firle at 9:0 am.

2 Northern suburbs residents, Elizabeth shopping centre car park near the Phillip Hwy exit. Distance to destination 26.5 km. est travel time 42 min depart Elizabeth at 9:0 am. 

3 Southern suburbs residents. Marion shopping centre car park just north of diagonal rd exit 300m north of diagonal rd Sturt rd intersection. Distance to destination 22 km. est travel time 40 min depart 9:05 AM.

4 North east residents. Tea Tree Plaza car park just outside McDonalds parking area Distance to destination 21.7 km. est travel time 45 min. depart 8;45 I would like this group, including yours truly, to arrive at Semaphore early to help set up BBQ etc. 

It is possible you may be the only car at any of these departure points so don’t wait past the departure time.

5 People living in the Semaphore area may wish to drive direct to the car park.

We will be looking for departure point leaders just to make sure everyone leaves on time.

To incorporate morning tea at Semaphore we would ask everyone to bring what ever they would like to drink with them including cups. There is a café in the car park (Noonies) who do make a very nice coffee.

The plan is to have a couple of BBQ hot plates on hand and mass produce enough pancakes to feed everyone along with a range of pancake spreads ie jam honey etc. 

As with all sports car cruises there will be a trophy for the most appealing car and the car with the best patina as decided by an elite panel of discerning judges.

It may be wise to bring a chair or a rug and even a sun shade, sun screen,  if needed.

While you may not have a sprite ( yours is not running) or another special interest car to bring to the show please come anyway and enjoy the morning. 

For catering reasons please do your best to let me know if you are coming and how many people will be with you .

Pat Miller 0421289706 . 82511174  email,

MSCA SA – October Meeting at the Bend

The MSCA super sprint to be held on October 31 at The Bend east circuit will require more flaggies than are required for Mallala. If you could help out on the day would you please notify MSCA secretary Murray Stephenson email It is a good opportunity to get close to the action and your help will be very much appreciated.

The final  Super Sprint meeting for 2021 will be at Mallala on SATURDAY Nov 27.

Any questions re the above please phone Pat Miller 0421289706 or email

Annual Dinner Info – Dietary REQUIREMENTS

Please find below the banquet menu for Saturdays nights Annual Dinner.

Please have a look at the menu, mostly gluten free but if you have other dietary requirements can you please let me know ASAP 0419802163

Also there will be a limited amount of sponsored wine and soft drinks available on the night. When they run out there will be a system in place to purchase any extra at your own expense.

Please do not arrive before 6:30, 41 George Street, Parkside 5063, due to covid restrictions and BYO mask for moving around the venue when not seated.


Mallala 60th Anniversary

Anyone interested in entering the Mallala 60th anniversary 2 day meeting will need to get their entry in quickly. At the time of writing there are only 43 starts available and that is for Saturday Aug 28 only. Entry is via the Mallala website. Entry fee is discounted to MSCA members by quoting  MSCA60TH on the promo code in the entry form. I have looked for sup regs I believe they are not yet released.


Pat Miller


Sprite Nationals 2022 hosted by the Sprite Car Club of Australia

Please find attached the Newsletter Number 1 which asks some pertinent questions of our membership which will assist in the planning of the 2022 Nationals.

Please find the letter for download below

PS – Can you please let Chris Brine or Gordon Boyce know your interest in the 2022 Sprite Nationals either:

  1. Attending the 2022 Sprite Nationals.
  1. Attending the 2022 Sprite Nationals and wishing to participate in motorsport events

If you could let us know by 28th June we can send a combined response from SA.

URGENT Re-Union / Re-Visited Dinner Incorporating Stars and their Cars

URGENT Re-Union / Re-Visited Dinner Incorporating Stars and their Cars

17 April at Sporting Car Club clubrooms

Text Box: *** But if you haven’t done so, now is the time to RSVP for everyone planning to attend this club event.   RSVP to :
It’s the only way we can handle catering numbers.
Thanks to all those members who have responded.

*** But if you haven’t done so, now is the time to RSVP for everyone planning to attend this club event.   RSVP to :

It’s the only way we can handle catering numbers.

All you need to know:

Date:               Saturday 17 April 2021

Venue:            Sporting Car Club at 51 King William Road Unley

Time:               6.30pm for 7pm

Cost:    $40ph  Note if the Club is holding your payment for our cancelled “Namaste” dinner you do NOT have to pay twice.


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 20-743-2628

Peter Hall 6 hour Relay

MSCA Peter Hall Memorial 6 hour Regularity Relay which will be run on Sunday 2nd May 2021.

Supplementary Regulations are up on the MSCA website., entries are open and to be lodged through the Motorsport Australia Entry System.

Please get a team or two organised and come and enjoy the day with us this year, alternatively contact Pat Miller for Team info for the Red Heifers.  Unfortunately due to COVID-19 restrictions, NO DINNER will be held on Sunday night but presentation will be conducted about 6:00pm on Sunday 2nd May 2021.  Mallala Motorsport Park will have a practice day for cars only on Saturday 1st May 2021.  Cost not included in entry.  Refer to home page of the MSCA website sight for booking details.  Scrutineering will be done via the MA Self-Scrutineering Checklist & MA Self Statement of Vehicle Compliance which need to be submitted with the COVID-19 checklist & Mallala Waiver forms to prior to entering.  Form B’s which are available on our website need to be submitted by the Team Manager.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information by emailing msca on

Judy & Russell’s Hills Face Roaming

Sprite Club Mid-Week Run Wed 17th March.

Club members at Hazelwood Park, beautiful autumn morning, Covid sign in done. Time for briefing, great news no traffic lights at all.

11 cars, 4 Sprites, 2 MG Midgets, 1 MX5,1 Golf Convertible,1 Tigra,1 Saab,1Jazz and Chris & Tina met us for lunch.

We crossed the Hill Face, through back streets, on and off the SE Freeway, Mt Lofty, Old Norton Summit, Teringie. Morning Tea spot Morialta Park. Marble Hill road and on to Scenic Hotel for lunch.

67 Kilometres of winding roads, great views across the Valleys and the City skyline to the beaches beyond. 

Great Run notes, a couple of missed turns and a road closure all made for a happy group of Sprites and others.

Lunch in the Beer Garden at the Scenic Hotel, under new owners delivered great meals.

Once again Russell & Judy organised a great run  lots of twists and  turns, with some roads not travelled, it takes time and effort to keep coming up interesting runs for us to enjoy.

Gary Brock thanked them both for another great day.

Dianne Low.

Entries Open 2021 B2B

Registrations for the 2021 Bay to Birdwood, one of the world’s great historic motoring events, are now open. Click on the link below to register your vehicle and be one of the participants on Sunday 26 September

“The Bay to Birdwood’s new shape – celebrating all eras of historic motoring – was successfully ‘road-tested’ last year and this will be the new look for the Bay to Birdwood from hereon in,” said the Bay to Birdwood Chair, Michael Neale. “It is an iconic event, part of the fabric of the nation and we are really proud to present it here in South Australia every year.”

This year’s event will follow in the footsteps of 2020’s with a COVID-safe environment to keep all participants and spectators safe. It will again be a showcase of motoring history, with vehicles from all decades – antique, veteran, vintage and post war/early classic, classic, post classic and modern up to 31 December 1991. Due to current regulations, participation is restricted to 1400 vehicles (this may change as the event gets closer).Register online ASAP as places will fill fast.

Over Covid – 14 March – Lenswood Oval

Reminder to all Club members of the Over Covid Festival on this Sunday 14th March.

Live bands, food, wine, stalls and the Classic Car Display.

Club member Garry Beaton has been instrumental in organising a fund-raising event for the Adelaide Hills communities that have been through many challenges for the past two years – bushfires, COVID, varying fruit crops, etc

The Sprite Club has been invited to participate this event, we’d like to see as many cars as we can get up to the Lenswood oval .

Also there will be a “Most Appealing Car” award, voted by the public.

Garry provided the following information for club members…

As mentioned as many Sprite, Clubmans or any classic vehicle will be most welcome . NO admission charge for the cars and their passengers,  we would like all vehicles there between 10 -11am and they can leave between the band changes approx 1.5 hrs advise if any further info required we need to have an idea of attendee numbers for  covid marshalls and also advise all car owners to have their log books as we have police on site.

Please advise of attendance at or Gordon Boyce


General Meeting Monday 1 March

Don’t forget there is a General Meeting at the Fullarton Park Centre, 411 Fullarton Rd, Fullarton, from 7:30 for *pm start. Covid safe plans in place

All Historic at Mallala, 17th & 18th April

Hi Folks….please find attached our invite to your club to attend our event in April. I realise that this is fairly short notice however please consider joining us….it’s a great family day.Entries are now open on the SCC website.For further info please call me on 0408 277380….show and shine is specifically for cars however we will have display areas for bikes as well.Kind RegardsGraham Boulter(Chairman of Historic Racing Register of the Sporting Car Club of SA.)

McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic 18th April entries close 26 October

Wanted to Buy


I am a genuine buyer looking for a AH Sprite Mk1 (Bugeye).

I’m after a turnkey car in reasonable condition – just hop in and cruise with the Sprite Club, Coffee ‘n’ Chrome or even drive to work.

Ideally I would like a South Australian car, but an interstate purchase could be an option.

Please contact me on 0418815196 or

Thanks in advance.


Flaggies – The Bend

Message received by Pat Miller, and will be benefit to club members who have volunteered to flag on the weekend.

If there are any other club members who would like to join them it is not too late. Just contact Murray Stephenson email address included.

Greetings All,

Thank you for volunteering to help as a flaggy at the Super Sprint on Sunday 28 February at The Bend West circuit. The event would not happen without you.

Thank you to Alfa Romeo, MX-5, Sprite, BMW, Nissan Datsun and MG Car Clubs.

Could you please respond to let me know this has been received so I can follow up any that go missing.

As part of our COVID compliance measures there will be no face to face briefings for officials.

Attached are the flaggies briefing notes which I ask that you read before the event. There may still be some briefing over the radio once you are in position.

Also attached is The Bend waiver which you need to print, sign and have witnessed. Then bring it on Sunday and hand it in at the gate. 

Please bring both documents with you.

You will need to pick up a radio and safety vest in garage 1 on Sunday morning. Garage 1 is at the North end of the main building.

Please find attached a list of volunteers for Sunday with your allocation listed in the Comments column.

If you have any issues please let me know. 

If for any reason you are unable to come on the day, or think beforehand that you may not make it, it is vital that you notify your club delegate and me immediately. Under COVID restrictions we have only signed up the minimum numbers so any withdrawals will be an issue.

Bring the usual things for flagging, chair, coat, hat, drinks, snacks, sunscreen?, etc. There will be sanitizer and wipes on site.

You will receive lunch as usual which will be served in garage 1 near form up. 

The gates will open at 0730 and close at 0900. Please report to garage 1 by 0815 ready to pick up your radio, vest and go. You can take a car to all points via “the moat” which is a dirt track outside the main concrete wall. Turns 1 to 6 travel clockwise (north) and 7 to 12 anti clockwise (south). Note that all flag bunkers are on the outside of the track, just some turn numbers are shown on the infield.


Murray Stephenson

Secretary, MSCA

Mobile: 0419 565 970


Classic Sports Car Cruise.

Date   Saturday March 6th.

Time   4:30 pm for chat and checkout for a 5:00 pm departure. Sunset on the day is 7.46 pm

Start     Windy point car park upper level.


Drive down Belaiir Road.

Turn left onto Springbank Road.

Turn left onto Goodwood Road. Centennial Pk cemetery on your right.

Follow on to Fiveash Drive continue on Ayliffes Road. Parklands on your left. A good area to bunch up a little.

Carefully follow the signs to get onto the new southern expressway. If we miss here we may be lost in the labyrinth and never be seen again.

Follow the expressway for approximately 15 km. Vere left for the turnoff onto Beach road.

Turn right and head west onto Beach Road over the bridge.

Drive along Beach road for 1.3 Km cross over Dyson Road.

Proceed a further 0.5 Km along Beach Road and pull into Woolworths car park.

There will be a short presentation for the most appealing car and the car with the best patina as decided by our somewhat fickle judging panel.

People wishing to make an evening of it may wish to visit many of the eating places available in the Port Noarlunga area. Unfortunately, none of them have parking space for large numbers of cars in one area. I am reliably informed the Port Noarlunga fish shop is a good place to eat.

As usual all drivers are responsible for the roadworthiness of their cars and adherence to the rules of the road.

We welcome any and all sports cars. clubmans and specials to join us on the drive.

No club memberships are required.

Any further info Ph Pat Miller 0421289706 email

Ken’s article for North Norfolk Classic Vehicle Club

I have attached an article I was asked to write it by the editor of the “North Norfolk Classic Vehicle Club” in the county of Norfolk,England.

A friend of mine called Bob who lives in Norfolk mentioned to him that he had a friend in Australia who was involved in classic cars.

Editors being editors he thought this could be an opportunity to get a story for his magazine! Bob asked me if I was interested. I thought it might be an interesting thing to do so I agreed to do it.

The article features classic cars I have owned over the years, not everyday family cars. 

I thought it might be suitable to put on the website or email to club members. 

Let me know what you think,

Cheers, Ken.


Flaggies Required – Sprints – The Bend

A good opportunity to check out THE BEND at close quarters. Traditionally the sprite club has helped with flagging at the first meeting of the year usually Mallala this year the meeting will be on the exciting West circuit at THE BEND. Even if you have never flagged before do not be scared to have a go. Any questions Pat Miller 0421289706.

From the MSCA.

Round 1 Super Sprint is scheduled at The Bend on the west circuit on Sunday 28 February.

Nominally the duty flagging clubs are MG, Fiat Lancia, Nissan Datsun and Sprite but they will need input from other clubs.

We will be using nine flag points which requires eighteen volunteers.

COVID requirements continue to apply so I will need to confirm the volunteers before the event and have a list of names, phone and email addresses.

Please ask your clubs for volunteers and send me names and contact details before 21 February. Assuming we have a surplus, I will then confirm the final list.

It would help if they nominate their preferred team mate as well.

Murray Stephenson

Secretary, MSCA

Mobile: 0419 565 970


Australia Day Thong Thowing extravaganza

Only to thank our hosts, Des and Penny for their hospitality, and to assure you that competition in the thong throwing was fierce, made more difficult by the sloping terrain, which made the bucket tilt away from us. After three rounds, the bucket was moved closer and Michael made a perfect shot. Despite the covid restrictions, we all managed to eat well, with a dazzling array of desserts. A very pleasant afternoon all round.

The last photo with the thong in mid-air by the bucket was the winning shot. Cheers Don William

Sprite Club Gelato Run : Saturday 6 February

Join us for a 1 hour, or thereabouts, run around the city & suburbs, finishing for a gelati.

And, if it’s your wish, home before you have to flick the Lucas Switch to light the way.

Meeting Place: Firle Shopping Centre carpark

Glynburn Road, Firle

Time: 5.30pm for a 6pm depart.

Notes available on the day at the Firle Shopping Centre carpark.

Any queries; contact Michael McClaren 0407 399 260

Website Hosting

We’ve just been notified that our website host is closing in a couple of months, if anyone has recommendations of a website hosting service, preferably located in SA, please let me know, cheers Chris

ABD Update

December 2020

Dear All British Day Entrant,
Since I last wrote to you back in September the ABD committee has been looking at ideas and options for celebrating our day and to fill the void left in the calendar by the postponement of the 2021 event. As COVID-19 is still very much with us, and we are still upholding our decision not to hold a physical event in 2021, you may wish to consider getting involved in one or both of the suggestions below.
Your Committee is already planning for the 2022 All British Day at Echunga along the lines of the Club-based picnic day event, and these suggestions are simply put forward as alternatives for 2021 until we resume our usual format.
We are grateful to Tony Heard, the SA Registrar of the Morgan Owners Club of Australia for his suggestion of a VIRTUAL ALL BRITISH DAY which celebrates the continuity of the event. The basic concept is that you, as British vehicle owners, take up to three photos of your pride and joy at your choice of location, with an option of penning up to 100 words and submitting them electronically to us by Friday 26 February.  The entries will be presented on our website and available for all to see and will be subject to judging in one of several categories.
We are aware that a couple of clubs with British marques are already planning a run to the hills on that day for a low-key morning tea or brunch event based on the ‘park, snack and chat’ model, to acknowledge the second Sunday in February as ‘ABD day’. If you or your club decides to follow suit then such an outing could provide the ideal photo opportunity, or perhaps you might prefer a specific backdrop, it is up to you.
Entrants will need to send us an email which includes the basic information according to the rules of entry, details and categories. The photos will be judged, and we will offer prizes. The premise of the virtual day is that every entrant will have at least one of their images included as part of the website gallery, not just randomly selected vehicles as is the usual procedure for the ABD. We are not charging any fees and being totally electronic we feel it is a safe option. To the best of my knowledge this has not been tried before but we are keen to give it a go. Prizes will be in 6 categories for vehicles and 6 categories for bikes. Winners will be notified by 28 March.
If you are you are looking for something different, and more dynamic, there is another option available to you, which I would like to acknowledge our committee member, Paul Venables, for steering this option. ‘The Bend’ Motorsport Park at Tailem Bend is hosting an event called “British at the Bend” on 14 February. This is an event that will be sympathetic to British vehicles and bikes. The Bend have the appropriate Covid Management plan to allow cars and bikes to be put on display and allow public access in accordance with the current health regulations. Indoor dining or even overnight accommodation are options you may also wish to explore. The Bend organizers will make it possible for cars and bikes to do cruise laps and other track options are also possible.  Even if you do not have a track-type vehicle you might like to take a run through the hills ending up at Tailem Bend and have a look around at the complex!
For more information contact or visit
You may even elect to take part in both opportunities and give your car/bike a good run and take photos.
Please keep an eye on our website for new information on both of these great opportunities and stay safe! We fully expect that our postponement of the 2021 Club picnic event is a one-off, and that we will be back at Echunga with a bigger and better All British Day in February 2022.
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford -Morgan  
President All British Day

For Sale 1977 mg midget

1977 mg midget
In good tidy condition
Currently unregistered can be registered if I get my asking price for 3 months
Will need new tyres
Engine runs great
Gear box is great
I recently put a new soft top on it and gave it a service but I has sat for 9 monthsselling due to down sizing my Sprite/midget collection


Please call on 0411867118

Located in Adelaide South Australia

For Sale

Mk3 MK2 parts$90  MK2 sprite roof bows $30
Mk3 roof bows $30
950 motor $250
1100 motor $350
Smooth case gear box $300
Body panels free
Doors good condition $150 each
Boot lid $100
Dash been cut out for radio $50
MK2 mk1 seats $100
Also parting out whole car
Please call me on 0411867118

For Sale

MK-3 1964 / Red paint work / Black inertia  

New hood ,  good tonneau 

1100 motor 80,000 miles  / oil cooler

Front suspension rebuild 2 years ago 

STD Gear box / Disc Wheels / Roll Bar

$16,000  –  $18,000

David 0447-018-947

Spirit Of Sprites

This has been, to say the least, a very challenging year for us all, home work and play…

Not knowing when we’d all be back together again, due to the cancellation of the dinner etc etc etc… we made a decision to hand over a trophy in our care.

Tina and I decided that we’d pass the Tony Bennetto “Spirit of Sprites” trophy onto the Club member we though has done the most to keep the club, informed, functioning and making the tough decisions that had to be made during the year.

Committee members seldom, if ever, get the accolades they deserve and Gordon Boyce our president has done more to keep the spirit of sprites alive for us all loonies who love these little cars in 2020!

Thanks Gordon!

Dinner Cancelled

Hi Everyone, as you probably are already aware due to the current Covid statewide lockdown the dinner planned for Saturday night has been cancelled.

We will endeavour to reschedule the event for early next year, the committee hopes this will suit those who have already paid their deposit.

The December meeting is still obviously in some doubt, more to come on this in the coming week or two.

Dinner Update

In light of the current Covid situation in SA, please take note the following info:

Booking are finalised – the numbers are now closed!

Do not arrive too early! 7pm is the start time, you will have to wait outside until then.

There will be some limited drinks on the Sprite Club, Michael Mclaren and Bentleys – after this there will be an honour system in place and monies collected at the the end of the evening.

We are watching the ever changing situation with Covid restrictions please watch you emails for updates.

Hopefully we’ll see you on Saturday – Stay safe and well

Reminder – Sprite Club Re-Union Re-United Dinner – Namasté Nepalese Restaurant, Parkside

Saturday 21 November . The venue will be at Namaste Restaurant, 41 George Street, Parkside at 7.00pm.

The format will be a catered banquet with an interesting range of dishes for each of the courses. Cost is $40 per head. The meal and drinks will be subsidised by the Sprite Club.

Payment can be made via the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the deposit. Please let Darrel and/or Michael know your coming and paid!

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Dinner Payments on the night, must be prepaid before.

Reminder – Sports Car Cruise – Saturday 14 Nov

14 November   Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – “Northerly Aspect!” departure 

For the first cruise of this season our gathering point will be in Kateena Street, Regency Park, next to the Regency Park Vehicle Inspection Centre.

Gathering from 4:30 PM. Departure time will be at 5:00 PM. and head up the new Northern Connector and Expressway to Gawler, enjoying some different roads and scenery on this new road infrastructure. Any enquiries contact Pat Miller 0421289706.

Can you help?

Hi club members

 We have received a request from Chris Clarke who’s mother is turning 90 in December. The lady used to drive and race a duck egg blue bug eye sprite. Chris would like to find a similar car to pick her mum up on the day as a gesture of past experience. Can any club member help out here if so please ring Chris on 0408034172. May be as a club we could organize a bug eye guard of honour.


 Pat Miller

AGM and PresidEnts report 2020

Please find a copy of the AGM minutes here

Gordon’s presidents report is also available for download

The AGM elected the following members to the committee

At the Sprite Club of SA Annual General Meeting the following were elected to the 2021 Sprite Club Committee.
President: Gordon BoyceSecretary: Ray KinlayTreasurer: Darrel HannaSocial Coordinator: Michael McClaren with assistance of other MembersCompetition Secretary: Pat MillerWeb Master: Chris BrineClubbies SA Representative: Barry EdsonLibrary: Miles JacksonRegalia: Kerry FisherFederation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA Delegate: Don CardoneClub Registration Authorised Officers: Don Cardone and Gordon Boyce
Thanks to all of these people for their assistance with the running of the Sprite Club for the next 12 months. Also Special Thanks to Ken Dutch for his work as Regalia Officer for a number of years, your work with this role has been appreciated and thanks to Kerry Fisher for volunteering for the position – Welcome to the Committee!

Bugeye Burble

2 November     Annual General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

All committee positions will be declared vacant – Help be a part of or choose the Committee for 2021

14 November   Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – “Northerly Aspect!” departure 

For the first cruise of this season our gathering point will be in Kateena Street, Regency Park, next to the Regency Park Vehicle Inspection Centre.

Gathering from 4:30 PM. Departure time will be at 5:00 PM. and head up the new Northern Connector and Expressway to Gawler, enjoying some different roads and scenery on this new road infrastructure. Any enquiries contact Pat Miller 0421289706.

15 November   MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 5 – Mallala Motorsport Park

This competition event will be held at Mallala for the final round of the MSCA Super Sprint Series.

Hoping the weather will provide a fast track for the competitors.  On track action from 10.00am

21 November   Sprite Club Re-Union Re-United Dinner – Namasté Nepalese Restaurant, Parkside

The venue will be at Namaste Restaurant, 41 George Street, Parkside at 7.00pm.

The format will be a catered banquet with an interesting range of dishes for each of the courses. Cost is $40 per head. The meal and drinks will be subsidised by the Sprite Club.

Payment can be made via the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the deposit.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Dinner Payments on the night, must be prepaid before.

7 December      Christmas General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

The Re-Union Re-United Dinner 21 November 2020

21 November 2020 7.00pm

What a year 2020 has been. But, if you want to get back together with other Sprite Club members then The Re-Union Re-United Dinner might be for you. RSVP and mark your diaries NOW!

The venue will be at Namaste Restaurant, 41 George Street, Parkside, so it is quite central.

We will have space to ourselves to enjoy this special night. Numbers will dictate which room.

Our Club has subsidised this evening, as well as drinks we will have a Nepalese Banquet at $40.00 per head.

Everest Banquet

An excellent way to sample the favourite dishes of Namasté, comprising of 4 pieces of entree,

  1. Mixed Entrée 1 piece of each per person

Momo (DF, NF)

Chicken dumpling with ginger, garlic, spring onion and coriander.

Samosa (DF, V, V’n, NF)

Home made pastry triangle filled with vegetables including potatoes, fresh spring onion, peas and coriander.

Phulaura (GF, DF, V, V’n, NF)

Traditional crispy patty prepared from black lentils, chickpea flour, spring onion, spinach & coriander blended in

Nepalese herbs.

Tareko Machha (GF, DF, NF)

Fish marinated in Nepalese herbs and lightly battered with cornflour and mustard oil.

Main Courses

Poleko Khasi / Badami Sekewa (Choice of Tandoori Lamb or chicken) (GF)

 juicy lamb ribs marinated in yoghurt, spices & garam masala, then cooked in the charcoal clay oven.


Tender juicy pieces of chicken fillet, lightly marinated in a creamy yoghurt sauce with ginger, garlic and lemon

juice, enriched with almond paste.

Jhingey ko Tarkari (Prawn Curry) (GF, NF)

Rich King prawn curry infused with the flavours of green chilli, ginger, garlic, garam masala, yoghurt, vinegar

and coconut milk.

Khasiko Masu (Choice of Lamb or Goat) (GF, DF, NF)

Traditionally spiced Nepalese style curry with your choice of tender boneless lamb or goat.

Sekewa Ko Leddoor (Nepalese Butter Chicken) (GF)

Boneless chicken pieces, cooked in the charcoal fired clay oven, then pan simmered in a delicious creamy sauce.


Rayoko Saag (GF, V, NF)

Mustard leaves stir-fried with chilli, cumin seed & a dash of mustard oil & butter.

Misayako Tarkari (GF, DF, V, V’n, NF)

Mixed vegetable curry of cauliflower, green beans, potatoes and green peas flavoured with spring onion and fresh coriander.

Pharsi ko Tarkari (GF, DF, V, V’n, NF)

Pumpkin curry, flavoured with mustard seeds, fenugreek, ginger, salt and pepper.


Laal Mohaan (V)

Traditional sweet prepared from milk powder flavoured with cardamom and rose water. A typical sweet from the Terai region, served with vanilla bean ice-cream.

Please come along and enjoy the company as well support the various award winners.

Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Details Below.

Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the EFT deposit.

NAB Adelaide Branch.


BSB:  085 005

Account Number: 207432628

Cottage at Night

There will be further emails nearer the event detailing any necessary Covid19 precautions and procedures.

All British Day

Dear All British Day Entrant,

Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic still causes havoc across the world, closer to home it has been refreshing to see the infection numbers drop in Victoria and some state borders opening. I am sure we are all looking forward to the talented scientists across the globe finding a solution to rid us of this most brutal virus. 
In my last newsletter I advised that we would be open for registrations this year and would confirm the status of All British Day 2021 by November 30. As a result of our research into what is required for us to hold an event that attracts around 3000 plus people, and meets SA Health Covid-19 criteria, our November deadline has been brought forward. We have considered the time required for us to prepare the necessary extensive Covid Management Plan for SA Health, and have factored in the significant review of logistics and costs involved to run the event.
As the committee is entirely made up of volunteers and our resources are finite both in manpower and financially, we regrettably must advise it is simply not feasible for us to host All British Day next February 2021, considering all the obligations we would be required to undertake. As a result, we will not be sending out invitations nor opening the website for registrations.
By February, the Covid Management plan may be a lot less involved, but we have to assess the facts and act as they are now.   it is possible that some of the current Covid management policies may become a part of every event, but only time will tell.
We are disappointed that we have had to make this decision, but feel it is the only responsible course of action open to us. We have no desire to take unnecessary risks with the health of those attending ABD or running a compromised event just for the sake it. We do hope you will understand why we have had to make this decision. We will, in the absence of ABD 2021 still make donations to the CFS and other service groups that benefit from ABD.
Essentially ABD 2022 will be ABD 2021 plus 12 months. February 2022 will still be featuring both British Working Wheels and the E Type Jaguar celebration. We expect to open registrations on October 1, 2021, for ABD 2022 and plan to keep the registration fee unchanged.
However it is not all bad news and despite the COVID-19 constraints the ABD Committee is extremely hopeful we can come up with an alternative approach to enable you to still exercise or display your vehicles on February 14, 2021. We will be having another meeting in November and hopefully by then, the Covid rules may have changed, allowing us to suggest an alternative, in the absence of ABD 2021, to the many clubs and organizations that make up and support ABD. Save the date and watch this space!
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford-Morgan 
President All British Day

For Sale Sprite mk2

Sprite mk2 

Fast car loves the  open road

1100cc motor by Mekatron

Tuned by Kent Autotune

1.5 SUs

Farina brakes   Bugeye Barn

Negative Camber Blocks  Bugeye Barn

Ripcase Gearbox    Bugeye Barn

Stronger Hillman Hunter Clutch

3.7 Diff   Bugeye Barn

Master and Slave Cylinder done PBR

Mags tyres  70%

Panhard Rod

Kilometer Speedo

Upgraded Alternator 

Oil Cooler

Spare motor and gearbox 

All the Chrome Work is there

Spare Starter Motor

Original Steering Wheel


And other bits and pieces 

The bad

Motor Rear Seal is leaking

Needs Battery

and a Paint Job

Good car has done several inter state trips and never let me down. 

On Historic Rego

Bargain $10000
Curt Heinrich

Sprite Wanted

Sprite Club Member is looking for a Sprite…

Hey everyone, I am currently looking to buy a classic car, either running or a project, with a budget of $10000. Midget or Sprite preferred but consider anything pre 1989, contact Christopher on 0411 867 118

The Bend Classic | 4-6 September 2020 | Invitation to Enter!

from Pat Miller

Good Afternoon, 

We would like to formally invite your members to join us at The Bend Classic, to be held at The Bend Motorsport Park on September 5-6, 2020. 

Featuring an eclectic mix of historic and significant vehicles, it’s an event not to be missed! 

The event will be a Supersprint format run on the West Circuit configuration (3.41km). Optional private practice will be offered on 4 September 2020. 

Competitor entries will open tomorrow morning (Friday 10 July) via The Bend Website ( 

Further information regarding the event can also be found via this link & the attached Supplementary Regulations. 

If you would kindly share this on our behalf to your club, groups & networks, we would be most appreciative. 

We hope to see you there! 

Kind regards, 




P  08 8200 5247




Awards ES Vers2



Wondering if anyone might have a king pin reaming tool I could use for disk brake stub axles? Or know an anyone who might be able to do it for me?
Cheers Chris contact O4198O2163

National Challenge 2021


Dear Sprite Members
National Challenge 2021
The Sprite Car Club of Qld. Committee are pleased that we can confirm that we will host the Challenge at Easter 2021.  Dates are from Thursday 1st April to Monday 5th April.Morgan Park Raceway & Motels have been rebooked.
Basic weekend details will be Thursday night welcome BBQ.                                           Friday night, Dinner at Morgan Park                                           Saturday & Sunday night, Dinner at Warwick Golf Club.Competitors, Morgan Park racing Friday & Saturday & on Sunday Motorkhana.
Social Activities for non competitors on Friday & Saturday will have organized bus trip & a navigation run.
Sunday is Concourse & Motorkhana for everyone to attend.
All breakfasts, lunches & dinners will be organized, so all you need to do is come along & have a great weekend.
Please reply to this email if you would like to attend.

Keith Gordon

Membership Manager

The Sprite Car Club of Queensland inc.

Track Day – 4 july the Bend

On the Fourth of July some of us ‘hesterical’ blokes are having a track  day at the bend East track

We have space for up to twenty so come on down

Last run we had about a month ago was great

Entry on The Bend website

Gerard Miller

The Bend Motorsport Park

For sale

4 x 4’ twin fluorescent lamps, (20.00ea) 
1 x 5’ twin fluorescent lamp (20.00ea)  
1 x 4’ Single fluorescent lamp. (10.00)
All lamps have daylight globes in them, prices as above or $100 for the lot. 
Mike Laws
04one8 2five3 8five9

Sprints Sunday 22 March

Please find a message from Pat Miller below, please check the website or the MSCA SA closer to the event for any updates…

The Super Sprint Meeting at Mallala will go ahead as planned on Sunday next 22nd, in line with advice from Motorsport Australia. There will be precautions taken to reduce  risk of virus transmission. As usual the meeting will require Flagies, it is the Sprite Club’s turn to provide somepeople to assist with this. It may prove to be your last chance to get up close to motor sport for a while.  At this stage further MSCA motor sport in the short term foreseeable future will depend on how effective measures are to contain Corvid 19.


Pat Miller.

Message from the President

Dear Sprite Club of South Australia Members

Due to the rapidly changing circumstances regarding the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, the Committee of the Sprite Club of South Australia has responded to the advice from the various medical agencies, SA Health, State and Federal Governments. With the recommendations regarding non-essential gatherings and meetings the Committee has decided to cancel or postpone certain Sprite Club organised events.

This has been for the protection and well-being of the health of both Sprite Club members and the associated public. While these decisions have not been made lightly, the Sprite Club will follow the evolving recommendations regarding these events.

As more information develops, we will ensure all members are aware of any changes to Sprite Club organised events, which will be communicated via the website, email and Facebook pages. Please keep checking these for updates and event information.

For those events that the Sprite Club of SA is associated with including hill climbs, MSCA super sprints, Coffee & Cars and other parades and displays, please check the organisers website or Facebook for the latest information on the status of these events.

We thank the members for their understanding at these times and hope that they will continue to enjoy the use of their Sprites, Midgets and Associate vehicles in the meantime and follow the recommended good hygiene and social distancing practices.

Please contact the President if you have any specific queries or concerns.

Yours Spritely 

Gordon Boyce

President and on behalf the Committee of the Sprite Club of South Australia.

March 2020

Sprite Nationals Cancelled

Message from the The Sprite Car Club of Queensland

Sad to say, but the time has come to make the decision that the National Challenge 2020 has been cancelled due to the Corona Virus Pandemic.
We have had discussions with each of the state Presidents and they all agree this is the right decision.

As we have had a number of expenses – permits, deposits etc which are non refundable, we hope you understand that we need to share the costs of expenses paid, so our Treasurer will do some financial calculations and inform all participants of their refunds.

I am sure the Presidents will liaise in the coming months, and hopefully this event  may take place at a later date.


Keith Gordon
Sprite Car Club of Qld.
Ph 0432483228.

McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic – Cancelled


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • 15 March 2020 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2020 cancelled.

In its most recent (15.03.20) Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert, the Australian Government has advised that, effective from Monday 16 March, organised, non-essential gatherings should be limited to 500 people.

As a consequence, we are left with no alternative other than to cancel the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic 2020.

This step has been taken with heavy heart but full awareness of the need to ensure public safety at an event that was anticipated to draw in excess of 15,000 local, South Australian and interstate visitors to the Grand Parade on McLaren Vale Main Street on Sunday April 5, 2020.

Event Chairman Trevor Sharp said,“For this year, we have received record entry levels of classic cars and motorcycles that would have paraded down the Main Street of McLaren Vale. Sadly, we have had no other choice but to cancel the event.”

“Wineries have geared up to welcome entrants and visitors as this is one of their major tourism events. They are of course disappointed but understand that this was our only and realistic option”.

Trevor Sharp commented that: “A primary goal of McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic, now in its 15th year, is to raise funds for the McLaren Vale and District Hospital, CFS McLaren Vale and CFS McLaren Flat units and, this year, the Southern Koala Rescue. It will be doubly disappointing if our charitable goals are not met due to events beyond our control.”

As you have already paid the entrance fee we would like to give you the option to pass on the funds to any of the three fundraising beneficiaries already nominated with the event.   Could you please indicate your preferred charity  –  McLaren Vale & District War Memorial Hospital, CFS or Southern Koala Rescue.

Refunds are also an available option.   If for some reason you would prefer to have your entry fee refunded you will need to provide bank details –  name of account, BSB and account number.

Both options must be channelled via email at mclarenvalevintageandclassic@gmail.comWe hope to see you at the 2021 event April 17th and 18th
Trevor SharpChairmanMcLaren Vale Vintage & Classic EventPhone:  0415 820

Mid Week Run Cancelled

Due to the ever developing need to be cautious with the COVID19 it has been decided that the mid week, this Wednesday 18 March, run will be cancelled.

Stay well and wash your hands and practice sensible social distancing, hopefully you have some toilet paper 🙂

MSCA Sprints – Flaggies Required! Sunday 22 March

Please Note: The Sprite Club of SA is required to supply officials to assist with running of this event. This would involve flag marshalling and other assorted duties. There is a safety briefing at 8.30am, and lunch will be supplied.

There will also be an opportunity to have some Parade Laps of the circuit during the lunchbreak.

This a great opportunity to get up close and near the on track action.

For the competitors it is time to dust of the helmet and gloves and head to Mallala for the first time on the racetrack for 2020. Come along and support our competing Sprite and Clubman driving members. Did all their adjustments and modifications over the break lower their lap times. Free Spectator Entry. Practice from 9.00am On track action from 10.00am

Remember its ‘Come and Try’ as well see link for more info

MSCA SA Sprints 22 March at Mallala

A great opportunity to attract new people to the joys of super sprinting especially the younger generation. No club memberships required, just a car with standard seat belts and a crash helmet, See sup regs.. 

Supp Regs and entry form for the Come & Try are on the website and attached.

Please promote to your club and family and friends.

Participants do not need a competition licence or to be a club member.

Minimum age is fourteen but at that age they would need to have had some driving experience.

Please have the entry form scanned and returned to Sue and me. We are not using meecams for the C&T group.


Murray Stephenson

Secretary, MSCA

Mobile: 0419 565 970


McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic Sunday 5 April 2020

Here some info from our hosts after the parade, Fox Creek Wines…

Dear Car Lovers

Hi Car Owners and welcome guest of Fox Creek Vintage and Classic Car Day 2020.

Thank you for participation in this fabulous event, I am emailing you so you know what we have available for the day. 

Please pass on to all your members strictly no BYO alcohol and food. Fox Creek will have wine, beer and gin available for purchase. 

On arrival you will be show where to park your beautiful cars. It will be directly on display where everyone and you will see it for the whole afternoon.

You will be able to sit back and enjoy music by ‘Puffin Billy’ .

Food by “Signor Arrosticini” traditional Italian street food. (See menu below)

Non- alcoholic drinks and ice creams by Miss Buttercup.


You picnic rug or chairs.

Your own picnic glass or we will have  our stemless outdoor glasses available (refundable deposit of $5)

Your dancing shoes!

Lastly  but the best till last – all Vintage Car Holders  automatically on purchase of a bottle of Fox Creek Wines go into the drawto win a 6 pack of our award winning wines. Drawn at 3pm but you must be there to claim.

Bugeye Burble February

February Bugeye Burble and 2020 Sprite Club Calendar

Here is the February Bugeye Burble and Coming Events…………………………….. 

Keep an eye on the Sprite Club Website, Email Postings and Sprite Club Facebook Page for more information………… 

9 February          36th All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm

The annual All British Day is a chance to display our Members car and view over 850 British vehicles. Entry to the oval is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.

Excellent Catering, Displays and Trade Stalls are available as well.

For more information:

10 February        Technical Night at Marque Restorations – Meet 6.00pm for 6.30pm Start

We will be visiting Gerard Miller’s Marque Restorations at 5 Goodall Ave, Kilkenny (corner of Torrens Road) for a technical night.  Catered BBQ from 6.00pm, with tour of the workshops afterwards.

22 February        Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 4.30pm, Depart 5.00pm

The first cruise for 2020 will be a special event and will be supporting those affected by the recent bushfires.  The gathering point will be K Mart Car Park Glynburn Rd, Firle. 

Further info on the event contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706  Email

1 March               MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Mount Barker Football Club – 11.00am

Everyone is invited to the MSCA Presentation Day for the 2019 class awards. 

We are being hosted by Mount Barker Football Club, Alexandrina Road, Mount Barker. 

More information at

2 March               General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

18 March             Mid-Week Meander – “Head to the Hills”            

Russell and Judy Schmarr have organised the first Mid-Week Meander for 2020.

Mark your calendars now! More details to follow.

22 March             MSCA Mallala Super Sprint & Come’n’Try – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

The Sprite Club have been rostered for flagging duties at this Round so please come along and get yourself trackside to see some motorsport action up close.

Officials briefing at 8.30am.  On track action from 10.00am

36th All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm

The annual All British Day is a chance to display our Members car and view over 850 British vehicles. This year the theme is AA (the lead organisation before the RAA) 100 years of Bentley and Armstrong Siddeley, so there will be some special interest vehicles as the main display.

Entry to the oval is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.

Public Entry is $8.00 Adult, $4.50 Children – Parking Available

Excellent Catering, Displays and Trade Stalls are available as well.For More information:

Sprite Club of South Australia Supports the Bushfire RelieF

We are all aware of the effect the recent bushfires have had to the various South Australian Communities in the Adelaide Hills and Kangaroo Island, as well as many other localities around Australia.

While there are many Bushfire Relief Fundraising events being held and the various donation tins at most shopping centres and retail outlets, the Committee of the Sprite Club of South Australia has taken a slightly different approach to the Bushfire Relief.

At our various social drives and runs that we are conducting, we will ensure that we head to these affected areas and stop to purchase either coffee, cake, meals or petrol from the retail outlets in these communities.

This will directly assist the financial economy of these businesses and communities and assist them in the major rebuilding process that needs to occur over the coming months and years.

While this may be a small contribution, the Committee hopes that the members will support this direct contribution with attendance at the various events calendared over the year.

Yours Spritely

Gordon Boyce (President) and the Committee

Sprite Club of South Australia

Technical Night at Marque Restorations – Monday 10 February – Meet 6.00pm for 6.30pm Start

We will be visiting Gerard Miller’s Marque Restorations at 5 Goodall Ave, Kilkenny (corner of Torrens Road) for a technical night and a chance to view Sprite Club Members Sprite (Darrel) and Triumph TR4 (Phil) under restoration.

Catered BBQ from 6.00pm, with tour of the workshops afterwards.

Please let Gordon Boyce ( or 0417897905) know if you are attending for catering purposes.


All classic sports car drivers.


The sprite club of SA will be running our summer edition classic sports car cruise in the afternoon of February 22. The drivers of all sports car, clubman, replica sports car or any car that fits the general description, are most welcome to join us. In view of  events of the last weeks the event will be aimed at taking a little cheer and perhaps economic activity to fire affected places. As usual it is an informal low key affair highlighting interest classic sporting  cars and to generally have  fun.

1: As the  planed route features a good number of curves, the event will be in day light hours ( sunset is 8:02 pm)The gathering place will be K mart car park Glynburn Rd Firle at 4:30 pm, chat and check out,  departure 5:00 pm.

2 Drive south along Glyburn Rd turning left at Magill Rd.

2 Follow on to Old Norton Summit Rd to Norton Summit.

3 Turn right onto Lobethall Rd, cross over Stony Rise/ Monmeith Rd intersection cross over Range Rd /Burdetts Rd intersection, drive through Lenswood.

4 Follow to Main Rd Lobethall for approximately 500m and gather in or around the car park on what will be your right hand side for  presentations. 

    Most appealing car,  Car with best patina ( ie used and loved )  as voted by sprite club members. Car with most youth appeal, as voted by all young people in attendance.

 The cruise should finish in Lobethall at approximately 6;00 pm there are a good number of eating places in the town and surrounding areas participants may wish to dine at. It may be a good idea to pre book. No prearrangements have been made in regard to this cruise event.

  My map highlighted the following, Rising sun Hotel, Balhanna Chinese Restraunt, Lobes cafe + takeaway, Amberlight motorcycle café,  Lobethall Bierhause, Lobethall Hotel,

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Driving standards should as always respect our road rules and the safety of yourselves and other road users. The last thing the locals in this area need is an emergency.

The weather has been challenging of late I hope we will be  blessed with a nice top down afternoon , however if the fire danger is catastrophic or severe or  bureau predicts a temperature over 38 deg C or  it rains heavily the cruise will be postponed till a later date.

Further info on the event contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706  email

Sprite National Challenge

To all Club Members

Please find attached the National Challenge Flyer asking for all details on the form to be filled out & returned to me at

When making Direct Deposit payment, Please use your name as reference.I will advise you of the Motel & room number when payment is received.The Sprite Car Club of Queensland look forward to your company at Warwick, Qld.   

Keith Gordon

Membership Manager

The Sprite Car Club of Queensland inc.


Mobile: 0432 483 228



Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2019.

If you have a Club Registered Vehicle or a vehicle that is eligible for Club Registration, the requirements for this registration system are:

•You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. EG Sprite Club of SA

•You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.

•You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years

•You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.

•If the vehicle has extensive modifications an DPTI Exemption Certificate is required

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.


The Sprite Club December Meeting always has a Christmas BBQ supplied by the Club prior to the General Meeting.

Time from 6.00pm with the BBQ ready at approx. 6:30 pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre grounds.

The Club will supply the meat and salads. So please bring chairs and drinks.

The General Meeting will commence at 8.00pm and Subs are now due along with Club Registration renewals

Please remember that there is now one membership type covering the family and is now $50 for the year

Can all Members (including Life Members) please complete a current Membership Form and forward to the Sprite Club to update our Membership Records

Inspections for Club Registered Vehicles will be available. Please let Don or Gordon know if you require a vehicle inspection on the night.

Meeting will conclude with supper of tea/coffee and Christmas Cake.


6 December, 2019:




7.00PM DINNER BOOKING AT La Trattoria, 346 King William Street, Adelaide

Numbers needed for dinner booking: RSVP to Michael McClaren

McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic

Message for the organisers…

Just letting you know that entry details for the 2020 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic in April are now available on the website. 

Entry and bookings for the charity dinner can be done by using the following link

At the moment we do not have a confirmed guest speaker for the charity dinner but we will let you know as soon as we have someone locked in.  Rest assured it will be a notable motoring identity and the night will be as enjoyable as always.

Looking forward to seeing you on April 4th and 5th.Trevor SharpChairmanMcLaren Vale Vintage & Classic EventPhone:  0415 820 719

Bugeye Burble

Sprite Club Coming Events for November 2019.

As the end of the Sprite Club Year draws near please keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web site and Facebook page for more details on these events……………………

4 November Annual General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

7 November  All British Day – Entries Close for the 2020

More info and entries at:

10 November MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 5 – Mallala Motorsport Park

Join us at Mallala for the final round of the MSCA Super Sprint Series.

Free Spectator Entry. On track action from 10.00am

2 December Christmas BBQ and General Meeting – BBQ from 6.30pm – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

The Sprite Club will provide a Christmas BBQ in the grounds of the Community Centre. The Club will supply sausages and salads, all you will need to bring is a chair and something to drink – BBQ from 6.30pm.

Please Note Club Membership Fees are now due – $50 per membership

Membership Forms also need to be completed – these are available on the Website.

Club Registration owners please note that your rego will expire on the 31 December if you are not financial, so please bring your Log Books, Registration Papers and Membership Fees.

All British day Update

Dear All British Day Entrant,
I do hope you and your vehicles are enjoying this burst of warmer weather. I am pleased to report that we have received roughly double the same amount of entries as we did at the same time last year. So, thank you very much to those who have already registered.
Our online registration system is increasingly popular; however, I would urge you to double check your automatic ABD entry confirmation details receipt to make sure that all the details are correct as incorrect information is more easily fixed early.
All British Day has traditionally promoted the long, rich and diverse vehicle production history of Britain to the many spectators that come each year.
For 2020 we are pleased to have on board, along with our other valued sponsors, Zagame Automotive Group. They are the Adelaide dealers for Bentley, McLaren, Morgan and Lotus plus many other British and European exotic cars. We are sure their display will complement the other sponsor displays on the day and show that Britain still does make some very desirable vehicles.
 Aviation will be part of the day once again for ABD 2020, as both of our featured marques, that are celebrating 100 years, produced engines for aircraft apart from their car making roles. If you have a Bentley or an Armstrong Siddeley both clubs have advised us that they extended a warm welcome for you to park your car with the respective feature display.  We hope also to have Chris Sperou again performing aerobatics as he did at ABD 2019 which was well received by most, gauging the feedback we received.
We want you and your fellow British vehicle club owners to come on the day. For a lot of Clubs this is an activity they do not have to plan, and it gives clubs a platform to promote their club and marque to approximately 5,000 people that attend. We as a committee are actively encouraging younger families to come along, as one day, one of these younger enthusiasts may be in the market for a British vehicle.
I wish to remind you that given the growing size of the event we are having to cap oval parking numbers at 850, and we will be closing entries on 7/11/2019 (not that far away!) so we can process entries in time. If we do exceed 850 entries, there are other areas in the Echunga grounds we can park vehicles. But these may not be near your club.
When we send out your Gate pass in January you will see that we have simplified the pass and removed Oval location numbers; but, to facilitate parking we will send you a map where clubs will be located on the ovals.
Again, we thank you for your interest and participation in All British Day, a day that showcases British engineering and excellence.
See you Sunday 9th February 2020.
Yours Faithfully,
Jamie Sandford -Morgan  
President of All British Day


Sprite Club Display Day – Sunday 3rd November

Wigley Reserve, Glenelg 9.00am till 3.30pm

Sprite Club Annual General Meeting – Monday 4th November

8.00pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road and

Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 6.00pm – Departure 6.20pm Saturday 26 October

Our first cruise of this season, something a little different at the finish and taking an interesting route.

Our gathering point is the car park of the Harvey Norman/ Good Guys Shopping Complex, 800-826 Marion Road, Oaklands Park at 6.00pm.

The Cruise will follow the newly developed South Road to the Port River Expressway ending at Semaphore for a display and short presentation.

Trophies will include Best Patina and Youth Appeal Award (please bring young enthusiasts with you if you like).   Any enquiries contact Pat Miller 0421289706.


This is one of the premier events of the Sprite Club’s year where we get the chance to show our cars to the public in the one place so all members are urged to get their Sprites, Midgets and associate cars ready and bring them out to make this a fantastic day.

DATE and TIME:       Sunday 3rd November. Cars on site by 9.30am and leave 3.30pm

LOCATION:              Wigley Reserve corner Anzac Highway and Adelphi Terrace Glenelg – entrance to the reserve is via the roundabout at the beach end of Anzac Highway and follow the Traffic Wardens for directions.

WHAT to BRING:     All Austin Healey Sprites, MG Midgets and associate cars – please bring a piece of cardboard to place under your vehicle to collect any oil drips, etc.AWARDS:                There will be peoples Choice Awards for Sprites, Midgets and Associate Vehicles.

CATERING:             There is planned to have a coffee and cookies van on site but if you prefer BYO drinks and food. 

Let Don Cardone know if you are attending by sending an email to or on mobile 0411 876 067 and Don will reply to you with further details.

Bugeye Burble

Sprite Club Coming Events for October 2019.

As the end of the Sprite Club Year draws near please keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web site and Facebook page for more details on these events……………………

26 October Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 6.00pm – Departure 6.20pm

Our first cruise of this season, something a little different at the finish and taking an interesting route. Our gathering point is the car park of the Harvey Norman/ Good Guys Shopping Complex, 800-826 Marion Road, Oaklands Park at 6.00pm.

Trophies will include Best Patina and Youth Appeal Award (please bring young enthusiasts with you if you like).   Any enquiries contact Pat Miller 0421289706.

30 Oct – 3 Nov              Tonkins Clubman Nationals – Adelaide Hills Convention Centre, Hahndorf

Clubbies SA are anticipating close to 100 clubbies, with entries from every state in Australia.

Each day at the Convention Centre between 5 – 6.30 pm we have ‘Clubbie Alley’ .

 Friday 1st Nov – The Bend Track day. Cars will be arriving at The Bend from 7.30am onward and there will be action from about 9.15am to 4.00pm. Lunch will be between 12 noon and 1pm.  

Sat 2nd Nov – Shannons Show and Shine between 11.30am and 1pm. 

This will be held at Keith Stephenson Park, 1 Adelaide Rd, Mt Barker.

3 November Sprite Club Display Day – Wigley Reserve, Glenelg – 9.30am – 3.30pm

The Annual Sprite Club Display Day will be at Glenelg once again. All Sprite, Midget, Clubman and Associate vehicles are welcome.  Enter via the roundabout at the end of Anzac Highway, Glenelg. 

Peoples Choice Awards for Best Sprite/Midget and Associate plus Certificates for Classes.

Cars to arrive from 8.30 – 9.00am. Please bring a piece of cardboard to place under your vehicle. 

Contact Don Cardone to let him know you are coming – 0411 876 067

4 November Annual General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

All committee positions will be declared vacant, so if you would like to join the committee and assist in the running of the Sprite Club of SA please think about nominating or volunteering at the AGM.

Sprite nationals UPdate!

We have had enquires regard single room accomodation which we had overlooked in the original flyer, so we have had to add an extra charge for single room accomodation. Regards Keith Gordon

Please let Keith know if you’re thinking about going

We are also planning a post Challenge tour based in Noosa for five days. This will be straight after the Challenge. Let Keith know if this interests you. More details soon, but there are lots of great Sprite roads to explore, collections to visit, great places to eat, and of course traditional Spritely social times. Cheers from Alex

All British Day Entries Open

Dear All British Day Entrant,
We are pleased to advise that the website is now open for registrations for All British Day 2020. As is our custom we will still post out hard copy documents to entrants that we do not have email addresses for.
For All British Day 2020 the entry fee again remains unchanged at $ 22.50. However, there are a few changes for the coming event. We will be closing entries on 7/11/2019. This is being done as we are getting more entries each year and it is simply taking longer to process and plan the event and ensure that we get the gate passes printed prior to the Christmas shut down period.
For those regular attendees of ABD, you would have noticed the numbers of entrants climbing each year. We have gone close to maximum comfortable oval capacity at Echunga which is ideally 850 entrants and we do not want to squash clubs and compromise the day, so I strongly recommend you get your entry in promptly. As soon as the figure of 850 entrants is reached, we will not be able to guarantee you parking preference, but we can get your vehicle into the grounds and we will try our best to accommodate you.
ABD will feature two famous British marques both celebrating 100 years since being established. The Armstrong Siddeley Car Club of Australia promises to have an interesting display on Oval 1, and on Oval 2 The Bentley Drivers Club (South Australia Inc) will have Bentleys on display from the early models to present day. Both clubs have extended a welcome to Armstrong Siddeley and Bentley owners that may be member of different clubs to have their cars included in the feature displays, please indicate this via your entry form.
For ABD 2020 our shop will have new lines of ABD memorabilia, so why not have a look? To take pressure off the shop, pre-purchased memorabilia can now be collected prior to 3.00pm, however the oval departure time remains unchanged at 3.00pm, to ensure the safety of everyone present.
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford-Morgan
President All British Day

Sprite Nationals 2020

To all Sprite Club members
Please note that all Accomodation, Breakfasts, Lunch & Dinners are included in this price.
Dietary requirements can also be catered for as long as we know well before the event.
Keith Gordon


Our first cruise of this season, something a little different at the finish and taking an interesting  route.  As usual we warmly welcome any and all sports, Sprite Club Classic sports car cruise is on Saturday Oct 26th.

Cars to join us for a short run designed to have a little fun, put classic sports cars on display and hopefully develop interest, there is no requirement

 to be a member of any club. We do remind all concerned that they are responsible for their car’s roadworthiness and compliance with the rules of the road.

Our gathering point is the car park of the Harvey Norman/ Goodguys etc shopping complex  800-826 Marion rd Oaklands park which is close to the Sturt Rd Marion Rd intersection.   Meet from 6 pm far chat and checkout and a departure at 6 20 pm.

If the weather on this day is for heavy rain or above 38 deg the event will be postponed.


Drive, south on Marion rd for about 300m

Turn, left onto Sturt rd and follow to the main South rd intersection. 

Turn, left onto main South rd. ( Care on the corner, road works )

Drive, along South rd in a northerly direction for approximately 20km and inspect our mega million dollar taxpayer funded road flyovers and underpasses.

 ( Speed limits all over the place, keep an eye on the big gauge on the dashboard.)

Turn, left onto the Port River Expressway ( Hold nose while driving past Mt Wingfield.)

Follow, expressway over Diver Derric bridge.

Veer, left onto Nelson st and follow for 150m.

Turn, right onto Semaphore rd and follow to Esplanade.

Turn left onto Esplanade and follow to the 3rd roundabout at Jervoise st.

Turn right into the car park (avoid being collected by the steam train ) find a park, my research indicates we should find space among the beachgoers.

Gather on the lawn adjacent to the roundabout entry point for a short presentation.

Sunset on this day is 7:38 pm ACDT.

Any enquiries contact Pat Miller 0421289706.

TAFE SA Dyno Night Friday 27 September

Friday 27 September   

Prince Skyline GT Technical and Dyno Night

TAFESA Automotive Campus – 6.00pm

Once again we will be visiting the TAFESA Automotive Facility at the Regency Campus, Regency Road Regency Park. As part of the Bay to Birdwood event, several Prince Skyline GT’s will be meeting at Regency TAFE, and we have been invited to join them for a car display and some more technical and dyno sessions. 

Enter the Campus via Entrance 4 off Regency Road – see attached Map.

Let Gordon Boyce know if you would like to run your vehicle on the dyno. Mobile: 0417897905

Mid Week Meander Reminder -this Wednesday!

18 September      Mid-Week Meander –Northern Run – “Expect the Unknown!” – Meet 9.30am

As usual Russell and Judy Schmarr’s next Mid-Week Meander will tour to a fantastic lunch venue with a great drive home as well!    BYO Morning Tea.

Meet at Carisbrooke Park, Main North Road, Salisbury Park – Park entrance via the slip road just before the overhead pedestrian crossing.  BYO Morning Tea.

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – 0403 151 715

Sprite Club Coming Events for September 2019.

Spring is in the Air so get your Sprites and Midgets ready and keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web site and Facebook page for more details on these events……………………

2 September        General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

14 September      47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night – Pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm

The venue will be at Hut and Soul Asian Restaurant, 310 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

We will have the restaurant to ourselves for a delicious Asian Banquet at $35.00 per head.

Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT.

Trophies for the year will also be presented.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Dinner Payments on the night, must be prepaid before.

18 September      Mid-Week Meander –Northern Run – “Expect the Unknown!” – Meet 9.30am

As usual Russell and Judy Schmarr’s next Mid-Week Meander will tour to a fantastic lunch venue with a great drive home as well!    BYO Morning Tea.

Meet at Carisbrooke Park, Main North Road, Salisbury Park – Park entrance via the slip road just before the overhead pedestrian crossing.  BYO Morning Tea.

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – 0403 151 715

23 – 27 September  Federation Motorfest Classic 2019

Assorted runs and events by FHMC Clubs. For more information:

27 September            Prince Skyline GT Technical and Dyno Night – TAFESA Automotive Campus – 6.00pm

Once again we will be visiting the TAFESA Automotive Facility at the Regency Campus, Regency Road, Regency Park. As part of the Bay to Birdwood event, several Prince Skyline GT’s will be meeting at Regency TAFE, and we have been invited to join them for some more technical and dyno sessions.

Let Gordon Boyce know if you would like to run your vehicle on the dyno. Mobile: 0417897905

29 September               MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 4 – Mallala Motorsport Park 

Next round of the MSCA Super Sprint Series is at Mallala. Cars on track from 10.00am

Catering and good viewing of the circuit available.

29 September               Bay to Birdwood Classic

With over 1000 entries to date this will be a gala event as usual.

Check out for more information and entry forms

30 Sept – 3 Oct              Federation Motorfest Classic 2019 – Continues

14 October                     General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Note: Meeting is not the First Monday of the Month due to Long Weekend

For Sale – Mark IIA

1963 Sprite Mk 2A for the website. 
It includes vinyl roof and tonneau cover, Minator alloy wheels and good tyres, great Club car, British Racing Green, winner of Sprite Club “People’s Choice Award for Mk 2’s” in October 2018. 
It’s 967 out of 976 Mk 2A’s imported into Australia. 
Currently at Strathalbyn Collectable Classic Cars on consignment. 
$13,999 neg. 
Contact Ray Kinlay O401 952 035

MSCA SprInts September 29

The Marque Sports Car Association of SA is proposing to run another come and try day at Mallala in conjunction with a super sprint event on September 29th . The cost is $125 per driver which includes all entry and licence fees. Participants do not need to be a member of any car club. All that is required is a car with normal road seat belts or better, a fire extinguisher less than 3 years old and a blue triangle indicating battery position. Come and try involves some lectures by experienced instructors, some laps with a mentor in the passenger seat, and if the participant feels confident some flying solo laps.

To run this activity there will need to be a suitable number of starters to make the exercise worthwhile. This is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable driving experience. Would make a great gift idea for kids and gradchildren.

Any interested people can contact myself on 0421289706 or contact the MSCA of SA inc, via secretary Murray Stephenson,

Bugeye Burble

5 August                 General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

11 August              Winter Cup Hillclimb – Round 4 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

Round 4 of the Wintercup Hillclimb at the Collingrove Hillclimb in the Barossa Valley

17 August              Pie and Pea Night – at Don and Elaine Cardone’s – 6.30pm

With Pies and Peas and splash or two of your favourite drink will make a warming and welcome night.

  • COST: $6.00 per pea and pie
  • WHAT TO BRING:BYO drinks and also nibbles or sweets to share.

For catering purposes please let Don & Elaine know if you are attending O411 876 067.

2 September        General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

14 September      47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night – Pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm

The venue will be at Hut and Soul Asian Restaurant, 310 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

We will have the restaurant to ourselves for a delicious Asian Banquet at $35.00 per head.

Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT.

Trophies for the year will also be presented.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Dinner Payments on the night, must be prepaid before.

18 September      Mid-Week Meander –Northern Run – “Expect the Unknown!” – Meet 9.30am

As usual Russell and Judy Schmarr’s next Mid-Week Meander will tour to a fantastic lunch venue with a

great drive home as well!    BYO Morning Tea.

Meet at Carisbrooke Park, Main North Road, Salisbury Park – Park entrance just after New Spot Motors. 

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – O403 151 715

For Sale – MGB GT 1966 MK1


Seen at most Club events, British Racing Green,Good reliable car, Receipts for most work done over the last 8 years – such as -Electronic ignition, New ring gear, New starter motor, New clutch and thrust race, New front shock absorbers, New head lining, Two 12 volt batteries fitted, Rewired to negative earth, Cooling system reconditioned with new multi-blade plastic fan, Auxiliary fan and overflow tank fitted and others Contact Gary Brock
For sale at $16000


Don’t forget about the following events..

The August General Meeting

Monday 5 August Fullarton Park Centre from 7:30

Pea and Pie Night 

17 August – 6.30 pm – Don and Elaine Cardone’s, Let Don Know if you’re coming 

Annual Dinner 

Get your payments in now for the Annual Dinner

14 September   47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night – Pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm

Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Details Below.

Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the EFT deposit.

As Club has subsidised this evening, as well as pre-dinner drinks we will have an Asian Banquet at $35.00 per head.

NAB Adelaide Branch.


BSB:  085 005 Account Number: 207432628

Lions Gumeracha Show & Shine / Swap Meet

The Lions Gumeracha Show & Shine incorporates the Shannon’s Memorial Cruise which recognises our fallen from the defence force and those that have passed away from the motoring clubs in South Australia. Please submit your fallen club members names for inclusion in our service. This year’s event is on Sunday the 10th of November 2019 at the Gumeracha Sporting grounds.

This year’s show will see the introduction of an automotive Swap Meet. All Show and Shine entrants and Swap Meet sellers will be charged an entry fee of $15 per vehicle. The money raised on the day will be donated to “Camp Quality” and all donated gifts will be collected by the Lions Club who in turn will donate it to the Salvation Army for distribution to underprivileged children at Christmas time.

The Trophy categories have been increased this year to cover more classes. There will be a retro fashion parade and a silent auction with no reserve.  Entertainment on the day will be provided by one of Australia’s favourite Rockabilly bands, “The Lincolns” supported by DJ Peter Panagaris. Food & Drink stalls along with Coffee and Ice Cream vendors compliment the many trade stalls showcasing their products which are on display and for sale. 

The public may enter with a gold coin donation of their choosing. In all, a great South Australian project with something of interest for the whole family.

Yours sincerely, 

Lion Ray Johnson 

Project Co-ordinator 

Lions District 201 C1 


Mid Week Meander Wrap

Yet again Russell and Judy Schmarr excelled themselves with a well organised and interesting ‘mystery’ mid week run.

Starting with a nice gaggle of sprites, midgets and assorted moderns, we headed off from a new starting point of the JB Ware reserve in Glen Osmond.

With a short run up the SE Freeway to the Eagle on the Hill turnoff saw the group work our way up to the Measday lookout and the old route into Adelaide through the hills.

Then thru Stirling, Aldgate and Hahndorf and out onto the old Melbourne road through Dawsley to Kanmantoo for a quick refreshment stop and then to Murray Bridge and crossing the old road bridge.

The route now took us toward our intended destination of the new motor racing circuit at Tailem Bend. Unfortunately due to a corporate booking our plans for lunch at ‘The Bend’ had to be changed and we only had a quick look at the outside!

Luckily Russell was able to book us into the Riverside Hotel back in Tailem Bend. Many of us have probably driven past it for many years on our way to the eastern states without a thought of stopping. However it is a nice pub, good food with a great view of the mighty Murray River.

A great day out, although Tina and I got a little damp on the way home!

All British DAy Newsletter

July 2019                                      

Dear All British Day Entrant,                                                             
It is hard to fathom, now that we are all so cold, that looking back to February the risk of hot weather cancellation was a distinct possibility!  ABD 2019 was again a success with numbers of both entrants and spectators increasing over the previous year.
 I am sure anyone who was at ABD in February will recall that apart from the usual high standard of vehicles on display, there were some very special cars and bikes making up our British Racing Heritage Display. The Sporting Car Club celebrated their 85th birthday and provided an impressive display. Add to all this the stunning aerobatic display put on by Chris Sperou, and it was a very memorable day indeed, with plenty to see and do.
You may have noticed our logo for ABD 2020, we are acknowledging the A.A., an organization that plays a crucial role in Britain, attending to the many vehicles that have not broken down, but have simply “failed to proceed”, from the earliest days to today in our quest to get from A to B in our mechanised transport.
We held our Annual General Meeting back in May and said farewell to Howard Parslow. We thank him for his contribution to ABD over many years in various roles. We welcomed onboard Marcus La Vincente AM into our publicity and promotions role, and we look forward to his involvement in the coming years.
Another new and exciting development is that we are extremely proud to announce that we have the support of Mr Jeremy Cordeaux AM as our patron. I am sure Jeremy’s successful media career and motoring interests are well known to many of you. We are honoured to have Jeremy as our patron.
We have been very pleased to be associated with SA Guide Dogs and have offered them financial support for the past few years. However, for ABD 2020 we have decided to look a little closer to home, and as we are a community-based event, we have decided to support the local Echunga Primary School, more on this later. 
We have invested significantly in the day to keep it fresh and vibrant, and regrettably costs and charges are always with us, but I am pleased to announce that the vehicle entry amount remains unchanged.
We will keep you informed on updates regarding All British Day February 9th, 2020 so please pencil in this date.
However we do need another couple more people please to assist us for ABD 2020, on the committee, due to the growing demands of the event and retirements that were not replaced over the last two years .I am sure  ABD does have a positive impact in the British vehicle world and the local community, please consider being part of this  terrific event.
Kind Regards
Jamie Sandford-Morgan
President All British Day

Reminder – Mid week Meander

Write caption…

24 July  Mid-Week Meander – Eastern Run – Meet at 9.30am for a 10.00am departure

Meet at J B Ware Reserve, Glebe Road, Glen Osmond (near the Fire Station on Portrush Road)  

Oonce again Russell and Judy Schmarr’s have planned the next Mid-Week Meander to be a Nostalgic Run.

This drive will “relive the past, embrace the present and admire the future” while enjoying the various roads around the eastern Adelaide Hills and plains to finish at a fine lunch venue.  Please BYO Morning Tea.

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – 0403 151 715

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47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night

14 September   47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night – Pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm

The Sprite Club’s ”Night of Nights” is approaching – Mark your diaries NOW!

The venue will be at Hut and Soul Restaurant, 310 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

We have booked the restaurant so will have the venue to ourselves to enjoy this special night.

As Club has subsidised this evening, as well as pre-dinner drinks we will have an Asian Banquet at $35.00 per head.

Rasa Sayang

Small Bite

Chicken Satay on Fiery Charcoal

Malay Puff

Big Bite

Ayam Serai

Mamak Curry Fish

Beef Rendang

Sambal Prawn

Buddha’s Delight

Steamed Jasmine Rice

Sweet Bite

Pandan & Coconut Crepe

We will also be presenting the Annual Trophies for the year including Clubman of the Year, Spirit of Sprites, and Sprite of the Year as well as the various competition trophies.

Please come along and enjoy the company as well support the various award winners.

Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Details Below.

Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the EFT deposit.

NAB Adelaide Branch.


BSB:  085 005

Account Number: 207432628

Annual Pie and Pea Night

17 August – 6.30 pm – Don and Elaine Cardones

With Pies and Peas and splash or two of your favourite drink will help make this annual event a warming and welcome night. 

LOCATION:                Don and Elaine Cardone’s

COST:                         $6.00 per Pie and Pea

WHAT TO BRING:     BYO drinks and also nibbles or sweets to share.

For catering purposes please let Don & Elaine know if you are attending by sending an email to or on mobile O411 876 O67 and Don will reply to you with details.

Mid week Meander Wednesday 24 July

24 July  Mid-Week Meander – Eastern Run – Meet at 9.30am for a 10.00am departure

Meet at J B Ware Reserve, Glebe Road, Glen Osmond (near the Fire Station on Portrush Road)  

Oonce again Russell and Judy Schmarr’s have planned the next Mid-Week Meander to be a Nostalgic Run.

This drive will “relive the past, embrace the present and admire the future” while enjoying the various roads around the eastern Adelaide Hills and plains to finish at a fine lunch venue.  Please BYO Morning Tea.

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – 0403 151 715

Msca Sprints July 28

From Pat Miller

Entry numbers for the MSCA  super sprint event at Mallala on July 28 are somewhat light on. This means potentially lots of track time and lots of elbow room for those that do enter. Ideal for first timers and drivers who have not been on the track for a while. There is still time to get an entry in, see MSCA of SA inc, web site. Any first timers who would like a guiding to show you the ropes on the day please contact me on 0421289706 or at the track I will be around my white Irukandji clubman being driven by a first time friend.

Bugeye Burble – July 2019

Coming events for July and beyond………
Please keep an look out for email reminders, web site updates and the Facebook posts.

1 July     General Meeting – Wine and Cheese Night – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

21 July  Multiclub Hillclimb – Round 3 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

24 July  Mid-Week Meander – Eastern Run – Meet at 9.30am for a 10.00am departure

Join Russell and Judy Schmarr’s next Mid-Week Meander will be a Nostalgic Run reliving the past, embracing the present and enjoying the future. This run will take in the various roads around the eastern Adelaide Hills and plains to finish at a fine lunch venue. BYO Morning Tea.

Meet at J B Ware Reserve, Glebe Road, Glen Osmond (near the Fire Station on Portrush Road)  

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – 0403 151 715

28 July  MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 3 – Mallala Motorsport Park – Cars on track – 10.00am

The MSCA Supersprint Series returns to Mallala for Round 3. Entries are open, so if you haven’t entered now is the time to do so to secure your place on the grid! Come along, support the Club’s drivers and have a great day out. Check out for info.

5 August              General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Please note all perpetual trophies are to be returned at this meeting.

11 August            Winter Cup Hillclimb – Round 4 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

17 August            Pie and Pea Night – at Don and Elaine Cardones

With Pies and peas and splash or two of your favourite drink will make a warming and welcome night. $6.00 per head and BYO drinks and salad/sweets to share.

Please let Don and Elaine know if you are attending – 0411 876 067

2 September      General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

14 September   47th Annual Sprite Club Dinner and Awards Night – Pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm

The Sprite Club’s”Night of Nights” is approaching – Mark your diaries NOW!

The venue will be at Hut and Soul Asian Restaurant, 310 Pulteney Street, Adelaide.

This will be an Asian Banquet at $35.00 per head. Payment can be made either at General Meetings or the Club’s Bank Account EFT – Please note the Surname and numbers attending when making the deposit.

Bay to Birdwood Classic

2019 Bay to Birdwood Classic Registrations Open

Thank you to the 750 plus entrants who have already registered for this year’s Bay to Birdwood.

If you have not already entered please click here to register.  Entrants wishing to have your vehicle judged need to enter prior 15 July – only a week away.  General entries close 19 August.

Please note that this is a event for original vehicles manufactured between 1956-1986.

We ask that every entry is accompanied with a photo (or 3 if you elect to be judged) of the vehicle as it will be presented on the day.

Please contact the Event office on (08) 8568 4022 or (08) 8568 4019 if you require assistance.

he Route

This year the Classic will follow the traditional route which takes in Greenhill Road from Anzac Highway and aims to ensure smooth passage for vehicles as well as providing more vantage points for spectators to view the impressive motorcade. Click here to see all roads. 

WELCOME to our new Partners

We are pleased to announce that we have three new partners – Auto Transformers, ADRAD and Bee Bop Boutique (our Fashions in the Field partner).  Visit their websites and check out their range of products and services. 

Hahndorf Breakfast Run

A few hardy members fronted for a quick warm up and breakfast at the Haus in Hahndorf on a minus 2 start to the day. Garry in his Mark 3, Clive and myself in bugeyes and a very hardy Paul on his triumph motorbike! Clives first outing in the newly finished white Bugeye!

Here’s a quick preview fo the drive thru the hills to Hahndorf.

Breakky at haHndorf

If your looking for a cool, early start this Sunday morning, 23rd, a few of us are meeting for breakfast and a short drive after at the Haus, 38 Main st Hahndorf, from 8:30

Get your sprite out of the shed, surely it won’t be this cold…🤔

Msca message

Wow, a massive thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help out at our supersprint at The Bend this weekend!! With an outstanding response we now have plenty of officials for this weekend and don’t need anymore.

This shows how great our little community is! If you wanted to volunteer for this weekend but were busy or didn’t get in in time, remember your club is rostered on for one Mallala sprint every year and we welcome you at any event.

Once again, thanks everyone for this massive show of support!

MSCA Sprints – Sunday 16 June

Call for Flag Marshals for Sunday 16 June

The MSCA is running its first Super Sprint on the West Circuit at The Bend on Sunday 16 June.

This is an exciting development for the Association and we are calling on all member clubs to help out with providing flag marshals. Where eight marshals can adequately do the job at Mallala we need to operate ten points and the start line at The Bend, i.e. twenty marshals.

We are asking each member club to nominate three volunteers for the day.

A few background points:

• Officials must sign on and attend a briefing at 8:45am on the Sunday morning;

• You will be required to complete a Peregrine waiver form at sign on so it will save time if you download one from the MSCA website and bring it completed;

• If you have a CAMS official’s licence please bring it but, if you don’t, please consider applying on the CAMS website. It does not take long and costs nothing;

• Lunch and water will be provided for nominated officials and you will return to the pit area or lunch;

• Time permitting, officials will have the opportunity to do controlled parade laps at lunchtime;

• Those wishing to do the parade laps must nominate at sign on their wish to do so.

Passengers will be permitted;

Please provide name, mobile and email address for each volunteer so that we can communicate directly. If they have a CAMS official’s licence please also provide the number.

This is a great development for the MSCA and a lot of work has gone into the planning but it will only work if we have the support of the membership to make it run smoothly.

Please respond by 9 June with club nominations to:

Murray Stephenson, Secretary

Sue Stephenson, Competition Secretary

Bay to Birdwood entries Open

2019 Bay to Birdwood Classic Registrations Open

Sunday 29 September 2019 is the 39th anniversary of the Bay to Birdwood. If your vehicle is manufactured between 1956 to 1986 you are now invited to enter.

Either click here to enter online or click here to view conditions of entry and click here to download a printable version of the entry form.

The spirit of the Bay to Birdwood is for a spectacular parade of vehicles that are well presented and without major modifications to go on show for the general public and vehicle lovers alike to admire and appreciate. It is the quality of entries that makes this event one of the world’s great historic motoring events. 

This year we are asking that every entry is accompanied with a photo of the vehicle as it will be presented on the day and that clearly shows its condition (3/4 view front image preferable). Entrants that wish to be judged in the Concours d’Elegance or Preservation Awards will be required to upload three images of their vehicle to be considered eligible. Please have your photos ready.

All of the conditions of entry are clearly defined on the Bay to Birdwood website.

Please contact the Event office on (08) 8568 4022 or (08) 8568 4019 if you require assistance.

Stars and their cars

Stars and their Cars Meeting – 1stApril 2019

Each year the Sprite Club Committee has made the decision to hold a General Meeting at the Sporting Car Club and have a change from the usual General Meetings by having Member cars on stage and a chance to talk to these Members about their cars. This April was our opportunity to conduct this special meeting.

The evening commenced with the opening of the clubrooms and the bar. Members were given a ticket for a drink at the bar while the cars were assembled on stage and the pizza arrived. Members mingled and chatted while enjoying an drink and some pizza and wedges. 

The General Meeting is an edited form but covers the important agenda items and reports. So once completed, Members grabbed a top up to their pizza and drinks and the Cars and their Stars part of the evening commenced.

This year the cars were representative of Sprites and Midgets with a difference. President Gordon Boyce conducted interviews with each owner about their motoring history and the specifics of their vehicles

First member was David Low and his Bugeye Sprite. David and Di have owned this Sprite for over 36 years and it difference is the change in specification of the vehicle over the years of ownership. The Bugeye started as a 948cc drum braked Sprite. David started the changes as he had the engine modified for more power while living in NSW. Moving to SA and joining the Sprite Club continued the Club association.

After using the Sprite for club events, National Meetings and tours of Tasmania,  Gippsland and the Victoria High Country tours, the quest for “more power” led to 1275cc power and disc brakes. This allowed the Bugeye to climb the hills better and allowed for more relaxed cruising on  the highway. While there are no more changes to the Bugeye with a difference, there will be more Club use of this vehicle in the future.

Clive Spreadbury’s Sprite MkIIA fitted with a 1500cc Corolla engine was the next “different” Sprite on stage. Clive purchased this Sprite with a 1200cc Toyota engine and upgraded to larger engine for more power. Clive has used the Sprite for a number of different competition events such as Mallala Supersprints, Legends of the Lakes hillclimb at Mount Gambier and the Adelaide Motorsport Festival.

Clive also has a strong competition history on a smaller scale, building and racing slot cars for many years. Clive now owns and operates Scalex World, where he sells and runs slot car race meetings and events.

The next Midget with a difference was the 1966 MkII MG Midget of Don Williams. Don has been a long term member of the Sprite Club, having owned a MG Midget during the early ‘70s, a Bugeye during the ‘80s (which is now owned by Jim Schubert and was on the stage last year). After a number of years of non-Spridget ownership, Don and wife (and Ex-Sprite MkIII owner) Chris,  purchased an English-built and imported MG Midget – with a difference. This Midget is 1098cc powered and has a removal hood, different to the usual MkIII Midgets we normally see with 1275cc power and convertible hood.

While Don has thought of selling the Midget, he enjoys the driving of the vehicle and has now recovered the seats and new carpets which has made the Midget more comfortable. Don has also researched that a number of these Midgets were imported by BMC dealers, so there may be more around Australia.

The last Sprite was certainly one with a number of differences, the 1970 Sprite Mk IV of Caroline Mercer. Purchased new by her father in Scotland, this Sprite is in extremely original condition having only been repainted. The Sprite had been used for tours of Europe by Caroline’s parents and she can always remember the Sprite as part of her families life.

When Caroline moved to Australia the Sprite followed and was registered in Western Australia while Caroline’s partner and her were working in the mining sector. A transfer to Adelaide allowed the Sprite to head over the border and become part of our club. The Pale Primrose Sprite has 1275cc power, convertible hood, twin jacking points each side, plus numerous other differences to the usual Sprites we see on Australian roads (and Clubs).

The Sprite was also used for Caroline’s wedding, and the 1stApril is her anniversary so it was extra special for Caroline and father in law XXX (as her husband was away with work) to celebrate this special event and special Sprite with the Club members.

Each member had been given a raffle ticket and thanks to Penrite Oils for supplying a number of special, door prizes including framed prints, boxed glasses, lifesized David Reynolds cutout and other posters and stickers, etc. These desirable items made there way to various members garages and “man-caves”.

The Stars and their Cars Meeting has become a special event on the Sprite Club calendar and special thanks to Michael McLaren for arranging the use of the Sporting Car Club,  Stan the barman, pizzas and other items that made the night a great event. Also special thanks to David, Clive, Don and Caroline for bringing their Spridgets with a difference along and allowing us to talk with these “Stars” about “their Cars”.

Bugeye Burble

Sprite Club Coming Events for May 2019.

Keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web site and Facebook page for more details on these events……………………

6 May                  General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Come along and find out what has been happening over the past month and what events are coming up. Library, regalia and tea and coffee also available.

17-19 May          43rd Historic Winton Race Meeting – Winton Raceway, Victoria

With over 400 historic race cars on the circuit and over 1000 historic cars in the surrounding “car park” this event is one for the bucket list. This year there is an emphasis on South Australian vehicles, so head over the border for a great weekend.

19 May                 Winter Cup Hillclimb – Round 2 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

Sunday Round 2 of the Wintercup Hillclimb Series at the famous Collingrove Hillclimb in the Barossa Valley

19 May                 Copper Coast Classic Cavalcade of Cars and Motorcycles – Wallaroo, Moonta & Kadina

This event is part of the week long celebrations for the Copper Coast Cornish Festival, 

The Kernewek Lowender and is for vehicles built before 1985.

Spectators line the streets and roads to watch the procession of around 500 cars.

19 May                 Tea Tree Gully Historic Car and Motorcycle Display – Waterworld, Tea Tree Gully

Car display as part of SA History Month and the National Motoring Heritage Day.

2 June                   Multiclub Hillclimb – Round 2 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

A great day out for both spectators and competitors at the famous Collingrove Hillclimb in the Barossa Valley for Round 2 Hillclimb

3 June                   General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

16 June                 MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 2 – The Bend Motorsport Park

This is the first time that the MSCA have conducted a Supersprint at The Bend Motorsport Park at Tailem Bend. The West Circuit will be used allowing over 3 km of circuit with lots of interesting corners and bends to challenge the drivers. 

All MSCA clubs have been rostered for flagging duties at this Round so please come along, assist and get yourself trackside to see some motorsport action up close at The Bend!

More information and Supplementary Regulations are available on the MSCA Web Site:

Technical and Dyno Night at the TAFESA Regency Campus

Regency TAFE, (Greenway Architects) – SA

It has been a number of years since the Sprite Club has held a Technical Night, so approx. 30 members headed on Friday 29thMarch to the TAFESA Automotive Campus at Regency Park. Club President and TAFE Principal Lecturer Gordon Boyce and fellow Automotive Jamie Campbell had arranged a night that covered a number of specific technical topics that related to Sprites,Midgets and Clubmans.

After an overview of the TAFE Campus and the Automotive Program by Gordon, Jamie discussed the main issues with making power with any internal combustion engine, this particularly is the amount of air that can enter the engine, once mixed with fuel and ignited will produce power and torque. Jamie has spent many hours testing both air flow of various components (carbies, manifolds, air filters and cylinder heads) and how these affect the performance of the engine. The TAFE facilities have both engine and chassis dynamometers, for motorcycles, cars and trucks as well as a flow bench for testing individual components.

Jamie had been provided with a number of A-Series engine components (cylinder head, manifolds and carburettors) and these were tested on the Flow Bench. This device, a “high-tech vacuum cleaner” can measure the flow of air through a component in cubic feet per minute (CFM). Jamie started with a standard Bugeye cylinder head and measured an air flow of approx. 63 CFM for the inlet port. Jamie noted that this was one of the worst performing head he had bench tested, but understood that a design of over 60 years old would have been comparable with similar vehicles of the era.

Next was a twin SU carby manifold and this flowed approx. 120 CFM and a 1 ¼” SU (110 CFM) and 1 ½” SU (130 CFM) carbies produced more air flow than the head would allow, so a bigger carby will not always produce more power. As a comparison a DCOE 45mm Weber with 32mm chokes was tested and this flowed close to 200 CFM, which would be ideal for approx. 200 BHP! 

As a side note Kerry Fisher had brought along his newly ported Mk III Sprite head, which Jamie flowed at a later date and it flowed 108CFM, which is a great increase on the standard head, but would still work well with the standard twin SU 1 ¼” carbies.

These flow figures matches those from the very informative book, “Tuning BL’s A-Series Engine” by David Vizard. This book is well worth a read at it covers all areas of engine modification and shows flow bench testing of all components from air cleaners to mufflers and everything in between!

Overall this testing proved that most Spridgets can perform with the standard carbies and manifolds if the cylinder head is not modified. Add a modified head and camshaft, then then up to 80 to 100 BHP, the SU’s on a good manifold will be suitable, the Weber just looks cool and drinks more fuel!!

Then the attention turned to the Chassis Dyno and there were a few cars to be tested. First was President Gordon’s Bugeye (998cc, modified head and cam plus Weber carby). The chassis dyno has the capacity to record both power and torque curves, as well as fuel mixtures, r/min plus other data, so after each run the results can be analysed. After producing noise and lots of unburnt fuel smoke from the very rich mixtures from the Weber, 998cc outputted 35 BHP at 6200 R/min at the rear wheels.

As a comparison Russell Schmarr’s standard 1275cc MG Midget produced an impressive 31 BHP with a nice even power and torque curve and good fuel mixtures, showing that in standard form the A-Series can be economical and produces reasonable performance.

Chris Brine’s Bugeye Race Car was next. This vehicle shows what some engine development can do for performance, using a well modified Russell Engineering cylinder head and manifold. Check out Russell Engineering’s Web Site for more technical info and articles on A-Series cylinder heads, manifolds and air flow. Well worth a Google search:  At over 7000 R/min, a total of 85 BHP was being produced by Chris’s Sprite, with a very smooth and even torque curve, making this a great track and circuit vehicle.

Pat Miller’s 2 litre Toyota-powered Waler clubman produced a very loud exhaust note as the computer changed the cam timing at various rev ranges to produce an impressive Kilowatt output. Unfortunately there was not enough air flow through the radiator and the computer intervened to protect the motor by reducing performance and power – something a carby Sprite will not do, but most modern EFI vehicle have built into their software.

Finally Paul Doube’s 1600cc Toyota powered Kestrel Clubman produced the highest power of the night with the smoothest power and torque curve. This is mostly due to the technology invested into the engine design and the use of electronic fuel injection to control the fuel, so the engine will idle, accelerate and produce maximum power and be very drivable during each of these phases. The Spridgets coughed, spluttered and were not a smooth with their fuelling, but that is difference years of R & D can do for engine performance.

Our thanks also to TAFESA for allowing the Sprite Club to visit and use the dyno facilities. And special thanks to Jamie Campbell for his Technical Presentation, as his knowledge of air flow, performance and vehicle testing gave all present a chance to see how the flow bench and chassis dyno can, not only be used to measure performance, but also to ensure that the correct modifications can be made to produce the desired and usable performance from the humble A-Series engine. 

General Meeting Reminder!

6 May    General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Come along and find out what has been happening over the past month and what events are coming up. Library, regalia and tea and coffee also available.

MSCA Peter Hall 6 Hour relay

5 May    MSCA Peter Hall Memorial 6-Hour Regularity Relay – Mallala Motorsport Park

The Annual 6-Hour Regularity Relay attracts teams of cars from all MSCA Clubs, as well as interstate. There will be Victorian Sprite Club teams joining in as well.

Each Team is to provide some assistants to help the MSCA as well as helpers with each team. Come along and help out our Clubman and Sprite Club teams with various tasks – even for a few hours, as well as spectate this interesting Club and Teams Event.

A great opportunity to see up to 24 cars on the track at the same time competing for this prestigious trophy.

Event starts at 11.00am, Practice from 9.00am

For Sale


For Sale , The legendary Troy Ryan Austin Healey Sprite, on current SA Historic Road Registration SA 50505 (previously SA XLG 995) Racing Nos. 995 or 95.

This naturally aspirated BMC powered 1295cc Sprite driven by Troy , has been setting track records all over numerous Australian Circuits such as Winton and Mallala etc. and Hillclimbs for approx. 10 years, e.g. Mt Gambier Legend of the Lakes 58.52 in 2011, Collingrove 35.24 in 2016.

It recently has been fitted with a fresh engine and gearbox and presents and drives extremely well . I’ve admired the car , and pursued Troy to sell it for many years ,for my own Hillclimb competition pursuits , and last year he finally relented as he has many other projects taking up his time.

Unfortunately at my geriatric stage of life ,  this season I’ve developed a chronic spine problem and on Specialist’s advice I now need to sell the car.

I’ve fitted a normal windscreen to the car , still retaining the mini one, and the car comes with full history, many tens of thousands of $$ receipts , and a number of spares.

Asking $17,500 , Thanks , Peter Emes 0413 133 233 .      NB ,I’ll be overseas 23 May to 2 June.

For Sale – Mk 2 Sprite

It is with great sadness that I am looking at putting my sprite up for sale due to needing something more practical and family friendly.

It is likely better know at Pat K’s old Sprite and is a 63 Mk2 (Not a 2a which Pat thought was relevant?). Running really well, serviced/tuned every 6 months.

Has had some cosmetic work over the last couple of years such as a pain touch up, new badges and dash repair.

Pat mentioned to put it out to the club for their interest prior to car sales I’m assuming to try and keep it within the club? As there is another vehicle that I am hoping to secure pending the sale of the sprite I will need to get it up on car sales by Thursday at the latest so if it is possible to get it sent out to the club ASAP I can hold off until say Wednesday before looking at putting it on car sales.

Price: $10,500

Sports Car Cruise – Wrap

Despite threatening clouds 17 cars turned up for the final sports car cruise of the season. Unfortunately the convoy became scattered leaving the car park but everyone enjoyed a drive in the hills. Most appealing car trophy Garry Beaton’s tricked up BMW best patina, Gerard‘s Plymouth spl and much to his surprise Chris Mignone, Datsun coupe the youth appeal award. great to see strong support from Sprite and MX5 clubs also young people navigating. My niece Kelly Scott enjoyed co-piloting the Plymouth. Big thank you to all who attended.

Sports Car Cruise – REMINDER

Don’t forget Classic Sports car cruise this Saturday starting and finishing at K mart shopping centre on Glynburn rd Firle. Gathering from 4:30 pm for a 5:10 pm start. Duration of the run approximately 1 hour. Drivers with a spare seat may like to offer sedan drivers a ride. Route maps will be available on the afternoon. All Sprite club members and their families please let me know their choice of 1 the most appealing car and the car with the best patina straight after the run finishes. Any enquiries ph O4212897O6

Classic and vintage mclaren vale

If you’re not in the parade, you can still meet us at Paxtons

  • THE EASY CLUB from Willunga bringing their Smooth Sounds with a Rock & Roll Heart to entertain us all afternoon.
  • THE YIROS SHACK feeding us with delicious, healthy Greek style Chicken, Lamb, Combination & Vegetarian Yiros – served with salad in a pita style wrap or in a bowl., complemented with a variety of sauces.
  • DAL MARE COFFEE, a local McLaren Vale coffee caravan – you may have seen on the side of Victor Harbour Road – serving coffees throughout the afternoon.

At our Cellar Door we will have our PAXTON WINES available by the bottle or the glass, local beers, ciders, soft drinks and fruit juices to purchase along with a selection of local cheeses, almonds, antipasto meats & McLaren Vale olives to build your own platter.  Also Paxton Picnic Plumm stemless wine glasses to buy for $10.00 if you forget yours.

Oh, and to make the day even more fun we are going with the Vintage! Glamorous! Gatsby! Roaring Twenties 20s! Theme… so grab the gloves, feather boa, headbands or for the men the dress shirts, hats and suspenders and join us in dressing up in Glamorous 1920s style.

Please note that this event is strictly NO BYO Alcohol.

We will see you on Sunday!

Tech Night Friday – Manifold Needed

Please can I borrow a “straight style” Weber manifold to suit a Sprite or Mini to use for flow bench testing at the Tech Night this Friday night. (see sample photo)
Only need to borrow as a comparison between the curved and straight manifold.
Only need the manifold
Let me know if you can assist
Regards Gordon Boyce
O417 897 9O5

General Meeting at SCCSA

Sporting Car Club

1 April – General Meeting – Stars and Their Cars – 7.00pm for 7.30pm Start of Meeting.

Sporting Car Club Clubrooms, 51 King William Road, Unley.

Please note a different venue and the earlier start time for this special Meeting Night.

We will have member’s cars on stage and have a Q & A with the owners.

Join us an interesting night of Spridgets, enjoy a drink at the bar and some pizza and there will be door prizes and giveaways throughout the night.

And a reminder about the Tech Night Friday – 29 March – Technical and Dyno Night – TAFESA Automotive Regency Campus – 6.00pm – 9.00pm  See more info here

Mid week Meander

3 April – Mid-Week Meander – Southern Run – Departing at 10.00am – BYO Morning Tea.

Russell and Judy Schmarr have organised this Mid-Week Meander heading South.

Meet at Mitcham Reserve Car Park off Old Belair Road for a 10.00am departure.

As usual the run will cover some interesting roads south of Adelaide, ending up for lunch at a convenient venue. This will be close enough for a short run home after lunch.

For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – Phone O4O3 151 715

Sports car cruise


For our last cruise of the season we are doing things a little bit different in that the start and finish will be in the same place. The reason being that it may be possible for those driving a non sports vehicle to hitch a more exciting  ride. No logistics required. As usual this is a most informal short sharp and shiny cruise, we welcome anyone driving a sports car to join us. No club memberships are required.

1: To make best use of the day light we will gather at 4:30 pm for a  chat and checkout session  at the K mart shopping center on Glynburn rd Firle. Departing at 5:10 pm onto Glynburn rd in a southerly direction.

2: Turn right (west) onto Norwood Parade.

3: Turn left (south ) onto Portrush rd follow through to the south eastern freeway. Leading cars back off a bit so everyone can bunch up on the first part of the freeway.

4 :Follow the freeway through the Heysen tunnel ( An acoustic experiment!!!. the sound of lots of sports cars going through here. )  

5: Turn off at  Crafers  ie. Mt lofty summit rd etc do not go up this road.

6 :Drive on to  Piccadilly rd just a few hundred meters. and turn left. 

7 :Follow nice and wining Piccadilly rd to Greenhill Rd.

8: Turn left (west) onto  even more winding Greenhill rd all the way back to suburbia.

 9: Turn Right (north) onto Glynburn rd and drive back to K mart where there will be a short presentation. 

The sprite club reminds everyone that they are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicles and behavior behind the wheel.

Route maps will be available on the evening.

Weather, I doubt too hot will be a problem, however if the bureau predicts more than 5mm of rain on the evening the cruise will be postponed .  

For further info Contact Pat Miller at mob 0421289706

Please forward this information to anyone you feel might be interested.

Technical and Dyno Night

Friday – 29 March – Technical and Dyno Night – TAFESA Automotive Regency Campus – 6.00pm – 9.00pm 

Regency TAFE, (Greenway Architects) – SA

Find a PDF Map here

We will be visiting the TAFESA Automotive Facility at the Regency Campus, Regency Road, Regency Park.

Enter via Entrance 4 off Regency Road and head straight through the gates to the Automotive Compound. Refer to attached Maps.

Automotive Lecturer Jamie Campbell will discuss and demonstrate the air flow characteristics of A-Series cylinder heads, SU & Weber Carbys and associated manifolds and some of their issues and problems. There will also be some dyno runs outlining the torque and power curves of Sprites and Midgets, both standard and modified.  A great technical night for all members.

Due to TAFESA Safety Policy please wear minimum short sleeve shirt, long trousers, covered shoes or steel cap shoes/boots. 

Contact Gordon Boyce (O4178979O5) if you need directions or more information.

MSCA sprints roundup

MSCA Mallala Supersprint – Round One

March 17th2019 (St Patrick’s Day) was the start of major motor sporting events across Australia, the Melbourne F1 Grand Prix, Collingrove Hillclimb and the Round One MSCA Supersprint at Mallala. While the luck of the Irish may have not been smiling on competitors at the F1 GP and the Hillclimb (due to timing issues) nearly 100 competitors at Mallala did have smiles on their faces as they headed onto the track for the first time for 2019!

With a Come’n’Try event as well, a number of new or returning competitors tried the Mallala circuit for the first time. While it was warm, and the circuit surrounds very dry and dusty from the lack of any rain, most found the circuit to be in clean and good condition, based on the lap times from most.

The Sprite Club was represented by the usual stalwarts, Barry & Lyndall Edson and Paul Doube in Kestrel Clubman’s, Pat Miller in the Irukandji Clubman, Helen Stephenson in the Circuit Excel Hyundai, as well a few Clubman competitors, such as Ian Eldridge in the very quick PBR.

Once the briefings were over it was time to head to the circuit. Cars are grouped in their time order, so there is minimal passing, but all can have a clear lap and try for a fast time. While the track was clean, some found the end of the back straight an issue with a couple heading into the sand trap due to braking problems, one parking on its side, with minimal damage to the car, other than needing a good clean. One spinning Skyline off the back straight also raised quite a dust cloud as it drifted along the infield!

Our two flying females, Helen and Lyndall, both had brief off track excursions, but regained their confidence and both put down some reasonable times when they returned to the circuit. Well done ladies! Most competitors had four runs of five laps around the circuit, so there was plenty of track time for all.

The Sprite Club had been allocated to assist with Flagging duties for the day, so Chris Brine elected not to compete and was ably assisted by Dean King in manning the Turn 2 flag point for the day – special thanks guys, without your help the day could not have run. It is a shame a few more from the Sprite Club could have helped on the day. President Gordon was the CAMS Steward for the day to ensure all played by the rules……

Other than the Edson Kestrel being loaded on the trailer early, most had a good, but warm day, and I guess a few will be making adjustments and alterations for the next round. The next event is the Peter Hall Memorial 6-Hour Relay Sprint in May, so it would be great to see a few more members at the track to help out our two teams, plus the proposed three teams from the Victorian Sprite Club.

Gordon Boyce

Sprints anD flaGgies this sunday!

There are still a few vacancies available for the MSCA come and try sprint event on Sunday next 17th March. Get in Quickly by calling Sue Stephenson on 0408858046. The cost is $125 which covers everything. You just need a car, a helmet, and ankle to wrist clothing.

 The sprite club is rostered for flag marshal duties this meeting make sure you write sprite club on the sign in form as this will earn 1 point towards the club of the year trophy.

Bugeye Burble – March 2019

Sprite Club Coming Events for March 2019.

Download a copy here

Keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web site and Facebook page for more details on these events……………………

4 March – General Meeting – Guest Speaker – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

17 March – MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

The Sprite Club have been rostered for flagging duties at this Round so please come along and get yourself trackside to see some motorsport action up close. There will be parade 

Officials briefing at 8.15am.  On track action from 10.00am

17 March – Winter Cup 1 Hillclimb – Round 1 – Collingrove Hillclimb 

First Hillclimb of the year at the famous Collingrove Hillclimb in the Barossa Valley

29 March – Technical and Dyno Night – TAFESA Automotive Regency Campus – 6.00pm – 9.00pm 

We will be visiting the TAFESA Automotive Facility at the Regency Campus, Regency Road, Regency Park . Automotive Lecturer Jamie Campbell will discuss and demonstrate the air flow characteristics of A-Series cylinder heads, SU Carbys and some of their issues and problems. There will also be some dyno runs outlining the torque and power curves of Sprites and Midgets, both standard and modified.

A great technical night for all members.

1 April – General Meeting – Stars and Their Cars – 7.30pm.

Sporting Car Club Clubrooms, 51 King William Road, Unley.

Please note a different venue and the earlier start time.

We will have member’s cars on stage and have a Q & A with the owners.

Join us for pizza and a drink, the bar will be open, and there will be some door prizes

3 April – Mid-Week Meander – Southern Run – Departing at 10.00am – BYO Morning Tea.

Russell and Judy Schmarr have organised this Mid-Week Meander heading South.

Meet at Mitcham Reserve Car Park off Old Belair Road for a 10.00am departure.

As usual the run will cover some interesting roads south of Adelaide, ending up for lunch at a convenient venue. This will be close enough for a short run home after lunch. For catering purposes please let Russell and Judy know you are coming – O4O3 151 715

MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

Title: MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park
Location: Mallala Raceway
Description: MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park
The Sprite Club have been rostered for flagging duties at this Round so please come along and get yourself trackside to see some motorsport action up close.
Officials briefing at 8.30am. You will be supplied lunch and basic training, also you will have an opportunity to have a few parade laps at the lunchtime break.
Please support our competing Sprite and Clubman driving members as they compete. On track action from 10.00am
Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2019-03-17
End Time: 17:00

General Meeting – Guest Speaker

4 March – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Our guest speaker will be Lynton Fuller from Trico Products. He will be talking about some specialty products ideal for our vehicles, particularly Sta-Bil Fuel Stabiliser, 303 Protectant and Nu Finish polishes.

Hillclimb awards

Well done Peter Stanley!

The winner of the Winter Cup for the 2018 Hillclimb season was long time Hillclimber Geoff Vardon driving in a Datsun 120Y Sports Sedan that he built and engineered himself, powered by a Honda engine it defines a “pocket rocket.” Named 2nd in the competition was another longtime Hillclimber (and previous winner) Danny Maul driving his Circuit Excel, finishing 3rd was David Hall in his ever reliable Toyota MR2.

The Collingrove Challenge Trophy for Multi Club Competition was won by Peter Stanley in his Austin Healey Sprite Mk2, 2nd was David Hall Toyota MR2 and 3rd was David Angel in his Ford Cortina GT Mk2.

Congratulations to you all for your speedy and consistent performances over the season.

The Collingrove Cup was presented by its donor Mr Glen Dix OAM to Naomi Maltby.

MSCA Trophy Presentation and Display Day.

The annual Marque Sports Car Association Trophy Presentation and Display Day was held at Vigara Winery on the 24thFebruary. While it was a warm day, it was well supported by members and vehicles from all the MSCA member car clubs.

As well a chance to display member’s vehicles, it is a day to recognise the achievements of the drivers competing in the MSCA Mallala Super sprints during the 2018 competition year.

A big congratulation must go to all the competitors from this year, but an especially big congratulation must go to the drivers who won their classes! 

The Sprite Club of SA was well represented in the Winners Circle with Barry Edson (Clubman’s 1300-1600cc) and James Dover (Clubman’s 1600-2000cc) winning their respective classes for the year. Congratulations!

Barry also proved a consistent year on the track taking 2ndplace in the Sprint Driver of the Year Award. This trophy is now added to the others gained during 2018 at Legend of the Lakes hill climb, so overall it has been a successful 12 months for Barry and the Kestrel Clubman. Congratulations Barry!

Class Winners 

Class BB winner – Barry Edson

Class C winner – Dick Manning

Class CC winner -James Dover

Class D winner – Jason Edwards

Class DD winner – Alastair Dow

Class H winner – Marque Lemaistre

Class M winner – Malcolm Ebel

Class O winner – Darren Bilsborough

Class V winner – Vu Le

Class X winner – John Davies

Sprint Champion 1st Place – John Davies

Sprint Champion 2nd Place – Jason Edwards

Sprint Driver 1st Place – Dick Manning

Sprint Driver 2nd Place – Barry Edson

Club of the Year – Nissan Datsun

Car Club Display Day Award 1st place – MG Car Club

Car Club Display Day Award 2nd place – Alfa Romeo Owners Drivers Club

Parts wanted

Believe it or not, I am building a MG Midget mk1 rear axle to modify and use in a 1925 Amilcar, in place of a very old design rear end. What I am missing is a pair of rear axles and hubs, to suit a wire wheel Mk 1 assembly. I have most of the other bits, so once I can find some axles I can build it all up. If you can find a member of your club who can help that would be great. Thanks, Brian Jeffery 0438 705 720.

Sports car cruise

Classic Sports Car Cruise – Summer 2019

A warm, balmy summers night, a roofless sports car, a passenger or two, and a group of like-minded enthusiasts are the perfect ingredients for the first Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise for 2019. About 30 vehicles met at the City of Adelaide Clipper Ship at Port Adelaide as the starting point for the 2019 Summer Cruise. These included the usual Bugeyes, Sprites and Midgets, who were supported by Big Austin Healeys, Triumph Stags and GT6, Mazda MX-5’s, Toyota MR2, various Clubmans and Sunbeam Alpines and V8 powered Tigers

Co-ordinator Pat Miller had put together a simple but effective run from Port Adelaide, via Port Road, West Terrace, Goodwood Road, then up Belair Road to the Windy Point Lookout. While the route stayed on major roads there was plenty of opportunity to showcase our Classic vehicles to alfresco diners enjoying the evening at various cafes and restaurants along the way.

To help promote the future lives of our classic vehicles to the next generation, drivers were encouraged to bring along a young person or two to enjoy the cruise and help the promote the sustainability of these vehicles to the next generation. 

To support this there was a Youth Appeal Award, voted by the younger members, as the most appealing car of the Cruise. This was awarded to the MG Midget of Doug Gordon, having owned the vehicle for over 45 years!

Sprite Club members voted for the Most Appealing Car of the Cruise and the Vehicle with the Best Patina. The Austin Healey 3000 BJ8 of Ian Hay was awarded the Most Appealing Car, while the well-used Bugeye Sprite of Jim Schubert was awarded the Vehicle with the Best Patina.

Special thanks to Pat Miller for arranging the Cruise and making the unique trophies. Also to those members who bought along a younger person to enjoy the cruise and the special classic vehicles helped make this the largest turn up since the Sprite Club has started promoting these events. I know it made an impression on the two youth members that we bought along, they cannot wait to the next Cruise!

MSCA Presentation Day

24 February – MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Virgara Wines – 143 Heaslip Road, Angle Vale – 11.00am

Everyone is invited to the MSCA Presentation Day for the 2018 class awards along with the many other trophies up for grabs! There is also a trophy for the best Club Display. Bring with you, your family, your cars and a picnic lunch. As we are being hosted by Virgara Winery, Heaslip Road, Angle Vale there is the opportunity to purchase some of their wonderful wines and food! 

Assemble from 11.00am, Judging Display – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm

All British Day 2019

The All British Day had an early start for a couple of us taking two cars to celebrate British Racing Heritage at this year’s event.

The Sprite club managed to get 16 club cars on display, including 14 sprites and two associated vehicles all managed to find their way to the Echunga ovals.

This year was a celebration of the long British motorsport history. The Sporting Car Club managed to have a great display of cars with long racing pedigrees on display to celebrate their 85thbirthday.

As usual there was a great turn up of all British marques with full credit to the ABD committee, with nearly 900 vehicles on site to look at there was certainly a rich and diverse range.  The Vauxhall hearse was the highlight of the day for me 😉

Again there was a very convivial atmosphere and we were lucky enough to have a marquee directly opposite the club display this year.  As usual there were many warm and much welcomed comments on the quality of our display vehicles.  Providing many memories for the patrons, it always surprises me just how may people have a story of a Spridget in their lives.

All in all great day was had by all, the weather was very kind this year and without any club cars misbehaving we’ll be back next year to do it all again.

Sports car cruise

A friendly reminder to Sprite club members Our Classic sports car cruise is on this coming Saturday evening 16 Feb.  Starts at the Adelaide clipper site at Port Adelaide 6:30 for a 7:00departure to Windy Point. Route maps available  at departure site. Please try to recruit a young person to accompany you as there will be a trophy for the car with youth appeal selected by said young people. Also please contact me on arrival at windy point with your selection of most appealing car and, car with the best patina (ie used and loved appearance).

Pat Miller

Bugeye Burble

Sprite Club Coming Events for February 2019.

Year Calendar Available Here

Burble Available Here

Keep an eye on the Sprite Club Web Site and Facebook page for more interesting events …………………….

4 February – General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

10 February – 35th All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm

The annual All British Day is a chance to display our Members car and view over 750 British vehicles, plus British Racing Heritage vehicles as the main display.

If you have entered entry to the ovals is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.  Public Entry is $8.00 Adult, $4.50 Children – Parking Available – Catering, Displays and Trade Stalls available. 

Find map of the ovals here

16 February – Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 6.30pm, Depart 7.00pm

The first cruise for 2019 should be a great event. Meet at 6.30pm at the City of Adelaide Clipper Ship carpark, McLaren Parade, Port Adelaide. The Run will depart at 7.00pm.The run will head up Port Road, bypassing the City and ending at Windy Point to capture the sunset.

One of the purposes of these cruising events is to promote interest in our cars a special feature of this event is that if possible drivers recruit a junior person to accompany them e.g.: Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc.

24 February – MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Virgara Wines – 143 Heaslip Road, Angle Vale – 11.00am

Everyone is invited to the MSCA Presentation Day for the 2018 class awards along with the many other trophies up for grabs! Bring with you, your family, your cars and a picnic lunch. As we are being hosted by Virgara Winery, Heaslip Road, Angle Vale there is the opportunity to purchase some of their wonderful wines and food! 

Assemble from 11.00am, Judging Display – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm

4 March – General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

17 March – MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

The Sprite Club have been rostered for flagging duties at this Round so please come along and get yourself trackside to see some motorsport action up close.Officials briefing at 8.30am. You will be supplied lunch and basic training, also you will have an opportunity to have a few parade laps at the lunchtime break.Please support our competing Sprite and Clubman driving members as they compete.On track action from 10.00am

General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm. 4 February

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Welcome to the first General Meeting for 2019 and a chance to catch up with members, check out the library, buy some Club merchandise and find out the latest information from the Club. 

The Committee has been hard at work and will release the 2019 Calendar, with a range of interesting events planned throughout the year.

 Club Registration owners please note that your rego expired on the 31 December if you are not financial, therefore your vehicle is unregistered if you have driven it over the New Year break!

So please bring your Log Books, Rego Papers, $5.00 for a new Log Book and Membership Form and Fees.

classic sports car cruise February 16

The first Sprite Club of South Australia classic sports car cruise for 2019 will be run on the evening of Saturday February 16th. As usual this is a low key informal short sharp and hopefully not too hot opportunity to display our  cars.

Gathering point this time will be the car park area next to the Adelaide historic ship in Port Adelaide. Entry off  Mclaren parade. Arrive at 6:30pm for a 7:00 pm departure. As usual we would like to be joined by any interested  sports car, clubman, etc drivers. We are not  fussy about what constitutes a classic sports car. Participants do not need to be members of car clubs. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration. Sun is scheduled to dip into the gulf of St Vincent at 8:09 on this day. The route should minimize sunglare and be reasonably user friendly on older cooling systems.

One of the purposes of these cruising events is to promote interest in our cars a special feature of this event is that if possible drivers recruit a junior person to accompany them ie. children grand children nieces nephews etc. We will be asking the kids for their vote of favorite participating car with a  trophy going to the   car with the most votes. 

          Route maps will be available at the departure point.

          Depart the car park via Mclaren Pd.

          Left turn onto commercial rd following into Port rd towards the city.

          Veer right onto West Trc. Follow through to Goodwood rd. 

          Follow Goodwood road to Panorama.

          Turn left onto Springbank rd, cross over railway bridge.

         Turn right onto Belair rd follow road up to Windy Point car park where we should just be in time to catch the sunset.

          There will be a short presentation at Windy point. 

If the bureau predicts a day temperature above 38 deg or heavy rain the Cruise will be postponed. 

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.             

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email

Please pass this info onto anyone you think might enjoy participating. 

Would all Sprite Club members please contact me on arrival at windy point with their selection of the most appealing car and the car with the best patina (ie although used the car is loved).

All British Day update

Dear All British Day Entrant,
We have recently posted out all the Gate passes, so hopefully Australia Post will have them to you shortly. We thought it may be beneficial to send you the attached map (click on the map to enlarge it)  showing where you Club will be located on the day to make it easier for you to find your allocated parking spot.
We are aware that a few entrants bring sunshades or marquees. Please ensure that they are weighted down adequately, as we would hate a gust of wind to make a sunshade cause damage on the day. (Sorry pegs cannot be used due to the oval sprinkler system.) A guide for weights is minimum of about 12 kg on each corner of the sunshade.
We are hoping for a mild day for the 10th of February; however, should there be any doubt if the event may be affected by extreme weather a reminder of our hot weather policy is shown below.
  In the event of a catastrophic fire warning for the Echunga district or a forecast temperature for Mt Barker given by the Bureau of Meteorology as at 6.00pm the day before the event of 40 degrees or more, the event will be cancelled. If the event is cancelled, sorry no entry fees will be refunded but memorabilia will be posted out.
We hope to never need to action this; but we will endeavour to email entrants and advise also via our website if the event is to be cancelled.
Kind Regards 
Jamie Sandford Morgan 
President All British Day 

Bugeye Burble Jan/FEB 19

Sprite Club Coming Events for January – February 2019.

Keep an eye on the web site for more interesting events

Download a copy here

1 January – Happy New Year – Wishing all Members a Spritely Safe and Happy 2019!

Club Registration Vehicle owners please note that your rego expired on the 31st December 2018.

If you are not financial or not had your log book renewed or stamped your vehicle is deemed unregistered. 

26 January – Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing Contest – Gumeracha –  From 11.00am

Sunday Gary and Faye Brock, Ebenezer Palace, Kenton Hill, Gumeracha will once again host the first event for 2019.  This will be a BYO BBQ, so please BYO BBQ Meat, Drinks and Chairs. 

Also please bring either a salad or sweets to share.

Phone the Brocks on 83891141 if you need directions, or so we do not get too many potato salads or Vegemite sandwiches.

4 February – General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

10 February – 35th All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm

The annual All British Day is a chance to display our Members car and view over 750 British vehicles, plus British Racing Heritage vehicles as the main display.

If you have entered entry to the ovals is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.  Public Entry is $8.00 Adult, $4.50 Children – Parking Available – Catering, Displays and Trade Stalls available 

24 February – MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Virgara Wines – 143 Heaslip Road, Angle Vale – 11.00am

Everyone is invited to the MSCA Presentation Day for the 2018 class awards along with the many other trophies up for grabs! Bring with you, your family, your cars and a picnic lunch. As we are being hosted by Virgara Winery, Heaslip Road, Angle Vale there is the opportunity to purchase some of their wonderful wines and food! 

Assemble from 11.00am, Judging Display – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm

4 March – General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Changes to the Seat Belt Laws for 2019.

Please see the attachment from the Registrar of Motor Vehicles regarding changes to the Seat Belt laws for Historic Vehicles.

While most of our vehicle have been fitted with seat belts, this specifically applies when children (or grandchildren) travel in the vehicle, where the appropriate seat belt or harness must be used.

Refer to the web site of more information.

Australia Day

26 January 2019

Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing Contest –  From 11.00am

Keeping with the tradition of celebrating Australia Day, the Sprite Club will start the 2019 year with this annual event, hosted by Gary and Faye Brock.

This is a BYO BBQ, so please bring your own meat, drinks and chairs.

Can you also provide a salad or sweets to share – let Faye know what you are bringing so we do not get too many potato salads or Vegemite sandwiches!

There will also be the Annual Thong Throwing Competition, so start practicing and get ready for some serious competition.

Ebenezer Palace, Kenton Hill, Gumeracha will be the venue, and phone the Brocks on 83891141 if you need directions.

Christmas BBQ and General Meeting – 6.00pm Monday 3rd December

The Sprite Club December Meeting always has a Christmas BBQ supplied by the Club prior to the General Meeting.

Time from 6.00pm with the BBQ ready at approx. 6:30 pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre grounds.

The Club will supply the meat and salads. So please bring chairs and drinks.

The general meeting will commence at 8.00pm and Subs are now due along with Club Registration renewals

Please remember that there is now one membership type covering the family and is now $50 for the year

Inspections for Club Registered Vehicles will be available. Please let Don or Gordon know if you require a vehicle inspection on the night.

Meeting will conclude with supper of tea/coffee and Christmas Cake.

Memberships now due


Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2017. 

Membership Forms can be dowloaded here

If you have a Club Registered Vehicle or a vehicle that is eligible for Club Registration, the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. EG Sprite Club of SA
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.
  • If the vehicle has extensive modifications an DPTI Exemption Certificate is required

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.


For Sale

Austin Healey 1963 Mk 2A

Recent work

Reconditoned SU Carbruettors

Reconditioned Master Brake Cylinder and Clutch Cylinder

New parts include; wheel brake cylinders (for all wheels), ten gauge, radiator hoses, fan belt, thermostat, spark plugs, condenser, points, welsh plugs, 5 tyres

Reg RZV043

Phone Michael mobile 0411 092 723

Display day Sunday 4 November

Sprite Display Day at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg – 9.30am – 3.30pm

Just a final reminder that this Sunday is the Sprite Clubs Annual Display Day at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg

This the premier event of the Sprite Club’s year where we get the chance to show our cars to the public in the one place so I urge ALL members to get their Spridgets and associate cars ready for this fantastic day.

This year is the 60th anniversary of the Bugeye and the Club will be recognising this on the day. Therefore, we would like to invite all BUGEYE owners to bring their cars along for this display.

There will be People Choice Awards for All Models of Sprites and Midgets, as well as Associate Vehicles.

There will be a Coffee Van on site, as well as food available from local stores and cafes.

Entrance to Wigley Reserve is via the driveway at the roundabout at the Western end of Anzac Highway, please follow directions from the Traffic Marshals. Please bring a piece of cardboard to place under the car to prevent oil drips affecting the grassed areas.

Please let Don Cardone know if you are attending by either:

Email: or Mobile: 0411 876 067

Historic Winton 2019 – Message and Update

A message from Gerard Miller

Next historic meeting at Winton the focus will be  The South Australian contingent 

Noel Willcox is hoping a great team of us will attend 

It would be great to get some cars over there that do not usually attend and all of us that do 

We encourage as many as possible to join in and have a Murder of Crow Eaters to entertain the madding crowd 

All the best Gerard

Dates Update

Dear Historic Winton Competitor,

I would like to formally advise that the date of the 2019 Historic Winton event has been changed.
In recent years, our event has traditionally been the last weekend in May. However, due to the V8 Championship dates being altered next year, our weekend has been bumped!
Therefore, our meeting will be held the weekend before, starting from unofficial practice on Friday 17th, and continuing into the weekend of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th May 2019.
There will still be great racing, fabulous milestone celebrations, and our ever popular collection of display bikes, cars, caravans, emergency vehicles, trade vendors and plenty of surprises.
Many accommodation places have already been contacted, but for the many of you who roll bookings from one year to the next, I suggest you contact your Hotel/ Motel/ B&B and confirm your accommodation booking for 18th & 19th May 2019.
Stay tuned for the Media Release in November, when we announce Milestone Celebrations.
Peta Lee
Historic Winton®

Sports Car Run

Hi here are a few more images from last Saturday night..

I was really pleased with the event. Weather was great and a total record number of 19 cars participated, a good result in view of the number of regulars who were apologies. Good to see some drivers bought grand kids along for the ride. We will have to try to think of something to foster this kind of thing so that there will be some people interested in preserving these cars into the distant future.

Regards Pat Miller

October Minutes – Sports Car Run

Hi, here are the minutes from the last meeting, or find them on the drop down menu.  

Also a few images for the sports car cruise from last Saturday night.  at Miller organised a perfect night again P and a great drive from Fulham Gardens into the city and onto Norwood Parade, finishing up in Firle.  Had a total of 15 cars including Doug Gordon’s Midget (former member) in front, Don Williams white Midget, Jim Schubert’s yellow bugeye, Dean King’s green Mk 3. It was a good run and a number of Stags and Alpines along for the ride.



Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA)






You just may have members that may wish to assist the Prostate Cancer cause and combine their interest in cars.

The Adelaide Motorsport Festival has made the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) it’s charity of choice for the 2018 event.

There are two ways your members can help and some of them might just have been affected by prostate cancer.

We all have a dad, a brother, a son, a mate, a colleague…

Firstly PCFA needs volunteers to assist at the event on days

from Wednesday 28th November to Sunday 2nd December.

Rosters are not onerous and obviously involve free entry to the ticket events.

Our volunteer coordinator Janie Green would love to hear from people with an interest in assisting our cause.

Tasks involve assistance with erecting signage and coin rattling moneyboxes for donations.

Janie can be contacted on 8231 6339 or

She can answer questions and take enquiries on the roster and shifts.

Secondly your members may be interested in purchasing tickets in the raffle:


A priceless experience!

Raffle tickets are just $25.

Your members can buy online at

100% of proceeds to PCFA!

PCFA would very much appreciate your Club

sending this message far and wide, to your membership base and beyond.

Please contact me with any questions.


Kind regards,


Karyn Foster,

State Manager, PCFA – SA


  • PS:
  • More men die of prostate cancer than women die of breast cancer;
  • Each year around 20,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer;
  • Tragically, each year, almost 3,500 will die as a direct result of this disease;
  • Almost double the annual road toll;
  • This is one man every three hours…one a day in South Australia.


One Week to Go!!

Saturday 20th October

Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 6.00pm – Depart 6.30pm

The Sprite Club of South Australia will be cruising again for the first time this season on the evening of Oct 20th. As usual this is a low key short, sharp and hopefully shiny evening to display sports cars with a run of approx. 1 hour duration.

Gathering at the Target Fulham Gardens Shopping Centre car park on the corner of Tapleys Hill Rd and Valetta Rd, Fulham Gardens at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 departure. We will be finishing at the K Mart Shopping Centre at Glynburn Road, Firle.

Join us at the Start, Join for part of the Cruise or just meet at the Finish…….you and your Classic Sports Car are welcome.

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email

And if you are looking for something to do before the event……………….

“…….The TSOA & TR Register are holding their Annual Display Day on Saturday October 20th, 2018, at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg.

This event is part of the TR Register Nationals, of which there are 63 early TR’s, (TR2, TR3’s etc) booked to be on display, attending from all states of Australia for Concourse judging. Coupled with TSOA vehicles, we expect over 100 Triumphs to be on display this day. To further ensure it is one of the largest Triumph gatherings in the Country, we will also have the Stag Owners Club members to display their Stags at this event.

Event is due to conclude around 2pm.

Some of these vehicles will be joining the Sprite Club for the Cruise.

Bugeye Burble – October

Sprite Club coming events for October………………
Saturday 20 October  Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet 6.00pm – Depart 6.30pm

Gathering at the Target Fulham Gardens Shopping Centre car park on the corner of Tapleys Hill Rd and Valetta Rd, Fulham Gardens at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 departure. We will be finishing at the K Mart Shopping Centre at Glynburn Road, Firle after a 1 hour cruise through the City and Norwood.

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email      

Sunday 28 October     MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 5 – Mallala Motorsport Park

Join us at Mallala for the final round of the MSCA Super Sprint Series.

Free Spectator Entry. On track action from 10.00am

Sunday 4 November  Sprite Display Day at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg – 9.30am – 3.30pm

This the premier event of the Sprite Club’s year where we get the chance to show our cars to the public in the one place so ALL members are urged to get their Spridgets and associate cars ready for this fantastic day.

This year is the BUG EYE 60th anniversary and the Club will be recognising this on the day. Therefore we would like to invite all BUGEYE owners to bring their cars along for this display. Please let Don Cardone know if you are attending by either:

Email: or Mobile: 0411 876 067

Monday 5 November Annual General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

All committee positions will be declared vacant, so if you would like to join the committee and assist in the running of the Sprite Club of SA please think about nominating or volunteering at the AGM.

Talk to any of the committee if you are interested or require further information.

It’s back… Cruise night


The Sprite Club of South Australia will be cruising again for the first time this season on the evening of Oct 20th  . As usual this is a low key short sharp and hopefully shiny evening to display sports cars. Gathering in the Target shopping center car park on the corner of Tapleys hill Rd and Valetta Rd Kidman Park at 6:00 pm for a 6:30 departure. As usual we would like to be joined by any interested  sports car, clubman, etc drivers. We are not too fussy about what constitutes a classic sports car. The run will be of approximately 1 hour duration. Sun is scheduled to dip into the gulf of St Vincent at 7:33 on this day. The route will hopefully keep the glare behind us.

          Depart the shopping center car park in a southerly direction.

          Follow Tapleys hill Rd to Sir Donald Bradman Rd and turn left.

          Follow Sir Donald Bradman Rd to West Trc.  and turn left.

          Drive along West Trc. Follow city ring route Park Trc. Hackney Rd. Dequetterville Trc.

          Hard left turn at the Victoria round about onto Fullarton Rd.

         Turn right onto the Parade. (We tend to attract a bit of attention here.)

         Follow the Parade up to Glynburn Rd. and turn left.

         Follow Glyburn Rd to K mart on your left hand side.

         There will be a short presentation at K mart.

 Route maps will be available at the departure point.

If the bureau predicts above 36 deg or more than a 20% chance of rain the Cruise will be postponed.

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.            

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email

Pie and Pea Night Dinner – Saturday 29th September

Saturday 29th September – Annual Pie and Pea Night Dinner – 6.30 pm – Don & Elaine Cardone’s Home

The Pea and Pie night is a long standing tradition of the Sprite Club. It is a lot of fun so please make an effort to come and enjoy the night with your fellow club members



LOCATION:                Don and Elaine Cardone’s home

COST:                           $6.00 per pea and pie

WHAT TO BRING:    BYO drinks and also nibbles or sweets to share.


For catering purposes please let Don & Elaine know if you are attending by sending an email to or on mobile 0411 876 067 and Don will reply to you with details.

Please Note the Cut-off date to let Don & Elaine know you are coming is Sunday 23rd September.

Coming Events for September…

Find a downloadable copy of the Bugeye Burble – September 2018 here

Last Chance!! Saturday 15 September – Sprite Club Annual Dinner & Awards Night – 6.00pm for 6.30pml

We have secured the Patio Room at The Unley Hotel, 27 Unley Road, Parkside for our Annual

Dinner and Awards Night

6.00pm Pre-dinner drinks, 6.30pm Three-Course Meal, Trophy Presentations, and much more.

$35 per head direct to the Club’s bank account or pay the Treasurer.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Dinner Payments on the night, must be prepaid before.

Saturday 29 September – Annual Pie and Pea Night Dinner – 6.30 pm

LOCATION:                  Don and Elaine Cardone’s home

COST:                           $6.00 per pea and pie

WHAT TO BRING:      BYO drinks and also nibbles or sweets to share.

For catering purposes please let Don & Elaine know if you are attending by sending an email to or on mobile 0411 876 067 and Don will reply to you with details.

Cut-off date is Monday 24 September.

30 September            Bay to Birdwood

Sunday Entries are open for vehicles built before 31st December 1959 – e.g. Bugeyes are eligible

24 Sept – 5 Oct           Federation of Motoring Clubs Motorfest.

Multiple events over the week before and after the Bay to Birdwood.

8 October                     General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Monday   Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.


                                         PLEASE NOTE: The changed date for the General Meeting due to the October Long Weekend


4 November               Sprite Display Day at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg – 9.30am – 3.30pm

Sunday                          This the premier event of the Sprite Club’s year where we get the chance to show our Sprites, Midgets and Associate cars to the public and this year celebrate the BUG EYE 60th anniversary.

                                         Please let Don Cardone know if you are attending by either:


                                         Mobile: 0411 876 067


The Fathers Day Car/Bike Run – Outside event


Collectable Classic Cars would like to invite your club to join our father’s day car run.

The Fathers Day Car/Bike Run is fundraising much needed funds for the Childhood Cancer Association. 

The association is currently supporting 400 families with over 30 services here in South Australia. The Car/Bike Run is a great day out cruising through the Adelaide Hills in your old classic or current model car or bike (all makes/models welcome) . 

Starting at Mylor oval with a delicious coffee van on site, we then head off to Goolwa Motor Museum & then onto Collectable Classics at Strathalbyn for a BBQ lunch.

All profits from the car run are going straight to the Childhood Cancer Association. 

Tickets are purchased online at the link below, it is also on the flyer

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us directly happy to discuss.

I have attached a digital copy of our flyer and have hard copies available on site in Strathalbyn.

Please invite your club members to join us on what will be a fabulous day out.



Kind regards,

Ben Gillespie 

Ph: 0484 011 600


Collectable Classics

Annual Dinner – Saturday 15 September

Sprite Club Annual Dinner & Awards Night – 6.00pm for 6.30pm – Unley Hotel

Only Three Weeks until the Sprite Club’s “Night of Nights”.

Do you need a new outfit? Need to polish you best shoes? Now is the time to start your preparation!

We have secured the Patio Room at The Unley Hotel, 27 Unley Road, Parkside for our Annual Dinner and Awards Night

6.00pm Pre-dinner drinks, 6.30pm Three-Course Meal, Trophy Presentations, and much more.

To assist with the catering of the night and to secure your seat, please make your payment of $35 per head direct to the Club’s bank account or pay the Treasurer.

The bank details for EFT deposits for the annual dinner @ $35/head are listed below and leave your name as a reference, cheers!


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 207432628

Coming Events for August and September…

Please note Annual Dinner and the payment option via EFT.
Burble available for download here

Sunday 19 August            MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 4 – Mallala Motorsport Park

The next round of the Super Sprint Series, which includes a Come ‘n’ Try event if you have not been on the circuit before. Free Spectator Entry. On track action from 10.00am

25 -26 August                    Supercars at The Bend – Tailem Bend

The Supercar Series heads to The Bend circuit for the first time.

Monday 3 September   General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

PLEASE NOTE: All Perpetual Trophies to be returned by the September General Meeting

Saturday 15 Sept             Sprite Club Annual Dinner & Awards Night

We have secured the Patio Room at The Unley Hotel, 27 Unley Road, Parkside for our Annual Dinner and Awards Night

6.00pm Pre-dinner drinks, 6.30pm Three-Course Meal, Trophy Presentations, and much more.

Please make your payment of $35 per head direct to the Club’s bank account or pay the Treasurer.

Saturday 29 Sept             Annual Pie and Pea Night Dinner

Keep the night free. Don and Elaine Cardone will host this annual event.

Sunday 30 Sept                 Bay to Birdwood

Entries are open for vehicles built before 31st December 1959 – e.g. Bugeyes are eligible

24 Sept – 5 Oct                  Federation of Motoring Clubs Motorfest.

Multiple events over the week before and after the Bay to Birdwood.           

Sunday 4 Nov                    Sprite Display Day at Wigley Reserve, Glenelg

Start waxing and polishing your Sprite, Midget, Clubman or Classic for our annual Display at the Bay.

2018 Sprite Club Annual Dinner and Awards Night


Saturday 15thSeptember

The Unley Hotel, 27 Unley Road, Parkside.
Pre-dinner drinks from 6.00pm, seated from 6.30pm

We have once again secure the Patio Room at The Unley Hotel for our Annual Dinner and Awards Night.As the Patio Room is upstairs please note that there is no lift, only stairs

As well as celebrating the Anniversary of the Inaugural Sprite Club Meeting we will also recognise and award those members of the club for their services and competition successes for the past year.

There will be a three-course meal as listed below:

Entrée– shared plate

Pumpkin, thyme and fontina arancini, Chicken satays with spiced coconut peanut sauce, Salt and Chilli squid with guajillo chilli salsa, House made dip with chargrilled pita bread


200g Chimichurri Scotch Steak                   

Crispy Skin Chicken Breast

Achiote Atlantic Salmon

Roast Vegetable Stack


Malibu Coconut Panna Cotta

Chocolate and Rum Tart

If you have special dietary requirements, please let the staff know when you arrive.

The cost is $35 per head.

Drinks can be purchased from the Bar.

To assist with the catering of the night and to secure your seat. please make your payment of $35 direct to the Club’s bank account  (surname as the payment reference)

Account Details: 


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 207432628

or to the Treasurer at a General Meeting.

This will be used as your booking confirmation and will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.  If you can’t manage that let us know that you’re coming and we can sort it out on the night!

Spritely Wedding News

Last weekend Sprite Club Member and Bugeye Owner Hamish Bubner married Linda Beagley at the family property near Maitland on Yorke Peninsula.

The ceremony was held in one of the paddocks, with guests seated and enjoying the view of the property. Also the weather was perfect for the ceremony.

As is the wedding tradition both the bride and Sprite wore white, and the Bugeye was joined by other classic vehicles including a Ford Mustang and “Barge” Fairlane.

Hamish had attempted to drive the Sprite from Adelaide, but it needed a small amount of “flat-tow assistance” to arrive at the property in time for the wedding.

On behalf of the Members of the Sprite Club of SA, we wish Hamish and Linda congratulations on their Special Day and years of happiness and memories together

Mid Week Run – 25 July

Needing a chance to get the Sprite, Midget, Clubman or Classic out of the shed and go for a run…….Here’s your opportunity!

Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive

Wednesday 25 July

Meet 9.30am – Depart 10.00am

Russell and Judith Schmarr have organised another enjoyable mid-week run for morning tea and lunch.

Departing from Civic Park car park, North East Road, Modbury (opposite Tea Tree Plaza) at 10.00am.

This run will take in the northern parts of Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills and has a history theme.

BYO Morning Tea and will finish at a mystery Lunch venue in the northern Barossa Valley.

Can you please let Russell know if you are coming for the run or lunch 0403 151 715

Bugeye Burble – July 2018

Please find below the list May 2018 events and a downloadable Bugeye Burble – July 2018 here!

Wednesday 25 July         Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive – Meet 9.30am – Depart 10.00am

Russell and Judith Schmarr have organised another enjoyable mid-week run for morning tea and lunch.

Departing from Civic Park car park, North East Road, Modbury (opposite Tea Tree Plaza) at 10.00am..

BYO Morning Tea and will finish at a mystery Lunch venue in the northern Barossa Valley.

Can you please let Russell know if you are coming for the run or lunch 0403 151 715

Monday 6 August            General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Sunday 19 August            MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 4 – Mallala Motorsport Park

The next round of the Super Sprint Series, which includes a Come ‘n’ Try event if you have not been on the circuit before. Free Spectator Entry. On track action from 10.00am

Monday 3 Sept General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Saturday 15 Sept              Sprite Club Annual Dinner

Mark your diaries, the Sprite Club’s “Night of Nights” is coming up.

Saturday 29 Sept              Annual Pie and Pea Night Dinner

Keep the night free. More details as they come to hand


For Sale: – 1967 MG Midget Mk 11 $7800

This car was most likely a private import and is equivalent to a Sprite Mk 3A, having wire wheels, wind-up windows but not the folding hood seen on later Midgets. Car has a good straight body and drives very well.

Brakes have recently been overhauled and new tyres fitted to the wire wheels, which have tight spokes and have been clearly replaced at some time.

The 1098cc A-series motor is strong and smooth and suspension is good.

Gearbox shows signs of wear and will require work in the future.

Upholstery and roof will require replacing. (Roof and frame provided but fabric is old and has lost flexibility.)

An ideal project which can also be driven as is.

Contact: –

Don Williams for further details 0433960810 or

Combined Car Coffee Club Morning

Michels Patiserie
Mile End Home Maker Centre, James Congdon Drive, Mile End South
We have been invited to the Ford Owners Car Club combined car coffee club morning along with the Holden FE-FC Owners Club.
Come along for a coffee, a chat and catch up with other classic car owners
Starts at 9.00am and will finish around 10.45am when the retail shops open and the car park starts to fill.
Let us know if you are coming.

Wanted – Bugeye

Is it time to sell your much loved Bugeye?
The time has come for me to buy a Bugeye of my own. I’d love to be the next custodian of a much loved Bugeye and take over from an owner who is ready to pass their car on. Ideally I’m looking for a car that has been well maintained or has had some restoration work done to it, a bare metal rebuild at some point would be great (but not essential), what’s important is that the car has a sound and well maintained rust free body and preferably a steel bonnet. It’s also important that the car and any work done to it has been as true to the original as possible. A car with well maintained records would also be great as the car’s history is important to me. So in short, I’m looking for a loved Bugeye that I can continue to look after, maintain and restore for many years to come until it becomes my turn to hand the car on to a new generation of Bugeye owner. My budget is very realistic, especially for a well maintained or well restored car. So if you feel it’s time to pass on your Bugeye to it’s next custodian and want to know that it will be cared for and fussed over for years to come, I’m your man! You can reach me on 0402700779 or on email at
Regards, Adam.

Notice from MG car club

Invitation Challenge Event Description 2018

As mentioned on Monday night the MG Car Club is running its Challenge on the Queen’s Birthday weekend with a Hillclimb at Collingrove on Saturday 9 June and a Super Sprint at The Bend on Sunday 10 June.

For the sprint we will be using the west circuit at The Bend.

MG numbers are unlikely to fill our fields so we would welcome entries from your clubs. See attached invitation for more information.

I ask that you keep it to your club members and do not spread this to a wider audience.

Entries to non MG clubs will open on MONDAY 21 MAY, as advised, and any received prior to that date will not be considered earlier.

We would prefer entries to both events.

To enter both in meecams go to the Hillclimb first and enter the “Challenge” which is at a discounted price. Then go to the sprint and enter the sprint at no charge.

In the sprint event you can also book a Dorian and a garage/carport.

It would be appreciated if your club could also provide a helper or two for the event.

Any questions please call or email as below.


Murray Stephenson

Motorsport Secretary

MG Car Club of South Australia


Bugeye Burble – Updates..

Saturday 19 MaySprite Club Autumn Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet at 4.30pm – Depart 5.15pm

Could Sprite Club members attending our classic sports car cruise on Saturday evening, upon arrival at the destination please give me their choice of,

The most appealing car

2 The car with the best patina, ie used and loved.

3  For this 60th anniversary cruise only  their choice of the best Bug Eye SpriteRegards Pat Miller.

Wednesday 30 May – Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive to Mannum – Meet 9.30am – Depart 10.00am

BYO Morning Tea – there is a stop planned for this during the run.

Contact Russell and let him know you’re going  0403 151 715 or

Bugeye Burble

Please find below the list May 2018 events and a downloadable Bugeye Burble – May 2018 here!

Saturday 19 MaySprite Club Autumn Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet at 4.30pm – Depart 5.15pm

Meet at IKEA Car Park, Donald Bradman Drive, Adelaide Airport

This cruise will head towards the coast and then head for Outer Harbour and returning to the Port Canal shopping centre car park at approx. 6.30pm.

20 May – 60th Birthday of the release of the Austin Healey Sprite

Wednesday 30 May – Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive to Mannum – Meet 9.30am – Depart 10.00am

Russell and Judith Schmarr have organised another enjoyable mid-week run to the Pretoria Hotel, Mannum for Lunch.

Departing from the Oval and Tennis Courts, Onkaparinga Valley Road, Balhannah at 10.00am.

Monday 4 June – General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Sport car cruise May 19


 Due to Adelaide turning on cancellation status weather for our scheduled sports car cruise last month the Sprite Club of SA is having a second attempt on Saturday May 19th. Which happens to be the eve of the 60 BIRTHDAY OF THE BUG EYE SPRITE. It would be especially good to have  drivers of all sports car, clubman, replica sports car or any car that fits the general description, join us.                                         

As usual the event will not take up much of your time, it is an informal low key cruise along  some of Adelaide’s popular coastal thoroughfares. The idea being to be part of a spectacle that spotlights on special interest classic sporting  cars and to generally have some fun.

The gathering place will be the very western end of the IKEA car park where the blue was to be Masters store stands, Sr Donald Bradman drive in the Adelaide airport precinct. Gathering for a bit of mingling and inspecting all the cars from 4:15 pm for a departure at 5:00 pm. Driving west on Sir Donald Bradman drive, turning right on Seaview road and following through to Grange road, a quick right left onto Military road, A left turn at  Bower road onto the Esplanade/ Lady Gowrie drive, going all the way to the roundabout at outer Harbor, returning along thissame road to make a left hand turn onto Semaphore road. At the end of Semaphore road turn right onto Causeway road, then turn Left onto Bower rd, followed by a left onto Port rd travel about 500 meters and turn left into the Port Canal shopping centre car park  where there will be a short presentation. This should be at approximately 6:00ish. There  are a good number of eating places in this area should you wish to make a night of it.

 Sunset on this day is at 5;19 pm

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Driving standards should as always respect our road rules and the safety of yourselves and other road users.

Weather ? Since this is such a significant birthday we hope the weather will be kind to us on as most previous cruises.

 Please pass this invitation to anyone you know who drives a sports car. There are no club memberships required. 

 For further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706  email

MSCA 6 Hour entrant required

Any car/ driver with super sprint or similar experience interested in participating in the 6 hour relay event on May 6th. We have a vacancy for an extra competitor in  the RED HEIFER racing team . Would any available competitors contact Pat Miller on 0421 289 706  or nanmiller@adam before the afternoon of Monday 23rd.

Is there anyone in the sprite club with expertise in the insurance or law scene prepared to take on a small one off task for the Marque Sports Car Association. The job involves making some phone calls to CAMS and some insurance companies to ascertain the public liability insurance situation should there be an incident at an MSCA event. Contact Pat Miller on 0421 289 706  or nanmiller@adam

Sprite Club April General Meeting – “Stars and Their Cars”

The April meeting of the Sprite Club of SA was held at the clubrooms of the Sporting Car Club in Unley, as we have done for the past few years. This special night allows the display of member’s cars on stage and a chance to find more about the featured members and their cars with a Question and Answer on stage.

Members arrived at the earlier start time and were provided with two tickets, one for the door prize raffle and the other for a complimentary drink from Stan the barman. There was also an array of pizzas to sample prior to the meeting.

President Gordon Boyce conducted an edited meeting covering the required basics of minutes, finances, coming events and reports from the various representatives.

Then the attention turned to the four vehicles displayed on stage, 1958 Bugeye Sprite of Jim Schubert, 1963 Sprite Mk IIA of Miles Jackson, 1965 Sprite Mk III of Kerry Fisher and the 1968 MG Midget of Russell Schmarr.

President Gordon asked each member different questions about the history of their car, why they chose a Spridget and some of the enjoyment of ownership they have had with their vehicles.

Starting in order with Jim’s Bugeye, which is the oldest in the Sprite Club as it turns 60 years in August this year, and was one of the early cars imported during 1958. Jim has owned the Sprite for over 30 years, purchasing the car from club member Don Williams. These early cars have several structural changes from the later Bugeyes and a different windscreen.

Miles’s Mk IIA was next in order, which started as a left-hand drive project car that need a large amount of work before returning to the streets. Miles outlined the parts restored during the process and some of the minor issues he has had since. Miles has used the Sprite on Interstate runs and is heading to the 2018 Sprite & Midget Nationals this month.

The Mk III of Kerry provided a chance to talk about why he bought a Sprite, to which he replied, “it was in the paper, it was red, it did not have a hood and the price was right!”. Kerry has completed only minor repairs and upgrades during the either years of ownership, although had to repair a broken throttle cable only recently. Kerry uses this Sprite regularly to work, having used it almost daily in the week preceding the meeting, but is yet to reach the 90 days allowed under Club Registration!

Finally, Russell’s fifty-year-old Midget was the final car to be discussed. Russell has been a member of the Sprite Club for 10 years, and displayed a magazine showing the first meeting he attended, and how some of the current members and committee were still involved, including Miles who was librarian in 2008! Russell has driven and attended several Sprite and Midget Nationals and Interstate Rallies with the Midget.

Each of these Spridget owners also had an interesting non-Spridget point of interest that was discovered during the Q & A:

  • Jim Schubert has an interest in woodturning and had produced the finial that tops the Sporting Car Club clubrooms
  • Miles has had a previous history in motorsport, racing Sports Sedans against Pat Miller at Adelaide International Raceway and Mallala
  • Kerry left the Navy and bought the Sprite
  • Russell took an interest in Sprites when he would see Richard & Mandy Stokes plus two kids pile out of their Midget at hockey matches many years ago!

Thanks to sponsorship from Penrite Oils and Pedder’s Suspension there was approx. 20 door prizes to giveaway! President Gordon invited Mary Dutch and Jan Symonds to assist with the raffle draw. Once the prizes were handed out, husband’s Ken and Alan were also invited on stage, where President Gordon talked with each about their years of membership (the Symonds joined in 1984 and the Dutches in 1990), and displayed photos of the Sprites they had both owned over the years, totalling approx. 7 Sprites, and a Mini Cooper S & MG Magnette, between both couples!

Then President Gordon announced and awarded both couples with Life Membership of the Sprite Club of SA for their services to the Club over the years, presenting all with certificates, name and lapel badges.

The meeting then concluded with members continuing to chat and mix with others, inspect the cars on stage and talk specifics with each owner. This has been a successful meeting over the past few years, and one that I think will remain on the calendar.

Special thanks must go to the Sporting Car Club for use of the venue, Michael McClaren for arranging the use of the clubrooms, and supplying the drinks and pizzas, Penrite and Pedder’s for their sponsorship and giveaways and particularly to Jim, Miles, Kerry and Russell for supplying and talking about their Sprites and Midgets.

Bugeye Burble April/May

Coming Events for April 2018 …………………………………………………..
Download hard copy pdf here Bugeye Burble – April 2018

Monday 9 April – General Meeting – Stars and Their Cars – 7.00pm for 7.30pm.

Sporting Car Club, 51 King William Road, Unley.

 Please note a different date due to the Easter Long weekend, the earlier start time, and the different venue.

Saturday 14 April – Sprite Club Autumn Classic Sports Car Cruise – Meet at 4.30pm – Depart 5.15pm

Meet at IKEA Car Park, Donald Bradman Drive, Adelaide Airport

This cruise will head towards the coast and then head for Outer Harbour and returning to the Port Canal shopping centre car park at approx. 6.30pm

Sunday 22 April – The McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Car Event – Parade starts at 11.00am

The McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic is a great family day celebration of vintage and classic motoring. A fantastic mix of food, wine, music and the arts together with the energy and passion of motoring enthusiasts.

Wed 25 –  Sun 29 April – 2018 Sprite and Midget Nationals – Wodonga, Victoria

This National event has something for every Sprite and Midget owner, Sprints, Regularity, Motorkhana, Show ‘n Shine/Concours, Social Drives and Dinners

Sunday 29 April – Hillclimb – Winter Cup Round 2 – Collingrove Hillclimb

Sunday 6 May – MSCA Peter Hall Memorial 6-Hour Regularity Relay – Mallala Motorsport Park

The annual 6-Hour Regularity Relay will see teams of Sprites and Clubman’s mixing with approx. 20 other teams in the regularity relay.

Happy Easter!

message from the President, Gordon Boyce
Time to turn you clocks back……………………....
And your calendars forward…………………..……!
Due to the Easter long weekend the next General Meeting will be held on Monday 9th April.

Sporting Car Club

Please note this meeting is the “Stars and Their Cars” Meeting to be held at the:
Sporting Car Club
51 King William Road
Also the start time is earlier…..7.00pm for 7.30pm start.
Cars on display, Q and A with the owners, door prizes, pizzas and bar.
Please come along for a special night.
On behalf of the Sprite Club Committee we wish you a safe and happy Easter.

Classic cruise

All classic sports car drivers.


The sprite club of SA will be running our third classic sports car cruise in the evening of April 14th. The drivers of all sports car, clubman, replica sports car or any car that fits the general description, are most welcome to join us. The event will not take up much of your time, it is an informal low key cruise along some of Adelaide’s popular coastal thoroughfares. The idea being to be part of a spectacle that spotlights on special interest classic sporting cars and to generally have some fun.

The gathering place will be the very western end of the IKEA car park on sir Donald Bradman drive in the Adelaide airport precinct. Gathering for a bit of mingling and inspecting all the cars from 4:30 pm for a departure at 5:15 pm. Driving west on Sir Donald Bradman drive, turning right on Seaview road and following through to Grange road, a quick right left onto Military road, A left turn at Bower road onto the Esplanade/ Lady Gowrie drive, going all the way to the roundabout at outer Harbor, returning along this road to make a left hand turn onto Semaphore road. At the end of Semaphore road turn right onto Causeway road, then turn Left onto Bower rd, followed by a left onto Port rd travel about 500 meters and turn left into the Port Canal shopping centre car park immediately behind KFC where there will be a short presentation. This should be at approximately 6:15. There are a good number of eating places in this area should you wish to make a night of it.

Sunset on this day is at 5;53 pm

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Driving standards should as always respect our road rules and the safety of yourselves and other road users.

The weather has been ultra kind to us on previous cruises and I hope we will be similarly blessed, however if the bureau predicts a temperature over 36 deg C or greater than 20% chance of 5mm or more rain the cruise will be postponed till a later date.


Flaggies Required – Sunday 11 March

Sunday 11 March 

MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

Please Note: The Sprite Club of SA is required to supply officials to assist with running of this event. This would involve flag marshalling and other assorted duties. There is a safety briefing at 8.30am, and lunch will be supplied.

There will also be an opportunity to have some Parade Laps of the circuit during the lunchbreak.

This a great opportunity to get up close and near the on track action.

For the competitors it is time to dust of the helmet and gloves and head to Mallala for the first time on the racetrack for 2018. Come along and support our competing Sprite and Clubman driving members. Did all their adjustments and modifications over the break lower their lap times. Free Spectator Entry. Practice from 9.00am On track action from 10.00am

Mid Week Run – Numbers needed

Email if you’d like to join in, numbers needed for catering purposes

Russell Schmarr has organised a great run through the hills and down to Langhorne Creek for lunch. He’s promised some great roads to get down there and even some roads in the hills never traversed on previous runs! Couple of stops on the way down and BYO morning tea. Great time of year to get the spridget (or if you have to the tin top!) out of the shed!


Wednesday 14 March Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive to Langhorne Creek – Departure at 10.00amAn enjoyable mid-week run to the Bridge Hotel, Langhorne Creek for Lunch.

Departing Hazelwood Park North Carpark, Burnside at 10.00am.

Hazelwood Park Map

Email if you’d like to join in, numbers needed for catering purposes

March Events and Bugeye Burble

Coming Events for Mad March ………………………

Download Bugeye Burble – March 2018 here…

Monday 5 March  General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Sunday 11 March MSCA Mallala Super Sprint – Round 1 – Mallala Motorsport Park

 Time to dust of the helmet and gloves and head to Mallala for the first time on the racetrack for 2018.  Free Spectator Entry.  On track action from 10.00am

Wednesday 14 March Sprite Club Mid-Week Social Drive to Langhorne Creek – Departure at 10.00am

An enjoyable mid-week run to the Bridge Hotel, Langhorne Creek for Lunch. Departing Hazelwood Park North Carpark, Burnside at 10.00am.

Saturday 17 March Twilight Hillclimb – Winter Cup Round 1 – Collingrove Hillclimb

Come and enjoy this twilight event in the Barossa Valley

General Meeting – Monday 5th March – Meeting starts at 8.00pm

Monday 5th March

General Meeting – Meeting starts at 8.00pm

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Come along and find out what has been happening with the Club and what is coming up over the next few months

Enjoy a chat and coffee after the meeting, check out our Sprite Club Merchandise Specials or borrow a book from the library.

If you need an Historic Vehicle Inspection, please contact Don or Gordon, and your vehicle can be inspected on the night.

Club Registration owners please note that your rego expired on the 31 December if you are not financial, so please bring your Log Books, Rego Papers and Membership Fees.

Advance Notice – April Meeting at the SCCSA

Sprite Club General Meeting – 9th April 2018
Stars and Their Cars
7.00pm for 7.30pm
Once again we have planned a special night at the Sporting Car Club, 51 King William Road, Unley.
We will have members cars on display and a chance to chat with the owners about their vehicles
Please note the event start time.
The bar will be open and so please come along for this special night.
More details to follow, so mark your diaries now………………

MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Sunday 25 Feb 18

Image may contain: outdoor
Sunday 25th February  
MSCA Trophy Presentation Day – Paxton Wines, McLaren Vale
The MSCA will be conducting it Trophy Presentations for the 2017 Mallala Super Sprint Series
The Sprite Club took out the top award for 2016, can we do it again?
Also many Sprite Club members were very competitive in their respective classes, can they bring home some tinware?
BYO everything to Paxton Wines, 68 Wheaton Road, Mclaren Vale and support our Motor Sport Competition members and their efforts for 2017.

 Assemble from 11.00am, Best Car Club Display Judging – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm

All British Day – 11th Feb 2018 wrap up

With 11 vehicles on display the Sprite Club of SA was well represented with over 800 other British vehicles at Echunga Oval. With the Sprites of the Brines, Boyce’s, Jacksons, Lows, McClaren/Lescius and Cardone’s, MG Midgets of Peter Dineen, David Fitzner and Russell Schmarr, and the MGBGT of the Brocks and the MG Magnette of the Dutches, the club was able to represent some of the fine BMC vehicles.

This year was the 70th anniversary of the Land Rover and all models, shapes, sizes and variations were displayed in the centre of the main oval. These also included Range Rovers as well as fire, ambulance, tow truck and other specialised versions. The famous Leyland Brothers West to East Land Rover form the Birdwood Motor Museum was also on display.

Many Trade stalls helped fill the two ovals as well as most British Car and Motorcycle clubs on display. As one walked around the oval, stopping every 10 paces to talk and meet with someone you knew through the car club or motoring scene, there were many comments like “Dad owned one of them”, “I learnt to drive in one of them”, “Yes kids that was like my first car….” And so on.

Many past Sprite Club members were there as well, Bugeye owners Steve and Di Kent, Mk III Sprite owners Les and Lorraine Felix and previous Mk III Sprite owners Brian and Joy Grant with their Austin Healey 100/4 Le Mans. Gerard Miller had the privilege of bringing the Jaguar XJ13, which also won Car of the Day Award.

Other than a few drops on oil on the grass (and cardboard sheets under the cars) the McClaren/Lescius Sprite developed clutch issues and had a comfy ride home on a trailer, while the Dutches MG Magnette refused to start due to a couple of Joseph Lucas’s gremlins. After a prod and a poke it started, only to stop on the way home.

This little problems and the various designs, shapes and models make up what British Vehicle ownership is all about and the All British Day is the perfect way to display these traits to the public. Well done to the organising committee, the Echunga Oval is an ideal venue and look forward to the 2019 event.

Classic sports car cruise 6:30pm, Saturday 17th Feb

My lights are working are yours???  see you Saturday, details below…

Could all Sprite club members who are attending our Classic sports car cruise 6:30pm, Saturday next 17th Feb (see previous newsletter for full details ) please contact Pat Miller at the final gathering point ( Castle Plaza shopping centre ) with their choice of the most appealing car and the car with the best patina ie well used and well loved.

Judging by the no enquiries we will have an exciting turnout. The weather man also promises a ideal evening.

There will be route maps available at the departure point, Bunnings car park on Port rd Woodville

Hope to see you there. Any questions you may have please give me a call on 0421 289 706.


Pat Miller

Bugeye Burble – Feb 2018

Download a detailed Bugeye Burble – Feb 2018 here!

Coming events for next month…

Monday 5 February General Meeting 

Guest Speaker – Meeting starts at 8.00pm. Monday  Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.

Our guest speaker is Dr Martin Belusko, Senior research fellow at UniSA.


Sunday 11 February All British Day – Echunga Oval – 9.00am – 3.00pm

With 750 British Cars on display there will be a vast range of vehicles to view.

If you have entered entry to the ovals is from 9.00am. The display will be between 10.30am and 3.00pm.


Saturday17 February Sprite Club of SA – Classic Sports Car Cruise 2018 

Meet at 6.30pm Meet at Bunnings Car Park, Port Road and Cheltenham Parade, Woodville

This cruise will head via Port Adelaide, Semaphore, Glenelg and finish at Castle Plaza Shopping Centre, Edwardstown at approx. 8.30pm.

Bring you Spridget or Classic out for a great evening cruise through the beachside suburbs


Sunday 25 February MSCA Trophy Presentation Day

Paxton Wines, McLaren Vale  

The MSCA will be conducting it Trophy Presentations for the 2017 Mallala Super Sprint Series

BYO everything to Paxton Wines, 68 Wheaton Road, Mclaren Vale and support our Motor Sport Competition members and their efforts for 2017.

Assemble from 11.00am, Judging Display – 1:00pm, Presentation of Trophies – 2:00pm


Monday 5 March General Meeting 

Meeting starts at 8.00pm.

Fullarton Park Community Centre, 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton Park.



McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic – Entries Open

Please find below the details fo the event, one of the best of the year!
On Australia Day the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event was named the City of Onkaparinga’s Community Event for 2018.   This is a great achievement for the organising committee and recognises it as a highly regarded event for the area.

This is just a reminder to get your entry in for the 2018 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event.
This can be done on-line      
If you have already sent us your entry form and payment you will have received an email confirming receipt of this and you can disregard this email.

Looking forward to seeing you on April 22nd for another great day in McLaren Vale.
Trevor Sharp

McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event
Phone:  0415 820 719

February General Meeting – Guest Speaker and Log Books!

Monday 5th February – 8.00pm

The first General Meeting will be a special event with a Guest Speaker, Dr Martin Belusko, Senior Research Fellow at UniSA. (Our guest speaker is Dr Martin Belusko, Senior research fellow at Unisa  He will be speaking on matters relating to our energy situation, mainly electricity as it is at the moment and most interestingly how it will look in the not too distant future. I have asked him to speak for 15 to 20 minutes and I am sure there will be many question after.)

While not on a motoring subject, he will be speaking something that affects us all, matters relating to our energy situation, mainly electricity as it is at the moment and most interestingly, how it will look in the not too distant future.

Our thanks to Pat Miller for arranging this.

Also if you have a Club Registered Vehicle you subs are due, as if you are not currently financial your vehicle is deemed unregistered.

Subs can be paid on the night, or by EFT – details are on the website.

Membership Forms must also be completed so we have correct email address and contact details -also on the website.

Don and Gordon will be available before the meeting if you Club Registered vehicle requires inspection.

Please bring your current registration papers and the log book (plus $5.00 if you require a new book) for signing and stamping.

Look forward to seeing you there…



Members of the Sprite Club of SA are having their first sports car cruise for this year on the evening of February 17th. We welcome any sports car or clubman drivers to join in on what is intended as low key an informal way to enjoy hopefully top down motoring. We are not too fussy about the definition of what is a sports car.

Once again we will emulate Grant Zipple’s cruising format and gather in Bunnings car park on the corner of Port Rd and Cheltnam prd in Woodville at 6:30 pm departing at 7:15. The trajectory being to drive along Port Rd to Port Adelaide turn left at the Black Diamond corner onto St Vincent st. right turn onto Nelson over the Birkinhead bridge left onto Semaphore rd. Left onto the Esplinade, left Bower rd. right Military rd. at the Grange rd. intersection cross through to Seaview rd and follow. At Wesbeach Rd. cross through to Military rd past the golf links and the Patawalonga river. Across the King st bridge onto AdelphiTce. Then follow the Anzac Hwy vere right onto Cross Rd. right again onto South Rd. The finish point being Castle Plaza on the corner of South Rd and Ragland Ave at 8:30 pm ish. Where there will be a short presentation.

While we do not expect entrants by the hundreds we are advised to notify Sapol. Waye to the crowds by all means but do drive carefully.

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Further info on the evening contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email

Weather If the bureau predicts a temperature over 36 deg C for the afternoon or greater than 20% chance of 5mm or more precipitation the cruise will be postponed to a later date


Pat Miller

0421 289 706 Email

Historic Rego

Just a reminder of the Historic Registration procedures, as we’ve has a few log books sent in without appropriate supporting documents… Rego Papers!


Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2017.

If you have a Club Registered Vehicle or a vehicle that is eligible for Club Registration, the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. EG Sprite Club of SA
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.
  • If the vehicle has extensive modifications an DPTI Exemption Certificate is required

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.

Logbooks can be signed at Monthly meetings by either GORDON BOYCE or DON CARDONE.

 Please Bring the Following Items:

  • Membership Subscription  and completed membership forms download here
  • Current Log Book
  • Current Registration Papers
  • $5.00 for the New Log Book (If required)

Subs can be paid at the meeting or alternatively you can EFT your Subs to the Club’s Bank account. See the website for details.

If unable to attend the meeting the above items can be posted to the Club Register for processing.

If mailing Please enclose a Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope for Return Mailing.

Log Books and Registration Papers can be posted to:




Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing Competition 26th January 2018

Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing Competition
The Sprite Club of SA will be continuing the tradition of celebrating Australia Day with a BYO BBQ at Gary and Faye Brocks at 10 Ebenezer Place Gumeracha.
The event start from 11.00am onwards and will also host the 2018 Throng Throwing Competition.
Please BYO BBQ Meat, Drinks and Chairs.
Can you also bring either a Salad or Sweets to share.
Phone the Brocks on 83891141 if you need directions, or so we do not get too many coleslaw’s or pavlova’s!


Historic Winton cordially invites your members to ‘Join the Action ‘ and display their vehicles at our 2018 event which will be held at Winton Motor Raceway on May 26 & 27. Complimentary entry tickets are available for owners of early AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE vehicles – plus the opportunity to participate in Sunday Parade laps. A dedicated display area has been set aside for your vehicles and camping is available at the raceway @ $25 per head per night. We are especially on the lookout for unrestored vehicles / hidden treasures and interstate visitors

In fact, why not make it a three-day event and join the Benalla and District Classic Car and Motorbike Tour on Friday, May 25th.

Please contact Noel Wilcox – 0354282689 – for further details

Follow us on Facebook / Twitter or

Display Day 2017

Sprite Club of SA Display Day 2017

For those members who were at last year’s 2016 Sprite Club Display Day at the Wigley Reserve will remember it was a cold,windy and very wet Sunday. So wet and windy that those who made the early morning journey gave up and went home by about 11.30.

But for 2017 it was a very different story at Wigley!

The sun was shining,the sky was blue and the temperature was heading up to the mid 30’s. I arrived at about 8.30 and Glenelg was starting to come alive with the usual mixture of cyclists,dog walkers and joggers.

On my arrival in the Magnette I was directed by Gordon to park next to Michael and Pat’s rather stately Rover P5B V8 saloon in the associate vehicle section. I set up my new MG Magnette display board on the excellent metal stand made by Gary Brock. Then,with Don and David’s assistance we erected the club banner. By now about fifteen cars had been already lined up by Don,Gordon,Gary and Michael. A steady stream of Sprites and Midgets and a wide variety of club members other cars continued to arrive over the next few hours.

The associate cars included an assortment of Big Healeys and Clubmans, as well as a Ford Capri GT,an MG Magnette, Rover  P5B, Rover P6 V8,Alfa Romeo,Waler race car and an MGB GT.

A highlight of the day for me was to see that my red Sprite MK 2a that had been brought along by Bridget,the current owner.

It was the second Sprite I had owned and I hadn’t seen it for over ten years. I bought it at the 1990 Grand Prix auction held at Wayville and sold it ten years later in 2000.When the final hammer fell on my winning bid a young chap in front of me called Gordon Boyce turned around and asked me if I wanted to join the Sprite Club!

We had our usual voting slips for favourite Spridgets and favourite associate car. Don’s Sprite Mk.1 took out the Sprite & Midget section and Ian Hay’s Austin Healey 100/4 took the associate car award.

Total number of cars on display was forty one. Twenty six Sprites & Midgets and sixteen associate cars.  

Thanks to the excellent turnout of cars from our club members and the Healey Club the 2017 club Display Day was a great success. We had great weather and plenty of interest in our cars from the public. Thanks to Don Cardone and all who played a part in organising a very enjoyable day at Wigley.

Ken Dutch                                                                    18-11-2017

Bugeye Burble

Dear Members
We discussed at the Committee meeting of having a monthly reminder at the start of the Month to inform/remind all of what is coming up.
Will follow up with individual post for events as per normal via email and the website calendar and also a PDF copy will be available here Bugeye Burble Dec 2107
Thanks Gordon Boyce
Bugeye Burble – December 2017
Coming events for the next month
Dec 4th – Christmas BBQ Meeting – Fullarton Park Community Centre – 6.00pm
BBQ ready from 6.30pm  BYO Chairs and Drinks -Meeting starts at 8.00pm Subs are now due.
Dec 8th – Classic Adelaide Street Party Viewing and Dinner – Gouger Street – 6.00pm
Meet at the Dragons in Chinatown – View the cars then Chinese dinner from 7.00pm
Dec 9th – 10th – Adelaide Motorsport Festival – Victoria Park
Dec 17th – ClubbiesSA – Christmas at the Rezz – 9.00am
Rezz Hotel, 20 Hamilton Terrace, Newton (directly opposite the Thorndon Park Reservoir). 

Dec 25th – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

MSCA SA Sprints 2018

The 2018 SA and NT Cams Calendar has now been finalised. Our club events for next year are listed as below

25/02 Presentation Day
11/03 Supersprint Round 1 and Come and Try
06/05 Peter Hall Memorial 6-Hour Regularity Relay
17/06 Supersprint Round 2
15/07 Supersprint Round 3
26/08 Supersprint Round 4
28/10 Supersprint Round 5

Christmas Meeting and Historic Rego – Monday 4 December

Dear Members & Friends 

The Sprite Club December Meeting always has a Christmas BBQ supplied by the Club prior to the General Meeting.

Time from 6.00pm with the BBQ ready at approx. 6:30 pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre grounds.

The Club will supply the meat and salads. So please bring chairs and drinks.

The general meeting will commence at 8.00pm and Subs are now due along with Club Registration renewals

Please remember that there has been an increase in Membership Fees this year to $50 for all Membership Types (previously Single and Family)

Inspections for Club Registered Vehicles will be available. Please let Don or Gordon know if you require a vehicle inspection.


Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2017.

If you have a Club Registered Vehicle or a vehicle that is eligible for Club Registration, the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. EG Sprite Club of SA
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.
  • If the vehicle has extensive modifications an DPTI Exemption Certificate is required

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.

Logbooks can be signed at Monthly meetings by either GORDON BOYCE or DON CARDONE.

 Please Bring the Following Items:

  • Membership Subscription  and completed membership forms download here
  • Current Log Book
  • Current Registration Papers
  • $5.00 for the New Log Book (If required)

Subs can be paid at the meeting or alternatively you can EFT your Subs to the Club’s Bank account. See the website for details.

If unable to attend the meeting the above items can be posted to the Club Register for processing.

If mailing Please enclose a Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope for Return Mailing.

Log Books and Registration Papers can be posted to:



Due to the 60 Log Books currently in the Sprite Club these are the only methods for Processing Log Books and Registration Papers.

Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise

The first Sprite Club Classic Sports Car Cruise event  hit Adelaides streets on Saturday last. With a turn up of 14 cars of various marques. The weather turned on idyllic conditions for top down motoring.  The odd wave coming from dinners at curbside eateries. Our convoy became temporarily scattered as we had to navigate around closed off roads due to horse trials in the east parklands. We  regrouped  on Anzac highway and did a reasonable job of clogging the road with sports cars. After  a 1 hour drive we gathered at K mart on Tapleys Hill road where Sprite club members voted Trevor Hawkins immaculate Triumph TR6 the most appealing car and duly presented him with a trophy. The whole thing was low key, informal, very friendly and most enjoyable. We learned from the experience and everyone asked about next time which we will organize for a Saturday evening in February. Watch this Space. A big thank you to all who attended.

Message from the president (pt 2)

Hi Sprite Club Members.

At the AGM the Subs for the 2018 Sprite Club year were discussed and the following was put to the members, and was adopted by the members.

There has been an increase and decrease of the fees, depending upon the membership type.

The Subs for 2018 will be the same for Single and Family. These will be $50. Therefore members will now effectively join as a Family which covers member, spouse, and any children under 18 years.

This will streamline the membership options and allow all members and partners to benefit from any Club subsidies at events, as well as insurance coverage, etc.

The joining fee will also be $50 for both member categories.

These subs will be due at the December meeting, and must be paid by 31st December if you have a vehicle on Club Registration

So this leads to marking your diary for Monday 4th December for the Christmas BBQ Meeting. This will commence at 6.00pm in the grounds of the Fullarton Park Community Centre.

The club will provide the meat and salads, please BYO Chairs and drinks.

More info will follow.

Your Spritely

Gordon Boyce – President

Message from the President

Hi Sprite Club Members.

Thanks to those who attended the Display Day on Sunday 5th of Nov and the AGM on the 6th Nov.

Thanks to members for my nomination for the role of President, and all other nominations and volunteers for the other committee positions.

We all look forward to “steering the wheel’ for another Spritely Year.

Here is the 2018 Committee:

President: Gordon Boyce
President Elect: ????
Secretary: ????
Treasurer: Darryl Hanna
Social Co-Ordinator: ????
Clubman Rep: Barry Edson
Web Master: Chris Brine
Library: Miles Jackson
Club Registration: Don Cardone & Gordon Boyce
Regalia: Ken Dutch
Competition Rep: Pat Miller
FHMVC Rep: Don Cardone

As you can see there are a couple of vacancies.

Due to low numbers at the AGM, these position are still vacant and we will be looking for nominations at the December BBQ meeting, to help with the operation of the Sprite Club of SA.

If you would like to nominate or have any questions about what is required of these roles, please feel free to contact me or any of the committee.

Yours Spritely

Gordon Boyce – President

Sprite Club of SA Display Day 2017


For those members who were at last year’s 2016 Sprite Club Display Day at the Wigley Reserve will remember it was a cold,windy and very wet Sunday. So wet and windy that those who made the early morning journey gave up and went home by about 11.30.

But for 2017 it was a very different story at Wigley!

The sun was shining,the sky was blue and the temperature was heading up to the mid 30’s. I arrived at about 8.30 and Glenelg was starting to come alive with the usual mixture of cyclists,dog walkers and joggers.

On my arrival in the Magnette I was directed by Gordon to park next to Michael and Pat’s rather stately Rover P5B V8 saloon in the associate vehicle section. I set up my new MG Magnette display board on the excellent metal stand made by Gary Brock. Then,with Don and David’s assistance we erected the club banner. By now about fifteen cars had been already lined up by Don,Gordon,Gary and Michael. A steady stream of Sprites and Midgets and a wide variety of club members other cars continued to arrive over the next few hours.

The associate cars included an assortment of Big Healeys and Clubmans, as well as a Ford Capri GT,an MG Magnette, Rover  P5B, Rover P6 V8,Alfa Romeo,Waler race car and an MGB GT.

A highlight of the day for me was to see that my red Sprite MK 2a that had been brought along by Bridget,the current owner.

It was the second Sprite I had owned and I hadn’t seen it for over ten years. I bought it at the 1990 Grand Prix auction held at Wayville and sold it ten years later in 2000.When the final hammer fell on my winning bid a young chap in front of me called Gordon Boyce turned around and asked me if I wanted to join the Sprite Club!

We had our usual voting slips for favourite Spridgets and favourite associate car. Don’s Sprite Mk.1 took out the Sprite & Midget section and Ian Hay’s Austin Healey 100/4 took the associate car award.

Total number of cars on display was forty one. Twenty six Sprites & Midgets and sixteen associate cars.  

Thanks to the excellent turnout of cars from our club members and the Healey Club the 2017 club Display Day was a great success. We had great weather and plenty of interest in our cars from the public. Thanks to Don Cardone and all who played a part in organising a very enjoyable day at Wigley.

Ken Dutch                                                                    18-11-2017

For Sale

1961 MG Midget in excellent condition. Fully restored (including engine rebuild, transmission, cooling system, suspension and more – too much to list) to original specs with receipts. Less than 19,000 miles since rebuild. 948CC motor, matching numbers, in excellent condition and on historical registration. It has Mini lite rims, new top and new paint job (Signal Red). Fun to drive and gets a lot of thumbs up. Registration number COOL 61. $16,500 ono. Call Luther on 0478308028.

Classic sports car cruise Saturday 18 November

To add a little interest to proceedings would all Sprite club members attending the classic sports car cruise on this Saturday evening please make a note of the participating car they find most appealing. Please let me know your choice upon arrival at our destination at Fulham shopping center as we have a small trophy to present to the driver with the most votes.

Does attendee have a spare seat in a sports car as my anticipated ride has dipped out and I do not think the constabulary would take kindly to me using my racing sports cars. Pat Miller 0421289706


Members of the Sprite club of SA are arranging a sports car cruise around Adelaide on the evening of November 18th similar to the cruises run by Grant Zipple for American cars. The cruise is informal, low key, sort, sharp and won’t take a lot of time. It is simply a chance to enjoy classic sports cars, provide opportunity for a chin wag, and generally check out the scene. We welcome any classic sports car drivers to join in.

We intend to gather in the vicinity of K mart Firle Plaza on Glynburn Road from 6:30pm departing at 7:30pm, driving on Magil rd turning onto Fullarton rd, negotiating the Victoria roundabout onto Wakefield st through the center of Adelaide, West trce, then driving along the Anzac highway turning on to Tapleys Hill rd. arriving in the vicinity of Target Fulham Gardens, corner of Tapleys Hill road and Valetta road Fulham Gardens 8:30 pm ish for a final gathering.

As a courtesy SAPOL will be advised of our activity. Driving standards should reflect the utmost respect for safety and our road rules.

As would be expected everyone joining us take part entirely at their own risk and are responsible for the roadworthiness of their vehicle.

Further info on the evening, contact Pat Miller 0421 289 706 email While we would prefer the cruise to be for cars that are genuine classic cars or replicas of classics and of course clubman type cars we do not wish to be too fussy.

The object of the exercise is 1: To have fun. 2: Create an awareness of our cars and maybe generate a little potential long term demand for them. 3 Hopefully promote Adelaide as the go to place for tourists who like cars.

Weather if the weather bureau predicts a temperature for the day over 36 deg C or a greater than 20% chance of 5mm or more rain, the cruise will be postponed to a later date.

Pat Miller.

0421 289 706



All British Day 2018

Dear All British Day Entrant,

I am pleased to report that many entrants have utilized our new on-line registration facility. As a result, entry numbers are looking promising compared to this time last year. So, if you are one of the many entrants that are all signed up and entered thank you. You can go back to preparing your vehicle. And we look forward to seeing you at Echunga for All British Day 2018. However, if you have not entered or you know of a fellow British vehicle owner who has not entered yet please read on.

We have fielded correspondence from some past entrants asking when they may expect their entry form by email for ABD 2018. The answer is you will not, we only emailed past entrants last year as a last resort, as our new website was not finished. The new website has been operational since 1/10/2017.

In the interests of being fair, there may be a few entrants who might have misunderstood what the entry process is for ADB 2018, so we will keep registrations open for another week. So, you now have until the November Wednesday 22nd to enter for All British Day.

To register you must go onto the ABD website and either print, fill in and post an entry form, or, alternatively fill in the online registration form which will redirect you to a Pay Pal site for credit card payment.

Please click on this link below for entry information.

I trust the above clarifies any misunderstanding on how you enter your British vehicle for All British Day 2018.

We do want to see you and your British Vehicle at the next year’s All British Day, so now is the time to act!

Should you require any assistance with registration, please contact our Secretary John Michelmore 0490 677 520 email


Kind Regards

Jamie Sandford-Morgan

President All British Day

All British Day entry

Dear All British Day Entrant,

Registrations for All British Day 2018 close in just over two weeks! To register you must go onto the ABD website and either print, fill in and post an entry form, or, alternatively fill in the online registration form and submit it with credit card payment.

Please click on this link below for entry information.

I trust the above clarifies any misunderstanding on how you enter your British vehicle for All British Day 2018.

We currently have entries coming in and we do want to see you and your British Vehicle at the next year’s All British Day, so now is the time to act!

Should you require any assistance with registration, please contact our Secretary John Michelmore 0490 677 520 email

Kind Regards

Jamie Sandford-Morgan

President All British Day

Display Day – 5 November Wigley Reserve

Hopefully we won’t do this to Wigley Reserve…😂🚗🚗

Sprite Club Display Sunday 5th November. Cars ready on display 9.30am to 3.30pm
Wigley Reserve Cnr Anzac Highway and Adelphy Terrace Glenelg.
Remember to bring a piece of cardboard to place under cars to catch dripping oil.

This is the Club’s main day of the year and we have incurred significant costs so we want as many cars displayed as possible. Please make every effort to come and display your Spridgets and associate cars .

You can turn up on the day but would be preferable to let Don know before hand if you intend bringing your car for display. Email your name, phone number and car details to

Don Cardone
Mobile 0411 876 067

Austins Over Australia 2019

The Austin 7 Club of SA is hosting “Austins Over Australia 2019” and we are endeavouring to ensure all owners of Austin vehicles in SA know about it.

Following is a message to those owners

Attached is an Expressions of Interest Letter along with an Expression of Interest Form for Austins Over Australia 2019.

If you would like to join us on the 5 days of camaraderie in the Barossa Valley in September 2019, please read the EOI Letter then complete the EOI Form and return it to me. Your details will then be added to our database which means you will be kept up to date by receiving periodic newsletters. Also it is time to think about what type of accommodation you would like so you are able to book it when the venue of choice is taking bookings – see EOI Letter.

EOI Letter   

EOI Form


Ralph Drage (AOA 2019 Secretary)

37 Decastella Ave, Wynn Vale SA 5127

Ph: (08) 8251 2637

Mob: 0418 846 082

Concours d’lemon

On September 23, 2017 Kobbled Together Aussie Kangaroo Karts, Rust Buckets, Misfits, Mistakes and the worst of the automotive world will be on display in the sleepy little city of Adelaide.

To be held at Edwards Park on West Terrace in the Adelaide parklands from 10AM until 3PM

Schmarr’s Lunch Run – 4th October, 2017

SPRITE CLUB MID-WEEK RUN – Preliminary Advice – 4th October, 2017

Thanks to the efforts of the Schmarr’s we bring you another in our series of mid-week runs

Date: 4th October, 2017
Meeting: Hazelwood Park North Carpark ( off Greenhill Road )
Time: 10am for a 10.30am departure.


Run: Through the picturesque Adelaide Hills finishing up at Ashbourne (via Strathalbyn) for lunch.
Route Notes: Available on the day

Last chance dinner bookings

We’ve had a few non starters this year so there are couple of spots left,  payment by tomorrow will secure your place!

Payment: Payment of $35 ph direct to the Club’s bank account will be used as your booking confirmation. (This will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.) If you can’t manage that let us know that your coming and we can sort it out on the night!


BSB: 085-005

Account Number: 207432628

Annual Dinner – Last Chance!

We are getting pretty close to capacity at The Unley Hotel, for any of you still wanting to come along we need to give the Pub final numbers, so if you can pay today via EFT that will secure you a place!

Payment:      Payment of $35 ph direct to the Club’s bank account will be used as your booking confirmation. (This will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.)  If you can’t manage that let us know that your coming and we can sort it out on the night!


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 20-743-2628


Annual Dinner – 16 September

Now the Crows have won, you can all come to the Annual Dinner, numbers are down a little, so please support the club and get some return for your membership fees!


Venue:             The Unley Hotel at 27 Unley Road, Parkside. Checkout their website:

We will be upstairs in the Unley patio restaurant.  Please note that there is no lift, only stairs.

Date:               Saturday 16th September, 2017

Time:               6.00pm for 6.30pm. The bar will be open upstairs at 6pm.

What:               3 Course sit down dinner. If you have special dietary requirements please let the staff know when you arrive.

Cost:               The cost is $35 per head. This is after some sponsorship from a friendly accounting firm “that sounds like a car company ”    🙂                    

Drinks can be purchased from the Bar.

Payment:      Payment of $35 ph direct to the Club’s bank account will be used as your booking confirmation. (This will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.)  If you can’t manage that let us know that your coming and we can sort it out on the night!


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 20-743-2628

Michael McClaren

the Menu is fantastic
Share Plate;
– Roasted red pepper & Paprika arancini w Gremolata
– Chicken satays w spicy coconut sauce
– Haloumi Cigars w Brik Pastry & Salsa verde Housemade dip with chargrilled artisan bread

– 200g Sirloin steak w chimmi churri, triple cooked potatos, toasted corn cob & lemon butter

– Spice rubbed chicken breast, butternut pumpkin,crispy black beans, corn & salsa verde

– Atlantic salmon w confit tomato, cucumber, mint, baby spinach and kipfler potato salad w lime & pomegrante dressing

– Tomato & asparagus tart, w charred asparagus, confit tomato, balsamic onions, caramelised onion ,danish fetta, baby spinach & an orange dressing


-White chocolate cheesecake, macadamia snow, sous vide white chocolate ganache, candied orange & mango icecream.
– Strawberry yoghurt pannacotta, lemon shortbread, textured purple butterfly tea, drunken strawberries, young mint & double cream

mclaren vale vintage and classic 2018

Attached please find all the details for the 2018 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event in April with the links to enter and pay for the event and charity dinner.

It has been confirmed that Allan Moffatt will be the guest at the Charity Dinner on Saturday 21st April and information about this is also attached.

We look forward to your participation in 2018.

Trevor Sharp
McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event
Phone: 0415 820 719

Participant Invite 2018


Annual dinner menu…

The new Function menu is as follows:
Share Plate;
– Roasted red pepper & Paprika arancini w Gremolata
– Chicken satays w spicy coconut sauce
– Haloumi Cigars w Brik Pastry & Salsa verde Housemade dip with chargrilled artisan bread

– 200g Sirloin steak w chimmi churri, triple cooked potatos, toasted corn cob & lemon butter

– Spice rubbed chicken breast, butternut pumpkin,crispy black beans, corn & salsa verde

– Atlantic salmon w confit tomato, cucumber, mint, baby spinach and kipfler potato salad w lime & pomegrante dressing

– Tomato & asparagus tart, w charred asparagus, confit tomato, balsamic onions, caramelised onion ,danish fetta, baby spinach & an orange dressing


-White chocolate cheesecake, macadamia snow, sous vide white chocolate ganache, candied orange & mango icecream.
– Strawberry yoghurt pannacotta, lemon shortbread, textured purple butterfly tea, drunken strawberries, young mint & double cream

Reminder – Annual Dinner and Awards night

I encourage every member to attend. We have had many wonderful evenings over the years and this dinner should be no exception.


Venue:             The Unley Hotel at 27 Unley Road, Parkside. Checkout their website:

We will be upstairs in the Unley patio restaurant.  Please note that there is no lift, only stairs.

Date:               Saturday 16th September, 2017

Time:               6.00pm for 6.30pm. The bar will be open upstairs at 6pm.

What:               3 Course sit down dinner. If you have special dietary requirements please let the staff know when you arrive.

Cost:               The cost is $35 per head. This is after some sponsorship from a friendly accounting firm “that sounds like a car company ”    🙂                    

Drinks can be purchased from the Bar.

Payment:      Payment of $35 ph direct to the Club’s bank account will be used as your booking confirmation. (This will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.)


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 20-743-2628

Michael McClaren

B2B volunteers needed

For those of you not entered in the Bay to Birdwood…

Good afternoon,

With the assistance and support of the Adelaide City Council, SAPOL and the DPTI, the Bay to Birdwood route this year will deviate through the centre of the city.

This is a huge opportunity for entrants to show off their vehicles to the general public in a way we have not been able to before.

The DPTI and Altus will ensure a smooth flow of vehicles, by managing the traffic lights, and giving priority to B2B traffic.

They will also provide pedestrian control at the crossings Grote St and through Victoria Square.

We are seeking 5 volunteers, who are not entered in the event, who can give up a few hours of their time on the morning of Sunday 24th September, to provide assistance and support to the Altus controllers. Specific experience is not necessary, and guidance will be provided by the designated controller.

We would appreciate circulating this to the club members, and anyone who would be able to assist, can contact myself in the first instance.

Kind regards,

Kevin Noel
FHMCSA Partner | Bay to Birdwood | M: +61 (0) 439 501 911 | W:

Sprite and Midget Nationals 2018

Hi Everyone,

Please find attached Bulletin No 2 which has cost details and further information.

The attached Registration Form MUST be completed along with your payment details to ensure your placement and returned to me please.

For those interested in joining the Post Rally Tour, I have attached details and information pertaining to this and you will need to contact/liaise with John Fowler directly as per his details on the attached.

There is a maximum number limit of 20 couples (Motel rooms) so first in best dressed, and in fact the first 16 will be all together with an overflow of 4 at an almost next door venue at Jindabyne.

Please stay tuned for further Bulletins and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or Greg Corbin.

Kind Regards,


Terri Corbin 2 Explorers CourtVermont South, Vic  3133 Mobile: 0414 988 641

Please find attachments links below

Bulletin No 2

Registration Form

Post Rally Tour 2018

Help needed – MSCA Sprints

Sue Stephenson needs a little assistance at the August 27th Super sprint meeting at Mallala. Help is required at the driver sign on desk and at the timing desk in the tower.

If any club members can oblige would they contact Sue as soon as possible on 0408 858 046 or email or they can phone Pat Miller on 0421 289 706 email

The Mallala August 27 super sprint meeting includes a come and try section which has proven very popular and is fully booked with 30 entrants. The MSCA is appealing for drivers with some experience to act as mentors on the day. There is some pre event instruction is available. If you can assist please contact the MSCA as above phone numbers or emails.

Previous mentors report that this is a rewarding and worthwhile experience.


Pat Miller.

Reminder – Pea and Pie Night – Saturday 26th August at 6.30 pm

Time is running out for people that want to attend the Pea and Pie night.
Its on Saturday 26th August at 6.30 pm at Don and Elaine Cardone’s home
Cost is $6.00. BYO drinks and a sweet or nibbles to share.
Don’t miss out as this is always a great club night and if you intend coming please let Don know promptly by email ( or phone 0411 876 067 and Don will take your details and give you the address.
Numbers are needed for catering purposes.

Reminder – Pea and Pie Night

Pea and Pie Night
Saturday 26th August at 6.30pm at the Cardones.
Pea and pies supplied and cost is $6.00. Please bring a desert or nibbles to share.
Don lives in a central metro location so its easy to get to.
We need numbers to know how many pies to buy. This is great fun night so don’t miss out. 
Please let Don know if you intend to come at the next meeting or if you cannot attend the next meeting then by email

Sprite Club Annual Dinner & Awards Night

Thanks to David & Febe for doing the ground work to get this event organised.

I encourage every member to attend. We have had many wonderful evenings over the years and this dinner should be no exception.


Venue:             The Unley Hotel at 27 Unley Road, Parkside. Checkout their website:

We will be upstairs in the Unley patio restaurant.  Please note that there is no lift, only stairs.

Date:               Saturday 16th September, 2017

Time:               6.00pm for 6.30pm. The bar will be open upstairs at 6pm.

What:               3 Course sit down dinner. If you have special dietary requirements please let the staff know when you arrive.

Cost:               The cost is $35 per head. This is after some sponsorship from a friendly accounting firm “that sounds like a car company ”    🙂                    

Drinks can be purchased from the Bar.

Payment:      Payment of $35 ph direct to the Club’s bank account will be used as your booking confirmation. (This will also make finance arrangements easier on the night and so thanks for your co-operation and understanding.)


BSB:  085-005

Account Number: 20-743-2628

Michael McClaren

Up Coming Events

Pea and Pie Night
Saturday 26th August at 6.30pm at the Cardones.
Pea and pies supplied and cost is $6.00. Please bring a desert or nibbles to share.
Don lives in a central metro location so its easy to get to.
We need numbers to know how many pies to buy. This is great fun night so don’t miss out. 
Please let Don know if you intend to come at the next meeting or if you cannot attend the next meeting then by email
Display Day;
Display day is on the 5th November at Wigley Reserve Glenelg. We have ordered a fine sunny day so please start getting your Spridgets and associated cars ready for fantastic display day.
This day is our yearly premier display event and costs the club a fair sum of money so we would like as many cars as possible to attend and make it a great success. 
The added bonus for attending is that your car can be inspected for club registration.
Please let Don know ( if you intend displaying you car. 

Weekend Away : 4-6 Aug final numbers needed!

Back by popular demand is the Sprite Weekend Away.  Normanville and Fleurieu Peninsula Check out the website.

So, decide now to be part of this event. Get the dates in your diary and let President Michael by this Sunday – 09 July 2017.

We have booked 10 rooms and should be able to get at least a couple more so don’t hold back.

We’ll finalise a program with as much or as little as people want to do, but as a bit of a guide.

  1. Friday Leave Adelaide 1pm for Normanville.
  2. Camp Kitchen BBQ Dinner
  3. Saturday morning run, morning tea and fish & chips lunch taking in some of the nearby towns.
  4. Afternoon run back to Normanville, taking in some Classic Adelaide stages.
  5. Dinner at a nearby pub.
  6. Sunday checkout. Lunch at somewhere like Smiling Samoyed Brewery then  homeward bound.

We have booked Deluxe cabins. They are $118 per night.

They do have Executive cabins dotted through the Park at $130 per night.


Get on board as quick as possible and let Michael know by email,  that you will be attending and he will get your accommodation locked in. Time is of the essence, so don’t dilly dally. ( Places are limited to what is or will be available at the Park ).

Reminder – general meeting, wine and cheese night

Just a quick reminder that we have a jammed packed meeting on Monday 3 July 2017, the including Wine and Cheese Night, Sporting Car Club of SA presentation on the Adelaide Motorsport Festival, Michelin tyres presentation and an update on the changes to conditional registration and what this may mean going forward to broadening the cars that can take advantage of this scheme.

Lets get a good turn up on Monday!

Wine and Cheese Night! (as well as a general meeting…)

Surely it won’t be this cold

Don’t forget our mid winter meeting next Monday 3 July 2017!


To try and encourage you to come out in the cold we always throw a bit of wine and cheese your way to make it worthwhile!

We’ll also have a couple of guests, one from the Sporting Car Club whetting our appetite for the upcoming Adelaide Motorsport Festival and the Michelin Man coming to the meeting to talk tyres.








Hope to see a great turnout for this meeting!

AHSDC 2018 Sprite & Midget Nationals Wodonga Victoria April 25th – 29th 2018

Please see below information on next year’s Sprite Nationals

Hi everyone,

Well it is that time again when the Austin Healey Sprite Drivers’ Club are promoting the 2018 Sprite & Midget Nationals.

Please find attached (via this link) Bulletin No 1 with all the initial information. Ongoing Bulletins will be distributed with more informative information and details.

If you wish to Register your Expressions of Interest please let me know by email and please pass the word to Save the Date and to start planning your visit in 2018.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards, Terri

Terri Corbin

2 Explorers Court

Vermont South, Vic  3133

Mobile: 0414 988 641

Motofest – Bay to Birdwood

Don attended a Federation of Historic Car Clubs meeting and there was a Motorfest rep there who advised that the Museum and a Shed or Two run on 20th September (this is the one Don (and several other club members) have entered) is 56% full.
Any interested Sprite Club members wanting to attend this event of any oft others, they need to do something about it quickly otherwise if they put off entering until the last minute they will miss out. Full details on the Bay the Birdwood website.

Motorfest – Bay to Birdwood

Regarding the Motorfest.

Don has entered the Museum and a Shed or Two run on 20th September and would like to invite other Club members to join him and form a Sprite Club group.  At least 6 or 7 Spridgets (or more) would be optimistically nice .

Entry forms and details are available on and click on the Motorfest window.

If members want to talk to Don they can ring him on 0411 876 067 or email

Bay to Birdwood – Entries Open

We are pleased to announce that entry into the 2017 Bay to Birdwood Classic is now open.  The event will be held on Sunday 24 September and all substantially original 1956 – 1981 vehicles are eligible to enter.

An entry form is attached.  You are also able to download entry forms from the website

We encourage you to enter online via the website to save on printing and postage.  This method of entry will also guarantee you receive a return email acknowledging your payment and entry.

There has been a change to the entry fee structure.  If you are a member of a Club which is associated with a State body that is a member of the Australian Historic Motoring Federation the entry fee is $10 less than the standard fee.  If you are unsure, please contact your Club before submitting the form.

All entries must be accompanied by a photograph depicting the vehicle as it will be on the day of the event.   

Entries close Friday 4 August or before if the limit of 1750 vehicles is reached.  

Please feel free to share this email with anyone else who may have an eligible vehicle.

We look forward to receiving your entry.


PAULINE RENNER   Event Coordinator & Bay to Birdwood Finish Manager and Entry Director


Bay to Birdwood – Motorfest 2017

The Sprite club would like to participate in a few of this year’s Bay to Birdwood Motorfest activities. These events are open to all other car clubs so the numbers are limited, we need to enter and pay our fees as soon as possible.
Entry forms and payment details are available on the Bay to Birdwood web site under Motorfest or the Federation’s detailed pdf.
If a member wants to talk to Don about attending these events phone me on 0411 876 067 or email
Hope we get a few interested parties.



Welcome to Motorfest 2017

For over thirty years, Motorfest has been providing a selection of events showcasing South Australia and providing entertainment and fellowship for enthusiasts from every corner of Australia and sometimes the world.

The Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA invites Bay to Birdwood entrants and other motoring enthusiasts to join us for a fortnight of interesting and fun events. We hope you will enjoy taking part in our various events and at the same time see a little more of Adelaide and its surrounds.

This year’s events have been organised by some of South Australia’s great historic car clubs and will certainly be of interest to our Interstate, Country and local enthusiasts.

Again the various day outings will take you to many well known, and some not so well known places of interest. For this Motorfest Classic we have some very different never been done before destinations which range from the lower mid north to the Fleurieu showcasing so much of our great state of South Australia.

We trust that as many of you as possible will take advantage of this wonderful programme and avail yourselves to as many Motorfest Classic events as possible.

Please be aware that you do not require a specific vehicle to enter any of these events. You may use any vehicle you wish to, including your current model family car or Mum’s taxi.

To enter simply download the entry form, fill it out, and it send it back via mail with your payment.

Happy Motoring.

Graham Tonkin
Motorfest Classic Director

Motorfest 2017 Events

Below is a summary of the events, and to download the detailed program CLICK HERE,…

  • Day 1 – Monday, 18 Sept – Flour Mills of the Adelaide Hills
  • Day 2 – Tuesday, 19 Sept – A Day at the Flicks
  • Day 3 – Wednesday, 20 Sept – A Museum and a Shed or Two
  • Day 4 – Thursday, 21 Sept – Ariel Viewing of Chevs
  • Day 5 – Friday, 22 Sept – Classic Cars & Fine Art
  • Day 7 – Sunday, 24 Sept – BAY TO BIRDWOOD CLASSIC
  • Day 8 – Monday, 25 Sept – Wheels and Tracks
  • Day 9 – Tuesday, 26 Sept – A Grave Experience
  • Day 10 – Wednesday, 27 Sept –  Biggest Morning Tea & Y P Field Day
  • Day 11 – Thursday, 28 Sept – Fleurieu Coast Beckons

To book a seat for any of the events, download the entry form by CLICKING HEREComplete the entry form and post it with your payment, back to the following address:

Motorfest Classic Entry Director
3 Bain Street, Christie Downs
SA 5164


Great Grape Run – wrap up

17th May 2017 : Sprite Club’s Great Grape Mid-week Run

Fortune favoured the brave. Eight cars. Fourteen members. Weather holding. Everything that was needed for a wonderful day. We met at the Woolworths Cumberland Park carpark and headed south at 10.30am.

It was a run that had a bit of everything – smooth suburban driving and spirited country roads. We headed south along Marion Road then through Flagstaff Hill. The first goal was to pick up Chandlers Hill Road and head to Clarendon. No over-heating; no hold ups. The roads from Clarendon to Kangarilla  & McLaren Flat reminded Russell Schmarr of rural France and who am I to argue.

We stopped for an early bakery lunch at McLaren Flat. We were well looked after and got fed up. Don Cardone is still wondering how it is that every bakery in Australia can have Award Winning pies. My answer: who cares, it was all pretty good.

Then it was a quick drive to d’Arenberg Winery for our look at the d’Arenberg Cube – our tip is people are going to come from miles and indeed interstate to see this little wonder. Penny, one of the family,  

hosted our wine tasting. We were walked through 4 whites and 4 reds in the hour and then treated to 2 older (2009) reds as a comparison to the later releases. We hope Miles Jackson’s sister from Victoria was impressed.

A push to get the McClaren / Lescius team started, a  final photo shoot and then about 3pm we all headed for home. Everyone would have got their cars safely shedded before the day’s light sprinkle wafted down.

In short,  an enjoyable day was had by all; we learned  a few things, grabbed some wines, talked cars and didn’t get cold or wet.

Great Grape Run 2017

Thanks to Don & Elaine Cardone, Chris & Tina Brine, Russell & Judy Schmarr, Jim & Shirley Schubert, Miles Jackson, Michael & Pat, Garry Beaton and Curt Heinrich.


Sprites etc.. Needed – Mid Week Run – Wed 17

Right,  Michael has organised a great run next Wednesday through the McLaren region – we need a minimum of 16 people to make the tasting at d’Arenburg a great success! (its paid for!!) Get your car out!!

  1. The weather forecast is brilliant, ie

            17th May 


            Precipitation 50%

            Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a stray shower in the afternoon…   what more could we want and in any case tin tops are welcome if the weather is really dodgy.

  1. For an annual sub, of not much, this is a way to get a return on investment.
  2. When your rego falls due just remember there was a Club, our Club,  that went into bat for members.
  3. If wine is not your thing there are always folk who can seriously  talk cars  and solve problems
  4. If all else fails the drive will be brilliant!

Please make this event a success, use this email link to Michael ASAP to let him that you’ll attend!

Great Grape Mid-week Run – Wed 17 May

Date:  Wednesday 17th May, 2017

Meeting place:   Northern side carpark at Woolworths Cumberland Park, corner Goodwood Road and Cross Road.

Time: 10am for a 10.30am depart (in an effort to miss some early morning traffic). 

This run will take us through the hills and Southern Vales, deep into the heart of wine territory.

We’ll stop for morning tea / a bakery lunch at approx. 11.45am at the Mclaren Flat Bakery.


Then it’s on to d’Arenberg Winery.  We have booked a hosted tasting at 1pm.

Club members  Judy & Russell Schmarr have alerted us to the architectural goings-on at the winery so we’ll look out for those as well.

When the tasting is over you will be able to stay at d’Arenberg ( we’ll get 15% off their wine prices ), drive to some of the other great wineries in the Southern Vales region or head on home; the choices are yours.

Bring your tin top if the weather is dodgy or if that’s what you want to do; but simply don’t miss out.

Responses via this email link to Michael McClaren by midday 15th May

Weekend Away : Fri 4th August to Sunday 6th August

Back by popular demand is the Sprite Weekend Away.  Normanville and Fleurieu Peninsula Check out the website.

So, decide now to be part of this event. Get the dates in your diary and let President Michael know as soon as possible.

We have booked 10 rooms and should be able to get at least a couple more so don’t hold back.

We’ll finalise a program with as much or as little as people want to do, but as a bit of a guide.

  1. Friday Leave Adelaide 1pm for Normanville.
  2. Camp Kitchen BBQ Dinner
  3. Saturday morning run, morning tea and fish & chips lunch taking in some of the nearby towns.
  4. Afternoon run back to Normanville, taking in some Classic Adelaide stages.
  5. Dinner at a nearby pub.
  6. Sunday checkout. Lunch at somewhere like Smiling Samoyed Brewery then  homeward bound.

We have booked Deluxe cabins. They are $118 per night.

They do have Executive cabins dotted through the Park at $130 per night.


Get on board as quick as possible and let Michael know by email,  that you will be attending and he will get your accommodation locked in. Time is of the essence, so don’t dilly dally. ( Places are limited to what is or will be available at the Park ).

Great Grape Mid-Week Run

Join the Great Grape Mid-week run.

McLaren vale, sweeping vines from samuels ridge winery

Following the success of last mid-week run to the north of Adelaide join us for a run down south.
Date:  Wednesday 17th May, 2017
Meeeting place:   Northern side carpark at Woolworths Cumberland Park, corner Goodwood Road and Cross Road.
Time: 10am for a 10.30am depart (in an effort to miss some early morning traffic. 
This run will take us through the hills and Southern Vales, deep into the heart of wine territory.
After lunch we’ll aim to be back on the road say 2.30pm to 3pm in order to miss some traffic.
Responses to email Michael McClaren midday 15th May.

Minutes – March 2017

Hi  The meeting minutes are available for your perusal via this link or on the website via club member info>minutes from the drop down menus.

To speed up the ‘special’ general meeting to be held at the Sporting Car Club, Monday 3 April from 7pm. please pursue the minutes as we we take them as being read.

Sorry this link might work…:-)

Mid Week Run – Wrap up

Mid-week Run 29th March, 2017

Although the photo shows clouds, luck was with us for most of the day.

The roll call included 5 Sprites, 1 Alpha, 1 BMW all the way from Queensland and 1 tintop.

A quick phone to the Pub to confirm lunch numbers and then we set off from Gepps Cross and headed north on a very scenic run and one with a bit of everything: straight urban roads, hills, country curves & a roundabout thrown in for good measure.

The halfway pitstop was at Kersbrook and the chance for some local shopping.

We rolled on through Williamstown, avoiding the bakery and the bikers. The weather was holding up and so were the cars. Plenty of admiring looks, particularly from younger people.

From Williamstown, we picked up the pace a bit; onto and Springton and then to our destination: Totness Inn at Mt Pleasant.

Gary & Faye Brock came back from their holiday so that made 17 for lunch. I think the publican was happy and the kitchen was busy. We started with nibbles and wine – driving can be hard work remember. A menu and wine list that had something for everyone seemed to be welcomed by the diners. One couple did find it necessary to make a bakery purchase for ron !!

About 2.30pm it was time to head for home in with the hope of beating the rain. We hit the rain around Charleston / Woodside and it stayed with us for the rest of the trip, but there were no problems that your scribe knows about. It seems a good day was had by all.


Meet at City  Dismantlers, Pt Wakefield Road, Gepps Cross from 10.00am for a 10.30am depart.

We will finish up for a pub lunch in the hills and try to be back on the road in time  to miss the worst of any peak hour traffic.

The 10 day forecast shows the temp range as 23 /14  and the is a chance of some precipitation, so fingers crossed.

Queries & replies use this link to Michael McClaren

The weather might be a bit inclement, so if you must tin tops welcome!! It can’t be this wet again, can it??

General Meeting – at the Sporting Car Club of SA

Title: General Meeting – at the Sporting Car Club of SA
Location: 51 King William Road, Unley
Link out: Click here


TIME: 7pm for 7.30pm


Pizza, a drink at the bar. 4 cars, 4 interviews. Q & A Put it in the Diary & Plan to be there. All welcome
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2017-04-03
End Time: 22:00


Meet at City  Dismantlers, Pt Wakefield Road, Gepps Cross from 10.00am for a 10.30am depart.

We will finish up for a pub lunch in the hills and try to be back on the road in time  to miss the worst of any peak hour traffic.

The 10 day forecast shows the temp range as 23 /14  and the is a chance of some precipitation, so fingers crossed.

Queries & replies to Michael McClaren

hopefully a little more sedate that this…

Flaggies Required – Tomorrow

Sunday 12 March 2017 – Sprite Club is the rostered club to provide volunteers to act as flag marshalls on our one day per year rostered commitment.
Come along and help the club with our MSCA obligations by being a flag marshall for the day.
You need to be at Mallala by about 8.30am make sure you bring hats, sunscreen and the like…or an umbrella.  During the day you will be flagging at one of the covered flag bunkers, you will given refreshments during the day, at lunch break you will have a lunch comprising a meat or cheese and salad roll with a piece of cake and a piece of fruit and a drink  AND  if you have your Sprite or other interesting car (or even your tin top) you will have the opportunity to do some parade laps at lunch time. This is a good opportunity to experience the track and the ‘parade’ laps are actually at quite a ‘spirited’ pace
You will be finished for the day by 4.00pm as the last event has to be completed by that time, You will also have the undying gratitude of all who organise and take part in the MSCA Sprint Series.
Hope to see as many members as possible help out Tomorrow,  Sunday 12 March 2017.

2017 McLaren Vale Vintage and Classic Entries

Just a reminder that entries for 2017 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic close on Friday 10th March.

Entering by this date will enable us to process your entry and to send your information pack in time for the event (these will be mailed on March 14th). It will also ensure that your entry is included in the booklet and that you receive your “goody bag” and metal plaque on the day of the event.

If you have already lodged your entry we look forward to seeing you on Sunday 2nd April.

If you haven’t sent us your entry you can do it on-line at

MSCA SA Presentation Day

Excellent day out at Virgara winery at Angle Vale for the Marque Sports Car Association Presentation. Great restaurant and cellar door with lovely lawned areas surrounding the winery.

Really great turn up of competitors and car clubs affiliated with the MSCA.

Patrick Kukla and Kym Ninnes, both Sprite club members stood out from the crowd. Kym winning the DD (Clubbies Class) and Patrick had a double header, with a win in class K and also Sprint driver of the year – well done to both of you!

These two results must have boosted the overall Club result, with the Sprite Club of SA taking out the unexpectedly the Sprint Club of the Year.  Thanks to our clubbie members and the assorted gaggle of Sprites and moderns that club members compete in during the season, under the Sprite Club banner.

Great result all round, here’s to another successful  sprinting year in 2017!!


From the President
Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 10.24.22 am
Sunday 12 March 2017 – Sprite Club is the rostered club to provide volunteers to act as flag marshalls on our one day per year rostered commitment.
Come along and help the club with our MSCA obligations by being a flag marshall for the day.
You need to be at Mallala by about 8.30am make sure you bring hats, sunscreen and the like…  During the day you will be flagging at one of the covered flag bunkers, you will given refreshments during the day, at lunch break you will have a lunch comprising a meat or cheese and salad roll with a piece of cake and a piece of fruit and a drink  AND  if you have your Sprite or other interesting car (or even your tin top) you will have the opportunity to do some parade laps at lunch time. This is a good opportunity to experience the track and the ‘parade’ laps are actually at quite a ‘spirited’ pace
You will be finished for the day by 4.00pm as the last event has to be completed by that time, You will also have the undying gratitude of all who organise and take part in the MSCA Sprint Series.
Hope to see as many members as possible help out on Sunday 12 March 2017.

Upcoming event – Historic Motor Vehicle Gathering

A free Community Event, the Gathering aims to encourage owners of Historic Vehicles to display their vehicles; and for enthusiasts and members of the public to view them.

We are pleased that some Clubs have designated the Gathering as a Club Run.

If you require any further information, please contact Ian or Rodney.  Their numbers are on the attached brochure.  Alternatively, please call me.

Keep Smiling, Wayne Wood

Honorary Secretary The Vintage Sports Car Club of SA Inc. 0412 086 587

Meeting Info – Monday 6 March and Monday 3 April

The next two meetings include the following speakers

Monday 6 March – Fullarton Park Centre

Don Cardone invited our club’s insurance broker to come and give a talk about the club’s insurance cover etc at our next meeting. I think its important for us to understand how the club’s insurance affects all members so it should be of interest to all all of us.




TIME: 7pm for 7.30pm


Pizza, a drink at the bar. 4 cars, 4 interviews. Q & A Put it in the Diary & Plan to be there. All welcome

Gordon and Narelle’s Ice Cream Run – Friday 24 Feb 6.45

Gordon and Narelle’s Ice Cream Run
Time to get those Sprites, Midgets and Clubbies out for a Friday Night Cruise and an Ice Cream
Meet at Bunnings Mile End, Railway Terrace side of the car park by 6.45pm for a 7.00pm departure.
We will cruise via Port Road to Port Adelaide, head over the Birkenhead Bridge, and continue to Outer Habour via Victoria Road, then follow the Esplanade past North Haven, Largs Bay, Semaphore, Grange and Henley Beach, enjoying the slowly setting sun.
We will finish about 8.00pm at McDonald’s at Harbourtown for your choice of ice cream, cake, tea or coffee.
If you cannot make the start, you are welcome to meet us en-route, just let me know either before or on the night so we can plan a meeting spot or two.
All we need is a balmy summer evening and a great sunset!  Plus an ice cream or two………
Regards Gordon and Narelle………..and the kids cause they do not want to miss out on an ice cream!
Gordon 0417897905if you need to arrange en-route meeting spot.

General Meeting Mon 6 Feb – Log book inspections


Just a reminder that the first general meeting of 2017 in on this coming Monday Night 6 February 2017 at 7.30 Fullarton Park Centre, 411 Fullarton Road Fullarton

Also memberships, log books and inspections can be done from 7pm

Sprite Club membership expired on the 31st December 2016.

If you have a Historically Registered Vehicle the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. Membership forms
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must sign a Statutory Declaration stating you have not modified or changed the vehicle within the past 12 months
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.

Logbooks can be signed at Monthly meetings by either GORDON BOYCE or DON CARDONE.

 Please Bring the Following Items:

  • Membership Subscription  
  • Current Log Book
  • Current Registration Papers
  • Signed Statutory Declaration
  • $5.00for the New Log Book (If required)

Subs can be paid at the meeting or alternatively you can EFT your Subs to the Club’s Bank account. See the website for details.


Rock and Roll Rendezvous 9 April 2017 – Update

2017 Entry Form now available.

What is it?


The National Motor Museum in the Adelaide Hills is the home of the Rock & Roll Rendezvous, an annual full day of fun and entertainment celebrating everything to do with rock and roll that takes place in April.

With hundreds of classic vehicles, music and dancing, children’s activities and the fashions on display, it is a great day out for fans of rock and roll of all ages.  

You can get up to date info by following us on Facebook

Click here for the latest promo video for the 2017 Rock & Roll Rendezvous. 

When is it?

The 2017 Rendezvous will be held on Sunday 9 April.     

Historic Registration – Last Chance!!


Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2016.

If you have a Historically Registered Vehicle the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. Membership forms
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must sign a Statutory Declaration stating you have not modified or changed the vehicle within the past 12 months
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.

Logbooks can be signed at Monthly meetings by either GORDON BOYCE or DON CARDONE.

 Please Bring the Following Items:

  • Membership Subscription  
  • Current Log Book
  • Current Registration Papers
  • Signed Statutory Declaration
  • $5.00for the New Log Book (If required)

Subs can be paid at the meeting or alternatively you can EFT your Subs to the Club’s Bank account. See the website for details.

If unable to attend the meeting the above items can be posted to the Club Register for processing.

If mailing Please enclose a Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope for Return Mailing.

Log Books, Statutory Declaration and Registration Papers can be posted to:


Due to the 60 Log Books currently in the Sprite Club these are the only methods for Processing Log Books and Registration Papers.

Vintage and Classic 2 April 2017 – McLaren Vale Online Entries

After some delays the McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic website is now “live” and you are able to enter your vehicle, or book tickets for the charity dinner, on-line.
We believe that the wait was worth it so that we could ensure that the process to enter was easy to do.  We have tried to make the site as comprehensive as possible with full information about the event.
To enter the 2017 McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic event go to
Payment options are detailed on the form.
Looking forward to receiving your entry for what is shaping up to be another extraordinary event.
Trevor Sharp

McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic Event
Phone:  0415 820 719

Australia Day – Thong throwing festival!

 Australia Day at Gary and Fay Brock’s – 10 Ebenezer Place, Gumeracha, at 11:00am.  BYO drinks, BBQ meat, salad or sweet and chairs.
The North East Road is blocked off (and will be for some time) between the Kersbrook turn off and the Gorge Road just before Gumeracha.
People coming from the South should come up the Freeway to the Hahndorf outlet and then through Verdun, Balhannah, Woodside etc.  Those coming from more Northern areas can come up the North East Road, take the Kersbrook turn off and then Checker Hill Road (about a kilometre or so on the right) and this will get them close to Gumeracha.

Xmas BBQ, Log Books and General Meeting – Monday 5 December

Dear Members & Friends 

The December Meeting always has a BBQ supplied by the Club prior to the General Meeting.

Time is 6:30 pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre grounds. the Club will supply the meat and salads. So Bring chairs and drinks. The general meeting will follow and Subs are now due along with Historic Registration updates.


Sprite Club membership expires on the 31st December 2016.

If you have a Historically Registered Vehicle the requirements for this registration system are:

  • You must be a Financial Member of a recognised Car Club. Membership forms
  • You must have your Log Book signed and stamped to show you are a Financial Member.
  • You must have had your vehicle inspected within the past three years
  • You must sign a Statutory Declaration stating you have not modified or changed the vehicle within the past 12 months
  • You must have the current Registration Paper Signed and Stamped to state that you have a Log Book and you are a Financial Member.

Without these completed you are deemed to be driving an Unregistered and Uninsured Vehicle.

The Current Fine for this offence is $750.00.

Logbooks can be signed at Monthly meetings by either GORDON BOYCE or DON CARDONE.

 Please Bring the Following Items:

  • Membership Subscription  
  • Current Log Book
  • Current Registration Papers
  • Signed Statutory Declaration
  • $5.00for the New Log Book (If required)

Subs can be paid at the meeting or alternatively you can EFT your Subs to the Club’s Bank account. See the website for details.

If unable to attend the meeting the above items can be posted to the Club Register for processing.

If mailing Please enclose a Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope for Return Mailing.

Log Books, Statutory Declaration and Registration Papers can be posted to:


Due to the 60 Log Books currently in the Sprite Club these are the only methods for Processing Log Books and Registration Papers.

Message from Reinhard Walker

Roy King, father of one of the Sprite Clubs founder members Dean King, passed away suddenly on Friday, November 18, aged 92 years.

“Loving husband to Vi. Dearly loved father of Dean, Janet, and Stewart. Best mate to brother Brian.”

Extract from Funeral Notice :

KING, Roy Leonard. FAMILY and FRIENDS of the late Mr. ROY LEONARD KING are respectfully informed that his Funeral Service will be conducted in the Florey Chapel, Centennial Park 760 Goodwood Road, Pasadena on MONDAY, November 28, 2016 at 2.30 p. m. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the City of Adelaide Lions Club would be appreciated. Envelopes will be available at the Service. 

Link to Funeral Notice in the Advertiser:

Our thoughts go out to Dean and family.

From fellow founder members Kevin Warren, Richard Stokes and Reinhard Walker


As a previous Bay to Birdwood entrant, we are asking for your help in a special event planned for Friday 20 January, when the Tour Down Under (TDU) passes through Birdwood.

In partnership with TDU and the Adelaide Hills Council, the Bay to Birdwood and the National Motor Museum plan to showcase Birdwood’s connection to motoring history through a large gathering of historic vehicles in the town.

Our plan is to line the main street (Shannon Street) of Birdwood with historic vehicles from approximately 10.30am until the Tour passes (after midday). Although the Tour passes through quite quickly, we anticipate that the gathering of a large number of historic vehicles as a backdrop to the bikes and the town will become a highlight of the day’s coverage for Australian and international media covering the event.

Once the Tour has passed, you are invited to bring your vehicle into the Museum grounds and enjoy a thank you BBQ lunch provided by the Museum. You and any in your group are also welcome to look through the Museum as our guests and receive a family pass to the Museum for future use or to pass onto friends and family.

We are hoping that up to 120 vehicles will make a wonderful spectacle. Please indicate your interest in participating in this event via a return email to Pauline Renner at by Friday 6 January.

We wish you all the best for the Festive Season and say thanks in advance from…

Michael Neale Paul Rees Kevin Noel
Chair, Bay to Birdwood Director, National Motor Museum Federation of Historic Motor Clubs

PAULINE RENNER Event Coordinator & Bay to Birdwood Finish Manager and Entry Director

Shannon Street Birdwood SA 5234
T: 08 8568 4022 M: 0481 392 888

The National Motor Museum.
A discovery at every turn.

A Museum of History SA

Adelaide Motorsport Festival – Gouger Street

Michael McLaren


Friday 18th November 2016 from 5:30pm

Reminder : Sprite members are welcome to meet in Gouger Street for the Street party.

We have booked tables at

Kingdom Chinese.   31 Gouger St, Adelaide SA 5000

The booking is in Michael’s name and has been made for 6.30pm.

Michael needs to know if you are attending in order to confirm dinner numbers. Please email him here Michael McLaren ASAP thanks!


Spam, Spam, Spam…

Hi All

Due to an unprecedented amount of spam comments to the website – almost 20,000 last month – you will have to either log into the site on the front page or put in the Captcha code (one of them funny little number/letter thingos…) supplied on the comments page when making  a comment!

Sorry for the inconvenience !

Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 5.01.26 pm

Don Doug + Pub Run – by Gordon Boyce

Hope you have marked your calendars for the “revised” DonDoug Pub Run.

Previously this run has been a cryptic navigation and observation run that has left many drivers, navigators and marriages in tatters!

The new format will be an enjoyable group run through the Adelaide Hill, finding nice Sprite roads, picturesque scenery, and “observing” important points of interest during the run.

We will finish at a country hills hotel for a warming Sunday Lunch.

Here questions will be asked of what you noticed and remembered from the run, to test your observation skills.

This will be a fun run, not a test of your ability to count fence posts, letter boxes or decipher where you ought to be.

Meeting Point:

Sunday 10th August 2014

10.00am for a 10.30am departure

Heyward Park (Southern end of King William Road)

Enter of Grove Street, Unley Park – Car Park, toilets and Play ground


6’3″ tall and still fits in a Bugeye Sprite

From David Low.. for all of you out there who can’t fit in a Bugeye anymore… but for those of us who went to Winton can vouch for an Aussie – Troy – from Qld who i think would out do this!!

You just have to love a simple, tiny sports car that can also accommodate a 6’3″

tall person. Bugeyes don’t discriminate! Here our visitor ponders his new
potential garage-mate from his 6’3″ vantage point, and viola, he fits! Click
“read more” to see a few more images of a tall man inside a short car. […]

You may view the latest post at

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,


Annual Get Together – Reminder

From Barb Ridge



Carvery at the Feathers Hotel

When: Sunday 14th September, 2014 at 12.30 p.m.

Cost: $34.00 per head

Where: Alfresco Room Feathers Hotel, 516 Glynburn Road, Burnside

You are invited to attend our Club luncheon with your fellow members, a carvery lunch, which includes soup, entrée, main course, dessert, tea and coffee.

Drinks can be purchased from the bar at your own cost.

Any enquiries to Barb your Social Conveynor, on 83879983

RSVP: NO later that 7th September

Payment must be IN FULL to Mary our Treasurer.

We ask that if you do pay by direct bank transfer, that you email the Club to inform us of your payment, your name and for how many people.

Bank Details: The Sprite Club of SA Inc.

BSB No: 085-005 Account No: 207432628


Cheque/Money Order with your name/names to be sent to:

The Sprite Club of SA Inc P.O. Box 21 Fullarton S.A. 5063

If you have any special food requirements, please let Barb know on her home phone number, or you may ring the Feathers Hotel direct on 83326133



Whitty’s Garage Visit – Wrap Up

from Paul Doube

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Thanks to the good graces of John Whitburn in arranging the visit, the 14 members who attended were treated to a fantastic afternoon at Ian Gear’s home on Sunday 27 July.

It is a wonderful and varied collection of road cars, racing cars both circuit and speedway, as well as an enormous collections of memorabilia and models spanning the decades.

Of particular interest was the Alec Rowe Supercharged Peugeot engine speedcar from the 60’s, that was driven so capably by the late Bill Wigzell. It has been beautifully restored, and is a tribute both the Alec for his amazing engineering and ingenuity, and to Billy Wigzell who got the very best out of the car as a driver, consistently beating the favoured and vastly more costly Offenhauser engine cars. It was particularly poignant though, as Bill donated the trophies and winner’s sashes in his collection, to stay with the car.

This was one of four speedcars in the collection, which also included a TQ and a Jawa 500 speedway bike. To put the speedway riders in to perspective in terms of bravery, the specifications for the bike are as follows – 493cc single, direct drive (clutch but no gearbox), 55 bhp on methanol, and no brakes!!!

While the collection of road and circuit cars also attracted much attention, Ian’s modeling skills made a few feel quite inadequate, as evidenced by his building a very accurate replica of his UX1 Torana historic racer car.

Add in Ian’s great ability as a story teller, and all were treated to much laughing across the afternoon, while marveling at both the size of the collection and the variety of the memorabilia in his sheds.

Perhaps the funniest part of all, was Ian pointing to his framed report card from primary school, which suggested he would never amount to much. I hope that teacher who wrote that report was made aware of the success Ian has and continues to enjoy.

As noted, a fantastic day and a very big thank you must go to both Ian for his hospitality in opening his home and garages to us, and to John for arranging the visit. Thanks must also go to Chris for arranging the drinks and nibbles.

I on the other hand, contributed very little, other than to bring some red wine for those attending to share and a couple of bottles as a gift of thanks to Ian. I then made a glutton of myself by hogging as much of Ian’s time as possible to explain almost every single item in the collection.

A great day and much enjoyed by all who attended.

Lots on at Your Club!

Hi, here is a quick update on whats on at the Sprite Club in coming weeks…

Sunday 27 July

Paddy’s Big Breakfast – 8:15am Bistro 25, 25 Main Road Hahndorf

Whitty’s Garage Visit – 1.30pm see Events Calendar for Full Details

Tuesday 29 July

Australian Rally Championship night 6pm – See previous post

Monday 4 August

General Meeting – 7.30 for 8 – Fullarton Park Centre

Sunday August 10

Don Dug Run + Lunch – Organised by Gordon Boyce – stay tuned for more details!

Sunday 24 August

MSCA Super Sprint Mallala – lots of clubbies – one lone sprite last time – can we get any more???

Sunday 14 September

Annual get together – it’s a luncheon this year! Full details here



Australian Rally Championship night – Tuesday 29 July 6pm

From Damien Rafferty

Following last year’s visit, they’re back! Scott Pedder & Dale Moscat and the Clio Rally car.


There are 2 ways to see a Clio RS 3….

 The more comfortable way is in the Main North Renault Showroom next Tuesday 29 July…

Come along for an interesting night of Q&A about Rallying, Professional driving and all things ARC with Scott Pedder, Dale Moscat and the Rally Car!!!

Come along for the Greek BBQ and drinks…

But wait…I know you want more!

We will be giving away 2 Hot Lap experiences at the Media Launch…. And…

Tickets to the Main North Renault VIP Marquee at the Sunday Special stage in the Gawler Showgrounds!

Food and Drinks Supplied!

Let me know if you would like to come along (for catering) and we will see you at 6 for 6:30.



Damien Rafferty
Renault Sales Consultant

Main North Renault
75 Main North Road
Nailsworth, SA, 5083
Tel : +61 8 8309 5055 – Mobile: 0401 625 498
Fax : +61 8 8309 5077

Rally SOS Information Session on this weekend Saturday 26th

Dear rally enthusiasts,

Reminder it’s on again this weekend!.

Due to popular demand and with help of the Confederation of Australian Motorsport the RallySOS group are again presenting a free information session for the rally community and all are welcome;

WHEN:     Saturday 26th of July 2014, 2-4pm.

VENUE:    The Sporting Car Club SA

51 King William Road, Unley. Adelaide

Safety and First Aid at a Rally Accident Scene. By

Declan Dwyer. Metropolitan Fire Service Officer and 2012 South Australian Rally Champion.

Thien LeCong. Anaesthetists, Retrieval Dr, Rally Chief Medical Officer.

v A rally car accident scene practical demonstration.

v The importance of safety systems and equipment; a firsthand account.

With support from Naomi Tillett, Josh Doyle, Tristan Catford and Kate Catford.

Please feel free to forward and promote this event within your clubs, organisations and the rally community.

Many thanks.

Kate Catford


Rally SOS Flyer July 26 2014

Winter Weekend in the Barossa Valley in July – Wrap Up

Winter Weekend in the Barossa Valley in July by Ken Dutch

Our annual weekend away in July is the club’s way of reminding us there is always somewhere colder than Adelaide! We are booked for two nights in the Barossa Motor Lodge at Tanunda and driving through the morning fog in the Adelaide Hills.

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Visibility is about twenty metres and progress is a bit slower than usual but after fifteen minutes or so we leave the fog behind. We arrive at Tanunda about two o’clock and get settled in our room. When the other club members arrive they are invited to our room for afternoon drinks and nibbles, this takes us up to about six o’clock when we all head off to the Tanunda Hotel for dinner. After a very enjoyable dinner all of us head back to our room at the motel for drinks, a few laughs and watch the Crows lose,then to bed around 11.30. It’s Saturday morning, it’s cold but sunny and people start to head over to the dining room for the included breakfast.

After breakfast we go to the Farmer’s market in Angaston. There’s always something good to buy there and we all did our bit for the local economy. It was then back to Tanunda for a browse in the well known Wohlers home furnishing store. After coffee and a snack we return to the motel until we leave at about 2 o’clock to go to Anne & Mike Schmidt’s house in Tanunda for afternoon tea and drinks. Anne put on a marvellous spread, there was plenty of homemade muffins, cheeses, dips etc to satisfy everyone. We were joined here by Gary & Fay Brock & Barb Ridge. Anne & Mike have a very nice house just off the main road, of particular interest to the men was Mike’s garage. There are four bays with roller doors and it’s high enough for a hoist to be installed!

Back at the motel some of us changed for dinner and then saw Paul and Ruth’s room. Their room, we were surprised to see was twice as big as the other rooms, after many jokes and mention of ‘honeymoon suite’ it was thereafter known as the ‘Presidential Suite’. Barb had us booked in for dinner at The Vine Inn at Nuriootpa for 6.30. At The Vine Inn we were also joined by Clive Spreadbury, he came direct from competing in his Sprite at the Collingrove hillclimb. The food there is excellent, I can recommend it to anyone. Leaving

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The Vine we headed back to the motel to relax and chat in the ‘Presidential Suite’ for the rest of the night. Sunday morning and it’s bright and sunny so after breakfast a group of us go to Angaston to have a poke around in the big antique/collectables shop in an old church on the main road. After our goodbyes Mary and I head for home.

I think everyone enjoyed the weekend, good food and drink and a lot of laughs. Our thanks on behalf of everyone who attended the weekend go to Barb for organising and to Mike & Anne for our afternoon tea. Those attending were: Paul & Ruth, David & Di, Peter & Roz, Don & Elaine, Gary & Fay, Clive, Barb and ourselves. Ken & Mary Dutch

Flaggies Required – This Sunday Mallala Sprints

From the President
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Sunday 20 July 2014 – Sprite Club is the rostered club to provide volunteers to act as flag marshalls on our one day per year rostered commitment.
Come along and help the club with our MSCA obligations by being a flag marshall for the day.
You need to be at Mallala by about 8.30am and dress in something warm if the day is cold (it will be).  During the day you will be flagging at one of the covered flag bunkers, you will given refreshments during the day, at lunch break you will have a lunch comprising a meat or cheese and salad roll with a piece of cake and a piece of fruit and a drink  AND  if you have your Sprite or other interesting car (or even your tin top) you will have the opportunity to do some parade laps at lunch time. This is a good opportunity to experience the track and the ‘parade’ laps are actually at quite a ‘spirited’ pace
You will be finished for the day by 4.00pm as the last event has to be completed by that time, and often given similar weather conditions, you may be finished a bit earlier. You will also have the undying gratitude of all who organise and take part in the MSCA Sprint Series.
Hope to see as many members as possible help out on Sunday 20 July 2014.

The ‘Dutch’ run…wrap up

from Gary Brock

The ‘Dutch’ Run

Eight cars, mostly family cars, with 14 people in total, met at Fullarton Centre before the run organised by Ken and Mary Dutch for Sunday 22nd June. Paddy was at the start but wasn’t able to go on the run with us as he had to head for home to prepare for an event that required his attendance in the afternoon.

Just as we about to start Paul received a call that meant he would be a late starter but would try to catch up.

The rest of us headed off to the Old Belair Road, up through Upper Sturt to Ironbank then Mylor and Echunga. From there to Meadows, Kangarilla and Clarendon and a couple of re-grouping stops meant that we were all together before heading to Aberfoyle Park where Jan and Alan Symonds were preparing a barbeque lunch. We were joined here by two other Club members and a little later by Paul who had completed the run, following the run sheet, in his Clubby and on his own but just far enough behind us to be out of our sight.

Then we ate – what a spread – nibbles, cheese, barbeque followed by sweets. Well done Jan and Alan.

The weather was kind to us on the run and the route provided some magnificent views and roads that the more dedicated Spridget owners would certainly have enjoyed. We must thank Ken and Mary for a well organised outing.

This is the way to spend a Sunday – a great run – a top class lunch – and lots of laughs and tales told about our motoring prowess. If you can make it on the next outing in whatever car you can put on the road, you will see how good it can be.

Sunday Run – Coming?

Surely it can’t be this bad…
One of our members, Ken, put his hand up and decided to map out a run for us all and with a luncheon.

You have your car, so brush the cobwebs off, shine it up, fill the tank up and lets see it on the road.

If you feel it is too wet, cold etc, still come along in modern day car.

It is your Club, so please come along, support the effort Ken is putting in to do this and Jan and Alan who are putting the lunch on for us – contact Ken Phone, 83817714 or email

Please respond ASAP – It MAY NEED to be cancelled

From Barb

Sunday club run!

Surely the weather won’t be this bad?


– get that inch of dust off of them and get your cars out – you know they run better in the cold weather!! Please let Ken know if you’re coming – see details below!

Title: Sunday lunch run through the hills ending with a BBQ
Location: Meet at the Club Rooms,Fullerton Park Centre,411 Fullerton Rd.Fullerton. Time. 10.30 for an 11.00 start. SUNDAY 22/6/14
Sunday lunch run through the hills ending with a BBQ at Jan & Alan Symonds house in Aberfoyle Park.

Meet at the Club Rooms,Fullerton Park Centre,411 Fullerton Rd.Fullerton.

Time. 10.30 for an 11.00 start. SUNDAY 22/6/14

What to bring. The club will supply & pay for the lunch! BYO Drinks. Tea & coffee will be supplied.

Please let me know asap if you are coming for catering purposes. Phone, 83817714 or email

Start Time: 10:30
Date: 2014-06-22
End Time: 15:00

For Sale – Midget

1971 MG Midget (1275 cc; Left hand drive).VIN: GAM5UB97077GApprox 96000 miles

Brought back from the US but owner lives interstate and needs to reluctantly sell due to no time/space to restore.   Low km on tires, new brakes, down draft Weber carbs, roof canvas (not fitted) and tonneau cover, manual and numerous other extras.  Body and interior needs some work, new windscreen and mirrors, but mechanically wouldn’t require too much effort to get it back up and running to roadworthy condition (currently unregistered and hasn’t been run regularly for some time).

Car is located in Murray Bridge. Transport at buyers cost.

Price $6,500 neg.

For more information contact Adam Schultz.


mobile: 0417 408 398

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Upcoming events – see calendar for further details

22nd June – Sunday Run organised by Ken Dutch
7 th July – Club Meeting with Cheese and Wine
11th – 13th July – Barossa Weekend away
27th July – Garage Visit – organized by John Whitburn – details for follow
10th August – Winter Solstice Pub and Don Doug Run organised by Gordon Boyce
14th September – Club Luncheon – details to follow
21st September – Sunday Run organized by Peter Dineen

Garage Visit

Title: Garage Visit
Location: Full Details Shortly
Description: Want to have a look at a great collection of cars and memorabilia? This visit will delight the fussiest enthusiast – classic race cars, top end vehicles, historic speedway cars and of course the stuff that goes with all this!!
Stay tuned for full details
Start Time: 13:30
Date: 2014-07-27
End Time: 15:30

Sunday lunch run through the hills ending with a BBQ

Title: Sunday lunch run through the hills ending with a BBQ
Location: Meet at the Club Rooms,Fullerton Park Centre,411 Fullerton Rd.Fullerton. Time. 10.30 for an 11.00 start. SUNDAY 22/6/14
Sunday lunch run through the hills ending with a BBQ at Jan & Alan Symonds house in Aberfoyle Park.

Meet at the Club Rooms,Fullerton Park Centre,411 Fullerton Rd.Fullerton.

Time. 10.30 for an 11.00 start. SUNDAY 22/6/14

What to bring. The club will supply & pay for the lunch! BYO Drinks. Tea & coffee will be supplied.

Please let me know asap if you are coming for catering purposes. Phone, 83817714 or email

Start Time: 10:30
Date: 2014-06-22
End Time: 15:00

Seatbelts!!! – message from Colin Dodds

G’day guys

As some of you may be aware, our Club Captain Paul Orton sufferred significant injuries last Sunday when he left the circuit at Eastern Creek Turn 3 and hit the concrete wall.  Paul has suffered broken nose, cheek bone, ribs, and lacerated knees, as well as multiple bruising.  Fortunately he is recovering well, and when I spoke to him this afternoon he was “at the check-out counter” at Westmead Hospital.  He will be home tonight.

Paul confirms that many of his injuries were as a result of him “submarining” under the lap section of his seat belt.  His head hit the steering wheel, his knees hit the firewall.  He agrees that these injuries may have been minimised if not avoided with a six-point seat belt incorporating crutch straps.

 Six-point belts are a requirement for all race cars, even Historic race cars.  Are our fast road cars really travelling much slower if they hit the wall at a club sprint meeting?

So perhaps something good can come out of this.

I have put in a bulk buy from a reputable supplier, and have a quantity of FIA approved 6-point harnesses here, for sale to Club members, both NSW and interstate, at my cost price.  They are the same belts that I have in my own race car.  They incorporate two thigh (crutch) straps and are fitted to the car with clip-in buckles which attach to eye-bolts which you fit to the body shell.  You can use your ordinary lap-sash seat belt for road use, and in under a minute fit the 6-point harness for SuperSprints etc.

Retail price for belts of this type can be well over $300.

Your price (my cost price) is:


$ 10    freight to anywhere in Australia


$ 16    GST

$176    total

If you want one, just email me with your address, credit my bank account, and it’s on its way.

CBA Castle Towers

bsb:    062 347

a/c:    1002 8309

name:    C W Dodds



Clayton Bay Run this Sunday!

The club has organised a Sunday run to Clayton Bay culminating in a quick visit to Curt’s “toyworld” and lunch at the great riverfront cafe – Sails.


We will meet at the Meadows Hotel Carpark

Screen Shot 2014-05-13 at 4.08.15 pm

(can we do better than this mob??)

at 10 for a 10.30am departure, following a route through Macclesfield, Strathalbyn and Milang and returning to Meadows via Finnis, Ashbourne and the fabulous Bull’s Creek road.


For catering please let us know if you intend getting the sprite out of the shed!  Especially all you people down south!!

Please reply via  Chris – for conformation of numbers attending


Sprite Challenge – Qld newsletter

Message from Qld Sprite Club…

It was great to see you at the recent Sprite National Challenge,.

Thank you for making the effort to attend. Also, please pass on our thanks to the others in your Club that attended.
Attached is the Special Edition Sprite National Challenge Newsletter that I have put together. I would appreciate if you could pass this around within your club.

I also would like to mention that I read your article about the Challenge that is on your website. Very entertaining. A great read. 🙂
I hope you enjoy.


Karen Gordon
Newsletter Editor
The Sprite Car Club of Qld Inc.

April 2014 ChallengeNewsletter

Sunday Run 25 May – Clayton Bay

The club has organised a Sunday run to Clayton Bay culminating in a quick visit to Curt’s “toyworld” and lunch at the great riverfront cafe – Sails.


We will meet at the Meadows Hotel Carpark

Screen Shot 2014-05-13 at 4.08.15 pm

(can we do better than this mob??)

at 10 for a 10.30am departure, following a route through Macclesfield, Strathalbyn and Milang and returning to Meadows via Finnis, Ashbourne and the fabulous Bull’s Creek road.


For catering please let us know if you intend getting the sprite out of the shed!  Especially all you people down south!!

Please reply via  Chris – for conformation of numbers attending


Clearance Sale of Sprites/Midgets and parts

Clearance Sale of Sprites/Midgets and parts. The cars and parts are located at Goolwa. The house has been sold and I would rather sell the cars than move them! Get in quick!

Accordingly, here is the list re-visited, with discount prices if sold before April 11th.

·         “Rubber nose” MG Midget, 1500 engine,  left hand drive,  complete, very straight, original and free of rust, motor and gearbox need to be re-installed. $4500 ONO

·         “Round arch” MG Midget, left hand drive, straight, free of rust, no motor or gearbox. $2500 ONO

·         Bugeye body shell, accident damage in front, but straight from fire wall back. $750 ONO

·         Set of 5 historic racing composite wheels, designed by ASP racing, suit Sprite, 13 X 8. $500 ONO

·         Pantech full of parts (Pantech not included) $3250 ONO

Reinhard Walker

Mobile : 0402 019595

P1000917 P1000918 P1000920 P1000921 P1000928 P1000933 P1000936 P1000937 P1000938

Weekend away

Contact Barb

Barossa Valley weekend filling fast, only 4 rooms left, so hurray.

11th – 13th July. $100 per night in a superior room including breakfast for both mornings. Afternoon tea and dinner on Saturday all organised. Just come along, great weekend, great company, and support your Club. Minimal costs to outlay.

Please get on the web and book now by emailing the website and paying either by the Internet of at the next meeting. $50 is required at this stage.


Winter weekend away- update

Email Barb at

11th -13th July.
We are heading up to the Barossa Motor Lodge for a get away weekend. We are going to Anne and Mike Schmidt’s home on Saturday for afternoon tea and then out for dinner. We secured 10 rooms and 5 have all ready gone, so if you are interested in coming along, $100 per night including breakfast, please get in touch with me though the website and put your name down. $50 deposit is required either at the next meeting or over the net with an email to let us know you have paid. If you decide to do it that way, please put your name and Barossa Weekend on the statement text so Mary can see it easily.
DONT MISS OUT. Have a break and give your car a run

Winter weekend away 11th – 13th July

Contact Barb

Due to change of dates the Pea and Pie night is cancelled

This year we are heading to the Barossa Valley for our weekend away. We have secured 10 rooms at the Barossa Valley Lodge in Tanunda, with the cost being $100 PER COUPLE PER NIGHT including BREAKFAST every morning. Anne and Mike Schmidt have kindly offered to open their home  for afternoon tea on the Saturday afternoon, and further details will follow in the near future.

Come and support your Club and have a good time. First come, first serve basis, 10 rooms are booked, so don’t miss out. Email the club website straight away to secure a room. Deposit needs to be made to Barb at the meeting in April. You are required to pay at this stage $50 per couple. Give your sprite a treat and bring it out for a drive and show it off.


Clubby Sprite BBQ – wrap Up

from Barb Ridge

33 members of the Sprite Club attended a BBQ at the Doube’s house that had everything, good food, good friendship, great cars to view and beautiful grounds to have them on. Once again thank you to Paul and Ruth for opening up their home for us all to enjoy

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McLaren Vale Vinatge and Classic 6 April

Title: McLaren Vale Vinatge and Classic 6 April
Location: McLaren Vale
Link out: Click here
Description: Entry Forms available via the web Link


The McLaren Vale Vintage & Classic is a GREAT FAMILY day celebration of vintage and classic motoring. A fantastic mix of food, wine, music and the arts together with the energy and passion of motoring enthusiasts. It offers the visitor exquisite tastes of the McLaren Vale region’s world-class wines, tantalising gourmet food and classic motor vehicles of a by-gone era. It was voted the Community Event of the Year 2011, won a bronze from the South Australian Tourism Awards 2011 and won a silver in 2012. Adding to the list of accolades, this event won Excellence award in Main Street Events as part of the Mainstreet S.A Awards, 2013.
Start Time: 08:30
Date: 2014-04-06
End Time: 15:00

The Late Judy and John Bowering’s Sprite

From David Low



Seen at the MSCA Club presentation picnic at Bethany was the Late Judy and John Bowering’s Sprite. Dean King is now the owner, and has tidied up the car which has not been seen for several years . Note the reversed steering mounted wheel and the lockable hand brake, features John added to the car.
Older members of the Club will remember this car and it will always be known as Judy and John’s Sprite

BBQ at Castle Doube

Title: BBQ at Castle Doube
Location: Paul and Ruth Doube’s
Description: The clubbie group always starts the social part of the year with a BBQ at our place, and in which we have traditionally tried to fill the back yard with clubbies – photo of one of those days was actually on Google Earth for a while.

Sunday 23 February and all Sprite Club members are more than welcome – if bringing a Sprite, just drive around the back and we will fit you in – people need to bring
– Whatever they want to put on the BBQ
– Drinks
– A chair
– Something to share – we don’t really ask people to bring particular things, just whatever they think is okay and if we double up on something so be it
– If hot, bring your bathers as the pool is always inviting on a hot day

We normally start from about midday on but if we say 12.00 to 1.00pm then it will be about right.
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2014-02-23

For Sale – Mk2 Sprite Race car

 Mk2 Sprite Race car

1275 cc Block, 40 thou oversize, port n polished cast iron head, modified suspension both front and rear (telescopic Shocks, panhard rod, and front sway bar). Ribbed case gearbox 1 meeting since overhaul,  Lightened flywheel  and Hillman hunter equivalent clutch. Upgraded front discs and Wolesley 1500 Rear Drums. Speedwell triple master Cyl pedal box, steel fuel tank replaced with Poly urethane mounted through Boot Floor,.

Body is mostly fibreglass, walker bonnet fitted min 4 inch flares allround, doors and boot lid are steel.

Wheels are superlights 13inch 7inch width, fitted with formula ford rear tyres. Two spares complete included

The sell this has been a AHSDC racer for over 35 years.

It is a good club racer, ideal for the Challenge, or for a beginner

Price $12,750  a little negotiable

Contact Mike Summers

Ph 0421417388


Chinese New Year – “GONG XI FA CAI”

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On a very hot Adelaide City Saturday night 40+degrees, 25 Sprite club members enjoyed a very pleasurable evening at the Hong Kee Restaurant to celebrate the year of the “Horse” and the start of the Lunar New Year.

Judging by comments passed during the evening, the food was declared very good, and service by the staff was very pleasant, conversation and laughter went on during the night culminating in a big Roar when Fay Brock!, yes its that woman again, confirming that like good wine she gets better with age was awarded 1st prize for the best Asian dressed woman, closely followed as runner up by Barb Ridge, a great effort by all ladies to impress their Yobbo shirted gentlemen.

The Mens Worst Shirt award went to David low and again very close runner up was Ken Dutch, many thanks to Michael McClaren representing Bentleys with 4 great prizes.

The owners welcomed our attendance as much as we enjoyed their restaurant , even though the lion was still in the Jungle, it was  good number of members for the night and thanks to everyone who made an effort to be part of the night, so put on your thinking caps and lets make the next club dinner even better and the more members that come along to events like this  can only strengthen our club’s appeal.

Garry Beaton

Historic Rego – Next Monday 3 Feb at the SCSA club general meeting

Please be aware that at the next meeting Gordon will be available for inspections from 7pm onwards – please let him know if you are intending to have you vehicle inspected by contacting him on 0417897905

You will need to have the following documents for historic registration – follow the link for the documents

Sprite Club Membership Renewal Form including Membership Subs or a Receipt for EFT Transfer.
Signed and Witnessed Statutory Declaration Form – and the vehicle inspected!
Current Log Book – $5.00 if a new Log Book is required.
Current Registration Certificate (Blue Registration Certificate – NOT the Registration Renewal Form)

All British Day – 9 February

logo abd

For those of you that have entered this years event – don’t forget to get your cars out and blow the cobwebs off of them!!  For those of you that haven’t, it is a great event well worth the trip up to the new venue at Echunga.

On a side note, I am now unable to attend this year’s event and I have an entry available if anyone wants it – email me


Australia Day – Wrap Up


aust day1

Australia Day at Gumeracha

The weather was made to order what I call a ‘Purler” a  good to be alive day with good company and fun had by all. Our guest of honour Gary had just received a well deserved Civic award from the Adelaide Hills Council for His very important part in the Men’s Tinker Shed project at Gumeracha’s a Volunteer yesterday at the local Australia Day Ceremony.  Fay did a sterling job and won the thong throwing contest in a 3 way play off with Mike Schmidt and Barry Edson.      We had a special performance by one of our new members Gerry playing the didgeroodo which very special being Australia Day gave ‘a true blu’ feel to the day.To add an extra international flavour we had Alan & Jan’s rellies visiting from the UK.

Kind regards

Anne Schmidt

aust day

from Barb

Our Australia Day was a great success. 24 people enjoyed the trip up to Gumeracha to the Brock’s enjoying a traditional BBQ, food and friendship. Food was a plenty and wine beer and spirits were downed.

Fay Brock kept the the girls a float by sinking the target twice and winning the Bowering Thong Throwing trophy, beating 2 other men. Well done Fay.

As if the day couldn’t get any better, we, as a club would like to congratulate Gary Brock on receiving the Citizen Award at a ceremony earlier in the day for his outstanding contribution for the organising and running of the Men’s Shed.

All British Day

Title: All British Day
Location: Echunga Recreation Ground Hahndorf Rd Echunga
Link out: Click here
Description: The All British Day is an annual display day and picnic for enthusiastic vehicle Club Members to meet and show off their British motor vehicles. It is held in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, on the second Sunday of February each year.
Start Time: 09:30
Date: 2014-02-09

2014 Sprite Challenge Update

Hi All,

2014 National Sprite Third flyer

Attached at the link above is the third flyer with a little more detail and the request for payment. The Challenge Bank Account details have been provided, please ensure you put you name as the transaction reference details.

Spread it around pass the word let’s make sure everyone with a Sprite / Midget know it’s on!

If you have any questions. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me.


John Robertson

0431 033 878

Chinese New Year – update

Extra Notice.

To everyone attending this most prestigious event on the Asian Calendar.

There will be two Prizes awarded on the night and Many thanks to Michael  Mclaren courtesy of Bentley’s for supplying the Prizes.

1  For Men its for the WORST SHIRT in the Restaurant

2  For Women, the most ASIAN  dressed woman of our group ( not in the restaurant)

So Fellas don”t HORSE around and dig out those shirts your wives said they wouldn’t be seen Dead with  you in them.

They may be CRASS , but they may be CLASS  !!!!

Remember 6-30 for 7-00   Sat 1-2-2014  Hong Kee Restaurant  Morphett ST City

Garry Beaton   0407223399

Chinese New Year – Changes

Merry-Christmas-and-Happy-2014-New-Year-33 (1)

The Horse has Bolted!!!!

I have just been advised by the owners of the “Hong Kee” Restaurant that the Lion Dance Company who were going to perform the Lion dance on Saturday   night have closed down and no longer available for this years New Year celebrations, no other options are available for the restaurants owners.

I have contacted other Restaurants who are putting on the New Year Lion dance and prices range from$69 to $88 each!, which is very expensive for a Dim Sim!

The Hong Kee Restaurant will still be having the $30 Banquet on Sat 1st Feb we can still have a very good dinner with good company.

Please email by Monday 13th if you would still  like to go for dinner only.

Garry Beaton


Australia Day – BBQ and Thong Throwing Contest

Title: Australia Day – BBQ and Thong Throwing Contest
Location: Fay & Gary Brock’s 10 Ebenezer Pl Gumeracha
Description: The traditional Sprite Club Australia Day event. We will continue holding the event as a memorial to John Bowering at the Brock’s.

BYO Chairs, Drinks, BBQ meat and Salad or Dessert to share
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 2014-01-26
End Time: 15:00

For Sale – MK 1 and Mk 3A


TONY – 0421 32 66 33 –

Cars located in Gawler, South Australia

Transport at buyer cost


Austin Healey Sprite Mk 1 – Bugeye – $20,000 ONO

Color is Flame Red

1958 built

First registered in 1959

Re sprayed in 2013

New rear brakes

New oil master rings on pistons

New windscreen glass

Historic Registration

Mk 1 Spare Gear Box

Vacuum Brake Booster

Quartz Halogen Headlights

New rear lights


Austin Healey Sprite Mk 3 A – $14,000 ONO


Color is Alpine White


Re spayed 2011

New hood

New Tourneau Cover

Mag wheels


Webber Carburetor

Special Camshaft

1275 Engine

New exhaust silencer

Historic Registration

Seat Belts

Vacuum Brake booster

Electronic ignition

Gas rear shockers

New front brake discs

Front silver steel anti roll bar fitted with 2 rose joints

Up rated front springs

Quick change engine oil filter

Engine oil cooler

Reworks cylinder head

Running compression ration of 10:1

Bosh Headlights

Chinese New Year Lion Dance Banquet

Saturday 1st February 2014    6-30 for 7-00 pm

Merry-Christmas-and-Happy-2014-New-Year-33 (1)

Hong Kee  Restaurant    Morphett St City      $30-00 per head for Banquet

This is one of the Best value for money Chinese food restaurants  in town, Great food, good price and spectacular Lion Dance during the evening.

Owners are long term friends of Garry and Molly please email so we can book tables early as it always books out

Garry Beaton

Xmas Dinner – wrap up!

Xmas Dinner – From Barb

Many thanks to Chris and Tina for a great evening last Saturday night. The weather was perfect, and 30 members were lucky enough to enjoy a three course meal thanks to the Brine’s. Even Father Xmas found time to come and visit us. To all those members who supported the evening, Im sure you had a good time, and to those who didn’t come, well there is always next year. Again, thanks to the Brine’s.


Historic Rego = Membership by 31 December!!

Just a gentle reminder that to maintain your historic registration into 2014 you must be a financial member of the club before the end of 2013! As well as fulfil all the other obligations.

This is due to changes to the conditional registration scheme – not by the Sprite Club!  If you are not a member by this date your car will be deemed unregistered.

You will need to have the following documents for historic registration – follow the link for the documents

Sprite Club Membership Renewal Form including Membership Subs or a Receipt for EFT Transfer.
Signed and Witnessed Statutory Declaration Form – and the vehicle inspected!
Current Log Book
Current Registration Certificate (Blue Registration Certificate – NOT the Registration Renewal Form)
$5.00 if a new Log Book is required.

Cars and Parts For Sale

I am, after many years, selling my collection of Sprites/Midgets and parts. At this stage I am looking for a buyer who would take the whole collection. Alternately, if someone offered enough for either or both of the Midgets, I would throw in all of the parts. The cars and parts are located at Goolwa.

Here are the major items :-

· “Rubber nose” MG Midget, 1500 engine, left hand drive, complete, very straight, original and free of rust, motor and gearbox need to be re-installed.

· “Round arch” MG Midget, 1275 engine, left hand drive, straight, free of rust, no motor or gearbox.

· Bugeye body shell, accident damage in front, but straight from fire wall back.

· Fibreglass front, new, E-type style, suit all models.

· Fibreglass front, bugeye shape.

· MG Midget gearbox, very low mileage, gears in excellent condition, cracked casing.

· Several other gearboxes, Mark 1 to Midget, varying condition.

· Several half shafts, Mark 1 to Midget.

· Wire wheels, solid wheels.

· Set of 5 historic racing composite wheels, designed by ASP racing, suit Sprite, 13 X 8

· Shock absorbers, wishbones, hubs, disc brakes, prop shafts, steering columns, etc.

· Bonnet, centre cowl section, mud guards, boot lids, doors.

· New rear mudguard, LHS, MG Midget

· Racing 1275 motor, hill climb winner from the seventies.

· Straight cut racing gearbox.

Note that even without the Midgets and the Bugeye shell, all of the rest of the collection (wheels, gearboxes, panels and parts in boxes would fill a small pantech. The LHD cars come with all parts required to convert to RHD

If I am not able to find a buyer for the lot I will need to consider selling individual parts. I will let you know if that happens.

A ballpark figure for all the cars and parts would be around $14,000. Failing that I would consider offers around $6,000 for the Rubbernose, $3,000 for the Roundarch, $2,000 for the Bugeye shell (including fibreglass front), and $5,000 for all the parts.

Reinhard Walker

Mobile : 0402 019595

P1000938 P1000937 P1000936 P1000933 P1000928 P1000921 P1000920 P1000918 P1000917


Christmas Party – Saturday 7 December


Chris and Tina Brine will host the Christmas party this year on Saturday 7 December at 6.30 for 7pm, 34 Penang Ave, Colonel Light Gardens.

The cost will $10 per head this will include nibbles, main and dessert – BYO Drinks and a Chair!  For catering purposes please let viagra mexico us know by the December general meeting! or email

Kris-Kringle  alway great fun with Santa! – everyone please bring a gift to the value of $10



See Your there!

Xmas Meeting and BBQ – 2 December

The Xmas meeting (BBQ supplied – byo drinks and chairs!) will be held Monday 2 December from 6pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre 411 Fullarton Road.


Memberships are now due please fill out a new membership form so we can keep our records up to date.  Fees remain unchanged.

N.B. You must which is better viagra or cialis be a financial member before 01 January 2014 to maintain historic registration!!!

Annual inspections of Conditionally Registered Vehicles and log book renewals – (Historic).  Inspections will be carried out from 6pm on Monday night at the Fullarton Park Centre -please make a booking with Gordon Boyce to have this done!

You will need to have the following documents for historic registration – follow the link for the documents

Sprite Club Membership Renewal Form including Membership Subs or a Receipt for EFT Transfer.
Signed and Witnessed Statutory Declaration Form
Current Log Book
Current Registration Certificate (Blue Registration Certificate – NOT the Registration Renewal Form)
$5.00 if a new Log Book is required.

See you there!


A Series alloy case open differentials for sale

All in very cheap discount viagra good condition and surplus to a MG TC project none I understand have been used for racing, all harvested from road cars

·         1 x 4.555 – $200 ex UK from David Smith spares bin  (he club races a sprite in the UK)

·         1 x 4.2      – $200 ex UK from David Smith spares – Sold

·         1 x 3.9      – $375 ex WA – Sold

Please phone Lachlan Kinnear

0408 846 323

Bugeye Numberplate for sale

I have recently purchased a 1961 Austin Healey Sprite which was located in South Australia. The exciting news was it came with “BUGEYE” number plates. Unfortunately as I live in Victoria I am unable to use them. I have loved & driven sprites for many years & I know these are a rare find. I would also like to know they go to a good home.

Could I please enquire how I would go about listing these plates for sale. My bugeye is currently undergoing a complete restoration cialis discount & as you would know the expenses continue to climb.

Many thanks,

Nicole Beeforth

0437 500 517

Annual General Meeting – Monday 4 November

A reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the Sprite order levitra canada club will be held next Monday 4 November at 8pm Fullarton Park Centre, Fullarton.

Also trophies are to be returned so that they can be engraved for presentation at the December meeting.

The mid week run has been cancelled because it clashes with the Melbourne Cup.meeting-cartoon1

Please consider helping out on the committee, without volunteers the club wouldn’t exist and the benefits we all glean would be lost!

Target Rifle Shooting – Sunday 27 October


Target Rifle Shooting

This Sunday 10am SHARP

Location: Target Rifle SA 132-134 Wingfield Road, Wingfield

Due to ongoing road works at the northern end of South Road the easiest route is to get onto Hanson Road and proceed north over Grand Junction Road, Cormack Road and after the railway line take the third on the right (Hines Road) which is the last street before you go up to the Port River Expressway.

At the end of the road turn right and Target Rifle SA is the first building on the left. There is off street car parking available.

Please bring photo ID and if your bringing your own rifle the appropriate licenses etc. discount cialis and viagra The cost is $20/shooter and lunch BBQ for $5 and tea/coffee/cool drinks are also available to purchase.

Trophies will be awarded on the day.

Display day – 2013


002 003 004

We had over the course of the Day 22 cars turn up for display and Historic Rego inspection. Numbers were well down on previous years.
Don Cardone’s car was judged by the members to be Best Car on the day. Chris Brine’s modified car attracted a lot of attention and questions. Meanwhile the ladies sat under the shade and talked. For those who attended canadian viagra online it was a good day. For those who missed it please do yourself a favour and come along next year


2013-10-20 13.26.03

Message from the President

Dear Members

Just a few reminders!

Due to the public holiday buy cheap viagra on the 7th October the general meeting will be held on the 14th October.

Also a reminder the display day is on Sunday 20th October at Civic Park Modbury opposite TTP starting at 10 am. Entry through carpark on North East road and not to drive over painted blue lines which indicate presence of watering system. Display day also used as annual inspection day for historic registered vehicles.

Hope to see you at the October meeting and/or display day!



civic park map


Sprite Club Annual Dinner 2013

from Ken Dutch

Sprite Club Annual Dinner 2013

I wonder if the Sprite Club founders thought we would still be celebrating the club’s birthday forty one years later? To be honest I doubt whether the question was even thought of. They were probably too busy driving, racing, thrashing and fixing Sprites!

This year The Forty First Annual Dinner was held at the Royal Coach Lodge on Dequetteville Tce, Kent Town. We had the generous sized dining room all to ourselves and set up with eight round tables. The tables were decorated with a red, white and blue theme. Four helium balloons spouted from the centre of the table with mystery numbers on them,1,5,4 & 5. The Lodge supplied us with a chef for the night who organized the meal and served the buffet.

At about 6.30 people started to arrive, after half an hour or so our fifty five expected members had arrived and the buzz of conversation filled the room. During the breaks in serving the soup and entree President Kevin drew the ‘lucky spot’ prize, the lucky spot was in fact stuck under your chair so there was a frantic upending of chairs and groans of disappointment. The only thing I found was a rock hard piece of chewy with teeth marks in it.

When we had all settled down after the chair inspecting Gary Brock gave out his ‘Quiz’ question sheets. One per table for a combined table effort to answer the questions. Gary had an interesting range of questions, one of which was “what do you call the little thing on the end of a shoelace”? I wonder how many people who didn’t know can remember the answer. One of the founding members, Richard Stokes, gave a brief welcome and a thank you to the organizing committee, it was then time to find out who had won the quiz. Kevin stood up, he paused, Eddie McGuire style and announced that the winner was…. ‘The founding members table’. Cheers on the table erupted and all on that table received a prize. Raffle tickets had been given out for the remaining prizes, these were drawn and a number of people went home with chocolates or a bottle of wine.DSC00395-001 DSC00400-001 DSC00402-001 DSC00404-001 DSC00405-001 DSC00418-001

By now it was dessert time and a delicious array of Pavlovas, éclairs, cakes and fruit salad were waiting for us. The Royal Coach put on a lovely meal and the function room was very nice. After coffee, tea, cheese and biscuits and some chatting it was time to head for home.

Thanks must go to Kevin & Rose, Barb & Chris for organizing the dinner and to Gary for setting the quiz. Thanks must also go to Michael McLaren for his donation to the canadian pharmacy viagra club. Unfortunately Michael and Pat were unable to attend.

Ken and Mary Dutch                                                                                              20/09/13


All British Day 2014 – Entries Open!

Title: All British Day
Location: Echunga Recreation Ground Hahndorf Rd Echunga
Link out: Entires available from the All British Day Website from the 01 October 2013
Description: The All British Day is an annual display day and drug viagra picnic for enthusiastic vehicle Club Members to meet and show off their British motor vehicles. It is held in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, on the second Sunday of February each year.
Start Time: 09:30
Date: 2014-02-09
End Time: 15:00

John Sprinzel’s autobiography

Dear all,

John Sprinzel’s autobiography is due to be released soon. It’s a fantastic read of his colourful life both before, during and after the golden era of motorsport. If you’ve read Johns other books you will know only too well that the motorsport era was colourful. This book gives us a great insight into all the other colourful aspects of what could only be described as an interesting life. I think you will all conclude as both Martin and myself have concluded that a lot of what John refers to as luck has no doubt actually been created by his clever and intuitive decisions made at exactly the right times.


It’s enthralling from cover to cover with new stories, new photos. Once you pick it up you’ll be viagra cialis online pharmacy hooked and I suspect that rather sooner than you’d like you’ll be at the end of the book!

You might like to bring this book to your members attention and point out that sales are through Bugeye Barn and directly with John.

Lucky John – Draft review

Review of Lucky John


Greg Corbin, President AHSDCV


Target Shooting Come and Try



Title: Target Shooting come and try day!
Location: Target Rifle SA 132-134 Wingfield Road, Wingfield
Link out: Click here
Description: The club has accepted an invitation from Target Rifle SA to attend the State Range on Sunday 27th October 2013 and try small bore (22) target rifle shooting on their 50m range. A number of their members will be how to buy viagra in canada in attendance with their target rifles for us to use.

The cost is $20.00 per person which includes range fees and a box of 50 rounds.

We propose that everyone shoots 10 “sighting” rounds and then shoots 40 bench rest competion rounds.

We have been told that you are welcome to bring along your own 22 as long as you are licenced and the gun is registered and that you need to bring the appropriate documentation to support that. It will need to have a scope as the targets at 50 metres are very small.

You CANNOT bring your own ammunition.

The state Range is situated at 132-134 Wingfield Road, Wingfield and start time is 10:00am

Tea, coffee and cool drinks can be purchased at the range. Depending on numbers they will put on a sausage sizzle with salads at $5.00 for us which would be a small fund raiser for them.

Please email me by 7th October (general meeting) if attending at

So for all of those that wanted to be either Roy Rogers or Dale Evans when they were kids come along and have a go and see if you would have survived in the wild west!

Kevin Caire
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2013-10-27
End Time: 15:00

Weekend Away

From Barb…

Weekend Away.

How lucky we were with the weather. No rain during the day, little wind and beautiful sunshine all the time. That is what confronted us last Friday night till Sunday morning, when a group of our Club members made their way down to Normanville and stayed in the Jetty Caravan Park in executive cabins. We occupied 6 cabins, and took over the mess room as well, which was equipped with  double kitchens and a large tv for the footy along with a wonderful log fire, and of course thanks must go to Peter Dineen for supplying most of the wood and bringing his chain saw as well. Friday night was combined entrée, appetizer and main courses and a few beers wines etc. Saturday breakfast saw us all over at the mess room again, bacon and eggs was the norm and then apart from Jenny and Ray Kinlay, the rest of us made our way to Wirrina, Myponga markets and then back again to Normanville for our bakery lunch followed by some much needed retail therapy, which was very forthcoming viagra dosage in Normanville and Yankalilla.

Afternoon coffees were at the Glazier Rock Café in Inman Valley which was very pleasant sitting in the sun and watching the water flowing freely.Then after a bit of r and r we had dinner at the Normanville Hotel where we met up with Maz and Kevin Warren and all enjoyed a cosy warm night in the Hotel.

After a few night caps back at the cabins, we all woke up fresh the next morning, deciding that it had been a lovely few days, relaxing and well worth taking the trouble to pack the car for the weekend.

Annual Dinner – 14 September





This years Sprite Club Annual Dinner is to be Held on Saturday 14th September at the Adelaide Royal Coach, 24 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town with a 6:30 for 7;00 pm start.

It will be a Carvery Menu:-


Cream of Butternut Pumpkin

Traditional Country Vegetable


Veal Ravioli with Napolitana Sauce

Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce

Hot Roast

Mustard Crusted Roast Beef

Rolled Leg of Pork with Apple Sauce

Served with roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables

3 assorted salads


Fruit Pavlova

Fruit Salad and Cream

Assorted Gateau

Chocolate Eclairs

Lemon Merringue Tartlet


Selection of assorted cheeses

Tea & Coffee

With the Club subsidising the meal and generous sponsorship once again from Bentleys (thanks to Michael McClaren) we have got the price down to a low $25.00 per head.

Booking can be made either at the general meeting tomorrow night or by email to or phone 0409 82 83 85

I look forward to seeing you there on the night.


Kevin Caire Ph:0409828385

Rally SOS Information Night – 16th of August Invitation


Download PDF Invite

In the sport of Rally it is competitors that play the vital role as first on scene and first intervention at womens viagra cheap no prescription the scene of a rally motor vehicle accident. Our aim as a small independent team of competitors and professionals in Fire Safety and Medicine is to educate, empower and better prepare our fellow competitors to respond safely, communicate wisely and provide appropriate first aid care at an accident scene. In light of recent tragedies in the rally community and for the love of rally we must look out for each other with a proactive safety first approach. The better prepared the easier the journey if the unforeseen occurs on a rally stage. All are welcome, so please join us for a Rally SOS information night.

When: Friday 16th August 2013

Time: 6:30 for 7 – 8:30

Venue: Adelaide High School

The Rally SOS team: Email :

Kate Lehmann (Co-Driver, Synergy Rallysport), Josh Doyle (Driver, Synergy Rallysport), Naomi Tillett (Co-Driver, International Tarmac Rally Champion), Declan Dwyer (Driver, 2012 South Australian Rally Champion), Bruce Paix (Driver, Rally Ace and Rally Chief Medical Officer), Thien LeCong (Rally Chief Medical Officer Rally).

Annual Dinner – 14 September

This years Sprite Club Annual Dinner is to be Held on Saturday 14th September at the Adelaide Royal Coach, 24 Dequetteville Terrace, Kent Town with a 6:30 for 7:00 pm start.

It will be a Carvery Menu:-


Cream of Butternut Pumpkin

Traditional Country Vegetable


Veal Ravioli with Napolitana Sauce

Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce

Hot Roast

Mustard Crusted Roast Beef

Rolled Leg of Pork with Apple Sauce

Served with roast potatoes and seasonal vegegetables

3 assorted salads


Fruit Pavlova

Fruit Salad and Cream

Assorted Gateau

Chocolate Eclairs

Lemon Merringue Tartlet


Selection of assorted cheeses

Tea & Coffee

With the Club subsidising the meal and generous sponsorship once again from Bentleys (thanks to Michael McLaren) we have got the price down to a low $25.00 per head.

Booking can be price check 50 mg viagra made either at the general meeting tomorrow night or by email to or phone 0409 82 83 85

I look forward to seeing you there on the night.

Mid Week Run – Wrap up

Kevin and Rose Caire, Michael McClaren , David and Diane Low, Peter Stanley and Garry Beaton met up at Gepps’s Cross to start off on the Northern Run organized by Michael McClaren. Michael took an extended morning tea and lunch break and came straight from his office to honor his commitment to the day and returned to his office at the end of the run, thanks Michael for that effort.

Only two Sprites braved the anticipated bad weather, Peter Stanley and Garry Beaton have Sprites made of Sterner Stuff and civilian vehicles made up the numbers. It was nice to welcome Peter back again after a long absence in his repainted M2 Sprite complete with racing numbers etc, Peter is a keen Hill Climb competitor in his Sprite. We proceeded up the Northern Highway to Gawler avoiding the many Huge Semi trailers that came past us to Gawler where nature overtook Garry Beaton’s self control and a wee break was needed, its a long from Lenswood on a cold morning. Next stop was at the Local Winery at lyndoch where we sampled various wines which must have been appealing as some of us purchased some bottles, I personally find it hard to balance a bottle of wine on my knees whilst driving a Sprite, that done off to the Williamstown for a prebooked lunch and I think everyone enjoyed their lunch.

Much frivolity and discussion took place and we all got to know of the Endearing terms Garry Beaton’s 93 year old mother calls him (cannot be posted on our site). After the long lunch we proceeded to the Cudlee Creek Area and Corkscrew sections corkscrew


Corkscrew Road

of the Tarmac Rally and finally all made our own way home buy viagra cialis levitra home. The weather was very kind to us and the sunshine was great , good company, nice lunch again thanks to Michael for organizing this Midweek run , Garry Beaton

Marshalls needed – Sunday 21 July


The club has been asked to provide marshalls for this coming Sunday’s MSCA super Sprint event at Mallala.  If anyone can help out you need to be at the track by 8.15 to be allocated a task.

It has been the habit lately to allow marshalls to do a couple of passenger laps of the track at lunch time so that viagra pills australia may encourage a few more of you to come out for the day! (This will have to be confirmed)

Each marshall is provided a lunch of a salad roll (ham/cheese/beef salads) with a slice of cake and a piece of fruit. It is a good day and well worth the effort.

Mid Week Run Wednesday 17th July

There is a mid-week run on Wednesday 17th July.


An interesting route through the northern Adelaide Hills has been set culminating in a couple of tricky tarmac stages around the forest and Fox Creek.

Where to meet: City Dismantlers car park on Pt Wakefield Road, near the corner with Grand Junction Road.

When to meet: 10am for 10.30am

Where we’re going:     In simple terms we will take a run through Elizabeth to Gawler, then on to Lyndoch and stopping for lunch at the Williamstown Hotel. Then it’s heading tothe old Chain of Ponds hamlet, driving the Cudlee Creek & Fox generic viagra online Creek courses, over to Lobethal and back to Cudlee Creek. Some might grab a coffee at Cudlee Creek, others will head their various ways home.

The plan is to try to miss morning and evening peak hour traffic and be in before sunset.

Target Shooting come and try day!

Title: Target Shooting come and try day!
Location: Target Rifle SA 132-134 Wingfield Road, Wingfield
Link out: Click here
Description: The club has accepted an invitation from Target Rifle SA to attend the State Range on Sunday 29th September 2013 and try small bore (22) target rifle shooting on their 50m range. A number of their members will be in attendance with their target rifles for us to use.

The cost is $20.00 per person which includes range fees and a box of 50 rounds.

We propose that everyone shoots 10 “sighting” rounds and then shoots 40 bench rest competion rounds.

We have been told that you are welcome to bring along your own 22 as long as you are licenced and the gun is registered and that you need to bring the appropriate documentation to support that. It will need to have a scope as the targets at 50 metres are very small.

You CANNOT bring your own buy viagra pills ammunition.

The state Range is situated at 132-134 Wingfield Road, Wingfield and start time is 10:00am

Tea, coffee and cool drinks can be purchased at the range. Depending on numbers they may put on a sausage sizzle at cost for us which would be a small fund raiser for them.

Please email me by 1st August if attending at

So for all of those that wanted to be either Roy Rogers or Dale Evans when they were kids come along and have a go and see if you would have survived in the wild west!


Kevin Caire
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2013-09-29
End Time: 15:00

NYE Wrap Up…

Today we had the pleasure of attending a very well organized run, a feast of beautiful scenery in our local hills area, really sumptious foods, nice wines, cheese platters and fantastic company. The run was organized by Pat and Michael who took us along some roads many can i buy viagra of us had not travelled on, from the club rooms along the back way in the fog to Mount Barker where we had a very nice coffee and comfort stop, to Echunga, through Meadows to nearly Strathalbyn and then on a different route to Echunga where we had lunch at the Hagen Arms Hotel. 18 members attended and along with champagne upon arrival, it all added up to a really wonderful day.

Thankyou to Pat and Michael.

2013-06-30 13.53.162013-06-30 13.58.422013-06-30 13.08.21

Some of us were dreaming…

2013-06-30 15.11.362013-06-30 15.10.19

Winter Weekend Away

Friday 9th August until Sunday 11th August

flash_picNormanville Caravan Park

Cabin Accomodation of a high standard

Huge undercover open fire camp kitchen for suitable for gathering of pre dinner drinks etc

Saturday night dinner at a local pub

Activities and places of interested organized

Email numbers to Barb or by next meeting to secure a cabin

For Sale – 1967 Mk III Midget (rebadged as a Sprite)

Currently owned for past 34 years by Richard and Mandy Stokes (Founders of SCSA) has been rebuilt from the concrete buying viagra online up only 784 miles ago. Brilliant to drive – very quick road car.  1300cc + a bit, 45DCOE Weber, Wade 240 camshaft, etc.  Soft top, tonneau, half tonneau, hard top (needs re-upholstering).  Spares include: Electrically adjustable Armstrong rear shockers, 2 Dufor half-shafts, set of SU carbs (complete), bumper bars and sundry other bits.

To get a car like this, start with an average one and spend well over $35K.

Offers around $27K and genuine enquiries to Richard:  Ph. 08 85551862 or email:

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News Year Eve – 30 June… – Last Chance

Invitation – New Year’s Eve – 30th June.

RSVP Monday 24th June, to Michael McLaren we can confirm our lunch booking.

The weather prediction is for a fine day and that’s a great reason to get the Sprite out for this this Club event.  We have planned an interesting route through the eastern hills and have road tested the lunch venue.


Meet at the Fullarton Park Centre at 9.30am for a 10.00am depart.

If you are coming from Gumeracha or Goolwa give Michael McLaren a buy canada viagra call for an alternative on-route pick up.

We will wind our way through the hills, and yes there will be a pit stop, in the general       vicinity of Mt Barker, Echunga, Macclesfield.

Lunch at 12.30pm

On arrival we will have bubbles, it is New Year’s Eve after all! There will be a 20 question New Year’s eve quiz so brush up on the trivia. There is a good range of menu  selections and we’ll finish with cheese and crackers.

For clarification – you will need to pay for your main meal and any extra drinks you might want.

New Year’s Eve – Run – 30th June.

Invitation – New Year’s Eve – 30th June.

RSVP Monday 24th June, to Michael McLaren we can confirm our lunch viagra buy online booking.

The weather prediction is for a fine day and that’s a great reason to get the Sprite out for this this Club event.  We have planned an interesting route through the eastern hills and have road tested the lunch venue.


Meet at the Fullarton Park Centre at 9.30am for a 10.00am depart.

If you are coming from Gumeracha or Goolwa give Michael McLaren a call for an alternative on-route pick up.

We will wind our way through the hills, and yes there will be a pit stop, in the general       vicinity of Mt Barker, Echunga, Macclesfield.

Lunch at 12.30pm

On arrival we will have bubbles, it is New Year’s Eve after all! There will be a 20 question New Year’s eve quiz so brush up on the trivia. There is a good range of menu  selections and we’ll finish with cheese and crackers.

For clarification – you will need to pay for your main meal and any extra drinks you might want.

Pot luck dinner wrap up



Well done and many thanks to the hosts for holding a very enjoyable Pot buy viagra online uk Luck dinner in their very comfortable home.

Although healthy weight watching food and dieting was a popular tropic of conversation it could not have been adhered to closely as 20 people ate their way through a delicious smorgasbord of hot dishes and sweets enough to feed 50 people at least. Of course it was all healthy and home cooked but the quantity consumed ???

Naturally to compliment the food a nice range of fine wines were drunk (responsibly and in moderation as you would expect from Sprite Club members)

While travel, weddings and well being featured in the women’s conversation, politics, solving the problems of the world, rebuilding Sprites and lots of jokes kept the men entertained.

All in all it was a great thing to do on a winter’s night and 20 people had lots of fun and got to sign their names in THE ATTENDANCE BOOK and those of you that did not come BIG MISTAKE.

Don and Elaine

Message from the President

To all Sprite Club Members

Numbers have been down at the last few social events with one even being cancelled in May for lack of numbers!

A generic levitra canadian healthcare club is only as strong as its membership and I ask that you give serious consideration to coming along and supporting your club, we guarantee you will have a good time.

This Saturday night at Chris Millers house at 95 Sherbrooke Boulevard, Woodcroft 6:30pm for a pot luck dinner.

Bring along a hot pot of stew, mornay, casserole or even a curry to share.

Desert will be supplied.

BYO Drinks

Please email names and numbers to or

Winter Weekend Away Friday 9th August to Sunday 11th

Normanville Caravan Park

Cabin Accommodation with huge camp kitchen that we can gather in for Friday night dinner and for pre-dinner drinks if the weather is inclement.

Plenty to look in the local area.

Saturday night will be dinner at one of the local pubs.

This weekend away has always been well patronised and normally books out early. Get in quick to secure your spot and don’t miss out.

Bookings to Barb at the next meeting or you can email me at

Advance Notice  Sprite Club Annual Dinner

Saturday 14th September

Royal Coach Motor Inn

Dequetteville Tce.

Bookings to Barb at the next meeting or you can email me at

Looking forward to seeing you out and about.


Kevin Caire


Anyone help out here?

Hello,my name is Joe and I own a general mechanic/motorcycle/auto electrical business in Richmond.I’ve owned and specialised in minis for over 20 years and it’s always been a dream of mine to restore a MK1 bugeye since I could remember! I have seen a bugeye in Victoria and I am cheapest viagra to buy online in uk quite keen on it however my business partner who had alot to do with there cars in the early days is trying to talk me out of it,not because he doesn’t like the cars but because I’m 6″4′ and am a fair bit bigger than the average man and assures me that minis have alot more room in them than the sprites.So the question I have for any one in the club is would it be possible for me to have a look at ine up close and possibly sit in one? Our work shop is call Jack & Joe’s mechanical services at 17 Deacon ave Richmond,and we Know Bob Basica reasonably well from MG car sales so he can be a good reference for me. Our workshop number is 8352 6613 if any one is willing to help me out please call me I would very much appreciate it, thank you

New Club Merchandise

Luther has proposed that we update some of our current merchandise.  This will include new polo shirts, caps canadian discount viagra online and hoodies (or crew necks?).  The proposed colours are detailed below with the standard Sprite Club logo embroidered on them.  The cost for the polo will be $40 and if possible we would like to take orders and deposits at the next general meeting (wine and cheese night!).

hat polo hoodies

For sale – Nota iv Fang

The Nota IV Fang is also a fantastic sports car built and also restored at Nota Engineering At DuraL in Sydney. Our car was totally restored by Chris Buckingham, Guy’s Buckingham’s son, back in 1997. The car is fully road registered and with full compliance by Regency in South Australia. Reluctantly the car is for sale and offers over $17000 will buy cheap viagra online be accepted. The purchaser can drive this car to their residence or it can be delivered at cost on our trailer. In 14 years of amazing driving, racing, and total enjoyment this car has never ever let us down, mechanically or otherwise.

Regards and guaranteed happy motoring to all.
John & Nola Seymour.

Ph: 03 6261 1296
John’s mobile: 0458 491 585
Nola’s mobile: 0488 446 588

Ken's famous pub lunch run wrap up

From Barb

1 Sprite, 1 MG and 1 bugeye along with 3 modern day cars ventured through the hills for Kens Pub Lunch run.
After leaving the Club rooms we wound our way through Blackwood, Coromandel Valley and up into Mylor generic viagra soft tabs on a beautiful morning. We travelled through very picturesque roads with the autums leaves just turning, and luckily it was one of the runs where we did not have the lycria’s on the road. Heading towards Echunga we turned to Flaxley and made our way to Mt Barker ending up at the Bridgewater Hotel, where Chris and tina joined us. It was lovely inside the beautiful old hotel and the food was to die for. After a few refreshments and an enjoyable luncheon, we all headed off our different ways, some to shop while others, although they said they were babysitting dogs, we figure it was really to watch the Showdown. Anyway, congratulation to Port and thanks to Ken and Mary

Sprites at the Grand Prix

From Terri Corbin AHSD Vic

If you go into the Sutton site, just type in ‘drivers parade’ in the search box and it will take you straight to all our cars.
It was such a wonderful experience for all the individual participants as well as for our club.
We had the V8 drivers parade as well as the F1 drivers low price viagra parade.

Fish and Chip Run Sat 16th Feb – Update!

Just a reminder that the fish and chip run will start from the club rooms, Fullarton Centre, fishFullarton road 5.30 for a 5.45 start, with a run approx 45 minutes and ending up at a restaurant followed by a short run for coffee.

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Lenswood Harvest Festival – 23rd March – put it in your diaries!

lenswood-poster revisedThe Sprite Club of SA has been invited to display around 20 of its members cars with the Riley Club.  Bring your Sprite / Midget / other, even if it is on a trailer partially restored.  And as if free entry to Club particpants isn’t enough, the ‘Green Room’ will be providing coffee, tea and light refreshments all day.
Start time will be 11am, and all cars are asked to remain at the venue to 5pm.  As you can see though, there is plenty to see, do and importantly eat, so this is no ordinary day.
And you have the chance to win trophies!
Best Sprite
Best Car [judged by both Clubs],
Best Riley [this one will be tough to win if you bring your Bugeye…]
or the democratically inspired – Best Car – judged by the People
So, RSVP to me, at , or to Garry Beaton , and be quick.
In the event of Catastrophic Fire Conditions being declared by CFS the Festival will be cancelled and every attempt made to contact Car Club members prior.
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All British Day – wash up

From Barb


All British Day, what a wonderful event. To those 30 members who came up to Echunga, thank you. To all the other members, you really did miss out on a great day.

850 cars were on the oval for display, and there were so many more interested people paying to get in. The venue up at the Echunga oval was very well organized, mind you some rubbish bins would have been good. A large range of interesting stall for the girls were on display and their were more food stalls as well. Members set themselves up under the marqueand all had a great day.

General Meeting 4 Feb – Memberships and Historic Rego – NOW DUE!

Next week’s meeting  is your last chance to get your memberships and historic registrations including inspections sorted out.  Inspections will be carried out from 7pm at Fullarton Park Centre.

Please see the links below the new requirements for historic registration if you haven’t already caught up with the changes, including your Statutory Declaration.

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Club Letter to Members on Historic Registration Procedures

Code of Practice DPTI SA Gov

Left Hand Drive Procedures

Statutory Declaration

Who can witness a Statutory Declaration

Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display

Invitation to participate in the annual, Saturday March 30 – Monday April 1st 2013
A4 Easter 2013v4.pdf
Hi car clubbers
We have been Running historic motor racing at Mallala over Easter for the last 31 Years
For the last few we have been inviting clubs like yours to bring your cars along on the Saturday
You can enter as club groups or individuals
We want from you
·         Enter by the 16th of March
·         $30 per car (and 2 occupants)
·         The old cars for everyone to look at
For that, we provide
·         The best park in Mallala, next to the track on the lawns
·         Some shade and somewhere to sit down
·         Furthermore, during the lunch break from racing, you get to take your cars around the circuit on parade laps
It’s a fun day for all and last year the classic day attracted an excellent crowd, more than double the Sunday turnout.
We would love to see you all there and appreciate if you would include
If you don’t think that is exiting enough, then consider entering the historic regularity event! (contact Troy Ryan for more info on that)
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Australia Day wrap up

From Barb…

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Australia Day
23 members wound their way up to Gumeracha to Fay and Gary Brock’s home for the traditional Australia Day BBQ and what a day it turned out to be. Adelaide put on wonderful weather for the event. Lots of nibbles, including Molly’s wonderfully exhilirating prawn crackers, and along with the barbie food and sweets, which were mouthwateringly delicious, none fattening of course, ha ha ha!, and with all the alcoholic beverages one could imagine, make it an enjoyable day.
The Australia Day Trophy, renamed the John Bowering trophy, in remembrance of John, was won by one of our newest members, Gerry Thompson, who assured us that he would cherish and care for the trophy until next year.

Thanks again to the Brocks for opening up their lovely home for a really enjoyable event.

Australia Day – Thong throwing

Dont forget the thong throwing and Australia day BBQ at the Brock’s


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Title: Australia Day – Thong Throwing Contest
Location: Fay & Gary Brock’s10 Ebenezer Pl Gumeracha
Description: The traditional Sprite Club Australia Day event and we will continue holding the event as a memorial to John Bowering at the Brocks.  BYO drinks, BBQ meat and salad OR sweet to share
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 26-01-2013
End Time: 16:00

Mid week run wrap up

From Barb…

“WOW WOW WOW” those who chose not to attend last nights mid week run missed out on an event worthwhile going to.
On a very warm evening, 15 members met at Pat and Mike’s home for drinks and nibbles and then we all wound our way down to the Sailmaster at North Haven, via Glenelg, West Beach, Henley Beach, Semaphore, Fort Glanville, noting many wonderful sights of Adelaide along our journey. Some members met us there, while others like John made hasty urgent repairs on the side of the rode to continue his journey.
The meals were fantastic, the drinks were brillantly cold and the conversations were riviting and very informative. Thanks again to the McLaren’s for taking the time to prepare, book and make an enjoyable run/evening for those who attended.

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Australia Day 26th Jan – thong throwing!

Don’t forget the Australia Day thong throwing and BBQ will be held at the Brock’s in Gumeracha this year. Please bring drinks and bbq food plus either a salad or sweet to share. See the events calendar for full details!

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Dinner Run Wed 16 Jan – RSPV ASAP thanks!

Evening dinner runs have been very successful in Victoria in the warmer weather, hopefully we can replicate this success so come on get the spriget out of the shed and join us for a drive and dinner!

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When: Wednesday 16/01/13 6pm for 6.30 depart

Meet: at the McLaren’s – Surrey Street Goodwood from 6pm

Dinner: A booking has been made at Salimaster tavern, the bar meals appear well priced and drinks at normal bar prices.

RSPV: We need to know numbers by Sunday 13 Jan contact Michael McLaren asap

Maybe we wont get quite this serious!

Kernewek Lowender – May 24 – 26 May

Looking for something to do in May? The Kernewek Lowender weekend is a great event and has the excellent RAA Cavalcade of Cars and Motor Cycles!

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The club has accomodation booked in Moonta is filling fast and to reply Barb Ridge if you want to make enquiries or to book accomodation.


Midget for sale!

I have a unique 1978 MG Midget for sale. Speedo is in Kilometres. The car is left hand drive, delivered new to Japan. Ex factory unleaded fuel. New hood. Body is absolutely exceptional. I don’t think it ever had any rust in its entire life. Only covered 35,000 kilometres. Interior would seem to verify that the speedo reading is correct. Little things like sun visor clips are showing their age as did the hood and side mirrors. Minilite styled mags. Near new tyres. Registered in South Australia. $8,500. You would be able to historic register it if you left it as is, I would believe. It just looks so pretty on the road. I bought it on impulse with the idea that I’d hot it up and leave it in France for people to use around Europe. The economics just don’t stack up and the French authorities are obstructive re hotting it up. Call David Tye on 0403600600.

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Cherry Picking – Garry Beaton's

Garry and Molly have had an exceptional cherry season and they would like to let club members know that there are still plenty of the best organic cherries available to pick over this weekend.  This is one of the best seasons for years so if you have a hour or two get up to Lenswood and get a bucket or two!  Special $5 per kilo for sprite club members!

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BP Organic Cherry Farm

Location: 437 Mawson Rd, Lenswood.
Phone: 08 8389 8222 / 0407 223 399
9am – 5pm, 7 days.
Organically grown red, white and sour cherries, NASAA certified organic Cert 5375.

Xmas party

Paul and Ruth Doube were delightful hosts for our final end of year Xmas Sprite Club party.
29 people attended and all had a wonderful time. Even Father Xmas arrived and seemed to enjoy himself. (may have consumed a little too much Xmas cheer, however).
Merry Xmas to your all and your family and a happy New Year.

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First club meeting is 4th February 2013
Look up on the calendar for upcoming events , dinner run, in January 2013

President's Xmas Message

Dear Sprite Club Members,

For some time the Committee have been concerned about the lack of support for meetings and social events that has been given by many of the members and what steps we could take to try and improve the situation.

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There are basically 2 options available to us – either the “carrot or the stick” approach.

The Committee have decided upon the “carrot” approach and I was pleased to be able to unveil it at the December meeting where co-incidentally we had the largest turnout for some years.

We have decided to offer a prize to the value of $250.00  to one lucky member at the November meeting in 2013.

How do you get the opportunity to win I hear you ask -:-

  • For every meeting that you attend you will receive one entry.
  • For every social event that you attend you will receive one entry.
  • If you organise a social event you will receive three entries. 
  • If you host a social event you will receive three entries.
  • If you have family membership and both of you attend you each get one entry.

Every financial member including Life Members, Foundation Members and those on the Committee are eligible.

To ensure you get your entry make sure you sign in at every meeting or social event that you attend. The more entries that you have in at the end of the year increases your chances in winning!

Your first entry is available by attending the Xmas Party this Saturday night at Paul & Ruth Doube  (refer events Calendar)

For those who will be unable to attend Saturday night I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of your Committee to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing you throughout the year.

Kevin Caire



For Sale

Good morning My name is Malcolm Pitt and I have a 1961 Bug Eye Sprite for sale, unfortunately I can not find the time to do this car justice. I am currently working in WA on a Gold Mine , and will be home in Adelaide on the 19 December 2012. If anyone would like to look at it please contact me on 0402898675. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to present this offer to your club members.

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Xmas meeting – membership and rego renewals due!

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The Xmas meeting (BBQ supplied – byo drinks and chairs!) will be held Monday 3 December from 6pm at the Fullarton Park Community Centre 411 Fullarton Road.

Memberships are now due please fill out a new membership form so we can keep our records up to date.  Fees remain unchanged.

Annual inspections of Conditionally Registered Vehicles and log book renewals – (Historic).  Inspections will be carried out from 6pm on Monday night at the Fullarton Park Centre -please make a booking with Gordon Boyce to have this done!

You will need to have the following documents for historic registration – follow the link for the documents

Sprite Club Membership Renewal Form including Membership Subs or a Receipt for EFT Transfer.
Signed and Witnessed Statutory Declaration Form
Current Log Book
Current Registration Certificate (Blue Registration Certificate – NOT the Registration Renewal Form)
$5.00 if a new Log Book is required.

See you there!


Morning Tea Run – Sunday 25 Nov

Want to have this much fun! Come on get the car out of the shed and join in!

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Don’t forget them Morning Tea Run this coming Sunday!

Location: Kevin and Rose Caire’s with run from Fullarton Park Centre
Description: Meeting at Fullarton Park Centre @ 9:15 for a 9:30 start with a short run to end at The Caire’s at Walkley Heights for morning tea.


Replies to Kevin by Thursday 22nd on 0409 828 385 or email for catering purposes


Morning Tea Run

Title: Morning Tea Run
Location: Kevin and Rose Caire’s with run from Fullarton Park Centre
Description: Meeting at Fullarton Park Centre @ 9:15 for a 9:30 start with a short run to end at The Caire’s at Walkley Heights for morning tea.

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Replies to Kevin by Thursday 22nd on 0409 828 385 or email Kevin for catering purposes
Start Time: 09:15
Date: 25-11-2012
End Time: 12:30

Spanner day wash up

Hi fellow Sprite drivers, We had a great day at the Felix’s garage with many cars getting a carbi tickle. Some were not that bad but it was good to see them performing better. Some needed attention and one even gave me grief with the fast idle screws from the choke causing some issues. Needless to say the audience were merciless. Thanks to the chefs we had a nice lunch and fellowship. I hope all had a good time.

Les and Lorraine Felix

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The Conditional Historic Registration Scheme has been developed to allow vehicles manufactured before 1st January 1979 (of either right or left hand drive) to be registered conditionally so they can be used for a maximum of 90 days per year.

The Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs and Transport SA has granted the Sprite Club of SA the authority to approve Conditional Registration for Austin Healey Sprites and MG Midgets.  Gaining this authority requires the Sprite Club and it’s officers and members to abide by a Code of Practice that outlines the responsibilities for all people using this registration scheme.

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For a detailed description of the NEW’ processes and your responsibilities under the amendments to the scheme please refer to the club letter below and the other documents attached. Or the club Historic Rego Page.

Club Letter to Members on Historic Registration Procedures

Code of Practice DPTI SA Gov

Left Hand Drive Procedures

Statutory Declaration

Who can witness a Statutory Declaration

Tyre Pressure

Thanks to Gordon’s diligent perusing of the Speedwell’s website (re: Rocker Cover Racers) he found the following info…

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Tire Pressure? We don’t need no stinking tire pressure
Just a quick note here. Long time ago I, like many of us have always stuck to the general tire manufacturer’s inflation recommendation. Typically for a 13 inch tire they’ll say anywhere’s from 28 to 32 psi, correct? That’s based on a car weighing in at around 2,000 pounds. Believe it or not, if you’re running a modern tire of just about any size on a Spridget, you actually want to be running about 18-20 psi cold on the side-curtain cars, and 20-22 psi on the roll-up window cars since they weigh a bit more. Aside from riding more smoothly at the lower pressure, you most likely find it to be less “darty” over bumps and will stick to the road so much better. Give it a try, if you don’t agree with the results, the worst-case scenario is that you’ll have that painstaking task of putting air back into the tires! Also, if you’re really adventurous, try setting your toe-in at zero instead of the BMC called for 1/16″ toe-in. I’d love to hear from any and all of you about your findings if you try it. I might even post views telling me I’m full of horse-hockey, too!

Spring removal successful!

As many of you know I’m restoring a bugeye and at the last meeting I reported on the fact that I’d broken the heads of the rear spring bolts – however thanks to a tenacious cornishman (AKA John Whitburn) they have been successfully removed and the bugeye is now happly at minus paints!

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Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display

Title: Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display
Location: Mallala
Description: Invitation to participate in the annual Mallala National Historic Race Meeting Easter Car Club Display, Saturday 7th April 2012

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Entry Form PDF

Hi car clubbers

We have been Running historic motor racing at Mallala over Easter for the last 31 Years
For the last few we have been inviting clubs like yours to bring your cars along on the Saturday
You can enter as club groups or individuals

We want from you

· Enter by the 16th of March

· $25 per car (and occupants)

· The old cars for everyone to look at

For that, we provide

· The best park in Mallala, next to the track on the lawns

· Some shade and somewhere to sit down

· Furthermore, during the lunch break from racing, you get to take your cars around the circuit on parade laps

It’s a fun day for all and last year the classic day attracted an excellent crowd, more than double the Sunday turnout.
We would love to see you all there and appreciate if you would include
If you don’t think that is exiting enough, then consider entering the historic regularity event! (contact me for more info on that)


Troy Ryan
On behalf of the Historic Racing Register of the Sporting Car Club of SA
0419 666 307
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2012-04-07
End Time: 15:00


Kym Ninnes will have copies for sale of his book at the meeting on 5 December.

It is the story of his trip around Australia in his Clementé clubman. It’s a good bit of Australiana, adventure, travel, dreams and cars.  It is a great read and would make an ideal Christmas present especially for friends overseas. It comprises 170 pages, full colour with lots of photos and maps. It costs $29.95  or it can be ordered over the internet through where it costs an additional $3.50 p&h. I’ve attached a couple of pages to give you an idea of what it is like.

Sample pages 1

Sample page 2

Dates in calendar

Hi Still trying to sort out small things on the site however one warning  – the dates in the little events calendar widget on the sidebar you’ll see the are in the US format at the moment ie Month/Day/Year…


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Hi Everyone

So here it is – the new website is finally done…sorry about the delay 🙂

You’ll see that it’s pretty much the same content as the old site just a bit prettier and allows for easier placement of images etc.

We will institute a new format for the club magazine shortly and provide an archive under the members area for things of interest from the old site in coming weeks.  We want you all to be part of the new site and be able to comment and be active on it – I’ll email you shortly with details of logins etc.  Sorry if some things aren’t perfect but I had a few issues with the changeover to the ‘live’ site hopefully to be fixed soon(ish).

Thanks for your ongoing support of the club!